Easter Bunny of the Marsh (M) (Breast Expansion Included)

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Black Clay Lord
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Easter Bunny of the Marsh (M) (Breast Expansion Included)

Postby Black Clay Lord » Thu May 09, 2024 7:23 pm

Welp, reuploading because of the outage deleting this.


This here was what I was doing for Easter this year.

However, things kept coming up, and I ran out of time to post it on that day.

But, better late than never, so here it is.

Breast Expansion Included.

Easter. A time of celebrating rebirth, and a time of fun & games. It is said to be the holiest of holidays, more so than even Christmas itself. Everyone has their own way of celebrating the occasion. The children will hunt for Easter Eggs out in the front yard, around the house, or even in the main farm yard out back, and extending into the barn, but just before the hunt spills out into the lush Pokemon Pasture just beyond that back door of the barn.

Some of the 1/2 mermaids who follow more holy teachings will partake in events down at the Grand Cathedral, ranging from Easter Egg hunts down there, to describing what Easter is really all about. Usually Quinzi has decided to do something out of the ordinary: She's decided to dress up as a playboy bunny, and have a sink deep in the confides of the Wonderland Marsh. It's an idea that makes her glad, but does it sound so bad? I do not know. Go ask your dad.

Today, Quinzi is going out to be pretty in pink, and was quick to select the outfit of said color that was as revealing as can be with the main body revealing the entirety of Quinzi's breast cleavage, and the leggings hugging her legs perfectly to show off their sculpted form; especially around the hips & butt. A cottontail was added to give off some more bunny flare, and for the finishing touch: A head band sporting a pair of bunny ears, which Quinzi puts on right away.

"Now I'm ready." Quinzi states, leaving her room. On the way, she passes her older sister Therese. "Quinzi? What're you wearing?" She asks. "My playboy bunny suit." Answered Quinzi. "You... Can't wear that in the church." Said Therese. "Oh, I'm not going to the church right now." Replied Quinzi. "I'm going to the Wonderland Marsh." She then says. "The Wonderland Marsh? On a day like this?!" Therese asked in shock. But, she then calmed down.

"Why am I not surprised...?" Therese then asks herself. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must be off." Said Quinzi as she resumes her way to the front door. Therese was about to tell Quinzi that she should be back before 8PM, but Quinzi was already out the door by the time she came close to catching up to Quinzi. Therese shakes her head. "Damn it, Quinzi..." She scoffed. Nevertheless, there were hours before the return time was close, and even Quinzi knew it.

Even so, Quinzi took the shortest route possible to reach her intended destination, a shortcut across the vicinity of the Azure Bay to be precise. Following a trail of magic in the air, Quinzi traveled in the precise direction; northwest to be specific, until she came up the Wonderland Marsh itself. Looking around, Quinzi could see that it had the vibe of Easter to it. Rabbits were about, eggs as far as the eye can see, and all that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Yet Quinzi was more interested in the quicksand. It looked as brown as milk chocolate, but it had streaks of white in it as well. The streaks mimicked marshmallow. "Wow... It's like a sweet paradise right now..." Quinzi says to herself, before taking a long stick & testing one of the quicksand pits. Not only did the quicksand have the consistency of chocolate, it had the thickness of it, as well as the stickiness of melted marshmallow as well.

This is exactly what Quinzi wanted. With this discovery, Quinzi proceeded onward into the quicksand in front of her, her feet resisting the grip for a while, until Quinzi finally got herself stuck in one spot of the quicksand. However, before she realized what had transpired, Quinzi was already up to her knees. Locked in the grip of the quicksand, Quinzi was unable to move further forward, and she could feel it solidify around her legs some, all as she starts to sink, too.

Quinzi giddily pumped her legs, testing how good a grip the quicksand had on her, and it was a solid one. The quicksand stretched with her legs as she pulled on them. The pantyhose on her bunny outfit should by all means rip from the pulling she was doing, but it never did. The fabric was really tough. However, this didn't change the fact that it was making Quinzi sink a bit faster; the quicksand swallowing her thighs with ease with each pump she delivered.

It wasn't long before Quinzi was at her butt in the quicksand, and she looked back at it as it squeezed her hips in a strong, but soft embrace. "Wow, it's acting as if it were hungry..." Said Quinzi. Wanting to feel the quicksand's embrace more, Quinzi wiggled her hips, loosening some of the quicksand's grip, but the additional marshmallow-like grip was unable to be loosened up at all. It was just that sticky. Regardless, Quinzi's sink didn't stop.

Wiggling, Quinzi felt the quicksand continue to swallow her inch by inch. The magic of the marsh started to have some effect on Quinzi. However, Quinzi only got herself a good breast expansion from the magic air of the marsh. Her luscious H-Cup breasts began to grow bigger, expanding into HH, then HHH territory, going into I-Cup territory. "Oh great Eonar... I wasn't expecting a breast expansion..." Quinzi moaned, unable to stop her breasts' growth.

At the same time, Quinzi sinks past her butt, becoming less pretty in pink already. And by now, Quinzi felt her breasts balloon to K-Cup, and they still kept growing. Not only that, but Quinzi realized that she was starting to float. It was getting harder to sink. "Must... Get deeper..." Said Quinzi, even as she felt her breasts continue to grow. Quinzi's breasts grow past M-Cup territory, but the bigger they got, the more buoyancy Quinzi started to obtain.

But finally, Quinzi's breasts stopped growing, being as big as the Queen's Blade fighter Cattleya now. "So big..." Quinzi stressed, but managing to gain her senses back. To that, end, she began pumping her legs under the surface, churning the quicksand with great efficiency. To that end, the quicksand aggressively gulped down more of Quinzi's body in the process, managing to pull her down to breast deep rather easily despite her bigger breasts at this time.

Quinzi floated again as a result of her enlarged breasts; which her top was not capable of containing anymore. Her nipples exposed to the moist air of the marsh, they became erect within seconds, and Quinzi welcomed the sensation. Quinzi's quaking, quivering body floated in the quicksand as it slowly took away Quinzi's buoyancy in it, thus beginning the engulfment of her breasts now. Slowly but surely, her breasts were swallowed up by the quicksand.

Quinzi's body just about arched as it was wracked with pleasure from the quicksand encompassing her breasts nicely, and squeezing what was underneath tightly. Finally, Quinzi's breasts were under, and she was sucked past her shoulders. Stopping for a moment at her neck, Quinzi's tongue rolled out as she writhed in absolute pleasure. "To think that I'd be a sunk Easter Bunny..." She moaned out. But then, a voice pierced the silence of the marsh.

"There you are!!" It exclaimed. Quinzi looked, and she saw her older sister Therese, Hammer of the Naaru in hand. "Quinzi, you dolt." She said. "You left without taking a safety line. What in the hell were you thinking?!" She then asked, clearly annoyed. "I was thinking that it was too good to resist..." Quinzi dreamily answered. Therese sighed, before Quinzi said "Wait, I have to submerge...", and that being precisely what she ended up doing shortly after.

Therese sighs. "What an oddball sister I have..." She says, going into the quicksand herself, using her hammer as an anchor point, and tying some rope to it for leverage. However, thanks to Quinzi's earlier struggles, the quicksand's thickness wasn't what it used to be when Quinzi first got into it. And speaking of Quinzi... For here, there was no light. No sound. Just the chocolate/marshmallow like quicksand squeezing her body with immense pleasure.

Before long though, Quinzi's lungs started to burn. She was getting awfully lightheaded. As Therese sinks to her breasts, Quinzi's arm shot up. There was no way she was going to drown here. Therese grabbed Quinzi's hand & pulled her sister up, allowing Quinzi to welcome the air back into her lungs. "Therese? You're in the quicksand, too...?" Asked Quinzi, that being the first thing on her mind upon seeing Therese mired. Therese however, just blushed.

"It does feel good..." She then said. "Doesn't it though?" Quinzi giggled. "But let's get out of here now..." She then added. "You read my mind." Said Therese, taking Quinzi onto her back as she started to use her line to haul herself & Quinzi out of the quicksand. It took almost several minutes, but Therese & Quinzi managed to claw their way back to solid earth. Therese however, was muddied up to her chin by the time she was safely out of the quicksand.

Quinzi however, was completely coated head to toe. Even her bunny ears were no longer pink. In fact, it's safe to say that this Easter Playboy Bunny was no longer pretty in pink no longer. Nonetheless, Therese & Quinzi leave the marsh to wash off. The latter however, felt that this would not be the last time she'd sink on this holiday, and it certainly wasn't going to be. As the two clean up in a lake nearby, Quinzi looked to Therese, smiling some.

"Maybe you should join me in a sink someday." She says. Therese blinked. "And maybe... Awaken my Absolute Mudlark?" She asks. "Yeah, you should. I recommend it." Quinzi said with a nod. Therese began to ponder the idea. Would she accept the proposal, or drop it altogether? That in itself, is another story. For another time.

Therese & Quinzi: Me
There is but one certainty - every end marks a new beginning. "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"

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