Eathelin & Sebaysha on the Clay Planet (M)

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Black Clay Lord
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Eathelin & Sebaysha on the Clay Planet (M)

Postby Black Clay Lord » Thu May 09, 2024 7:30 pm

Yet a 3rd reupload.
Eathelin & Sebaysha had asked to take my personal gunship, the Golden Skydragon, on a trip through the cosmos since it hadn't flown in a while. I was willing to let them take it out on a trip through space. On the offchance it makes it back in one piece; which I didn't have to worry about at all. The ship was built tough after all. Even so, where were Eathelin & Sebaysha going? I had no idea, but I had a feeling it was messy. Very messy at that to say the least.

Eathelin piloted the ship, while Sebaysha sat down to tinker with some gadgets. While Eathelin files a report. "Captain's Report," She began. "My sister & I learned of a planet named Pelos II. The world sounded really intriguing, so she & I are en-route to investigate. What awaits us? I have little to no idea. End of report." Sebaysha glanced at Eathelin, eyebrow raised. "And just what made you captain?" She asks. "Because it certainly wasn't me, sister."

Eathelin looks back to Sebaysha. "You're the one sitting there messing with your gadgets." She shoots back. "What if we were flying through an asteroid belt while you're piloting the ship & messing with your toys?" Eathelin then asks. "For pity's sake! They're not toys!" Sebaysha exclaimed, before quickly regaining her composure. "Sorry, that just annoys me to no end..." She then says. "At least it was me & not a space pirate." Said Eathelin.

"True." Sebaysha responds. In time, the ship's computer alerted the 18-year-olds. "We'll soon be entering Pelos II's atmosphere." It said, befoe giving an ETA on screen. Listing it as 10 minutes, the timer began to tick down. "So what do you think the planet will be like?" Asked Sebaysha. "I have no idea," Eathelin says. "But it damn sure better have quicksand of some kind!" She exclaimed. "Chill out, Eathelin." Sebaysha said. "I'm sure it'll have plenty."

Still, Sebaysha pondered about something. "Ya know though, the bounty for this mission doesn't seem appropriate." She said. "What do you mean?" Asked Eathelin. "The risk clearly outweighs the reward." Sebaysha said. "We were both offered $500,000 to explore an interesting planet, but no one we know knew much about it." She then scoffs. "We should've been offered $5 million for this job." Eathelin blinks a few times, before answering in kind.

"I don't know about that," Eathelin says. "I think what we were offered is fair enough." She then adds. "Besides, it's not like we're in of ending up penniless anytime soon anyway." Eathelin then points out. "Yeah, but you never cared much for money, did you?" Asked Sebaysha. "Well, yeah, that's true..." Eathelin answers. "As a ranger, making sure innocent creatures are unharmed is a reward on its own in my book." She then goes onto say, smiling.

"That doesn't stop you from wanting to be paid every now & then." Sebaysha points out. 5 minutes in, safely past a field of asteroids, and the sisters have a good look of their destination. "What the hell...?" Sebaysha says in awe. "It looks like it's made of clay..." Eathelin notes. "Aww, I wish dad could see this... He'd absolutely flip out." Eathelin soon files a new report upon seeing this. But before she could press record, asteroids were around again.

"Fasten your seat belts & hang onto your butt!" Eathelin exclaimed. As Sebaysha say back down & buckled up, Eathelin piloted the ship around each & every asteroid that came her way, managing to avoid getting the gunship hit even by just one. She considered shooting the asteroids, but that'd most likely make the problem worse. Eathelin managed to get the ship safely past the asteroids without a single shred of damage to the gunship inflicted.

"Phew! That was close..." Eathelin says. "I thought we weren't going to make it for a second there." Sebaysha said. "You doubt my piloting skills?" Eathelin asks. "Don't get me wrong," Sebaysha says. "You're a better pilot than that bastard Pico at least." She adds. "We are approaching the planet's atmosphere." The ship computer says. "Well we'll be getting in the atmosphere soon." Eathelin says. "Hang on, this might get rough." She then goes onto say.

With only a handful of seconds left, the computer proceeded to count down. "Entering the atmosphere in T-Minus 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1." It says. Finally, Eathelin dives the Golden Skydragon down into the atmosphere. She & Sebaysha were met with strong turbulence, but the Golden Skydragon held together flawlessly, but it didn't change the fact that the ride down was very bumpy, and not at all comfortable... Though the bumpy ride didn't last.

Finally, the gunship is free of turbulence, and safely patrolling the planet's sky. "Oh my gods that was awful..." Moaned Sebaysha, feeling dizzy. "I'm asking dad to install turbulence comfort modules when we get home..." Eathelin adds. Nonetheless, Sebaysha & Eathelin look outside the cockpit, getting a better view of the planet's surface. "I don't see a single soul down there." Sebaysha. "You think Ridley & a band of space pirates invaded this planet?" She asks.

"I hope not," Eathelin says. "But flying around won't get us full details on the planet. Let's land & explore by foot." She then suggests. "Best idea I've heard all day." Sebaysha says, smiling as she sits back down. All the while Sebaysha runs an atmospheric diagnostic as Eathelin searches for a place to land. "Oxygen levels are amazingly high." Sebaysha notes. "So we can skip the air masks." Eathelin says. "Sure enough." Sebaysha replies, nodding.

Eathelin soon finds a good landing spot. "Ah, there's a clearing. Let's land there." She says. The gunship makes the round to the spot. Eathelin doesn't take long to begin the landing sequence, and the ship adjusts itself to park on the ground, entering a position like a Pterosaur hunting on land as it touches the surface of this strange planet Eathelin & Sebaysha now stand on. But upon touching the ground, the ship sank a little bit, but not enough to pose a danger.

Armed with power shotgun & magitek arm cannon, respectively, Eathelin & Sebaysha exit the ship through the top of it, then set foot on the planet's surface itself. Yet Eathelin noticed how the ship had sank some. But it sank a bit deeper, before ultimately stopping halfway, leaving it stuck until it is made to start up again. Eathelin blinks. "Odd, I thought I landed it gently." Eathelin says. "I think the ground's just really soft." Sebaysha admits.

"Hmm, looks that way." Eathelin says. "At least our ship won't sink from sight." She then adds. "That'd definitely be a worst case scenario..." Sebaysha adds. Eathelin hears something oozing, and looking to a slab of mountain, she could see what appears to be clay pouring down like a waterfall. "A clayfall?" Eathelin pondered. Sebaysha noticed a river as well. "Hey, that river's clay, too!" She exclaimed. Then it clicks in their heads. "It's all clay!" They exclaim.

Eathelin was about to return to the ship, when Sebaysha stopped her. "Where're you going?" She asked. "I need a flag that flies Olympus's colors." Eathelin smirked. "I'm claiming this planet in the name of the Earth!" She then announced. "That's crazy talk!" Sebaysha shot out. "What? Why is that?" Eathelin asks. "You can't just claim a whole planet of clay in our own planet's name! What if a whole race lives here?" Sebaysha points out.

"Oh, I didn't think about that..." Eathelin says. "Never mind then." As such, she abandons the idea & rejoins her sister's side as they begin to explore the planet. As they explore, the sisters were on their guard at all times. On a planet like this, there was absolute no telling what awaited them in the shadows, among the margins, just about anywhere on the planet. Still, the sisters had a particular fondness of this planet already, and it's obvious why.

"There's no sign of space pirate activity." Eathelin said. "Shame the planet barely has any water," Sebaysha says. "It can get tiring here..." "I'm sure." Eathelin says. "But, at least I got flasks of water handy." She then adds. "Perfect." Sebaysha says. They soon came upon a nice big clearing. "Ah, there's a clearing up ahead." Sebaysha says. "Why don't you do some scouting over there?" Eathelin suggests. "I'll stand here" She then says. Sebaysha nods.

"Okay, but if anything comes up, we alert each other." Sebaysha says. Eathelin agrees to the terms. As Eathelin scouts from a stone spire of sorts, Sebaysha went into the clearing some, looking around. "Hmm, I don't think space pirates would've had much interest in this planet..." She says. But then, the ground gives way under her feet as they sink under the clay in seconds, and Sebaysha was clued in quickly. "Huh?" Sebaysha gasped, looking down.

She could see that her uniform's boots are already under the clay's surface. "What the...? I'm sinking!" Sebaysha exclaimed. She grabbed one of her thighs to try & pull her leg up, but it was of no use. The clay seemed to have solidified around her feet. Although Sebaysha is fortunate that her boots are part of her suit so that they won't be lost, a pair of lost boots would've been the least of her problems. Even so, the clay was really thick & gripping.

"EATHELIN!!!" Sebaysha screamed. "...Sebaysha?!" Eathelin gasped. She was quick to spot her sister sinking in the clay pit that she had stepped into slowly. "Hang on, Sebaysha! I'm coming!" Eathelin announced. Putting her weapon away, Eathelin made her way to Sebaysha, just as Sebaysha was at her knees in the pit. Sebaysha looks to Eathelin as the latter enters the clay pit, managing to reach her sister, but at the cost of getting stuck herself.

"Whoops." Eathelin said, blushing deep. "My hero..." Sebaysha said, sarcastically. Now they were both stuck & sinking in the clay pit. "Can you use your communicator to call the ship?" Sebaysha then asks. "Yes, but... I don't really want to right now..." Eathelin says, her absolute mudlark kicking in as her thighs are taken. "Oh, well... I'm of... The same mind..." Sebaysha says, both sisters blushing deeply as they sink slowly into the clay pit.

As their shapely thighs are slowly swallowed, Sebaysha noted how there was no sign of a bottom. "I can't find evidence of a bottom." Sebaysha says. "You mean the pit's bottomless?" Eathelin asks. "That, or maybe it's just extremely deep." Sebaysha answers. Eathelin checks herself. Pumping her legs, she tried to find some sort of resistance. Any resistance showed signs of a bottom, but here, there was none at all."I didn't get any resistance..." Eathelin confirms.

"So it's bottomless then..." Sebaysha said, shuttering some. "I love this, but I don't wish to be lost forever here..." She adds. "We won't..." Eathelin says. Either way, the two continue to sink ever so slowly into the clay pit, the clay getting thicker & more gripping all the while. "I think we should've taken our clothes off..." Sebaysha says. "Little late for that, isn't it...?" Eathelin asks. Yet Sebaysha shakes her head. "No, since we can do this." She says.

To that end, Sebaysha taps a symbol on the left breast of her suit, making it disappear & leaving her in a sexy bikini similar to the one Samus wears in the best ending of Super Metroid. "Oh yeah. Duh!" Eathelin says, tapping a symbol on her own suit's left breast, and leaving her bikini clad, too. She however, preferred a Metroid Fusion flare so to speak. However, Eathelin's communicator remained, firmly secured to her wrist, as it was needed.

In fact, Eathelin uses it to file a report. "Captain's report." She said. "Sebaysha & I are in the clutches of a planet that is majorly clay. We are trapped in its maw as we speak. It's attempts to seduce us to make us sink into its bottomless has worked, and... Oh, oh gods... It's just too good..." Eathelin moans out, the clay now pushing against her feminity, and Sebaysha's as well. This meant that they were butt deep, and floating at that depth for a moment.

Eathelin finds it impossible to continue her captain's report. "C-Can't talk. Need to go deeper." She said, her voice indicating a heavily flustered behavior. Even Sebaysha was affected by this behavior. "It's just too good..." She moaned out, wiggling her hips against the clay. Though by doing so, she also rubbed herself against it, as if overcome with lewd desires. Eathelin began to mimic Sebaysha as their descent in the clay continued onward regardless.

Ordinarily Eathelin & Sebaysha consider their love for quicksand casual, though they aren't afraid to get a bit more sexual if the feeling is just right as it is now. However, they never go overboard with it as doing so would waste crucial energy needed to escape. "It's squeezing my butt..." Eathelin moans out, as she feels her plump butt disappear into the clay. "It's already swallowed mine..." Moaned Sebaysha, her hips resting on the surface with her butt swallowed.

Eathelin soon matched Sebaysha in terms of depth. Yet the sink continued on nonetheless, sucking down their midriffs & making their bellybuttons disappear. Halfway to their breasts now, Eathelin & Sebaysha are practically red as beets. Almost. Eathelin at this point should be radioing the gunship to come & pick her & Sebaysha up. The only problem is: Their minds are so wracked with pleasure that it just wasn't possible at this exact time.

"I still can't feel a bottom..." Sebaysha moans. "But that's good..." Eathelin moaned out, just as the clay swallowed them slowly still. The clay eventually reached the girls' breasts, wracking both 1/2 mermaids with even more pleasure than when they first hit waist deep. "Oh, oh yes...!" Eathelin groaned, barely keeping her thoughts together. "So friggin good...~!" Sebaysha moaned. The clay cupped their breasts nicely as the sisters floated for now.

Yet it stood to reason that Eathelin, while a lovely H-Cup herself, can barely help but feel slightly envious that Sebaysha was a cup bustier than Eathelin herself was, being at least an I-Cup. "How can you be bustier than me...?" Eathelin pouts. "It just happens..." Sebaysha says. "Besides, some of our other sisters have us beat, too, ya know..." She points out. "Good point..." Eathelin said, before once again losing herself to the good feels of the clay.

Their floation at breast deep did not last long. The sisters felt the clay squeeze their breasts tightly as they were swallowed up, causing them to throw her heads back in sheer pleasure. Their bodies quaked so much that once their breasts were under, they didn't even stay at shoulder deep, or neck deep for that matter. In that short time, they hit their chins, and tilted their heads back. "Why does this feel so much better than Earth's clay...?!" Eathelin asks aloud.

"I don't know..." Sebaysha answers. "But I don't give a damn... It just does..." She moaned out as the clay pulled her head down, along with Eathelin's. Yet, Eathelina & Sebaysha felt their mouths slide under, putting them at nose deep for a moment. As they blew bubbles in the clay, it slowly sucked them down the rest of the way, pulling the space traveling 1/2 mermaids under its surface. Sinking down further, there was no light, no sound...

Just the clay surrounding their bodies, endlessly squeezing them as they kept on descending, with no sign of a bottom still. But soon, the sisters regained their senses, manage to change into their mermaid forms, and swim up to the surface. There was no way they were going to drown here. Breaking the surface, Eathelin radios the Golden Skydragon to come pick them up. A message it manages to receive as the ship also manages to get out of the clay itself.

Eathelina & Sebaysha pull themselves back up to their breasts, and see the gunship come their way. It then hovers above the clay that the girls are in, and it deploys a very sturdy ladder, which they use to get back onto their ship. When safely back aboard the ship, the both washed off in a shower stall added for this very purpose. The ship's bottom entryway closes, and Eathelin & Sebaysha dry off soon after. Eathelin takes to pilot the ship again.

"You ready to go home?" Eathelin asks. "Yes." Sebaysha answer. "But, we never did find anything worthwhile." She says. "Nah, I think the news of a planet like this will constitute our payment." Eathelin says confidentially. "If you say so." Sebaysha. "But seriously, I want to come back to this planet again someday." Sebaysha says. "Me too." Eathelin says. "Next time though, we're bringing dad & some of our other sisters." She proceeds to add with a grin.

Sebaysha nods as Eathelin pilots the ship, then proceeds to add one last report. "Captain's report." Eathelin says. "Sebaysha & I never learned much of the clay planet we were on, but we did learn that it's an absolute claylark's dreamland. I just hope that it doesn't reach the ears of pirates, or anyone else who'd want to ruin the planet's beauty. I pray that it becomes a gem that receives permanent protection. End of report." She finalizes.

As the ship leaves the clay planet, it's evident that they will be back again for another visit in its gooey depths. Are there other planets like this one? Who knows? But voyages to such planets are always worth the trip through space; the final frontier.

Eathelin & Sebaysha: Me
There is but one certainty - every end marks a new beginning. "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"

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