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Interactive Story--the Mud Goddess

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 1:15 am
by dougiezerts
(Well, here goes!)
There was a large clay pit. People were gathered on the side of the clay. They were dressed in white robes, and they were barefoot. Their feet were already quite muddy from the clay.
There were 20 of them--1/2 men and 1/2 women.
After a few minutes, a woman came out. She was also dressed in a robe, only this one was red. She, too, was barefooted.
Seeing her presence, the others formed a line and all kneelt down. She walked into the clay and let kept walking until it reached her waist.
"I am the Mud Goddess--worship me," she said.

Re: Interactive Story--the Mud Goddess

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:48 pm
by joedeep130535
A man stood up, bowed to the goddess & walked out towards her He sank quickly in the clay but struggled on 'till he was up to his armpits but there he stuck unable to advance or escape The goddess frowned at him "Your offering is not acceptable" she intoned A tall slim girl shed her robe & walked out,naked into the clay....

Re: Interactive Story--the Mud Goddess

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:35 pm
by Aiko
(hope the length is ok)
The girl approached the man from behind, wading through the mud and getting deeper with every step. By the time she reached him, she was already down to her groin and still sinking. She put her hands in his shoulders and started to push down. Gently at first, then with more force. His shoulders had just disappeared when the goddess said "Good. Complete his sacrifice and his inaptitude shall be forgiven." But the man did not seem to happy about this recent development. His chin eventually met the clay when he protested "No, wait. I changed my mind, why not take her instead?" and he reached up to grab the nude girl's arm and started dragging her down. She tried to keep pushing the man down at first, then to fend him off, but was unsuccessful either way. He was much stronger and she could not get away from him being stuck in the clay to her stomach herself now. Everybody could tell that she was losing this fight. The mud goddess spoke in a very annoyed tone "How does this man dare defy my command! Somebody sink him now or you shall all feel my wrath!". Some mumbling was heard from the rest of the group which seemed indecisive on what to do, or at least on who should do it.

Re: Interactive Story--the Mud Goddess

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 12:47 am
by dougiezerts
A woman made a decision. She walked into the mud towards the man. When she made it over to him, she whispered something into his ear. It calmed him. With renewed strength, he was able to slog through the mud over to the Goddess. He then scooped up some clay and rubbed it on her robe and her shoulders.
She nodded and even smiled. "That is much better!

Re: Interactive Story--the Mud Goddess

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 11:26 am
by joedeep130535
The change in attitude from their Goddess was not lost on the worshippers. Robes were abandoned,many naked bodies revealed as well as some briefs,thongs & even bikinis.The group moved forward towards their idol,forming couples as they did so. Most were man/woman pairings but gay partnerships were were also forming & a tall strongly built man,his penis engorged & already erect,floundered through the churned clay towards the Goddess to whom he bowed in respect She reached for him & pulled him down into the clay slurry surrounding her....

Re: Interactive Story--the Mud Goddess

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:34 am
by dougiezerts
He was a little scared, but she said to him, "Do not worry; I will protect you." And he was no longer affraid. "Let the mud envelope you. Let it caress you. How is it?"
"Yes, it is. You are a true servent."
Then she lied on her back in the clay. The man who originally came to her was still near her. "Rub my feet," she commanded. He positioned himself at her feet and began massaging them.
"You have lovely feet," he said.
She smiled. "You are also a true servent!" A girl was nearby. To her, She said, "Rub my back." She positioned herself at the Goddess's back and massaged it.
"You have beautiful skin, my Goddess," she said.
She smiled to her. "And you are a true servent!"

Re: Interactive Story--the Mud Goddess

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:14 am
by sakura_inverse
The masses had coupled up and their passions were beginning to build as the goddess reveled in her worship. The attitude the man gave her still burned in her mind but she was confident that the near death experience would have calmed him down. She still limited him to rubbing her feet while she let her female follower have more access to her heavenly body. Her female follower's hands wandered under her robe to massage her breasts. They felt softer, warmer, and fuller than any mortal's breasts could ever hope to be. Her female follower's mind was entangled with erotic curiosity as her lips came down to meet the goddess'. Suddenly, the follower's mind snapped into a rigid state of shock, not knowing how her goddess would take this display of affection.

Re: Interactive Story--the Mud Goddess

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 1:29 am
by dougiezerts
But to their releief, she turned to the girl and said, "And you shale be blessed above all others!"
The other followers gathered around the Goddess and also rubbed and massage her. The man who massaged her feet had to be content to massage just her left foot, because another man came over and massaged her right foot.
After a little while of this, she made a motion for them to stop. Then she began a recitation:
"We must all go back to the Clay, because the Clay is what we were all formed from. I am of the Clay. The Clay is holy. The Clay is beautiful. The Clay is sensual. Let us worship the Clay."

Re: Interactive Story--the Mud Goddess

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 6:08 pm
by joedeep130535
The Goddess reached out to the bold girl & drew her down to lie beside her in the clay. Her hands started stroking & feeling as her lover began to slide about over her mud covered body "My faithful worshippers should make offerings to our Mother clay.Pair off & help each other to achieve the Nirvana of mud worship" This order set the worshippers into a frenzied orgy in the clay.Squirming bodies were grasped by reaching arms & the mud was churned into ooze by rhythmic movements as couples began to encourage one another into a frenzy of excitement

Re: Interactive Story--the Mud Goddess

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 12:06 am
by dougiezerts
As bodies began to mingle, there was one loner--the man who almost drowned. He made a few attempts at feeling/massaging a couple of the girls, but they mostly ignored him. Finally, he squirmed away from the others and just watched them.
The Goddess saw him. She motioned everyone to stop, and then she said to him, "What is wrong?"
"I don't know!" He was almost in tears.
"Come her, my son."
He moved back over to her, and she cradled him in her muddy arms.