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Meet you later

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:56 pm
by uw_ikarus
Some kind of love story... ;)

Meet you later

This comes really as a surprise, I’ve never expected to be contacted after more than 20 years…We were friends with her during our university times, friends, nothing more. Nontheless I liked her warm and friendly manners, never being harsh or arrogant. Even though she was an excellent student, certainly much smarter than all of us. We started our studies in Geology, she continued whereas I changed to physics – I always liked numbers and all the lengthy descriptions of rocks or fossils bored me to depth. After my studies I left my country for a nice, well paid job in a big research institution on the west coast – not so bad, after all. She stayed in Geology, and did well either. As far as I see in her message, she’s now the head of a natural museum.
I pass through my memory trying to recall the faces which belong to the names on list on her message. After such a long time I wonder whether will recognize each other when we can arrange a meeting of all of our group. There’s a photo of her attached to the mail. Well, she’s still attractive, of slight make with long, curly blond hair falling down to her shoulders. I hope to be still identifiable either - yes - doing some exercise I did not grow fat after all, and some hair is still left on my head. The meeting is planned in about three month, right at the beginning of the summer, in a hotel close to a nice lake which I know well. Plenty of time left for planning, and have no urgent issues on my schedule for this period….

I’m one of the first who arrive at the meeting. My plane arrived in the morning hours, and the guys at the car rental were quick. I leave my stuff in my room at the hotel and go down to lake for a short walk. The sun is high, but partly covered by thin clouds. Going down the way, I notice the sweet, humid smell of the air. I’m approaching the shore line of the lake, which is partly hidden by cattail and reed. I put my feet closer, noticing that the ground is really soft. Ahead, I see the dark mirror of the water, tempting me to take a bath. Ah, it’s really warm and drops of sweat are running down my spine. But I have nothing with me…Ok, I’ll go back and pick up some stuff for a bath. I take a towel, put on my running suite and go back to the lake. I follow the shoreline, trying to find a path through the reeds which allows me to approach the water. Not easy at all.. After some walking I find a place where the reed is less dense. It’s still hot and I whish to take my bath now. I make my way through the reeds, which close densely behind me. The ground is getting smoother and smoother, so I decide to drop my clothes right here and to proceed just as mother nature made me. Oh, I like this, the light wind caressing my skin and having the cool ground under my bare feet. I hear the reeds rustling, suddenly more noisy ? I panic a bit, and turn around to see what is going to happen behind me.. Ooops, at a glance I see her, long curly blond hair falling to her shoulders. We are both…like in paradise so to say. I feel my head inflamed, but things are not much different for her. I notice her forms, still slim and strong, long legs and firm breasts. Her blond hair is falling on her shoulders, like in the photo. Some silver streaks playing around her face make her still more attractive. After a moment her astonished face turns to smile, and we both laugh out loudly. “Seems we got the same ideas ?!” she says moving slowly towards me. “Yes, ah, it’s hot and I was looking for a cool bath”. We start to move towards the water, which is still not visible. The ground gets smoother now and we start to sink, first to our ankles, than half to the knees. Finally, with heavy steps, sinking knee-deep and more we get out of the reeds. Still, the clear water is more ahead, and we find a field with dark muck in front of us. We’re looking at each other “Ready to take a mud bath ?” Well, I confess I don’t dislike that sinking feeling so I agree. She turns to the right, not directly approaching the water. I hesitate for a moment, then follow. We’re now sinking more than knee-deep, it’s getting really hard to proceed. At some moment I notice a table “Danger, keep out…”. I sit down, working myself into the mire up to my chest. Oh, how soft this is. But my friend still goes ahead. “Hey, what you’re doing ! Didn’t you see the warnings ?”. “Oh boy, is nice here, come on, join me !”. I’m somewhat confused, but stay still. “Come on, you’re a physicist, don’t you that you’re going to float anyway ?” Phew, I only see these warnings. And I don’t trust these mixture of earth, water, gases, rotten plants. “I’ll not go further, it’s nice enough here”. But she doesn’t here me. She breathes deeply and with rhythmic movements of her pelvis sinks deeper bit by bit. Her eyes are closed, and her face shows a friendly smile. She evidently enjoys… Soon the mire reaches her breasts and after a few moments she’s gone chin-deep. “You’re ok ?” “Yes, I can get out at any moment, don’t be afraid”.
The sun is pretty deep now, how many hours did pass by ? We should meet the other friends. “I think we’d to go now to see the others…” “Yes, just go ahead” she whispers. “I will reach you later, may be after dinner, I’ve something left to do”. I leave the place, honestly confused. So strange. Anyway, I work myself back though the mire to find my belongings. I try to clean myself, as far as this is possible. Being back to my hotel, I hurry to my room in order that the others won’t see me in that conditions.

I take a long bath using a flood of shampoo to get rid of the smell. Going down the stairs I already see the other friends of our group. They are well up after all. We join around the dinner table, chatting on our work, families… Anyway, I’m still distressed for the experience this afternoon and I am almost unable to eat. I wonder when she will join us. The hours pass by, someone asks for her. I tell that she mentioned to have still something to do. Perhaps something lasted longer, so we shall see her tomorrow.. I go back to my room, the full moon shines on my bed. I open the window, taking a deep breath of fresh air. I feel a growing temptation do go out, finally I put on my running clothes and step out. The moon illuminates the path I made this afternoon and I talk a walk down to the lake. I feel my heart heavily hammering inside my chest as I proceed. Suddenly I recognize the small path I took through the reeds, and I see a small backpack with some items left there. Still there ?! I breath deeply. I hear the blood rushing in my head and start to move without thinking. Like a robot I get undressed as earlier in the day and proceed towards margin of the reeds. Sinking more than knee-deep I see the reflecting warning tables I stop for a moment, thinking about floating, mixtures of earth, gas, water and rotten plants. The wind is whispering “Come on, join me”. I’m hesitating as I start to realize what happened this afternoon. Again “Come on, join me, it’s nice inside here”. I feel a growing desire to follow.. “Come on, join me in the deep !”. My chest wishes to explode, my breath is going heavily. I make some more steps ahead and the mire takes me greedily up to my hips. I put down my feet, searching for some resistance, in vane. Finally I find myself sinking chest deep, inhaling is a bit harder now. I feel my cock getting hard, and I start to move my pelvis smoothly. The mire responds caressing my lower body belching under my weight and sending swarms of bubbles to the surface. I shiver for excitement and arousal. I recall her smiling face she had in the afternoon and start to realize what happened. My motions make me sink to my shoulders which are engulfed soon.
I rise my hands up and stretch my body fully which brings me almost to the point of climax. I’m now stuck chin-deep – the same position she was when I left her. I enjoy the firm grip of the earth on my body, the resistance of the mire when inhaling. I try to imagine the scenery an observer outside would see. My face, which starts getting covered gradually, my risen arms, which bit by bit disappear with my movements.
My ears are shut, so everything is calm. The mooning is shining down to me, and I recognize the dark wall of the reed. I stay still for a moment - floating – almost. I feel how water and earth gradually rise along my cheeks and reach my face. Every breath makes me go down for some fractions of an inch. I’ve got to close my eyes. Even standing still I continue sinking, gradually but inevitably. I decide to let myself go, taking a last breath and preparing myself to surrender. I again rise my hands, stretching my body as much as a can, in order to sink easily. I feel the mire closing over my face, my imaginary outside observer notes a small sink over my head, which disappears gradually. The rhythmic movements of my pelvis shake the hole mass and bring me deeper. My hands must have been disappeared as well. The shaking of the mire becomes more violent as my body thrashes forward and backward in agony. Finally I calm down left with the desire to dissolve completely. I’m totally gone, joining her in the deep mire. I open my mouth, and let my air escape to the surface. I abandon myself, allowing the mire to fill me entirely and fade away into bliss.