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Doomed Desires

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 4:09 pm
by fonejackman

Within the forest, a group of men wearing dark black outfits, their
faces concealed by black hoods, got out of their black Land Rover and
made their way towards the back seats where two beautiful girls who
were blonde and appeared to be in their young 20s, named Lauren and
Melissa had been gagged and tied were dragged out of the vehicle by
their captors

"Get the fuck out of the vehicle!" ordered one of their captors. The
girls obeyed, whimpering softly and sobbing. Both Lauren and Melissa
were taking an evening stroll through the forest and had just enjoyed
a refreshing skinny dip in the river when they were attacked by the
hooded captors who forced them into their Land Rover and took them to
a strange house in the middle of the forest for God knows what reason.

All but one of the captors then entered the little house and shut the
door behind them. After five or ten minutes,
one of the crew gave the lone captor a sharp knife and then re-entered
the little house. Lauren shook uncontrollably with fear as the knife
came closer to her. She closed her eyes, believing that the knife
would pierce her soft and gorgeous young body, instead the knife was
used to cut the ropes wrapped round her ankles and thighs, the ropes
were rough and were burning her ankles. The captor then removed the
ball gag that was preventing Lauren from opening her mouth for any
chance for rescue.

Once Lauren was free, the captor started to undo the ropes that were
clamping her friend Melissa. To Lauren, the time was ripe to seize the
opportunity, just as the captor approached the gorgeous blonde, she
headbutted the dark figure which made a bone-crushing THUD and sent
him crashing down like a sack of potatoes.

The captor let out a howl of pain, which was overheard by his fellow
captors, just as Lauren and Melissa were fleeing from their abductors.

It didn't matter where they going, both Lauren and Melissa just wanted
to put some distance betweeen themselves and that little house,
despite the fact that the ground was hard and pebbled which caused
discomfort on their feet. They could hear the shouts of the kidnappers
and the sounds of their thick shoes.

Lauren and Melissa kept running until they could run no more. At that
point, they found a nearby bush where they could hide under. The
leaves were sharp and were very itchy on their skin.

Suddenly, both girls could hear the footsteps of the captors nearby.
But they soon disappeared and returned to the little house after an
unsuccessful search.

They were now free from the clutches of their captors, but that was
the least of their worries. They had no clothes, no money and were
lost in the middle of nowhere. To make matters worse, the temperature
was dropping to well below zero.

It was enough to make Melissa break down into floods of tears.

"Lauren...sniff...sniff...I...I'm...scared" as she placed her arms
around her friend.

"It's alright, Melissa, I'm scared too" Lauren replied quietly as she
bit her lower lip in an attempt to fight back the tears.

Ten minutes of sobbing later, the girls stood up and made their way
out of the bushes and hopefully onto safer ground.

But there was to be no relief. All of a sudden, the ground became more
soft, almost like stepping on grapes and the more the girls tried to
move their legs, they sank lower and lower.

Lauren and Melissa soon discovered that they were now in the clutches
of a quicksand pit. Just as the girls cheated one disaster, they
walked straight into another.

"Oh no, Lauren! This is quicksand! What do we do?! Melissa panicked.

Lauren wanted to scream for help, but she was scared that the
abductors would hear her cries and come back and capture her. True,
they were far from the group, but she believed they could come back at
any minute.

At this point, the quicksand was now crawling up their thighs and the
despair had started to kick in again.

Lauren decided now was a good time to call for help, seeing as they
were far away from their capturers.

yelled. The mire had swallowed her beautiful, long, shapely legs and
was now reaching the edge of her womanhood. The same could be said for
Melissa, but that didn't stop her from shaking uncontrollably and

"HELP!! ANYONE?! screamed Melissa who was now hip-deep in the
quicksand. Melissa, once again began to burst into tears.

Lauren started to do the same, just as the quicksand had now swallowed
to past her navel and was now taking big breaths as the mire slipped
inside of her.

Melissa attempted to free herself using her hands to pull her legs
out, but all this did was make her sink even more.

At this point, Lauren was about to give up hope, her legs were trapped
by the pit and she was now up to her stomach in the quicksand.

"It's no use, Melissa" Lauren sobbed as tears fell from her beautiful
face. Melissa had just about reached about the same distance as her
friend as, she too had teardrops running down her cheek.

"Lauren, you that you"
exclaimed Melissa who was struggling to get out her confession, while
descending into the mire.

"" Lauren exclaimed. It was
the first time that both girls declared their love for each other.

Then, Melissa, although she was up to her chest, managed to reach her
friend and started to kiss her. Lauren, then decided to return the
favor by not only kissing her friend, but by placing both of her
hands, around Melissa; one on her back, and the other on her firm
butt. The experience made both girls' bodies hot and they were
starting to become drenched in sweat.

The girls continued to make out in the quicksand, touching each other
in various places. Each girl moaning in pleasure as the quicksand was
now engulfing their breasts.

Lauren screamed in a mix of pleasure and pain as Melissa worked her
way inside of her.

Just as the quicksand reached their necks; both girls attempt to
express how they felt about each other.

"" those were the exact words that Lauren just
about managed to get out before the quicksand reached the tip of her

", Lauren" Melissa replied as her mouth was about
to reach the mire.

In their final moments, Lauren and Melissa let their lips embrace as
they slowly descended into their doom. But that didn't matter to
neither girl, all they cared about was expressing their affection.
They would sink and die, not just as best friends, but as lovers.

Re: Doomed Desires

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:40 pm
by PM2K
I like! One of my fav kinds of story... well done! :D

Re: Doomed Desires

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 10:36 am
by Viridian
You've gotten the hang of this pretty well. Good stuff!