Tuesday the 2nd (F, F, QS)

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Tuesday the 2nd (F, F, QS)

Postby nachtjaeger » Tue May 08, 2012 5:21 am

Aiko and I were running down a trail through the forest. Running in high heels was tough enough; being handcuffed together was even harder. But the annoying part was being shot at with paintballs. Just another day in the life of a robot quicksand fetish model and her new apprentice. The trail led into a clearing. We sprinted across, waiting for the impact of a paintball on our exposed backs- we were wearing bikinis. Suddenly (surprise surprise) the ground collapsed beneath us, and we were sinking into a peat bog. On cue, we both screamed. We started struggling, and were sucked down to our waists. We we both panting, our "lungs" moving oxygen to our fuel cells to produce enough power to move in the thick stuff. "It's quicksand!" Aiko screamed. Good girl- she's learning the game well. We heard footsteps on the trail behind us, and our assailant showed up. "You might as well finish us off with that pistol," I said, "we're done for anyway." "Nooo!" said Aiko, "Please save us- I will do anything you say!" I have to hand it to the old girl- she's a primary-program sex machine.

So, to remind folks, my name is Tuesday. I was and am the world's only 100% custom quicksand fetish robo-babe. I also have a LOT more brain power than I am supposed to, but that's another story. After a lot of years and a lot of adventures I ended up with my current owner. He lets me work "on the side" as a QS fetish robo-slut to bring in extra cash. This worked out better than we hoped, and pretty soon I had more customers than I could service. I suggested we needed some help. My owner isn't rich, so it was onto the 'net looking for a sex robot in serviceable or repairable condition. We found an Aiko at a really good price- but she was a "basket case"- as in some assembly required. She showed up in a crate. When we took inventory of the parts, we found out exactly what we had. This wasn't an ordinary Aiko- as in one of the thousands of copies that were sold of the first mass produced sex robot. She was in fact number six of six "test mules"- a prototype. Nice thing was, the prototypes were over-engineered; the production models used much cheaper materials and components. So my owner set to work lovingly restoring our new petite Asian robo-slave, and I got to work on her OS. The original Aiko series was dumber than the proverbial box of rocks (what is dumb about a box of rocks?) and some said they should have been made blondes. So I put my illegal brain to work learning the ins and outs of programming. I lifted chunks of my own code and whatever else I could steal, then patched up her OS with (I hoped) a good chunk of fake emotion and wit. (Strange- I can now alter my own programming if I choose. Do I want to, and if so, how?) Anyway, when I booted her up in a simulation she ran fine. I uploaded the code to her CPU.

My owner had finished his restoration work, she was fully fueled and charged. He touched her in her most private place (her manual override) and she took a breath and opened her eyes. I won't bore you with her initial programming and testing. She was now a functioning sex robot with a primary desire for sex and and added secondary desire for quicksand. My owner likes her a LOT, and I started to understand the human concept of jealousy. After all, she was competing for fulfillment of both my primary Quicksand desire and my tertiary sex drive (conversation is #2.) Then my owner got the brilliant idea to make us have sex with each other so he could watch. I had never had a female client, but my programming included what I needed to know. We made out the first time in my owner's private clay pit. Then later, my owner got his first threesome.

But back to the quicksand. Aiko's new programming ran well- at least she hadn't gone rogue and killed anybody- and when word got out to my customers that she was available she was soon booked steady. Then we got a strange request from a longtime client for both of us for a weekend, to do fetish video and take care of his fantasies. The price was right, so at the appointed time our owner drove us out to the client's camp. The first day was a BDSM shoot. Aiko has a full skin pain response, and I fake it really well. The second day was the bikinis and high heels and paintballs and quicksand. So there we were, sinking in a peat bog while the client watched. Aiko did the crying and pleading bit, and I did the "you bastard" bit. He promised to save us if Aiko would service him, threw her the handcuff key and pulled her out. I was left sinking slowly but surely into the deep bog while Aiko satisfied her primary programming on her knees. The client let me go all the way under. I love satisfying MY primary programming. After we were cleaned up and got paid (very well) our owner drove us home. In the car on the way, Aiko polished off a liter of grain alcohol, then put her delicate hand on my thigh. "I like sinking in quicksand" she said to me, and her hand moved up my thigh. Our owner interrupted us. "You two behave yourselves until we get home." Home. I am starting to understand that human concept too.
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Re: Tuesday the 2nd (F, F, QS)

Postby PM2K » Tue May 08, 2012 6:32 am

Gawd! That's good.... :o :shock: :D

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Re: Tuesday the 2nd (F, F, QS)

Postby quagmire_uk » Wed May 09, 2012 3:14 am

That's a pretty interesting and unusual idea!

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Re: Tuesday the 2nd (F, F, QS)

Postby nachtjaeger » Wed May 09, 2012 4:05 am

I reposted the original Tuesday story: http://www.quicksandfans.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=6210

quagmire_uk wrote:That's a pretty interesting and unusual idea!
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