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Kasumi and Sakura

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:44 pm
by TBoneTony
Kasumi and Sakura

Roleplay by TBoneTony and Sakura Inverse

Kasumi was a young 24 year old jungle girl who had short red hair and she had small A-cup breasts.
She was wearing a light blue jungle bikini and she loved swimming around in lakes.
One day as she was resting in a large tree, she heard a voice of one of her friends calling from her down below.

Down below on the jungle floor, the 24 year old Sakura called to her friend Kasumi for their daily jungle hunt. Sakura had mid length brown hair and 34 c cup breasts. She wore a natural leopard pattern bikini which helped to keep her cool during the intense jungle heat. She waited patiently for her friend to arrive, puckering her lips as she heard rustles in the leaves.

Kasumi looked down and there was her Childhood friend Sakura down there from the tree.
Kasumi waved her hands saying "Hi", but as she did so, a branch snapped and she fell out of the tree right on top of Sakura.

It truly was fortunate that Sakura was in a position to aid her childhood friend. It was noting intentional however as Sakura had only looked up when the branch snapped. When the dust had settled, Kasumi was settled comfortably on top of Sakura with their lips in contact.

Kasumi blushed a bit and then she pulled back.
Her stomach was panting hard from the butterflies in her chest.
‘Did I really kiss Sakura?’ Kasumi thought to herself.
There was an awkward silence in her mind.

Kasumi and Sakura had always been good friends since they got stranded in this jungle when they were just little girls.
They had no parents, just themselves to survive.
Kasumi always looked at Sakura as her older sister even though they were not related at all.
Kasumi hoped that her sudden accidental kiss was not going to ruin their close friendship between them.

Sakura's face was pure crimson as she pushed Kasumi off. Her only memories of kisses were from over a decade ago and even then she had never dreamed that she would have a reason to give one. Her heart raced with a hallow beat as she slowly picked herself up. She hoped that Kasumi couldn't see her blush as she greeted her closest friend with the usual morning formalities. Her mind raced to pick up her planned daily activities even though she knew that her kiss would play on for the next several hours.

Kasumi then turned towards her best friend and kept a straight face saying,
"Sorry about that Sakura, I kinda woke up on the wrong side of branch. So, what are we going to do today?"

Sakura quickly regained her composition and said
"Well the food's running low so we'll have to go out and explore. Let's try to cross the river this time. I know of a spot where the river bottom is dry so we shouldn’t have a problem crossing."

Kasumi squealed in delight.
Even though she did not tell Sakura that she loved exploring the jungle with her, she always loved it when they went on their adventures to find some food.
More often than not, they would find some interesting creatures and even some sort of sexy adventure that would be fun.
“Great, time to get some food. You lead the way Sakura.” Kasumi said.

Sakura smiled and said "Great, just follow me and try not to get lost."

The two quickly made their way down to the dry river bed, where the sun baked crust glistened under the glaring sun. Without suspecting any danger, the two made their way out onto the river bed, drooling from the thought of their upcoming hunt. Little did they know that mother nature had a trap waiting for them, which was sprung when they had reached the middle of the river.

Kasumi got to the middle of the river and she felt her feet slip.
“Ugh!!!” she let out a cry.
Kasumi then saw Sakura continually waking though the river in front of her. The water was up to her mid navel.
She tried to move her feet but they were stuck on the muddy bottom.
“Sakura…I’m stuck!!!!” Kasumi yelled.

Sakura looked back at Kasumi, who was up to her navel. She didn’t know what Kasumi meant by "stuck" but she knew it could only mean trouble. She quickly turned around and trudged her way towards her stuck friend. It was only when she got within arm's reach of Kasumi did she know what the word "stuck" meant. Her ankles slipped into the mud but she failed to notice. Her attention was on Kasumi, who seemed to be disappearing into the river.

Kasumi was getting a bit worried when she saw her friend slip down past her navel.
“Oh no, don’t tell me you are stuck too Sakura.” Kasumi said with a worried voice.

Sakura looked into Kasumi's eyes and said "Oh no, we're just fine."

But deep down inside, Sakura's calm was already at the breaking point. She tried her hardest to pull her feet out of the strange mud but they wouldn't budge. Instead, all she managed to accomplish was driving herself down to her knees as her jungle top began to soak up the water. She couldn't help but think in her mind that today would have been a perfect day to swim as she froze to keep herself from sinking. She looked up to Kasumi, her eyes pleading for help as her breasts sank under the water's surface.

By the way that Sakura was starting to sink was not a hopeful sign for Kasumi who was already starting to panic.
She felt the mud start to sink her knees down fast and she struggled harder to move her legs within the muck.
Kasumi was up to her shoulders now and she held out her hands to Sakura wanting to hold her before they got too deep to move.
“Sakura, please grab onto me…I need you to hold me.” Kasumi desperately pleaded.

Sakura's breath took deep, shivered gasps as she held onto Kasumi's hands. She silently cursed herself for wanting to explore this side of the jungle. What was worse was that she had to get her only form of companionship stuck in their deadly trap. Even if she did survive this, the thought of losing Kasumi made her wish for death.

Buried in her tears, Sakura choked "I'm...I'm so sorry...I should have never gotten us stuck like this. I can only beg that you'll forgive me for this."

So rapt in her pleas, Sakura didn’t notice that there was curious movement on the other side of the river. Two sets of eyes gazed upon their predicament, but any visible intentions would be shrouded by the jungle's brutal nature.

When Sakura grabbed onto Kasumi’s hands, Kasumi then brought her friend into a tight hug as they began to sink deeper together in the underwater quicksand where the mud was up to their thighs but the water was up to their necks.
“Sakura…” Kasumi gasped as the water started flowing into her mouth.
Kasumi was scared but she felt the warmth of her best friend Sakura giving her strength in this desperate situation.
She coughed up water as it splashed into her face. She struggled to talk.
“I…I…love…” Kasumi’s face then went under the water leaving her short red hair and her forehead just above the surface.
With her eyes closed Kasumi wished she could have had enough time to say the words she always wanted to say to Sakura before she was going to die.

As Sakura watched Kasumi's mouth go under, she knew that her's would soon be next. With tears in her eyes, she said "It's ok, I know what you were trying to say. I love you too."

Sakura sadly looked around the river in silent observance of her burial site. It was only then she saw the two sets of eyes staring her down. Out of sheer desperation, she shouts "Help....hel...."

The water flowed into her open mouth. She gagged and coughed as she slowly slipped below the water's surface. She could only hope and pray that those sets of eyes belonged to some form of help.

Re: Kasumi and Sakura

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:45 pm
by TBoneTony
Kasumi woke up in a sitting position, Her face was wet but she found herself on dry ground.
She was tied up in vines wrapped around her chest trapping her arms. Her legs were also wrapped up in vines and she found it hard to move.
Next to her was Sakura, sleeping peacefully and a soft breathing came from her mouth.
Sakura was also tied up just like Kasumi but at least she was close enough for Kasumi to nudge her way over to her.
Kasumi did not know why she and Sakura were still alive but she was just transfixed on the lips of Sakura.
Within the dim light and the stone covered floor that was around them, Kasumi then lowered herself onto Sakura and she pressed her lips against her friend’s lips.
With a slip, she fell on top of Sakura’s body but nothing mattered, Kasumi was able to kiss Sakura for real for the very first time.
“I love you…Sakura.” She said finally able to say those words.

Sakura was still in her trance when she felt Kasumi's lips meet her's. In her mind however, a dream was playing out to where she was face to face with her true love. The figure she had assumed was her true love had taken the form of a pitch black shadow. She had no idea who this shadow was, but she did realize what it wanted. She puckered her lips to the shadow as it kissed her, moaning softly as thier lips clashed.

Outside of Sakura's dream, her unconcious lips moved in chorus with Kasumi's. It was only when Kasumi slipped and fell on top of Sakura that she realized there was more to her dream than she realized. As Sakura groggily woke up, her attention turned to a growing light in their prison. Once her vision came into focus, she was greeted by the sight of two tall and beautiful amazons. She recognized their eyes as the ones she saw at the river, which now were filled with deadly intentions.

Kasumi however did not know about the two Amazons that were standing over her and Sakura.
She was only just happy to be able to touch Sakura again.
She moved her head lower onto Sakura’s body and began to rub her head against Sakura’s chest moaning.
“Oh Sakura…thank god you are alive…”

Sakura suddenly noticed what Kasumi was doing and gently said "I'm glad you're alive too sweetie, but i think we have bigger problems."

Before she could say anything else, the two amazons picked Sakura and Kasumi up from the ground and carried them out of the prison. Once outside, the two stared in amazement at the civilization that lay before them. They hadn't seen anything like it since the day of the crash.

As they stared around at the establishment, they were carried before middle aged, yet beautiful amazon who sat upon a throne made of ancient gold. The two amazons dropped Sakura and Kasumi and immediately bowed before their queen, awaiting the fate of their two new prisoners.

Kasumi looked around at the Amazons, she then saw this large bath made of pastry and it had some thick muddy stuff inside it.
She did not know what it was at first, so she asked Sakura.
“Hey Sakura, what is going on here? Who are these women and what are they going to do to us?”

Sakura nervously looked to Kasumi and replied "I don't know, but I don't think it's anything good."

As Sakura tried to sum up what the large bath could be, the amazonian queen rose from her throne to inspect her captives. She carefully looked over Kasumi, allowing her hands to run over Kasumi's body. Her hands soon turned to Sakura's body, which groped in a similar manner.

After a quick nod of approval, the queen said "These two will make a fine sacrafice. Offer them to the quicksand pie, so that we may feast tonight."

Sakura and Kasumi were dragged towards the large pie and they were lead up to a large platform hovering over the massive bath looking shape of the quicksand pie.
Kasumi looked down and asked her friend.
“This looks bad, got any plans to get us out of this?”

Sakura shivered as she replied "I don't know. It took those two amazons just to get us out of the river."

As Sakura raced to think of something, the vines were cut from their bodies. But before they could run, the two amazons effortlessly picked their bodies up and tossed them into the quicksand pie. Their descent, while brief, stopped when they were knee deep in the quicksand batter. The batter felt warm and comfortable, but the growing fear inside them prevented any notice to detail. The one detail they did notice however was that the warmer the batter got, the softer it became. It became evident to them that they were sinking deeper and with the watchful eyes of the queen, there would be no way out.

Kasumi looked around trying to grab onto something to stop her from sinking.
But there was nothing to grab her arms onto.
“Sakura, I’m so scared…” Kasumi whispered as she then grabbed onto Sakura and wrapped her arms around her body.
Kasumi was taller and therefore sank faster into the Quicksand Pie.
She hang onto Sakura hoping that she would stop her from sinking but that only make them both sink faster from the moments in their legs.
The Quicksand filling was up to Kasumi’s bikini panties and already she was feeling some sort of warm sensation.
She looked up to Sakura and asked.
“Sakura, I’m so freaking scared…I want to love you before we die.”

Sakura clutched to Kasumi as they sunk deeper. She absorbed every one of Kasumi's words as the batter began to fill her bikini bottoms as well. She felt some strange sensations that she had only felt in her dreams before. She blushed and moaned from the batter's touch as she heard “Sakura, I’m so freaking scared…I want to love you before we die.”

Shocked, Sakura asked "You...want to love me? But I...don't know...I mean... how would..."

Sakura blushed a crimson red as a shivering tone took her throat. All she could say was "I've...always loved you...But I wouldn't know how to love you like the way i want to."

Kasumi looked up to Sakura who was sinking slower than what she was.
The Quicksand Batter was up to her navel and more of the quicksand was slipping into her panties making her hot and hornier than ever.
The fear and arousal were getting mixed in with Kasumi’s emotions.
“Then tell me how you want to love me, I will do anything to make you happy Sakura.” Kasumi said with hotness in her voice.
She did not care how far they were sinking into the Quicksand Pie, all that Kasumi wanted to know was how to make love to Sakura in the limited time they had.

After hearing what Kasumi said, Sakura was at a true loss for words. She desperately wanted to say something to Kasumi, but she knew that any words she could come up with would only be a waste of her precious breath. The air was getting thicker around them and it was getting more difficult to breathe. Her mind raced for what to do in terms of declaring her love for Kasumi and could only come up with one logical answer.

In a fit of impulsive passion, Sakura pulled Kasumi's lips to her's and kissed with an ardor hotter than the quicksand batter. Their bodies clashed as their hips rolled through the baking quicksand. This served to bring up the softer batter from inside to form around their bodies. Their bodies of course sank at a much faster pace but they didnt have a care in the world. The batter quickly swallowed their midriffs as their hips bucked and rolled with the flowing tide. Sakura quickly felt a strong passion build up deep inside her and although she didnt know what it meant, she could only imagine what it would be like to release it with Kasumi.

Kasumi replied to Sakura’s kisses as she then wrapped her arms tighter around Sakura and she slowly moved her legs around Sakura’s hips locking them both in a tight embrace.

The Amazons sealed the top of the Quicksand Pie with a pastry lid as the two doomed girls were spending their last moments in a deep dark yellow filled light inside the quicksand pie.

Kasumi felt the Quicksand batter reached up to her breasts and she slowly took her bikini top off as well as taking off Sakura’s bikini top off.
Their breasts squished together within the quicksand as they were riding themselves towards pleasure.
Little did they know that their actions were helping the Quicksand Pie to rock back and forward a little slowly at the moment.

Sakura cried out from her newly felt orgasms as her nipples descended into the hot batter. She cried out from the nearly painful intensity but that only served to drive her over the edge countless times. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that her efforts to give Kasumi as many orgasms as possible was rocking them deeper into the batter, but she had little to no care for her survival. If fate had demanded her death, she was happy that she could go with the love of her life.

Little did she know that fate had something else in mind. As the two rocked themselves with an ever intensifying vigor, the batter bubbled around them. As the bubbles rose around them, the batter slowly began to settle. It felt much thicker and heavier than when they first started but it only served to lock them in a loving embrace.

Eventually the batter hardened into the pie that refused to let them sink any further. They rested comfortably in each other's embraces, wondering how they would taste to the amazons outside.

Kasumi collapsed herself against Sakura tired from all her amazing orgasms that she felt with Sakura.
The rocking motions came to a stop and the Quicksand batter became harder as they were trapped inside the pie.
Both girls were up to their shoulders in the Quicksand batter but at least they had stopped sinking.

Outside of the pie however the Quicksand Pie had rolled itself off the fire that the Amazons lit and the wooden carriage that the Quicksand Pie was sitting on top of had safely rolled away from the Amazon village without any notice from the native jungle warrior women.
It seemed for Sakura and Kasumi that they were safe for now.

The wooden carriage rolled through the jungle but Sakura and Kasumi were too delirious to know what was happening. As far as they knew, the amazons were carrying them off to a feast where they would be the main course. Truly believing that they were living their final moments, they continued to kiss through the unstable ride. It was only when the wooden cart hit a root and spilled its contents did they realize that they were saved. The quicksand pie tumbled onto the jungle floor where it exploded into small golden crumbs. The two picked themselves up and quickly surmised that it would be best to get away from the pie, even though they knew little about the jungle they were about to explore.

Re: Kasumi and Sakura

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:46 pm
by TBoneTony
Kasumi held Sakura’s hand as they both walked in the jungle.
They did not care if they were lost or if their bikini clothes were dirty from the Quicksand pie they were once in.
At least they were together and they had both found out that they both love each other after years of childhood friendship.

It had been more than 15 years since that tragic plane accident that left both girls the only survivors and they had little memory of their childhood lives up to the age of 9.
Both girls had to survive on their own two feet and they both grew up together not knowing that their sexual tension though their teenage years would go onto their new found love they currently share.

Kasumi looked into Sakura’s eyes as they walked and asked.
“Hey Sakura, how long have you felt those feelings about me?”

Sakura's heart raced as she replied "Well...ever since I've started having wet dreams I've started to fantasize about you. My favorite dreams was having you on a hot jungle night, but I never knew how we would do it."

Sakura's hand gently gripped Kasumi's as a colorful bird flew past the branches. She warmly smiled as she felt that this day was made just for her and Kasumi. She languidly melted into a pool of euphoria as she asked "Was it you who kissed me inside that prison?"

Kasumi blushed a deep red on her face.
But she knew how to answer it truthfully.
“Yes it was me Sakura, when I went under the water in that muddy lake I thought I never had a chance to say those words again. My life went though my mind and all those missed opportunities I had when I really wanted to tell you how I really felt. But before I was so scared.”
Sakura and Kasumi then stopped under a tall pink cherry blossom tree. Even in jungles cherry blossoms were able to survive in this heat climate.
“But when I woke up in that prison hut, I knew that I had to show you that I loved you Sakura, sorry if I was too forward and did not allow you to wake yourself up.”

Sakura paused and rested under the cherry blossom tree, sighing as the jungle light danced across the pink petals. She felt warm, perfect, and most importantly content under the ambiance of the warm jungle. She calmly replied "Thank the goddess for second chances. Even if we were to die right now, I'm glad we could do it in each other's company."

As the two kissed, pollen from the falling blossoms filled their lungs. The two quickly fell asleep in their embraces and drifted into their erotic dreams. This was all part of the tree's natural plan as vines began to slowly creep from the branches above.

As the girls were asleep, the vines wrapped around their legs and their bodies slowly taking off their jungle bikini clothing and leaving it on the floor.
The middle of the Cherry Blossom tree then opened up and the vines slowly took both Sakura and Kasumi into the opening lips of the tree and they slowly went inside the Cherry Blossoms hidden inside the bark.
As the lips of the Cherry Blossom opening started to close, the tree made a soft slurping noise as it started to eat the girls inside taking them down a large plant like tube inside the tree.

Sakura moaned as she slid down the tree's soft insides. In her slumber, her dreams took her to a much different reality where she was being licked all over by Kasumi. Kasumi's tongue seemed to dance with the grace of an artist's brush as it sent erotic chills up Sakura's spine. To add to Sakura's delight, the same two amazons from the village joined in the fun. Sakura could see the danger embeded into their eyes but their tongues moved with an equal grace as Kasumi's.

The slimy feelings made Sakura moan with delight as orgasms began to flood her dream. The pheremones from the tree kept her asleep as she slid down the well lubed passage with Kasumi. They quickly slid into the digestive chamber, where a deep pool of green sap accompanied by a bed of tentacles waited for them.

Sakura splashed into the green sap pool filled with tentacle vines along with Kasumi who was dreaming all sorts of erotic dreams.
The tentacles in the pool wrapped themselves all around Kasumi as she started to moan in pleasure from being licked all over.
The tentacles went everywhere from around her breasts, into her lovely wet womanhood and even in her mouth where Kasumi enjoyed licking the vine tentacles as if she was licking ice cream.
As Sakura was reaching her orgasms, so did Kasumi.
The green sap started to become hotter and there was a sensational burning feeling on Kasumi’s skin that she was woken up from her dream with a shock.
“Ugh…ugh…where am I?” Kasumi moaned as she struggled to wake up.
She then saw her friend Sakura being wrapped up by vine tentacles and she looked at her own body and she realized that she was also being licked all over by tentacles that continued to wrap themselves all over her naked body.

As soon as she realized the danger she was in, she desperately called out to Sakura trying to wake her up.
" me..." Kasumi cried.

Sakura was still in her dream flooded with orgasms. Kasumi and the two amazons were still licking her from head to toe and all that rang in her ears were Kasumi's cries. At first, they were primal moans searching for any sign of intelligence. Then as Sakura continued to listen on, the moans took on a structure. She kept listening, hoping that whatever message Kasumi had for her would be understood.

Sakura's eyes suddenly snapped open when she heard the words "Help me." Her mind quickly registered their new prison as the sap began to burn. The vines around her body had quickly moved to keep her in a state of hedonism. Two circled and massaged her breasts while one slid in and out of her rear. One thick one found its way into her sex while another occupied her moaning mouth.

Sakura quickly found Kasumi and while she reached out to her newfound lover, she couldn't help but continue to suck on the vine in her mouth. She greedily gulped down every helping of sap that the vine secreted while her hand grasped Kasumi's. Her hips bucked and rolled with the vines in her sex and rear. She quickly succumed to countless orgasms as she pulled Kasumi closer. Her mind raced for a way out while her body fought to get deeper into the trap.

Kasumi was relieved that Sakura responded to her by holding her hand, but to her horror the desires of her body was quickly taking her deeper and deeper into the sap and the bed of tentacles that were staring to cover her.
Kasumi quickly tried to find a way out of this, it was clear that Sakura was not going to hang on for long.
“Sakura, wait here I will try to find a way out of this.” Kasumi said as she then let go of Sakura in order not to be pulled in deeper.
Kasumi grabbed onto the vines at the edge of the pool of sap and she desperately tried to work her way out of it.
She then turned her head back to Sakura who was already starting to be taken under the sap with the tentacles all over her body.
Kasumi wish she would enjoy this as much as Sakura was, but she felt that this was her time to be the hero now and save her friend.

Sakura's resistance was at an all time low and losing Kasumi's hand helped to break her. Her mind became one with her body as she danced with the vines. Every orifice she had clamped down on the vines as if to make them stay permanately in their place. The sap on her skin felt like a torturous burn but the sap from the vines felt like liquid ecstasy. Over time, her mind learned to embrace the burning as another aphrodesiac meant to drive her deeper into orgasmic insanity. To her added delight, the vine in her sex curled to her g spot, giving her several massive orgasms as she was sucked deeper into the burning sap.

With this relentless assault, Sakura's mind was at the brink of collapse. Her intelligence was holding on by mere threads as the burning sap washed over the top of her body. She took one final breath as her writhing form slipped under the surface. Her fate, and her sanity, would depend on Kasumi. Unfortunately, there was no way for her to ever know this.

Kasumi saw Sakura go down into the Sap and she felt like screaming and crying for not holding onto her hand a bit longer, but in her heart she had to or else the tentacles were going to pull her down with Sakura.
Kasumi used her long arms and legs to push herself though the sap and slowly out of the pool of tentacles.
“Almost there…ugh…” Kasumi struggled.
Kasumi looked along the stomach walls to find some way to save her friend, there she saw some smaller vines on the walls with one deep blue color different from the green vines.
She saw a painted sign saying “Self Explosion” next to the blue vine.
Kasumi felt the tentacles from the pool of sap started to once again pull her body back into the bed of tentacles but she held on strong, with Sakura’s life on the line she fought back those sexual desires to try and save her friend who was disappearing under the bed of tentacles.

With one strong leap, Kasumi reached her target and tugged on the blue vine therefore unleashing massive explosions within the Cherry Blossom tree.
Kasumi noticed that the tentacles and vines were letting go of her body and she quickly dove under the bed of tentacles to grab Sakura and dragged her out of the deadly pool of sap.
Everything else was like a white light and within seconds the girl-eating tree exploded and Kasumi held Sakura tightly in her arms waiting for the explosion of Cherry Blossoms to finish.

Sakura weakly moaned as her mind raced into a state of recovery. The ecstasy was gone and the jungle air stung her sap soaked skin. Sakura responded to her new conditions by crying out in pain as she lay amongst the sap soaked blossoms. Her cries were only interrupted by coughing up thick globs of the once burning slime. Tears slipped from her eyes as she fought to regain conciousness. Her mind reeled through an erotic nightmare that threatened to consume her sanity as she felt desperately alone.

Kasumi saw that Sakura was not doing well, the slime all over her skin was burning her and the falling cherry blossoms only made things worse.
Sakura had it allot more worse than Kasumi.
Kasumi then picked up her friend and then decided to take her to the nearest lake to wash all the slime off her.

Re: Kasumi and Sakura

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:47 pm
by TBoneTony
When she got there, she gently laid Sakura in the shallow parts of the cool clean water and she gently bathed her washing away all the slime that was burning her skin.

Sakura shivered in relief as the cool water washed her discomforts away. Her sanity finally won its battle and her intelligence was slowly piecing itself back together. Her awareness even returned as she struggled to open her eyes. She sighed her gratitude when she saw that Kasumi was bathing her in the life giving waters. The slime, as well as Sakura's pain, was washed away as she weakly said " came for me."

Kasumi then looked down at Sakura as she bathed her lovingly.
As she placed her hands on her friends breasts and she kneaded them gently, she replied.
“Of course I came for you Sakura. I will never let you die like that.”
Kasumi then placed her lips onto Sakura as she kissed her deeply in the shallow water.

Sakura, through tear soaked eyes, kissed Kasumi back as the feelings from the quicksand and the tree returned to her. The water, which once felt like a welcomed relief, now felt like a catalyst that electrified her senses beyond belief. She felt bathed, she felt cared for, she felt wrapped in attention, and most importantly she felt loved. Her arousal built up as Kasumi lay down on top of her. The sun slowy started to sink past the treetops, leaving them the hot steamy night to do whatever they wanted with each other.

As both Sakura and Kasumi were loving each other on that night, a figure emerged from behind the trees carefully watching the two girls making love.
The eyes watched Kasumi closely and then Sakura wondering what girl to eat first.

Sakura pulled Kasumi as well as herself to shallower water where she wouldnt have to fight to keeep her head above the surface. Their two bodies once again lit with erotic passion as lucid dreams blended with euphoric nightmares. Any sounds that a predator could have made were drowned out by their primal moans as the focused on spending their sexual energy.

little did they know that a golden predator silently slipped out of the bushes and headed towards the water. It eyed them both hungrily and decided that it could eat them both in one night. It would be a simple matter of sedating them in their sexual states.

Meanwhile as the creature entered the water, Kasumi moved around to Sakura’s back and she gently rubbed her flat A-Cup chested body against Sakura’s spine.
She felt her nipples harden more as she felt the line of spinal bones against her chest.
Kasumi whispered into Sakura’s ears seductively as she was rubbing her chest into her friend’s back.
“So Sakura, do you love my back massage?”

Sakura clawed into the moist earth as she felt Kasumi's hardened nipples dig into her skin. She purred and replied "Oh goddess, I love it."

Sakura and Kasumi wriggled in delight as the massive snake slipped into the water. For a massive 15 meter beast, it moved stealthily through the calm waves towards its prey. It was within five feet and was in perfect striking distance. Now all that was left was the decision on who to grab first.

Kasumi then wrapped her hands around Sakura’s C-Cup breasts and she began to squeeze them and rub her fingers all over her friend’s nipples making her harder.
But that was not the only thing that was doing the squeezing.
Kasumi felt something go under her legs and it slowly started to wrap itself around her hips pulling Sakura closer to her thighs.
The thing seemed to have Sakura too.

Not far away under the water, the massive snake was slowly wrapping his tail around the two girls slowly coiling around them both trapping their lower bodies in his embrace.

Sakura was too caught up in her pleasure to notice or care. The snake's thick coils were indifferent from Kasumi's touch so she naturally moaned from the extra stimulation. She felt Kasumi's erect sex press against her thigh and she moaned deeply in response. She was glad that Kasumi could get some stimulation from this as well, but her concentrations were on her pleasures.

As she opened her eyes to scan the jungle just one more time, she came face to face with the giant snake that stalked them. Before she could scream however, her eyes became fixed on the snake's eyes. Instead of a fearful cry, a feral moan overtook her lips. She couldn't understand why she couldn't escape, but a growing realization soon bloomed inside that maybe she didn’t want to escape.

At the same time, Kasumi was already hypnotized by the snake as she was drawn into the serpent’s hypnotic waves though the water.
Kasumi’s eyes were a glowing red as it seemed like she was following the orders of the snake that had full control on her.
Before being hypnotized Kasumi only saw a red glow in the water just behind her, and just seeing that red glow of light under the water was all it took for the snake to hold her into hypnotic submission.

The coils that were lead by the snake’s tail looped themselves higher over the girls as it looped around their bodies like a lasso and pulled them both together making Kasumi’s small boobs squish against Sakura’s back.
The snake ordered Kasumi to rub Sakura hard with her fingers and Kasumi did as the snake ordered making Sakura more aroused as she sank deeper into hypnosis.

Sakura's body reacted with the snake's hypnotic commands as she reached back and rubbed Kasumi. From time to time, Sakura's mind would scream for help but it would quickly be forced into submission.

The snake's coils wrapped themselves firmly around their two bodies. Any means of escape would be clearly impossible but the two lovers were enjoying their predicament too much to try. Sakura rubbed Kasumi and Kasumi rubbed Sakura as the snake's tongue tasted their feet. The sensations from the snake's tongue caused the two to simultaneously orgasm as the snake unhinged its jaw.

The two girls were pulled into the edge of the lake by the snake as he started to grip their feet in his powerful jaws.
The snake ordered Kasumi to turn Sakura around to face her and Kasumi did that.
Finally their breasts were being squished together with their bodies after releasing the pleasure.
Kasumi laid on top of Sakura at the edge of the lake with only Sakura’s long brown hair floating in the shallow water.
Kasumi looked deeply into Sakura’s eyes as their pupils were red because of the snake’s hypnosis on them.
It was like some sort of Geass was controlling their bodies to the snake’s commands.
With Sakura and Kasumi facing each other, the snake was free to swallow the girl’s legs with ease.
As the snake reached up to their thighs, Kasumi then kissed Sakura goodnight as they were being pulled into sleep by the hypnotic powers of the snake.

Sakura's mind would occasionally cry out for help, but a powerful orgasm would come to stifle it. Sakura was powerless to offer any form of non erotic resistance and could only find comfort in the tightness that came from the snake's throat. She slowly drifted off into a comfortable sleep along with Kasumi as their bodies continued to wrythe.

Now that Sakura was asleep, her dreams began to play and her resistant subconcious came to being. Her dreams quickly turned to erotic nightmares as Kasumi's unconcious body continued to manipulate hers.

It took the snake an hour to fully eat both Sakura and Kasumi together in one bite.
But the snake enjoyed every minute.
As the bodies of both Kasumi and Sakura began to settle within the stomach of the snake, it would not be long until they would become one with the snake.

Kasumi tried to move but all she felt was a tight squeeze of stomach walls all around her.
She was tight like she was trapped in a sleeping bag with Sakura next to her.
She was too tired to speak and slime was dripping all over her face inside the snake.
Her body stopped moving as her mind went blank not knowing what was happening to her and Sakura.

Just at that moment, a huge meteorite from outer space was floating towards Earth.
It entered Earth’s Atmosphere and the huge space rock then split itself into tiny fragments as they all pelted Earth.
One rock that was at the size of a golf ball hit the snake’s head and it exploded in white slimy gunk at such a force that both Sakura and Kasumi were both released from inside the snake.
They were now both saved by what was a miracle.
But they did not know that the miracle that saved them from the snake was carrying a space invader that would cause them both more harm than good.

Sakura awoke in a pool of foul white slime, where she was glad to be alive. She noticed Kasumi next to her and shook her awake, only to be thankful that she was alive as well. They both swum over to the cleaner waters, where they cleansed themselves of any of the snake's gunk.

As they emerged from the water, they noticed just what killed the snake. A tiny, glowing spider stood in front of them, seemingly unafraid of their presence. They crouched down in curious interest as they observed the spider's behavior. Little did they know that this was just a rouse to call the bigger spiders to earth, where they would eye the two girls as perfect prey.

Kasumi noticed something that sounded like a scurry of wild animals all around her.
“Hey Sakura, do you notice anything strange around here?” she asked.
All of a sudden, Kasumi felt something grab her naked body and she was pulled towards the top of the trees in a flash leaving Sakura unaware of what her fate was.

Sakura continued to observe the spider as she said "Something definitely is strange, what do you think it is Kasumi?"

After hearing no response, Sakura looked over to where Kasumi should have been. With another wave of panic, she began calling out for Kasumi. After no answer, she wasn't sure if she should run or brave on the perils and look for her mate. It was only when a thick strand of silk grabbed her and pulled her off towards the tree tops did she know something was wrong. She let a short scream go before she found herself by Kasumi's side. As she looked over, she found that Kasumi was wrapped from head to toe in silk strands. Something was truly wrong here and they both knew that their luck had run out.

Kasumi looked hopelessly as she saw her friend Sakura being tied up like she was by the little spiders.
Their movements were fast and the silk was wrapped tight around Sakura holding her down.
Kasumi tried to break her way out of her silk strands but they had already harden to her skin.
Kasumi realised that she was completely cocooned head to toe along with Sakura who had her own body wrapped up in a cocoon too.
Both girls tried desperately to break free but their efforts were futile.
Kasumi felt something crawl on her stomach and she realized that it was a larger spider as it pressed itself against her naked body against her tight cocoon.
She looked over to Sakura and she also had a large spider crawling on her too heading up to her large C-cup breasts.

Sakura, with a worried look painted on her face, looked over to Kasumi as the large spider crawled up her body. She had to admit that the silk that had entombed her body felt delightful as she began to moan. Eventually, Sakura's worry turned to joy while the large spider continued to explore her.

Eventually, the spider crawled up the front of Sakura's body and straddled her. Each of its eight long legs hugged her body tightly while its numerous eyes stared coldly into Sakura's. She didn't know what to think as her hips began to thrust into the silk.

Kasumi heard Sakura moan as she looked over. The Spider had wrapped its legs around her friend in a tight hug.
Suddenly Kasumi herself started to feel the pressure of the spider hugging her body just the same.
With two strong pricks, Kasumi gasped as she saw the spider stick it’s fangs into her chest.
Her A-Cup breasts suddenly felt warm and her nipples harden to the Spider’s seductive poison that was flowing in her bloodstream.
“Mmmmmm…” Kasumi started to moan as only up to her lips were covered by the sink web.
Her body was paralysed, but also sexually aroused.
The Spiders poison was not enough to kill a human, but it was enough to make Kasumi so horny.
She looked over to Sakura who was also moaning with the other spider hugging her body just like the spider on Kasumi’s body was hugging her.
Kasumi then felt something sharp start to pierce the cocoon between her legs, and suddenly she felt something strong and hard enter inside her womanhood.

As the spider's fangs sank into Sakura's breasts, she noticed that she should have been crying in pain. But instead, she felt warm and content which was something she hadn't felt since she realized she loved Kasumi. She immediately felt the erotic poison course through her body as it entered her arteries and then her heart. As the spider entered her, she looked over to Kasumi, who she desperately wanted to touch and caress.

As she continued to writhe and moan, she noticed a giant spider crawling up the tree. This one was bigger than the ones hugging Kasumi and Sakura and was instantly recognized as the queen spider. Sakrua licked her lips as she watched the queen approach them, wondering if she would make an erotic meal for this massive beast.

Kasumi however was closing her eyes trying to hide her horny nature that was waiting to explode from her while the spider was hugging her tight and probing inside her.
Then all of a sudden, the Spider fell off her cocoon and so did the spider on Sakura’s cocoon.
Then as Kasumi looked up, there was this larger spider, more likely a female spider.
The large Alien Queen Spider then ate all of the smaller male spiders around her who had suddenly.
The Alien Queen Spider then cut Sakura out of her cocoon only to string her up into a higher web.
With two long strands of web holding onto Sakura’s nipples, Kasumi watched in horror and also in lust as the erotic poison pumped though her veins as her friend was once again webbed up only by her arms and legs into a star shape.
Kasumi who was on the lower branches was still stuck tightly in her cocoon but then she felt her own fingers gently start to touch herself due to the sexy venom in her heart.

Sakura was liberated from her cocoon, but her instinct told her that she wasn't free. The sight of the queen spider as it stood above her told her that sentence had only begun. Surely enough, the queen spider picked Sakura up and embraced her in a similar manner that the other spider had before.

Sakura's mind knew to be worried but her body was too horny to care. The queen curled up with Sakura as their sexes made contact. She could tell from her previous experience with the other spider what was happening but this was strangely different. Her cries, while ecstatic, were laced with worry as she could feel something being inserted inside her. She couldn't tell what it was, but she knew that it couldn't be good.

Kasumi looked up in horror and horny as she watched the Alien Queen Spider pump her abdomen into Sakura.
She could see from the bottom up that the sacks of eggs were travelling from the queen spider into her friend directly into Sakura’s womanhood.
The sight of the eggs made Kasumi sick in her stomach but she was too tied up and too horny to truly show from her face that she was feeling a bit upset.
The cocoon hold Kasumi’s body so tight that she found it hard to breathe and only founding room to move with her fingers rubbing her womanhood lips as the poison drove her mind insane.
She felt all hot and her body was sweating all over her skin.
Kasumi then exploded herself in an orgasm and she felt liquid wash all over her inside her cocoon.
Suddenly her liquid dissolved the lower part of the cocoon around her and Kasumi then realized that this was her only chance to save her friend.
But it would be a while before she got her top half of her body free.
Kasumi looked up to Sakura and already she could see that her friend’s stomach was already getting round and heavy with so many eggs being inserted inside her from the Alien Queen Spider.

Thankfully, Sakura couldn't see what was happening. She was only aware of the feelings being pumped into her sex as she slowly felt herself being filled up. She could feel her midriff begin to swell, but that was only another sensation to add to her pleasure.

She looked up to Kasumi, who in turn was watching with a forced fascination. Sakura could only beg Kasumi to understand how much she was enjoying this as eggs continued to fill her endlessly. Little did she know what was in store as the eggs began to mix with the seed that the smaller spider had given her earlier.

When Sakura was looking up, Kasumi was standing on the high branches desperately fighting against the sexual poison that wanted her to stop and enjoy watching her friend being impregnated with alien spider eggs.
But Kasumi fought against the sexual poison and she grabbed a sharp branch and threw it towards the queen spider.
With a hit, the alien queen spider fell off her webs and was killed as it hit the ground hard.
With the Alien Queen Spider now splat on the ground in green gunk, Kasumi picked up Sakura from the webs and both girls slowly made their way out of the high branches and onto solid ground.
Sakura had not noticed that her navel was swelling into a ball with alien spider eggs and she only noticed it as she felt sharp pains in her stomach.
As soon as Sakura screamed, Kasumi said to herself.
“Oh no…I need to get the eggs out of Sakura somehow.”

Sakura weakly groaned in pain as her heart suddenly raced. She clutched her stomach as it began to swell, noticing a crawling feeling deep inside her. The sexual poison in her began to subside as fear trickled in to take its place. Sudden thoughts of maternity entered her head and she desperately wanted to be rid of them. She gripped Kasumi's hand as she continued to groan, not knowing how much longer she could take this torture.

Kasumi was almost crying, she did not know what to do while her friend was in agony.
She then let Sakura sit on the ground with her legs parted and Kasumi desperately tried to comfort her dying friend.
Kasumi knew that she had to get those eggs out of Sakura or else she would be dead within seconds if one of them had hatched.
“Sakura, try to use your stomach muscles to push them out of you. You have to do this on your own. I can’t help you any more than I am now.” Kasumi said as she held her friend’s hand.
Kasumi knew there was nothing more that she could do, she felt like crying but she knew she had to stay strong for Sakura.

Not knowing what to do, Sakura saw little recourse but to push. At first there was nothing, but the painful effort soon produced a single egg. She cried out again as the frantic scurrying of the spiders inside her womb prompted her to continue her pushes. She looked up to Kasumi with pleading eyes, begging for any form of help.

And Kasumi saw those desperate looks in her friend’s eyes. Even though Sakura had pust pushed out one egg, there was still more inside her ready to hatch any second.

Kasumi then pushed herself down hard on Sakura’s belly with her hands as she then tried to help Sakura push all of the eggs out of her.
Suddenly a jet stream of eggs flushed themselves out of Sakura and all that was left was a large white puddle of still-born Alien Spiders.

Sakura, through tears, shivered in traumatic fear as she looked up at Kasumi. She knew that she didn't want to look at whatever just came out of her but was subconsciously glad to see her Kasumi. She desperately wanted a bath, but knew that it would have to wait until the danger had cleared.

Kasumi looked down at her friend as she panted on top of her chest.
“Sakura…are you ok?” she asked.
Sakura only gave her a nod and Kasumi was relieved that she just saved her friend in time.
The two girls just lay there naked together in the deep Anime Jungle.

Re: Kasumi and Sakura

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:49 pm
by TBoneTony
Their adventure had so many scary moments and indeed the incident with the Alien Spider was perhaps the scariest.
But not far away, what looked like a really peaceful white lake had the next deadly monster hidden within it.

Kasumi helped the weak Sakura up as their eyes stood fixed on the white lake. The one thing that that Sakura wanted, which was a bath, was radiating temptation. With Kasumi's help, Sakura quickly made her way to the white lake. As she stepped in, her first reaction was noticing that the water had a slimey feel to it. Regardless, Sakura lay down in the shallow water as she bathed away the trauma from the alien spiders. She looked up and saw Kasumi's hands running over her body, which helped greatly in melting away her stress.

As she bathed, she noticed that the slimy white water had strange properties to it. She had expected that bathing would only be the first step in healing, but she didnt expect to feel rejuvinated so quickly. After a few more minutes of soaking up the white water, she felt like a completely new person. She looked up to Kasumi with the same lustful look she had back in the snake. So caught up in her growing passion, she didn't notice a long tentacle that slowly streaked towards her.

Kasumi kneeled down to sit in front of her friend.
She gently touched Sakura’s C-cup breasts and gently kneaded them.
Hearing Sakura’s soft and desired reply, Kasumi continued further by laying her whole body onto her.
Their breasts merged together as their bodies squished tight in the white slime pool.
The white lake was steaming with white hot steam that was starting to lure the girls deeper into its embrace.
Kasumi felt a long hard tentacle slip around her thigh but she was so into Sakura that she did not care to notice it. She was just focusing onto her friend’s face as she gently kissed her lips against Sakura’s face.

Sakura kissed back as their tongues began to clash. She felt a tentacle wrap around her midriff but paid little mind as it began to drag her and Kasumi in. As Sakura's body slid into the deeper slime, she tasted some of the warm liquid, which she happily passed on to Kasumi. The slime tasted wonderful and exotic, which made her want it more as their bodies were dragged out further.

Another tentacle came for Sakura's body, which pushed her upright to face Kasumi. It was only then that Sakura realized something was wrong. That realization was reserved for the farthest reach of her mind as lust poisoned her senses. She, like Kasumi, was up to her hips and steadily sinking. She simply moaned and kissed Kasumi once again as the tentacles began to explore their bodies.

Kasumi felt her hips sink deeper into the slime and she then felt a large throbbing mouth wrap itself around her legs trapping Sakura with her too.
As their legs were being pressed together inside the mouth under the slime, the tentacles wrapped themselves higher around Sakura and Kasumi rubbing their breasts between both girls.
Kasumi felt the tentacles on her breasts and to her horror she realized that some monster under the white milky slime was eating them slowly.
She tried to yell but her mouth was pressed against Sakura’s lips and their kisses were locked like glue.
“Mmmmmm….” Kasumi moaned as she was unable to stop herself from kissing Sakura.
The tentacles moving around them both only make Sakura and Kasumi more hornier as it was like a magical spell that the girls could not escape from.

Sakura felt the mouth close their legs together and instantly knew that this was a death trap. She could sense a portion of fear in Kasumi's moan and she did her best to convey that back. She desperately wanted to struggle to break free but her struggles were quickly turned into thrusts. She quickly found Kasumi's thigh and humped it for dear life as she presented her thigh to return the favour.

As her hips sank deeper into the white slime, her lower parts felt more and more alive. She ground herself harder against Kasumi's thigh as the slime provided an excellent lubricant to her motions. She felt it penetrate deep into her body as it expanded to fill out every one of her holes. Suddenly, the thought dawned on her that this was no ordinary slime. She could smell a strong sexual musk that reached her inner most primal thoughts. She then recalled from her youth when she saw a great beast oozing his white seed into a willing female. She instantly knew what she was sinking in, and it turned her on even more.

Kasumi felt Sakura humping her thigh and she felt Sakura’s womanhood walls swell up against her.
This made Kasumi’s womanhood walls swell and it made it tougher for her to break from her kiss locked onto Sakura’s lips.
Kasumi knew from the large throbbing mouth around her hips that she was being eaten along with Sakura and she did not want her life to end this way, even if it was in this state of emotional pleasure.
Kasumi forced her hands to let go of Sakura’s naked back she gripped her fingers at the side of the mouth that was trying to swallow her hips under the slime.
As soon as Kasumi gripped the lips of the monster, the tentacles thrashed around her and she felt one tentacle wrap itself around her neck and her lips was pulled away from Sakura’s lips.

“Ugh…sa…ku…ra…” Kasumi gasped as she was finally able to speak but the tentacle around her neck tighten around her as she struggled to scream.
The monster then moved up and its large throbbing mouth emerged from the slime.
Kasumi looked down to see that the mouth had swallowed her hips and was trying to pull her belly down with its large lips. Inside the mouth there were lots of little suction pods that were pulling her legs down with Sakura’s while the tentacles around them were trying to push them down.
With Sakura’s arms hugging her above her upper body Kasumi realised that she had to wake up her friend before they would be sucked down into the mouth of the monster that had most of its body under the deep milky slime.
“Sakura…ugh…please…wake up…” Kasumi moaned as she felt Sakura humping her thigh.
She struggled against the tentacle closing around her neck and the slime making her horny. Kasumi was loosing her battle trying to break herself out of the mouth of the monster and that powerful spell that the milky white slime had on her mind.

Sakura briefly noticed what was happening to Kasumi and renewed her resolve to fight the monster that was eating them. Although disappointed that the kiss was broken, it did allow her the opportunity to see her lover's peril. She tried to grab the tentacle to pull it free from Kasumi's neck, but instead found that her fingers were caressing it. She struggled to think of something to do as the lips around her hips pulled her deeper, causing her mind to stutter as orgasms made their presence known. Finally after a tremor of her hips, Sakura got an idea.

Reaching out to the sinking Kasumi, Sakura gently began to caress the tentacle. Gradually the tentacle began to loosen before Sakura managed to pull it free. Acting quickly, she pulled Kasumi up to her level, being rewarded with another orgasm shortly afterwords. Sakura quickly gathered her willpower to say "we have" This was the last thing Sakura said before her lips once again locked with Kasumi's.

Kasumi was relieved to know that the tentacle around her neck was not squeezing her anymore, but she was a little stunned by Sakura telling her about caressing the tentacle in order to escape.
She was about so say something but Sakura had already pressed her lips against Kasumi and she was unable to say anything.
Kasumi did as Sakura suggested and she then took the tentacle from around her neck and placed it between her and Sakura.
Their bodies pressed the large tentacle between their chests and Kasumi felt Sakura’s nipples squish against her breasts and the tentacle was somewhere in between them.
Just as she felt they were getting loose, the monster trying to eat them then pulled harder trying to suck both Kasumi and Sakura deeper inside its mouth.
Sakura and Kasumi were up to their breasts in the monster’s mouth and the tentacles were slowly wrapping around their bodies going into their womanhoods making the girls horny.
The white slime was making a hot bubbling sensation inside the large lips of the monster’s mouth and Sakura and Kasumi were starting to slip further inside the mouth.
‘Sakura…we’re slipping further down…I sure hope you know what you are doing.’ Kasumi thought as she continued to kiss her friend.

Sakura gently kept her lips moving as her hands frantically worked around the monster's lips. Rather than trying to pull herself out, she simply caressed them, as if tricking them to loosen up. She made sure that her hands went to Kasumi's body from time to time, hinting that she should do the same.

As the white slime rose up to their shoulders, their breasts were being enveloped by the creature's lips. She knew that she had to massage quickly to make something happen but even then, where would she go?

The escape plan was failing fast. Kasumi realized this but she was not sure if Sakura realized the same thing.
She tried to hang onto the sides but her fingers were slipping with the white slime overflowing from the monster’s lips inside the mouth.
The tentacles that were rubbing inside her were making Kasumi loose her grip more than the slime flowing from the creature’s lips.
Kasumi then grabbed hold of Sakura’s face and gently pulled her away from her kiss and staring deep into her eyes as the thick white slime reached up to their necks.
“Sakura…it’s not working…we need to do something else fast.”

Something about the way Kasumi broke the kiss snapped Sakura out of her hedonistic state. It was only temporary however as she could already feel the ecstasy returning. The tentacle inside her pulsed and wriggled for her affections as she steadily sank deeper. She suddenly remembered that she had a grip on the monster's lips as an idea suddenly popped into her head. She quickly said "Kasumi, caress the tentacles around your body to loosen them up. then we need to climb over this thing."

Kasumi did as Sakura said, she then let go of the lips and instantly her body was pulled under the thick white slime into the mouth.
Inside the mouth under the white slime Kasumi stroke her hands all over the tentacles that hold her body.
She used her legs to push against the walls of the mouth to stop herself from slipping down further but with the thick white slime all over her face, she could hardly see anything, the only thing she felt was her touch against the tentacles around her body.
She felt the tentacles beginning to swell and erect themselves around her body.
Kasumi did not know what to think as the tentacles were becoming hard that she could not wrap themselves around her as easily as before, but she still could not move.
She desperately lifted her hands up for anything to grab onto but could not find anything because her head was under the thick white layer of white slime.

Sakura felt around as well as the white slime entombed her. She stroked the tentacles around her body and found that they were starting to get hard around her. She struggled her way free from the tentacles and desperately felt around for the monster's lips. Her air supply was running low and her fears started to set in.

As she felt around, she reached Kasumi's body and was thankfully glad for doing so. Grabbing Kasumi's wrist, Sakura reached up for the monster's upper lip, which again she thankfully found. She grabeed it but quickly to her horror found that it was moving shut. She strained to pull herself and Kasumi out, knowing that the odds were against her.

Kasumi was half drowning in thick milky slime when Sakura had brought her to the surface. But even then the slime was in her lungs that Kasumi was half dazed and was unable to move her arms to help Sakura as her friend reached for the upper lip just above them.
As the monster’s lips started to close, Kasumi was only able to look up and stare at the walls of lips starting to over her and Sakura.

Knowing that now was not the time to say die, Sakura reached up to try and stop the lips from closing. She knew she risked Kasumi drowning but she knew it was a risk she had to take. She found that with a bit of resistance, she could stop the lips in their tracks. To her furstration, that was all Sakura was able to do as she looked down at Kasumi's slowly sinking body. All she could hope for is that Kasumi found some way to hold on.

Kasumi opened her eyes with hot gooey white slime dripping from her face.
Her body was sinking like she had lost all strength in her body to stay afloat on the surface.
With slime in her lungs, Kasumi coughed up the milky white stuff from her mouth and she struggled to speak clearly.
That was all that Kasumi said as her face went under the slime.
All that remained of her was her hands reaching out to Sakura to help her.
But with the walls of lips moving in Sakura did not have much time left.
Would she save Kasumi risking her only hope to escape from this monster?
Or will she save herself and leave her friend to die?
The ball was in her court and Sakura was running out of time to chose.

Sakura saw Kasumi sink under the surface of the slime and her choice was clear. If she escaped, Kasumi would drown before she could try any sort of rescue. She let go of the lips and let them close as she pulled Kasumi up from the slime. Her lips immediately met Kasumi's as she desperately breathed air into her lover's lungs. Their pocket of air was slowly running out as the white slime poured into the creature's mouth.

Kasumi coughed up slime as Sakura breathed air into her lungs.
Suddenly Kasumi’s body went into a coughing fit as she held tightly onto Sakura and her body suddenly adjusted itself after being drowned in slime.
By the time her coughing fits were over, Kasumi looked up at the little room of air they had and she realized that the mouth was closed and slime was pouring in from the opening since the monster had submerged itself deep under the lake of white slime.
Kasumi looked at Sakura who was holding her tight in her arms and with her face close to her lover’s lips.
“Why did you save me Sakura, you could have saved yourself.” Kasumi said.

"I'd be miserable without you Kasumi." Sakura said. "I'd never forgive myself if I left you to die all by yourself."

The girls did not have long to talk as the monster’s mouth turned and both Sakura and Kasumi were being swallowed down a large tube flowing towards the stomach of the monster that had just eaten them both.

As the two were drawn deeper, Sakura suddenly got a bright idea.

"remember that hangy thingy in the back of your mouth that makes you gag whenever you touch it? what if we found that and touched it?"

Kasumi looked at Sakura with a glimmer of hope.
“I think it might be possible, but where do you suppose such a dangly thing exists?” Kasumi asked.

Sakura and Kasumi felt around but it was no use. As the tube swallowed up their bodies, the slime rose and their bodies got pressed closer together. They couldn't help but let their lips brush together as they were drawn up to their hips. The pulsating tube was working wonders around their bodies as the feelings from the white slime returned. They decided that if they were going to die, they should do so in euphoric passion.

Their lips locked as the slime buried itself deeper into their sacred parts. Their hardened nipples rubbed against each other as their tongues clashed once again. This time their hands wasted no time in finding each other's sexes as they swirled around the white slime inside. The pulsing tube and the rising slime eventually took their bodies away from sight, leaving them to writhe their way down to whatever fate was in store.

Then as they entered the stomach, Sakura and Kasumi dropped down into a large pool of white slime.
The slime in the stomach was thick like porridge and both girls were sinking up to their hips.
But the slime was also hot and steamy making the efforts of Kasumi to regain her mind allot more hard.
Kasumi parted her lips from Sakura and whispered into her ear.
“Ugh…oh Sakura…were sinking in this slime…ugh…feels so good.”

Sakura once again kissed Kasumi. Although it was hot, Sakura was grateful to have some air to breathe. Her eyes made a mental note to examine her surroundings to which she was surprised to find some dim light available. She looked down and found that the new slime they were sinking in had some bioluminiscent properties to it.

Her breasts rubbed against Kasumi's sending sighs and moans from both of them. Their hands naturally began to rub each other's clits as they moaned into each other's mouths. Their slime coated bodies provided the perfect lubrication to rub over each other. As they rubbed each other they thought that if they had to die, there wasn't a better way to do it.

Kasumi took her fingers out of Sakura and instead started rubbing her friend’s back placing her fingers deep onto her spine and rubbing the slime deeper into her friend’s skin.
“Sakura, please take your fingers out of me, I want to fill your cum splash inside me instead and I want you to hold onto my hair and rub the slime into my short red hair like the shampoo cum.” Kasumi said with an erotic tone to her voice.
Kasumi lifted Sakura’s legs on top of hers and rubbed her womanhood against Sakura’s wet womanhood.
The thick cum slime was easily able to fill both girls up as they sank deeper into the slime up to their bare navels.
Kasumi pressed her chest squishing her small A-cup breasts against Sakura’s larger C-cup breasts and she pressed her hands onto Sakura’s back patting her friend’s slime covered long brown hair into her spine.
As she looked up, Kasumi saw a large tentacle looking at them at the ceiling of the stomach walls.
“Sakura, is that the dangly thing that you were talking about?” Kasumi asked.
Then as she saw in horror that the dangling tentacle was starting to unfold it’s lips and it’s mouth started to show, Kasumi realised that the dangly thing was like a tentacle waiting to see which girl would sink first into the thick white slime so it would eat the remaining girl left.
But Kasumi’s mind was too horny with the slime to show the fear that she was hiding within her under all that lust she was showing to Sakura.

Sakura looked up and noticed the dangly thing as well. She knew that any violent action against it would cause the monster to throw up. She also knew that the slime was already conspiring to rid her of this knowledge so she had to get creative fast. Kasumi's caresses were wearing down on her awareness and soon would erode any chance they had of escaping. Sakura quickly came up with an idea, but she knew it would have to work quickly.

Sakura moaned as she stared at the dangly tentacle. She tricked herself into thinking that it would fuck her and Kasumi sensless if she could only reach it. She continued to caress Kasumi but she couldn't help but stare up at it every chance she got. She tried reaching up for it once, but she found that it was well beyond her reach. While she was stuck on what to do, she shimmied her way down in front of Kasumi. Her slimy body rubbed down Kasumi's body, caressing her in every possible way as she dreamed up a way to get that dangly tentacle.

Kasumi then placed her arms on Sakura’s head and she pushed her friend into her slime-covered chest.
The thick slime formed a sinking ring around Kasumi’s chest as her small A-cup breasts started to go under and Kasumi pushed Sakura’s face into her chest making her head and long brown hair sink under the slime too.
Kasumi looked up at the tentacle in bliss even though inside her mind she was screaming in horror knowing that this tentacle was going to eat her.
She felt Sakura kiss her nipples from under the slime and the steam from the hot air inside the stomach kept Kasumi horny enough not to show her fear on her face.
The Tentacle opened its mouth as it dangled down to kiss Kasumi’s face.
Its large folding lips then closed over Kasumi’s short red hair and over her face and its lips kept going down clamping onto her shoulders pulling her up.
The dangling tentacle then pulled the hopelessly horny Kasumi from the slime and as her legs began to emerge right in between them was Sakura’s slime covered head licking her friend’s womanhood while she had been under the slime.

Just as air was becoming an issue, Sakura found herself slowly being dragged up by the tentacle eating her lover Kasumi. As she emerged, she quickly grabbed a breath of fresh air before she resumed eating Kasumi's pussy. Occasional glances upwards saw that Kasumi's breasts had been swallowed by the tentacle and it was quickly making progress.

Sakura continued to suck, tease, lick, and kiss Kasumi's sex when the tentacle came down to her hips. At first she didn’t complain but it was when the tentacle got in the way that she needed to do something about it. She tried lifting up the lip of the tentacle but eventually that became too much for her. She reached up from the slime and gave it a good slap to show it her dominance over Kasumi's pussy.

Kasumi moaned as the tentacle was eating her.
Her continued moans were all that was left of her futile fight against the sensual powers of the milky white slime that fried her brain cells within all that lust.
She could feel that the tentacle was squeezing her inside it’s own tight stomach walls and all around her she could feel the muscles swell up and Kasumi felt like her body was tightly pressed together by large balloons all around her.
She could feel Sakura slapping the tentacle outside as Kasumi’s legs entered though the lips of the tentacle.
Her feet could feel Sakura tightly hanging on never wanting to let go of her.
Kasumi’s mind faded as erotic colors circled her mind within the darkness inside the tentacle and she blacked out.
Outside of the tentacle Sakura was getting rather pissed off with the tentacle for taking Kasumi away from her.

Sakura bashed the tentacle even more. Her hand alternated from a fist to an open hand in an effort to cause as much damage as possible. As she hammered away, her body made small thrusts against the slimy tentacle, which aroused her sex to even greater heights. She was angrily unaware of this as she desperately tried to get Kasumi back so that she could die with her.

It took another few blows before Sakura realized she was driving herself to another orgasm, but it was too late to stop it. Her hips wouldn't quit thrusting and her will to fight was slowly ending. All she could do from then on was to hold on as she quickly approached her orgasm. Her mouth was gaped open as she drew closer and closer to cumming. She had no choice but to bite down on the very tentacle she was holding onto as her juices gushed onto Kasumi's tentacle.

The bite from Sakura caused the tentacle to shake violently and it spat out Kasumi as soon as became hard with pleasure and pain from Sakura.
As Sakura and Kasumi dropped back into the cum-slime, the monster burped and spewed out the two girls from its stomach.

Drenched in white slime, Kasumi woke up in the deep drool of slime covering her face.
She saw Sakura hip deep in slime who had been spat out into the shallower slime.
A huge roar echoed from behind Kasumi as she then turned to find the image of the monster that had been trying to eat them both all along.
“Oh…my…god that is one big octopus…” Kasumi gasped.
The monster was known as the Quick-Cum Octopus. An alien monster allot like the octopi on Earth except it swam in a white slimy water known as Cum.
Plus the slimy cum it swam in was so thick it creates some sort of quick-sinking substance and really hard to move though. The cum also made it easy for other creatures to become dazed and aroused to become easy prey for the Quick-Cum Octopus.

Kasumi who was up to her shoulders in cum slime, bravely tried to swim over to Sakura who was sinking up to her navel in the slime as she laid upright and she was once again lost in the lust and confusion of the white cum slime that she was sinking into.

Sakura stood stunned and dazed as she slowly settled back into the cum. Some splashes behind her caused her to notice Kasumi, who was swimming towards her. Her attention to Kasumi was short lived as the quick cum octopus had successfully recaptured her attention. She looked towards shore and found that although it was far away, it was her only chance for escaping. She quickly shouted "Come on Kasumi, swim for your life!"

She lunged in the direction of the shore and frantically swam for her life. She noticed that the cum was flowing over her most sensitive parts but she still focused on their escape. To her relief, she noticed that Kasumi was swimming behind her but unfortunately so was the octopus. Several large tentacles violently splashed around them, causing gigantic waves to wash over their bodies. She gasped for breath whenever she could, but the tentacles just seemed to keep coming.

Kasumi swam hard towards the safety of the shore but the cum was really sticky around her that it slowed her down.
It was lucky for her that the Quick-cum Octopus was slow but his tentacles were large enough to make large waves that splashed Kasumi and Sakura both under the waves.
With every wave that washed over her, Kasumi spat cum out of her mouth and continued swimming even though the cum was forcing her mind to stop and surrender to the Quick-cum’s embrace.

She saw Sakura edge herself closer to shore and she was almost there, suddenly Kasumi felt a tentacle come from under where she was swimming and it was heading towards Sakura at a fast speed though the white and sticky cum.
Kasumi needed to do something desperate before the tentacle reached Sakura, even if it meant to sacrifice her own life to save her friend’s life.

Sakura looked over her shoulder in time to see the tentacle streaking towards her as it made sharp waves through the cum. At the last possible second, she rolled over in the cum, forcing herself under the surface with no idea which way was up. She was surrounded by resistance and stuck for what to do next as she felt the tentacle whip by her.

Fortunately, she didnt have to stay under the surface for long. She luckily reached up out of the cum and pulled herself up to the surface just in time to hear Kasumi's scream. The large tentacles kept splashing around them but they were still able to swim. Massive waves carried their bodies like naked bath toys which threatened to break their concentration. They didn't have to worry for long as the shore was less than three meters away.

Kasumi dived under the cum when she saw the tentacle almost grab Sakura by her legs, she was just lucky that she distracted it long enough for her friend to return to the surface by gabbing the tentacle with her bare hand and forcing it upwards and Kasumi wrestled with it for Sakura to escape.

As soon as she saw Sakura 3 meters away from reaching the safety of the shore, Kasumi then thought of trying to break for it herself. Being taller than Sakura, Kasumi was already touching the ground when she did wrestle the tentacle out of the cum to distract it and she was about almost chest deep out of the cum until she felt a larger tentacle wrap itself around her hips.
Kasumi let out a sharp gasp and she screamed trying to unwrap the tentacle from her hips.
Then there were more tentacles wrapping themselves around her legs and arms plus with waves of cum being splashed all over her by the tentacles closing in on her Kasumi realised that there was no way of escape for her.
In desperation to save her friend, she yelled out to Sakura.
“Keep running Sakura, run onto the sand and never look back. I will catch up with you.”
But being trapped in the tentacles Kasumi knew in her heart that she will never keep that promise to her best friend. The only thing on her mind was saving Sakura even if it meant she won’t be able to save herself.

The Quick-cum Octopus was now right behind Kasumi and his tentacles were slowly wrapping around her chest tightening their crushing power around her body.

Sakura had just pulled herself onto shore when Kasumi's scream rang into her ears. Wide eyed and preparing for the worst, she turned and saw Kasumi once again wrapped in tentacles. The words “Keep running Sakura, run onto the sand and never look back. I will catch up with you.” took a sickening echo that was extremely unacceptable to any lover. The giant octopus had presented itself with its hungry gigantic eyes locked onto Kasumi's helpless body.

Sakura took two steps backwards when a try branch crunched under the weight of her bare foot. Although it hurt, it lead Sakura to a dead tree with several broken branches. She carefully rushed over to the branches and quickly selected a slim one that was as straight as it could possibly be. She had to break off a few miscellanious branches but it was still her only weapon. Carrying it with both hands she rushed towards the shore. Tears flooded her eyes as she watched Kasumi's body slowly being dragged towards the octopus. She launched the dead branch with all of her strength and stood stunned as it arched through the air. Somehow she knew that her branch just had to hit its target.

Kasumi’s body was turned to the Octopus as it then leaned his large body upwards exposing the large mouth he had underneath his brain like body.
Kasumi held herself back from screaming knowing that she did not want Sakura to drive back into the cum to try and save her. Or else she feared that Sakura will be trapped with her too.

Kasumi closed her eyes as her tall lean flat-chested body all wrapped up in tentacles was taken towards the large mouth as she prepared to be eaten by the octopus once again. This time Kasumi knew that she was not going to escape a second time.
“Goodbye Sakura…I love you…” Kasumi whispered to herself as she felt the hot steamy cum from the Quick-cum’s maw dripping all over her body when her feet started to enter the mouth.

But Suddenly…

A terrible screeching cry emerged from deep within the octopus as a spray of black blood erupted from its giant eye. The tentacles briefly constricted around Kasumi's body before returning to the octopus to attempt to pull the dead branch free. Her body was cast aside like a rag doll which splashed into the cum.

Kasumi gasped as she stood up in the cum that she was thrown into was up to her hips. She then saw the Quick-cum Octopus screeching and submerging itself into the deeper cum disappearing in a gunk of black cum.
She heard Sakura call out her name and Kasumi lifted herself up from the hip deep cum and ran to the shore where Sakura was running to embrace her.

As the two girls wrapped themselves around each other in their arms, Kasumi said softly to her best friend and lover.
“Thank you Sakura…I thought I was going to die there.”
The tall red head bent her knees as she and Sakura both fell down onto the cum beach sands kissing each other passionately thankful that they were both alive.

After they made love again, Kasumi whispered to Sakura in her ears.
“Sakura, do you think it is time that we started to walk somewhere else?”

Sakura softly kissed Kasumi as she heard “Sakura, do you think it is time that we started to walk somewhere else?”

Sakura softly said "Yes. Let's see if there's some place less...dangerous." The two slowly picked themselves up and walked into the dark jungle.

Re: Kasumi and Sakura

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 9:07 am
by TBoneTony
Just posting this to let you all know because of various things in my life at the moment, I am not going to post any more stuff until November.

Life is just soo busy and demanding of my attention that though this week I have been busy posting allot of my older stories and even this roleplay that I am currently doing that is my newest project (first one in quite a few years other than the Sakura's Sexy Dreams that I had started writing while starting this roleplay at the time)

So far, college life doing accounting is busy,

family life is busy

planning to go to University next year and even THAT could be busy.

Not posting anything else until November,

sorry but I hope you all appreciate what I have posted to this forum over the past week.

goodbye :(


Re: Kasumi and Sakura

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:45 am
by TBoneTony
As they walked they noticed that the only thing keeping their bodies going was the afterglow of adrenaline. Both of them knew that their bodies desperately needed rest but even if they lay still, the anguish of trauma would soon set in. Even as they pushed their way into a clearing they tried to figure out what to do next. With mixed luck they suddenly began to feel drowsy as their feet squished into something warm and soft.

Kasumi wondered with Sakura holding onto her shoulders as she herself began to get tired.
The more they walked into the sandy clearing, Kasumi felt her eyes beginning to close and she thought hard to keep them open.
The flowers in the middle of the sandy clearing were spreading their pollen at night with a moonlight afterglow to them.
Kasumi felt that it was a beautiful sight for the flowers in the sand to bloom like that at night but she did not know the sinister nature the sands and the pollen of the flowers would have on her.

“Oh…look Sakura, those flowers along this sandy path are blooming…(yawn)… isn’t this magical my love?” Kasumi said as she started to yawn.

Sakura groggily replied "Yeah... I the way they bloom." She deeply yawned again and this time fell backwards as her mind snuffed out. The anguishes of the day seemed to pass as the last thing she heard was a splash next to her. The soft sand quaked and seemed to rock their bodies to sleep like a caring mother offering warm arms.

As they slept, the mysterious quicksand slowly but surely began to swallow up their horizontal bodies. The trap had now been sprung and the only way out was a miracle.

Kasumi had crashed on the sands with Sakura seconds after her friend fell to the sleeping pollen, began to stir in her sleep trying to stay awake but could not even lift her eyelids as they were involuntary shut tight though tiredness.
The mysterious quicksand that both girls are now in is called the Sleep-sand and it is a special type of quicksand trap that almost no-one escapes from once they become trapped.
The pollen had done it’s work and the sleep flowers continued to bloom under the moonlight as they took both Sakura and Kasumi deeper and deeper into a sleep that they had little chance to wake up from.

Kasumi could only move her body to the left rolling her head onto Sakura’s chest and using her friends C-cup boobs as a pillow where she then slept soundly while rubbing her right hand on Sakura’s left breast.
Kasumi felt the sleep-sand cover her legs and her hips up like it was some sort of blanket and it continued to emerge higher.
The sands seeped into Kasumi’s womanhood as her folds rested against Sakura’s thigh and Sakura also felt the sweet sensations of the sands entering her lips of her womanhood that drew her deeper into an intoxicating sleep.
Kasumi and Sakura were horizontally sinking deeper into the middle of the sleep-sand pit where the middle part dipped to form an ant-lion whirlpool that was slowly taking the two girls deeper into the middle.

As soon as the two stepped into the sandy trap, their fates were sealed. Immediately the sand began to swirl as it caved downwards to take full advantage of their prone bodies. The sand swirled in a clockwise motion and slowly took them deeper. The soft, reverberating grains of the sand felt like a comfortable bed which was a true rarity in the jungle which made Sakura and Kasumi trigger their dreams.

In their dreams, both sakura and kasumi were riding on a white cloud. The world itself was passing them by but they had little care for it. All they cared about was nestling deeper into this cloud. Warm feelings were spreading through their bodies as melatonin coursed through their veins. This dream was paradise and if something wasn't done soon, it would all end.

Suddenly Kasumi felt a rain drop on her forehead, this was all that was needed for her to wake up.
Only one rain drop fell in the jungle, and Kasumi was lucky that it hit her when she needed it most.
Kasumi woke up with only her head remaining outside of the sand and Sakura with her chest almost being submerged.
Sakura was still in a deep sleep and they were both sinking into the middle part of the ant lion.
Kasumi could still feel the powerful sleeping effects of the Sleep Sand that they were in, but she struggled as she lifted her arms from the sand and started to pull herself up from the sandy vortex that she and Sakura were currently being sucked into.
“Sakura…wake up Sakura…” Kasumi yelled while getting herself out of the middle sandy spiral.

Sakura, who was still deep in her dream, interpreted Kasumi's pleas as erotic cries. This only served to fuel Sakura's needs as she began to moan as well. This wasn't helping her any as she continued to sink down into the center of the ant lion pit, which was up to her shoulders. She steadily sank into her tomb as she quietly murmured
"Oh Kasumi...Oh Kasumi."

As Kasumi lifted her hips out of the centre of the ant lion Sleep-Sand pit, she saw in horror as Sakura was being sucked down faster.
As her friend’s shoulders were covered by the sleep sand, Kasumi quickly dove her hands into the middle of the vortex to stop Sakura from sinking further.
But as she hold Sakura up, Kasumi’s hips then sank back into the pit.
Kasumi had Sakura’s chest out of the sand but then she was back chest deep with her small breasts sinking into the sleep sand into the ant lion’s vortex.
“Ugh…Sakura…I need you to hang onto me.” Kasumi said.
She knew that Sakura was not waking up, she needed Sakura to hold her while she was fighting her way out of this sleep sand.
The pollen from the flowers was continuing to flow deep into the middle spiral where both girls were, and this made Kasumi more tired as she further struggled.
Kasumi’s breasts were sucked under again but she left her arms above the sand to try and hold herself above the sandy spiral that was sucking her into the middle.
As she felt Sakura’s arms around her neck and lock herself into a harness position, Kasumi then began her massive fight against the sleep sand and her tiredness that threatened to pull her into the dream world where Sakura had totally emersed herself in.

Sakura suddenly had the feeling of standing shoulder deep in warm water. She was now dreaming that the clouds had taken her to a luxurious bath where she wallowed in cleansing water. She had never felt more alive as the water quickly rose around her. She couldn't wait to be completely submerged in her new paradise

Outside of her dream, she quickly sank to her neck. Her worn out body was slowly regaining its stamina but the sands threatened to smother her long before that could occur. This gave her little choice but to consensually sink deeper, despite Kasumi's pleas. The only thing that could wake her up now was water, but would another drop of rain somehow make its way through the jungle canopy?

Kasumi tried to pull herself up with Sakura hanging onto her, but each time Sakura’s arms would come loose and she would sink further down and Kasumi had to stop.
This kept on going for 30 minutes of pure struggle from Kasumi but she was quickly loosing her fight that seemed endless.
After 30 minutes of torture, Kasumi finally gave up as she realised that Sakura’s shoulders had been sinking into the sleep sand at least over a dozen times in the last half hour.
With all the pleas Kasumi tried to wake up Sakura, it was no use.
And with the flowers pollinating the sleep sand, Kasumi was at the end of her fight.

As Sakura sank up to her neck in the middle of the spiral and Kasumi felt her shoulders sink into the sleep sand spiral, she realised that once you are in the dead centre of the deadly ant lion, it is near impossible to make it out no matter how long you struggle.
Eventually you will be so deep that you will eventually be sucked under.

Kasumi started to cry as she looked at her sleeping friend as she face was slowly being dragged under the sleep sand.
With her last ounce of strength, Kasumi wrapped her arms around Sakura and dragged her up so she was face to face with her friend and they were both up to their breasts once again in the middle of the sleep sand spiral.
The Spiral of the ant lion was squeezing their breasts together and Kasumi gasped as she felt her nipples touch Sakura’s peaking nipples.
The sleep sand once again taken Sakura’s breasts under as she slept and Kasumi felt the all powerful seduction of the sands caressing her nipples making her feel all numb and sleepy.

A little voice inside Kasumi’s mind said…
“Just close your eyes Kasumi, everything will be ok and you will have some rest with your best friend.”
Kasumi had been fighting against that voice for the 30 minutes but now she was at the end of her fight.
As her special sensitive spot touched Sakura’s womanhood, Kasumi completely melted and her will was shattered.
The voice continued inside her mind, Kasumi could not fight it any longer.
As her eyes closed and her mouth opened to kiss Sakura, Kasumi sank up to her head along with her friend.
Only a miracle now could save them.

Suddenly another rain drop found its way past the canopy and it splashed onto Sakura’s forehead and with Kasumi kissing her lips, the slash found it’s way to her forehead too.
But with their heads already sinking deep into the sleep sand spiral, will that raindrop be enough to wake both Sakura and Kasumi before it’s too late?

Sakura quickly shot awake as the cold rain drop splashed onto her forehead. She only took a second to kick her thoughts into gear before she screamed. Immediately she began struggling to get up. She was successful in pulling her shoulders up from the sand but she looked down and realized that she had an even bigger problem. She was just in time to see red strands slowly disappear underneath the surface. She quickly reached into the sand and brought Kasumi's head up, but at the cost of sinking herself down to her neck.

Sakura felt recharged and well rested, which was what she was going to need if they were to ever get out. She began the long pattern of alternating between Kasumi's rescue and her own. Each time she pulled herself out, she'd have to struggle to bring Kasumi from the brink of death. This never ending game had slowly grown into a stalemate that only served to wear down Sakura's willpower. As she paused to regain her breath, she held Kasumi close and looked up. A pair of bright orange eyes stared down at her from the jungle canopy.

Kasumi’s dream was allot like Sakura’s, Kasumi was sinking into a cloud and she never wanted to get out of it.
Kasumi’s mind was so exhausted that she needed a rest really badly.
“Sakura…ugh…ugh…” Kasumi whispered though her lips as her head bobbed up and down from the surface of the cloud.

Outside of her dream, Sakura was trying to pull Kasumi up from the sleep sand but Kasumi was wrapping her arms around her lover kissing her was like their roles were reversed from a short time ago where Kasumi was trying to save Sakura to Sakura now trying to save Kasumi.

Sakura ceased her struggles as she stared back at the eyes in the canopy. She slowly settled deeper with Kasumi as she tried to make sense of who those eyes belonged to. It was dark out, but years of surviving in the jungle had given Sakura the sense to see outlines amongst a black background. The shape looked human enough so Sakura tried shouting "A little help please?"

The dark figure didnt say anything. Instead it slinked over to a different tree where a long dark object descended from the heights. Sakura didnt waste any time in deducing that this was a vine and she quickly figured that this was all the help that she was going to get from the strange figure. She hooked one of her arms around the sinking Kasumi as she grabbed the vine with the other. This stopped their sinking but it did little to help their peril.

Meanwhile Kasumi was still in her erotic dream of herself sinking into the cloud with Sakura.
Kasumi moaned louder as she felt Sakura holding onto her tightly around her chest and back.
As their breasts squeezed together and their nipples touched, Kasumi wrapped her thighs around Sakura’s hips and started grinding into her.

In reality, Kasumi had started to climb herself above Sakura getting her thighs around Sakura’s hips that caused Sakura to loosen her grip slightly on the vine.
But Sakura still hang onto the vine but needed that figure in the tree to pull them up somehow before the sleep sand would cause her to become too tired to hang on for any longer.
With Kasumi grinding herself against Sakura, and as Kasumi hold her hands onto the vine above her in a dream like state, she looked up and saw the figure in the trees and in her dream she saw a Catgirl riding a lightning bolt like a surf board and the Catgirl was pulling them out of the cloud with her chain like rope.
“Pussy…” Kasumi whispered to herself as she became so intoxicated in sexual arousal once again.

In good fortune, Kasumi was holding on tightly to Sakura as the sleeping girl rubbed herself to bliss. Sakura on the other hand, faced an uphill battle she doubted she could win. On top of keeping her grip on the rope, she had to deal with Kasumi's weight as well as her constant grinding. She could however feel her knees sliding out of the loose sand, which helped her greatly in terms of morale.

Their feet soon cleared the sandy trap as Sakura's arms felt like they were going to be ripped out. Her grip was starting to give and her fingertips burned from the friction. Her only alternative was death and she wasnt about to lose this game.

The Catgirl like creature from the tree was slowly pulling Sakura and Kasumi out of the sleep-sand trap and up into the canopy.
She was huffing and pulling away but each time she let out a “Nya” to let the two girls on the vine know that she was doing all she can.
However there was a small cut starting to appear on the vine and the creature had to work herself harder before it was about to snap.

Any signs of sleep that had come from the quicksand was quickly erased as Sakura's adrenaline rushed. She focused her attention on the vine that was slowly coming undone right above her finger tips. She was powerless to do anything except whisper under her breath. Whatever was pulling her upwards seemed to notice too as the glowing eyes started to look for other means to pull her up. Soon another vine came fluttering down and Sakura wasted no time in grabbing it.

Now with her body screaming from the strain, Sakura kept her grip and prayed that she didn’t let go.

Kasumi on the other hand was hanging onto her friend in her sleep.
When she woke up she was stunned to find herself hanging into Sakura and her friend having onto a vine.
Looking at how much pressure she was under, Kasumi decided to help Sakura by letting go of her and instead hanging onto the vine having above her.
“Oh Sakura…how come we are hanging around like this?” she asked.
She looked down and saw the sleep-sand spiral just under them waiting for the girls to fall back in.
Kasumi suddenly remembered the peril they were in and she hanged onto the vine with all her might along with Sakura.

After reaching the top of the branch, Sakura quickly pulled herself up and collapsed in a heap of exhaustion. She lay on the branch with her arms dangling as she saw Kasumi do the same. She wearily looked up to her rescuer who seemed pre-occupied with licking the sweat from her fur.

Sakura stared intently at her rescuer. Her rescuer was a stunningly beautiful woman who was covered in spotted fur reminiscent to a leopard's. At first Sakura thought that she had killed a few leopards to make her outfit until she saw that the fur matched perfectly to the form of her skin. Whoever this furry woman was, Sakura owed a great favor to. But it would have to wait until she could catch her breath.

Kasumi was also out of breath as she laid on the branch panting as if she had the most amazing sex in her life.
She looked up at the Catgirl that saved them and realized that she had light leopard fur all over her body.
“Thank you for saving us, what is your name?” Kasumi asked.
The Catgirl only replied with a “Nya!!!”
Kasumi looked over to Sakura on the other branch wondering if the Catgirl could not talk then maybe they should come up with a name for their furry friend.

Sakura lay motionless as her body began to recover the strength she lost during her tremendous effort. Her adrenaline was still rushing so she couldnt just nod off to sleep. But still she wanted to properly thank her rescuer. As she lay with her eyes wide, she heard Kasumi's conversation with her rescuer. It was clear that the strange cat girl couldn't talk, which left the way open for a possible name.

"hey about we call her Aisuru?"

Aisuru = “To love” in Japanese.

Re: Kasumi and Sakura

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:11 am
by quagmire_uk
TBoneTony wrote:She saw a painted sign saying “Self Explosion” next to the blue vine.

LOL why does a plant have a self-destruct mechanism? And who painted the sign? Hehe.

But other than that... pretty cool. :) I never read any of this before, I'm reading through it all now and haven't finished yet. I just had to comment on the "self-explosion" vine because that was just so silly. :lol: