Fakery Fables - new one added Feb. 6, 2018

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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Feb. 7 2017

Postby PM2K » Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:54 am

Outstanding! :D I absolutely love your erotic doomed lovers stories, and this one is no exception! Glad the fakery was able to inspire you. :D

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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Feb. 7 2017

Postby RayLiehm » Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:48 pm

Love the furry stories, velocity88. Those really pushed a few of my buttons :D

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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Mar. 11 2017

Postby PM2K » Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:47 am

Here's a new one... hot off the press as it were....

Mina heard it. The voice. That shrill disagreeable voice belonging to the sexiest girl at the academy. The one who keeps rejecting her advances.
"Donna? I'm coming, honey!"
She races through the tall marsh grasses. Their class is on a field trip to the seaside, known for its rich salt marshes and deadly quicksands. Those areas were off limits, so of course Donna went into them without telling a soul. She was just adventurous that way. Which is why Mina wanted her.
The voice had a squeaky edge to it, quavering slightly.
She is close... so close... Mina races as fast as she could, aware of how the ground is getting wet and slushy underfoot. The mud slurps and smacks beneath her shoes, splattering her white socks and bare legs. The sounds mimic her fantasies... of Donna thrashing beneath her hungry mouth...
"MIna! Is that you?"
"Yes! Just keep yelling!" she replies, excitement growing.

Donna stares at Mina as she emerges from the heavy curtain of marsh grasses and cattails. She is up to her chest in a sloppy mixture of wet sand and clay, her white shirt made transparent by moisture. Mina sucks in a sharp intake of breath as she clearly sees Donna's dark and stiff nipples through the tightening fabric.
Donna shakes her head vigorously. Her eyes are wide and fearful.
"Don't come closer! It's quicksand!" she gasps.
Mina looks carefully at the way the ground quakes all around, forming slowly moving gelatinous ripples in response to all movement. The slop forms a three foot expanse between Mina and solid ground from Donna and the mire she is slowly sinking into.
"Oh, God... Donna... how did you get into this mess?"
The girl blushes.
"I... I thought I could wade across... I lost my way, you see, and I knew about where the beach is, so I just made my own way, only..."
Mina surprises both of them by laughing. Seeing Donna's glare, she quickly waves it off.
"Sorry... sorry..." she says. It is just... I never knew you'd be this stupid... I mean, you even got your arms stuck!"
Donna hangs her head down, even as the mud oozes over her cloth covered nipples.
"I thought I could swim out... but then, I couldn't get my arms out..."
"What a stupid bitch..." Mina says, smirking. "How did you think you can get yourself out now, what with your arms stuck?"
She takes in the sight, and of the bubbles softly forming and popping around Donna. She looks so helpless in there... so helpless... She feels a wet heat in her groin begin to build. Oh, God... what to do...

"You have to help me!!!" Donna shrieks.
The voice, now overcome with fear, snaps Mina out of her trance. The sinking girl, and there is no mistake on that point... the quicksand is now lapping at her ample cleavage.
"Okay, okay... I'll do.... something..." Mina says, looking around for firm footholds. "I'm going to have to work my way around you... try to take you from behind..."
"Please hurry..." Donna says, her voice now a whisper. "I... I can't feel any bottom here...."
Mina nods, noticing the look of gratitude on her housemate's face. We'll see how grateful she'll be after...
She carefully makes her way around the edge of the quivering sand trap, alarmed at how unstable to ground is around it, like some sort of dirty jelly. A final leap and she reaches the grassy shore behind Donna. Her foot sinks past her ankle in the wet earth, but she was able to wrench it free.
Frowning, she decides to take off her shoes and socks, and, after placing them side by side, socks rolled inside shoes, creeps out on her knees towards Donna. The mired girl has now sunk up to her collarbone.
"Oh, please hurry!" she says. "I don't want to die out here!"
"Hang on.... I'm coming..."
Mina is able to keep her knees on solid ground directly behind Donna, and reaches out with her arms, plunging them into the soft muck. She manages to get her hands under Donna's armpits and begins to pull, but finds the girl won't budge.
"Pull!" Donna says. "Get me out of here!"
'"I'm trying..." Mina grunts. "Man... you are stuck in good..."
"Come on! Try harder!" Donna shouts.
Mina stops, then slowly extracts her arms out of the thick mud. It is a struggle, but she somehow manages to free them.
"Why are you stopping?" Donna exclaims.
"I need to get better leverage..." Mina replies. Then on impulse, runs her hands into Donna's shirt, and grabs both of her sunken breasts.
Donna's eyes widen as Mina squeezes the firm orbs, sighing to herself.
"God, I love your tits..." she says. "I told you that before, remember?"

"What the fuck are you doing, you pervert?" Donna spits out, her terror forgotten.
She remembers a month ago Mina grabbing her in the shower like that, running her hands over her body, even managing to slip two fingers inside her before a well placed elbow put a stop to that. Donna thought that would be the end of that...
But here, now... it appeared Mina didn't get the hint... or just didn't care.
"Oh... don't act like you don't like it..." she pants.
"Good God, what the hell's wrong with you?" Donna snarls. "I thought I made it clear to you..."
Mina stops, then extracts her arms once more, relishing the feeling of warmth from Donna's breasts still on her hands.
"I don't think I like your tone...." Mina says, her voice suddenly cool. "I could just let you sink, you know..."
Donna feels cold, all of a sudden. She wouldn't.... would she?
"It'll be easy..." Mina says. "I could just walk away... go back to the beach, act like everything is normal... while this quicksand sucks you under..."
"Uh... maybe you could help me instead?" Donna says, in what she hoped was a friendly sounding way. The way Mina keeps looking at her is starting to scare her.
"Yeah... I think I'll do that..."
Behind her, Mina slips out of her underwear. adding it on top of her shoes and socks. She then sits down, and stretches out her legs across Donna's shoulders, and on top of the slimy quicksand.
"What the hell?" Donna gasps when she feels the weight of the legs on top of her. pushing her down deeper.
"You have to grab my legs..." Mina says, bending her knees to force her feet and shins deep into the sandy mire. "Reach through the quicksand and grab hold... and then I'll wiggle backwards...> She reaches back to get a firm grasp on the grasses behind her.
"Wait! I don't think..." Donna began to say as Mina's thighs clamped around her head. She is chin deep in quicksand now, and can feel herself being forced downward. She can also feel something hot and slimy on the back of her head...

Mina wiggles forward, her bare groin tight against Donna's head. It is surprisingly pleasurable, feeling the quicksand sucking on her legs, and grinding against Donna's head. So much so, her hips started moving on their own, making the whole area ripple in time with her thrusts.
"Stop that! Stop it, you stupid..." Donna says, feeling herself going under. Sand oozes into her ears as Mina slowly pushes her under.
"Mina! Mina! Mi... mmmphph! Blbb... blk...!"
Mina feels Donna's head thrash between her legs, and is dimly aware of the quicksand lapping halfway up the sides of her thighs. She arches her back as she climaxes, her thrusts pushing herself past her groin. She feels her bare hips slide off the firm patch of ground into the gooey sand, and begin to sink.
Opening her eyes, she discovers herself sitting waist deep in quicksand, Donna's head still clamped between her legs. Bubbles continue to rise, tickling her skin as they roll past to pop onto the surface.
Mina smiles to herself. She hadn't really meant to drown Mina like this... but something in her tone suggested she may have talked about the shower incident if she had gotten back to tell of her adventure in the salt marsh. Pity... she really did want her as a lover...
Time to get out...
Mina starts to roll over, opening her legs to release her grim cargo. If she remembers what she knew of quicksand, she needed to be prone on its surface to escape...

Mina starts. Something is grabbing her leg. No... both legs.
"Donna, you bitch!" she shouts at the churning quicksand. She feels a pair of hands clamped tight, pulling her legs straight down like an arrow, ready to plunge into the bottomless depths. She wiggles to try and kick the hands loose, but the thickness of the sand doesn't allow her much freedom of movement. Instead, it draws her down quickly to her breasts.
"Help! Somebody, help meeee!"
Mina screams, but she knows it is pointless. No one is close by to hear... and the ocean breeze masks most sound.
Weighed down by her anchor, all she can do is sink... and scream... and slap her arms frantically on the surface in a vain attempt to swim away... The thick edge of quicksand rises over her breasts to fill her cleavage... creeps over her collarbone... rolls over her shoulders... surrounds her neck... presses against her chin...
"Oh, God no! I don't want to die! I don't... mmmmmph..."
The sand fills her open mouth and stops up her nostrils, reducing her voice to a thick gurgle. Her head is swiftly drawn under, leaving her little time to close her eyes. Her hands claw and thrash across the surface briefly before vanishing beneath the churning sands...

No one ever found Mina or Donna. It was speculated the pair, rumored to be an item, had run off together....
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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Mar. 11 2017

Postby DJlurker » Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:17 pm

Karma is a female dog, isn't it... ;) :P

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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Mar. 11 2017

Postby sixgunzloaded » Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:43 pm

Donna should have tried being a little more...accommodating...to her would-be rescuer. They might be in a much happier spot right now! :lol:
A fun little read and a great pic, thank you!
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Mar. 11 2017

Postby 4Bs » Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:05 am

Hey, I got a request. How about writing a story on two furry girls TWERKING in quicksand and then escaping by shaking their booties? I'd prefer for it to be a good ending.
I have a dream.

And that is for women dressed in bikinis twerking in quicksand/mud!

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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Mar. 11 2017

Postby velocity88 » Sun Oct 08, 2017 1:06 am

To show my appreciation for the indomitable Purple Monkey and his superlative faking skills. The answer to the age-old question: What are a bunch of girls doing up to their tits in quicksand at the same time. The answer might surprise you:

“Are you sure about this?” Jessi the giraffe asked.
“For the umpteenth time, sweetie, what can go wrong?” Her lover, Diana the zebra replied from across a rather irritated-looking jackal. Diana gave Jackie a rather smug look.
The mire had crossed their ribs and was quickly getting to work on their upper endowments.
“Almost there,” Jenny the gazelle looked down between her own boobs.
“Can we be done with this?” Shanda the red panda complained from where she sank next to her gazelle friend.
“Oh, don’t complain. Doesn’t it feel nice?” Di was still as bright and confidant as she always was.
“Well, yeah,” Jenny replied. “But I had a few plans for later today, and now I’ll have to get home and shower soon if I’m going to make it to dinner with Danny tonight. It’s already late afternoon!”
“You and that husband of yours. Honestly, we’ve barely seen enough of you these days since the honeymoon.”
“Uh, girls. We’re there.” Jackie motioned to the sandy mire just climbing up to the undersides of their globes. Jackie looked smugly to Di. “You’ll see.”
“Oh?” Di’s expression was just as inflated. “What will I see?”
Jessi gasped as the surface brushed against her tits. “Here we go!” All of them turned their attention to their jutting milk jugs, seeing the backdrop of undulating brown surface behind the rounded flesh and pointed nipples. In no time, it seeped into their cleavages.
Unthinkingly, all of them began breathing much harder, moisture beginning to bead on their bodies, their nipples hardening as the surface brushed the sensitive flesh.
Then their heavenly bags began heaving upward as they floated, the thick, goopy surface pushing them upward like a corset. They plumped out as they were pushed up against their chests. Then their sinking slowed until one by one, they seemed to hold still. Five feminine busts suspended in the middle of an otherwise featureless mud pit.
Di smirked. “Game on.”

The argument started just an hour before. Jessi had just stepped in from buying groceries and couldn’t help but overhear her lover and roommate.
“Honestly, Jackie. Just admit it. I clearly have the better pair and you should accept it.”
“As if! Look at you. Are those really a pair of breasts, or did you stick a deflated balloon in your bra?”
“You want to see what real tits look like, and not some wannabe melons stuffed in a sweater?!”
“Bring it!”
“Girls, girls!” Jessi put her bags down, coaxing the other two. She hated to see her friends fight, even if it was all ultimately good-natured. “Please stop fighting. What seems to be the problem?”
“Obviously,” Di smirked at the tall, chubby giraffe. “Jackie chided me that her tits were the best because they’re bigger than mine.”
“I did not! We were shopping and I said that she should pick a bra that was one size small.”
“To make my tits look bigger?” Di glared.
“Well…yeah, why else?”
“See, see!” Di gestured lewdly to her chest. “She actually thinks these sweeties are smaller than hers.”
“Um, girls. I really don’t think there is a better or worse pair of breasts.” Jessi tried to diffuse the situation.
“Well you would say that.” Jackie gestured to Jessi’s titanic globes. “You have boobies for three chests.”
Jessi gasped, but Di patted her. “Don’t worry, honey. I’m sure it was meant as a compliment.”
“It was. But Jessi’s sure to side with you given that she nuzzles those tits all night, am I right?”
Di smirked. “Like you couldn’t imagine.” She lovingly pressed herself against her lover, rotund breasts squishing against her shirt. Jessi gave a blushing smile. Jackie feigned gagging noises.
The door opened and two more figures stepped in. The gazelle and red panda froze at the tableau. “Did me miss something?” Jenny turned to her friend in bewilderment, who just shrugged.
“Oh, Jackie was just conceding that the two best pairs of breasts live right here in the same apartment,” Di gave her trademark smug zebra smile.
Jackie scoffed. “I did not! Those two will settle it once and for all.” She turned to the two arrivals. “So, give it to us straight. Who has the best pair?”
Jenny gave a friendly, sly smile. “Well, there’s just no contest.”
Jackie and Di both chuckled confidently.
“It’s Shanda.”
“What?!” Everyone exclaimed, including Shanda.
“Of course. Who ever said that best had to mean biggest? Just look.” Jenny motioned to her friend. “Perfectly rounded, perfectly lifted, completely symmetrical. The bigger you get, the more sag you have to compensate. No offense, Jess.”
The giraffe just smiled in sincere pleasantry. “None taken.”
“You do have the biggest pair, just not necessarily the best.”
“Are you going to let her talk that way to you?” Di accused her girlfriend.
She answered meekly. “Um, yes. Because I like my breasts, whether they’re the best or not.”
“Now, wait.” Shanda spoke in her own, subdued voice. “While I appreciate it, Jenny, I honestly always admired your own girls.” Jenny seemed about to object. “No, wait. Your’s look so perfectly proportioned. Not too big, not too small, just right for your own frame. Like a Renaissance statue.” Now it was the gazelle’s turn to blush.
“Oh, brother.” Jackie rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe all you people. If we had all just conceded that mine are the biggest and best pair, them we could have all been playing cards hours ago like we planned.”
Suddenly, Di’s eyes lit up. “Hold up. I’m about to be a genius.”
“First time for everything.” That earned Jackie a punch in the arm.
“I know exactly how to decide, once and for all, exactly who has the best pair. Then we’ll see if size really does matter. Everyone to the cars.”
“What?!” They all called out. Jessi raced to keep up with her lover. “But what about cards? We were looking forward to this all day.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll get to it. This is way more important.”
In no time, they had piled up into two cars and were following Di right out of the city limits and into the nearby forest.

“Well, how about it?” The girls looked down into the featureless expanse of sand that looked unnaturally flat. Jessi, as preciously naive as Di liked her, looked around in bewilderment.
“Alright, so what are we doing here?” Jackie asked.
“I’m glad you asked. We all seem to be in disagreement as to who has the biggest boobs, and whether or not size counts as the best. So, we are going to resolve this with—drumroll please—an all natural mud bath.” She splayed her arms as if waiting for applause.
All she got was deadpan looks.
“Don’t believe me. Take a look.” She grabbed a random pebble and flung it into the flat sand. With a sudden *bloop* it plopped onto the smooth surface and sank, ripples making the pond churn.
The girls’ reactions ran the spectrum of curiosity to shock. “It’s like thick mud,” Shanda commented.
“Exactly. We could spend a hundred bucks on an actual mud bath at the spa, or we can come out here and just do a side-by-side comparison.” She casually began pulling off her clothes. “Rules are simple. We go in all at once, and make sure we struggle to out chests at the exact same time. Whoever stays afloat the longest has, without a doubt, the best titties of all of us.” Her top came off, then her shorts, and she immediately, without a care in the world, began unhooking her bra. “Well don’t just stand there! I doubt you want a pound of sand in your underwear on the way back, so get naked!”
After some hesitation, they all began following suit. Jackie seemed annoyed, but Jenny seemed enthusiastic. Shanda was hesitant, but Jessi just wanted to please her lover. “Uh, Di, please remind me why I’m here?”
Di pressed herself to Jessi’s rotund form and spoke in mock seriousness. “Because like it or not, for all you know, you have the best breasts of all of us, and we need to know this. It’s very important.” She gave her girlfriend a peck on the lips, and they smiled.
Seconds later, they were all naked. Di ran her eyes over her tall lover’s colossal breasts, ample hips and heavy bottom, and the beautifully-formed pudge around her soft belly. Jackie’s narrower form was nonetheless more “filled” than Di’s athletic figure. Jenny kept her hoop earrings and small pince-nez on, looking over her own slender physique, while Shanda was a bit more shy with her skinnier, more girlish body.
“All set girls. Anything to say before?”
“Before what?” Shanda asked, intrigued.
DI smirked suspiciously. “Why, before we all hop in. Come on guys, this will be fun. Where’s the spirit?” She shook her ass playfully. Soon, everyone was in on it, shacking breasts, butts, thighs, even bellies. Her mood soared and they were laughing as friends.
“Alright everyone, we might was well find the winner and get this over with,” a smirking Jackie commented.
“Line up everyone, in order of height, so we can get it right the first time,” Di declared.
“At the same time,” Jenny said. “Okay. Three, two, one!”
They all walked into the goopy sand, holding hands. A few feet out Di, in the middle, stopped them, and they stood side-by-side as the sand wrapped around their feet and began pulling them down.
“Ooooh,” Shanda seemed surprised by the sand squishing between her toes and hugging her calves. “Sexy.”
“I know. And it’s thick too.” Di struggled a bit, but her feet just wouldn’t budge. “How are you doing, sweetie?”
Jessi seemed to be having fun, giggling as the sight of the sand rising around her forelegs. “I’m alright. This is so new to me!”
Jackie smirked. “Come now girls. This is important. We came here to find the best titties of them all, and we’re not leaving until we do.”
They chatted casually about girly things while the sand made its way up their legs. A few times, and taller girls found themselves struggling to keep themselves at an even depth with the shorter ones, trying to keep their breasts aligned. Each was wondering who would float the longest once they got to their chests. Even Shanda was hoping that she could score one for small breasted girls; just because they were small didn’t mean that they couldn’t keep you afloat.

Their conversation was interrupted by the time the surface reached their bare pussies. At first it was a new sensation, but over time, the girls found themselves looking down at the undulating surface and wiggling their hips a little more.
“You alright Jenny?” Jackie asked.
“Yeah, just…um…getting myself comfortable.”
“Well, be careful, you’re getting deeper and we’ll all need to wiggle down further to keep up with you.”
The girls shared a friendly laugh, but their conversations were more subdued. Jessi, in particular, seemed happily fascinated with the viscous surface crawling up her bare, spotted torso, and the slurping, glorping, squishing sounds made by the sandy muck as it undulated around them like a living thing. She gave in to the temptation to wiggle her hips a bit, just to see what it felt like, to a wide-eyed surprise.
“You know, this stuff doesn’t feel half bad.”
“I know what you mean, sweetie,” Jenny responded. “It’s like getting a big warm hug from you, all around my legs, around my waits, up my…” she cleared her throat, blushing bright ruby. “Uh hum, like I said, a great big hug from you Jessi.”
They were over their belly buttons and up to their waists when Di spoke next. “Do you realize that we all have our arms stuck in the mire? Why’s that?”
Everyone froze. Di turned to Jackie and let out a smug smirk. Jackie’s arm was directly in front of her, pushed down into the muck, and her muscles rippled with effort from her dexterous fingers.
Jackie blushed. “Because shut up! Some of us are comfortable this way and if we’re going to be out here all afternoon to play in the mud and compare boobies, then I’m damn well enjoying myself.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Di commented, not disguising her own arms busy down below. Jenny and Shanda were likewise disguising their own self-play while Jessi smiled broadly, looking down at the featureless sand.
A minute or two later, the otherwise content and smiling girls, blushing and huffing in pleasure, found themselves exactly where we left them.

The mire reached their tits, pushing the rounded masses upwards, cupping them like the caring hands of so many adoring lovers. The girls “ooooo’ed” and “aaaaa’ed” at the sight and sensation of warm muck enveloping their busty chests and contorting to their shape. Jessi’s in particular looked like they would be pushed up into her face, while Shanda’s beautifully shaped curves rested peacefully on the surface. In short order, the girls descents’ gradually slowed.
“I think I’ve stopped sinking,” Jessie said.
“Me too,” Jackie mirrored.
“Uh, no I don’t think we’ve stopped, I think we’re just slowing down, a lot,” Di commented. “Take a look.” She motioned to the surface of the mire brushing all of their nipples.
“You’re right. Jessi, you’re almost completely floating and not sinking at all,” Jenny added.
“Um, girls,” Shanda called nervously from her end. “There’s someone here who’s not floating at all.”
All four busts turned to her to see her entire chest enveloped in the mire. Shanda still kept at herself down below, her shoulders tensing with the effort, but she was all too aware of the goopy sand working its way up her collarbone.
Di chuckled. “Sorry girl. You lose. Small boobies are not better than big boobies and you’re proving it by letting them take you all the way down.”
“No!” She held as still as she could and took a deep breath, as if hoping it would keep her afloat. “Damn.”
Jackie smirked. “Give it up girl. You’ve earned last place with that boyish, featureless chest of yours.”
“Yeah, but don’t feel bad about it,” Di said smugly. “Where you’re heading, it won’t matter how big your tits are.”
Shanda moaned in a dreamy state a bit as the undulating surface took her slender shoulders and worked on her neck. “What do you mean?”
Di gave an arrogant smirk. “Just keep those hands at work and make sure to take a long, deep breath. Who knows: you just might make yourself cum so hard that you won’t mind the quicksand filling up your lungs. After all, it’s not like keeping an arm raised for a last minute rescue will help; there’s no one else here.”
Shanda seemed only half-present as the muck reached her chin, forcing her to tilt her head back. Jenny, sinking slower, had lost her bright pink nipples to the mire. “Did you say quicksand?”
“Oh, didn’t I mention this was quicksand? I suppose we should have brought a rope but, well…”
By now, Shanda’s upturned face was gasping in pleasure, close to orgasm. The quicksand was at her ears, eyes glazed in ecstasy. “Um, girls, I think I going under unless someone saves me. I just wanted to say, you’ve been the best friends in the world, and I enjoyed the time we spent together.” The sand took her ears and eyes, leaving only a white snout. “Could someone say goodbye to Charli for me? I’ll miss he—glug blug plup…pppppphlglgplrblrb…mmmmmmmmppphhhh…”
And with that, the beautiful red panda was gone. Her friends watched as a gradual stream of bubbles breached the surface where she vanished, which eventually diminished, then stopped completely.

Jessi stared in amazement, still rubbing herself. Di was smiling as evilly as she ever did, while Jackie looked on. “Wow…sexy.”
“Yeah, I know.” Jenny’s breasts were almost gone, the muck bubbling up through her cleavage. “Such a shame to say goodbye, though. She was a really sweet girl.”
“Well, I think she enjoyed herself in the end. It’s just a shame that we won’t get her message to that girlfriend of hers. When a girl drowns in quicksand, she ought to have her last wishes met, don’t you think?”
The girls chuckled at the notion, but it was true. Perhaps if they had kept their arms above-mire, they might have had some hope for self-rescue. As it stood, one of them was gone, and their only hope was to pleasure themselves to a worthwhile end before lights out.
Jenny took stock of her diminishing form, and Di up to her own cleavage. “I guess I’m in second place.”
“I’m happy with that. I still have bigger and better boobies than you. Don’t I Jess?”
“Uh, yeah. I really love those love-pillows of yours, baby. Very snuggly. But, um, how are we getting out of this?”
“Oh, it’s simple, really. You just keep on doing what you’re doing under the quicksand, and that way it will feel really good and you won’t mind drowning at all. Trust me.”
“Oh, alright sweetie. It does feel pretty good.”
Jenny was up to her neck, with no sign of stopping. Fortunately, she seemed closer to cumming than Shanda had been before her sandy demise. “Well, guess I’m a goner. Oh well, at least I still had this body before I went. It didn’t save me, but I can’t complain.” The muck swirled around her, orange-brown hair spreading out over the churning surface. “Bye-bye, girls. Wish me luck down there.” She shut her mouth as the quicksand took her snout. Her eyes bulged as her nose went under, blowing bubbles in front of her face. Then it took her eyes, rolling over her forehead and leaving two gazelle horns pointed towards the heavens as her sinking gravestone. Moments later, they too vanished, leaving only her tiny pince-nez to mark her passage.
Di chuckled. “Fifth place and fourth place taken. Sorry Jackie, but I think you’re up next. It’s been fun, and no hard feelings.”
Now it was the Jackal’s turn to smirk arrogantly. “Guess again.” She tilted her head in Di’s direction.
She looked down…only to find herself up to her shoulders, where Jackie was up to her cleavage, like a form-fitting dress made of mud. Jessi watched them with fascination, the mire still struggling to pull her down. It had just finished taking in her wide, sensitive nipples, and was working on devouring the rest of the breasty giraffe.
Di wiggled in frustration. “Damn you, quicksand! You cheated, didn’t you Jackie?!”
Jackie looked on innocently, sounding hurt. “Moi? Now why and how would I do that? I knew just how great my boobs were from the onset; I had no worries about losing. And I had no idea you had this planned for your boob-sizing contest. Just admit it: these girlies (she jiggled her vanishing assets in the mud) are the best of all five of us, and now yours are going to drown you first.”
The zebra girl’s expression resumed its smugness, as if she was still in charge of the entire situation. “Oh, I doubt that yours are going to be the absolute best. Take a look.” She motioned towards her sinking lover.
Jessi started from all the attention. “You mean me?”
“Yes, sweetie,” Di said. “Just hold still, and you’ll float the longest of all of us.”
Jessi gasped at the pleasure of quicksand being rubbed against her bare giraffe pussy. “I don’t want to lose you, Di. I love you.”
“I know, honey, and I love you too. But we all have to go sometime. And you get bragging rights about dying how no girl has ever died before; drowning naked in quicksand while masturbating her brains out. Besides, doesn’t it feel really comfortable? Don’t you think what we’re doing is really, really sexy?”
Jessi smiled, reconciled to her impending doom. “Yes, I suppose it is. Thanks Di. You always know just what to say to me.”
Jackie moaned at the sap flung across her. “Oh, brother.”
Di was up to her neck and going quickly. Knowing they had little time left, Jessi shyly nudged Jackie’s shoulder. “Uh, Jackie, could you do me a favor?”
Jackie just grunted in acknowledgement, busy trying to get some action from her own jackal pussy before her gluggy end.
“I can’t reach Di, so…if you don’t mind…”
Rolling her eyes with an annoyed sigh, Jackie tilted her head up—the quicksand already to her shoulders—puckered her lips, and let Jessi give her a long, hard, sloppy, adoring giraffe kiss. Wordlessly, emotionlessly, she turned immediately to a smirking Di and shoved her lips against the zebra’s, giving as much tongue as she could.
Coming up for air, looking up from where she was vanishing in a froth of sand, Di turned to her lover. “Thank, Jessi. That was a wonderfully sweet farewell.” She batted her eyelashes cutely. Jackie grunted and ignored them.
“I love you so much Di. Goodbye, now. I’ll miss you.”
“Don’t miss me, love. We’ll be together soon…mmmmmmmmmphphhphphph…”
And with that, Di vanished in the quicksand almost without a sound. The goopy surface slopped over her snout and she was gone. Only a tuff of purple-tipped white hair marked her departure from the world. It bunched up into a bright starburst in the brown muck before disappearing in a little puff of sand, then nothing.
Jessi looked on, her bright, cheery eyes subdued by the happy death of her lover. Jackie, of course, just harrumphed and turned her nose up. “Show off.”
The busty giraffe playfully jiggled her vanishing tits, the slop churning around her, consuming her shoulders while Jackie began tilting her own chin up. The tops of Jessi’s huge breasts still struggled to float in front of her, but they were no match at all for the heartlessly greedy sand. There was only one direction for them to go, and that was all the way down. To stay.
“Well, I guess this is it, Jackie. We can’t possibly last much longer.”
“Don’t rub it in, whale-tits. I actually had plans for life. Now, thanks to your go-to shag-toy, my only plan is to snort down muddy sand till the end of my days.”
Jessi pouted. “Oh, Jackie, please don’t go away mad. There’s nothing else after this. Let’s just make the best of it and try to have a good time.”
The descending Jackal tried her best to look ornery, but she could never disappoint Jessi. All of them had been protective of her over her natural clumsiness and shyness. “Alright, Jessi. You know I loved Di too. And she was right: this does feel good.” The sand began rising over her face. “If I had time, I would show you how to find your g-spot.”
“Well, that’s one regret I’ll have.” She chuckled. “Good thing I won’t have it for very long. But don’t let me stop you. You go ahead and make yourself squirt before you run out of breath and the lights go out.”
Jackie gasped as the mud took her snout, forcing her to struggle upwards. “You win, Jessi. Congratulate those babies for me. Di would be prou—glug glug—blugglurbleblub…” Jackie’s eyes went wide as the mud cut off her air. Rolling her eyes in resignation, she shoved her eyes under too, then relaxed and let the quicksand take its time. Jessi, neck-deep, watched her friend’s tall, ring-studded jackal ears twitch as they descended patiently into the ground. Finally, their sharp tips vanished with a soundless splash of thick sand, followed by an ecstatic thrashing beneath the muck and a massive cascade of bubbles that sent ripples across the quicksand pond.

She was all alone, sinking slowly thanks to her buoyant globes. She had proven her girls to be the best pair of her friends. At least she had that; she should have appreciated her magnificent assets before, when they weren’t about to become grass fertilizer. But, she did win a contest, and that made drowning all worth it.
“Thanks girls. Wait for me, I’ll be with you soon.”
And to think, they were going to settle with playing cards tonight!
She kept her snout level as the rippling sand took her chin, her smaller giraffe ears flicking with anticipation and growing excitement. The prospect of joining her friends in their mutual, sandy grave got the giraffe working her nethers again, this time with vigorous energy. She rubbed small circles around her clit, but the feeling sank her quicker.
“Oh, oh, ooooohhhhh…come on, quicksand. You have me, take me. Nothing I can do. Whatever you want, I’m all yours. I won’t say no. Take my gigantic, winning titties and make love to them all day and night. I glurbleblugglug…mmmmmmmppphhpphhhhplupglugblubblubblub…”
With a smile in her eyes, the quicksand took her mouth and worked its way up to her nostrils. She breathed air for the last time, her rotund globes helpless to save her. Like the four other pairs of breasts before, the quicksand hoarded its treasure, forever. Her happy eyes went under, leaving a thick mat of red hair and a pair of ossicones pointed out of the mire. When the quicksand touched them, the bog churned in the surprised thrashing of its captive. She may not have made it to her g-spot before the end, but giraffes had other assets that their lovers knew to exploit. As Jessi’s hair fluffed into a whirlpool and vanished with a cold, hard *plup*, she was a happy girl indeed!

In no time, the surface of the quicksand smoothed out, leaving the same flat, featureless surface before its new tenants ever stepped in. No one would ever have suspected that five sets of breasts had only recently made their way to its depths to settle a most urgent debate between them…
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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Oct. 7, 2017

Postby PM2K » Sun Oct 08, 2017 4:57 pm

Nice story. :) Thanks for adding it.

Posts: 61
Joined: Wed May 04, 2011 5:39 am

Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Oct.7 2017

Postby hawkmaster91 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:00 am

awesome story that combines two things i love, quicksand and furry

Posts: 81
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:47 pm

Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Oct.7 2017

Postby velocity88 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:15 am

I thought I might give a farewell to Monkeying around with fakes. :) Here's to you Purple; we enjoyed them while they lasted.

“Who’s there?”
Todd immediately bit his fist, pulling his felt-padded paw away from his crotch. He struggled to breathe slowly, stifling his panting, chest heaving.
“Don’t worry, I’m not upset. Please come out. I would just adore having some company out here.”
Her words gave him pause. It was the very last thing in the world that he expected her to say if she had actually caught him. He kept quiet, unsure.
“Please? I’m so lonely out here, and I love meeting new people.”
Licking his lips, glancing around in uncertainty, the trembling young fox got to his footpaws and began stepping forward.

He had not expected to run into anyone way out there in the middle of the woods. It had been a long, stressful week of studying, just months away from his diploma. Whenever he could, he withdrew to the forest and just wandered, daydreamed, imagined himself a regular jungle man. His parents had an appreciation for nature that they raised him by, but even they were surprised by how much he preferred camping and hiking to any “normal” pastime of youngsters his age.
Two days before, he had discovered a local trail which was friendly towards nude hiking. After begging their permission, his parents let him take some days off to camp alone in the wilderness, without all those school pressures hanging over him all day and night. And so, with his last project done, he took off, dressed only in his fur and a few natural decorations on his person, a knapsack of supplies, and the sun on his bare fur. It was only a weekend, but for him it was a grand adventure.
Being that time of the year, there was no chance of him running into anyone else, so he took it easy and wandered without a care in the world. Fishing in a lake here, climbing there, swinging over a ravine on a rope left for tourists, and swimming in a river punctuated his carefree excursion. He was never once bored with the absence of people; he could very well have been out there eight months, never seeing or speaking to a soul, and he would have the same smile on his face. It was actually on the morning just as he was prepared to head back that he finally ran into someone.
It was a tiny, simple campsite, definitely meant for one person. A tent, campfire with a three-stone stove, and a figure sitting down, cross-legged without a care in the world. She was a tall brown bear, and besides a pair of polished green earrings and a crystal necklace, she wore only a bandana tied around her head, and beautiful downy fur.
Todd’s jaw dropped open at the sight of her. She was a motherly specimen, chubby all around, but in a way that drew his eyes all over her body. Her muscular arms and legs were insulated with a cuddly layer of fat, her wide footpads temptingly soft and inviting. An expansive curve of belly pudge, smooth and rounded, gave the impression of freshly baked bread, begging someone to nuzzle their head into it and sleep forever. To top it all off were a pair of titanic breasts with prominent, upward-pointed nipples. Her shoulders must have been made of iron! For all her might, she had a gentle and friendly face, aimlessly humming a sweet melody as she prepared a small kettle of some kind of tea.
He clammed up, crouching down and ducked out of sight. settling down on his knees on the forest floor. He pulled off his backpack and watched this beautiful bear go about her business.
What am I doing? She has to be older than my mother. But he kept staring, mesmerized by every ripple of her shoulders, every jiggle of breast and belly, every curl of her thick toes. Her dark green eyes spoke of age and caring. Perhaps she had many children from that gorgeous body.
She poured some tea into a simple clay mug, taking a sip. She seemed to find the result satisfying and smiled, leaning back to give him a good view of her self.
Todd almost fell backwards.
After a few more minutes of sunning herself, she poured another mug and stood up. Nursing the tea, she glanced about the forest, looking up aimlessly at the sky, her face becoming melancholy. There was a sense of finality, of salutation to the gesture. Todd concluded that she this must be her last day in the forest as well, and was as reluctant to leave as he was.
Finally, she smiled, taking a long sniff at her mug. Then, after kicking dirt over her fire, she walked nonchalantly into a small clearing right beside her camp. To Todd’s shock and awe, the flat, bare ground suddenly undulated like thick treacle, her wide foot making a huge indentation on the seemingly solid surface. Ripples suddenly revealed a wide expanse of formerly flat ground was in fact a viscous fluid that began making loud *shlurping* and *shlucking* sounds.
The young fox’s heart leapt in his chest as his hormone-addled brain made the connections. Quicksand. She’s standing in quicksand!
But the big bear seemed utterly heedless of her imminent doom. She smiled a big, mature smile, giggling as she wiggled her thick toes in the liquefying mire. He began panting as she tensed her legs, fat and muscle rippling as she tested the grip of the mighty quagmire. Nothing seemed to extract her steadily descending form, but she just shrugged like it was nothing. She took more small sips from her mug, sighing in relaxation while enjoying the view. She could have been relaxing in a luxury hot tub for the serenity on her face, had it not been for her naked form sinking into sucking quicksand.
Todd covered is mouth in a paw, unable to believe what he was seeing. She became more beautiful as she surrendered to her predicament, the mud still wobbling like a living thing, making the same sounds that a wet pussy made while being finger-fucked. His other paw caressed his youthful, athletic form, stroking his flat, toned chest before traveling down his slender waist and flat belly, finally resting on his aching crotch. He wrapped his felt pads around his teenage member and began working his twitching shaft.
As if on cue, the older bear sent her free paw down to cover her puffy pudenda. Todd watched her face, but rather than overcome with lust, her smile simply widened and she seemed even more serene, as if lost in the sensation. Hardly needing the energetic, spasming ecstasy of youth, she needed only tweak her self with practiced moves, the slight movements of her fingers the only signs of her self-intimacy. Todd kept his paw over his mouth, terrified of making a sound, his hips beginning to buck into the air, butt-muscles tightening.
It was only when her legs disappeared and the goop began flowing around her hand, trapping it against her wet, steaming bearhood that one of her little round ears twitched and she turned in his direction.

“There now, don’t be afraid.”
Todd emerged from his hiding place, both paws over his engorged cock to show as little of himself as possible to the object of his desire.
“Well how do you do, young man?” She smiled like she was seen sinking cunt-deep, naked in quicksand by strangers every day.
“Um…uh, how do you do?” He managed a shy smile.
“What were you doing there?” Her expression was as feigned as innocence could be.
“Oh, I was just about to head back home when I noticed your campsite and…well…”
“It’s alright, I don’t mind that you were watching me. If you had only caught me just a minute earlier we might have had quite a bit of a warm-up. Only now…I can’t seem to go anywhere but down.” She gave him a gentle smile. “Would you like to join me?”
He hoped she didn’t hear his gasp of surprise. His highest expectation was to be chased off by this huge woman the second he was caught. Now, it seemed that he could be sharing her secret little domain out here.
“But, isn’t that kinda dangerous?”
“Oh, it is. But it also feels so good. Like a nice, soft, warm mud bath right in the middle of nature. Like being swallowed whole by the softest silk cushion in the world. And doesn’t it get your blood rushing to think that you might not be able to get out? You might be able to swim out easily, and then again…” She gave him another one of her sly smiles. “...you might not.” Todd couldn’t do much except stare stupidly as the quicksand began enveloping the lady’s plump belly, its thick surface flowing over her ample hips and cavernous belly button.
“Come on out, and have some of my special brew. I made it for just this occasion.” Steeling himself, taking a deep breath, he emerged from the foliage, paws by his side, leaving his backpack behind. She stared intently at his impressive package flip-flopping as he fast-walked to her stove.
“Mmmmm, my my, you had the same idea, didn’t you? Came out here to let it all hang out for Mother Nature?” She playfully jiggled her gargantuan breasts in front of him. Todd just smiled nervously and ignored the distraction, feeling his foxhood growing again. At her prompting, he poured more tea into a second mug.
“Come here, young fox. Come and see what it feels like.” She gestured with her own mug to a free space next to her.

Licking his lips, eyes wide with anticipation, Todd made his way into the thick quagmire, feeling it slip between his toes as he struggled to reach her. When he did, he was already down to his thighs while his companion was losing her generous belly to the greedy quicksand.
“There. Feels like heaven doesn’t it?”
Todd finally let the sensation of the mud envelop him. It did feel very good; in fact, he felt better than he ever had. The feel of the thick warmth surrounding his legs, steadily climbing up his knees and thighs towards his impressive member, a woman who was too much for just one man right next to him…he had never felt like this before.
He gave a sheepish smile to his happy companion, then took a sip from his mug. “Mmmm, that’s sweet. What’s in it?”
“My very own special blend.” She moaned, reminding him that she was humoring herself down below. He stared at her, his sense of shame fading as he ogled her chubby tits and fat-muscled arms. The fact that she was so much older than him just added to her allure, never mind her body, her mystery, her state of sinking in comfortable forest mud.
He seemed not to notice when the mud surrounded and enveloped his jutting foxhood, the pink mushroom head and pinkish staff sinking down into the thickness of the quicksand. The thick goop fondled his balls and hiked up his tail, finally catching his attention as it patiently seeped into his tiny, virgin pucker and began oozing its way in. His friend leaned back as best she could with the mud sucking in her ribs and closing on her lower cleavage, silently admiring her kindred spirit’s tight, rounded fox-butt as they were so cruelly engulfed, never to be ogled by a girl ever again.
It was when he was at his waist, gawking at her colossal globes floating on the sucking mud, the thickness cupping them and pushing them upwards, pointing them towards the sky, that he decided. His inhibitions lost, he plunged his only free paw down into the mud, eyes wandering and mouth hanging open as he searched the muck blindly. He didn’t notice her watching him, head tilted and mouth upturned into a sly, knowing smile.
“Almost…ah, there it is.” He laughed like a sophomoric adolescent, no sense of subtly as he began bucking his hips to the rhythm of his vigorous strokes. His bear companion watched him with motherly humor as her globes, rounded out by the rising quicksand, began to shrink as the sloppy surface claimed her jutting nipples and began drawing in her overflowing cleavage.
“How does it feel?”
“Oh…ah…ugh…a-amazing. I had no idea mud could feel this good!”
“Are you a virgin?”
“Rugh…yeah.” He managed as he began swaying with the pleasure, a euphoric expression on his pointed, youthful face. She noticed that where she had taken patient sips, his mug was drained despite being sized and brewed for her.
“Such a shame. A boy should always have his first time with a girl on his bucket list.” She finished her mug, then tossed it away. She did the same with his, paying no mind to where they landed. After all, it would hardly make a difference where their owner was going.
“Uh huh.” Todd gave no thought to her words. His other paw now free, he brought it down into the quicksand, finding his balls and giving them a gentle massage. He was barely able to move as the muck climbed his toned pectorals, settling for wiggling his hips and huffing his painful arousal. His voice began to slurr as the brew took effect. “So thick…mmmmmm…itsh up mmmmuh butt.”
“Let it in. Feel it filling you up, making you a man.”
“Ooooooohh yeeeeeeeeeeaah.” He smiled stupidly, his head swaying.
His bear companion also seemed to be nearing her completion, as her panting became slightly louder and harder. Her snout curled up into a cute little “O” as she cooed in delight, fingers playing against the mud squirming up into her ursine cunt and puckered bottom. Her other hand dug into the mire in front of her, finding a nice, cushy tit to knead and cress under the clutching muck, teasing the stiff nipple as her remaining cleavage rippled against the pressure of the quagmire. A geyser of mud bubbled up her cleavage with a slight *plup*, saying goodbye to a gorgeous pair of tits and hello to a swampy new home.
“He he he he, I miss them already. I liked looking at them.” Todd giggled as he watched her orbs disappear for the last time.
“I liked having them. But I won’t be needing them where we’re going. Nice to know this well-fed body of mine will make fine fertilizer.” They laughed together, the young fox and the old bear, like longtime lovers.
The yielding surface began flowing over her big shoulders, but Todd had considerably less time. Deep down he new that holding still would give him just a minute or two more of life, yet horny teenager that he was, his orgasm-drunk brain dismissed his sense of self-preservation in favor of another bout of stroking. He bucked a bit more, the quagmire sucking in his youthful shoulders, then making headway on his neck.
“Have you ever kissed a girl, Todd”?
*Pant*pant* “No.”
“Well, let’s see if we can manage that before you go.”
Struggling a little, her shoulders bulging with muscle, she managed to lean over his disappearing head. He strained his neck as high as he could, but they couldn’t reach each other. So, they settled for sticking out their tongues, and just managing to suckle their lips on one another’s. Todd smiled as his tongue met hers, then brushed his lips over hers, and felt her skilled lips taste his own foxy tongue. Then it was over, and he was left with the taste of older bear on his tongue.
Oh well, at least I had that before I signed off.
“Don’t be scared, honey. Just lead the way, and we’ll go down together. All the way to the bottom.”
He smiled again as the muck reached the underside of his snout, but this time in joy. “Bye bye, my beautiful bear. See you in our brand new home. You and me, foregluglglug…glublegluglubplupploop…” Bubbles popped in front of his snout as his black nose went under. His eyes looked up at her vanishing form, smiling. He gave her a happy wink before his eyes vanished, leaving only his pointed ears to slowly descend like a sinking ship. In no time, she watched the young fox submerge completely into the thick quicksand, his short life come to an end by a chance encounter in the woods.

Shameless, the older bear climaxed to the younger fox’s death, snout raised to the air, mouth open as she cooed in orgasm. When the wave of pleasure passed, her tense muscles relaxed, letting her form settle to her neck. She panted a bit more, eyes glazed as she chuckled in the afterglow.
“Well, that was fun. Guess I can’t feel too bad about bringing the kid down with me. At least I kept him company while he got comfy in his new home.” She smiled blissfully as the muck cradled her chin. She tilted her head back slightly, but wasn’t interested in prolonging the situation. It was inevitable, after all, so she might as well just take one last peak at her beautiful forest before she traded fresh air for gluggy slop.
Beneath the surface, her fingers stayed on her cunt, feeling her lips engorge again, her clit peaking out of its hood, massaged constantly by the flowing mud.
“Yes, yes! I’ve waited so long. Take me. Make me yours. I don’t want to take another breath unless its filled with suffocating mud, making me cum my brains out. Oh yes. Oh yes! Oooooohhhglugburbleglug…glugglugplop…”
Her smiling eyes went cross-eyed as she watched her snout vanish, thick mud curling around her brown fur. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she felt another gush of warm fluids from her folds, heating up the warm forest mud. As she gave into it—and began working on the next—her eyelids closed for the last time, feeling the goop rise over them and cover her forehead and bandana. Lastly, her round little bear ears sank with the last of her brown headfur, leaving the world forever with a pair of inaudible *gloops*.

A moment later, two sets of bubbles erupted from the mud, accompanied by a frantic thrashing that made the surface undulate and boil. This continued for some time, gradually slowing to gentle waves and two steady streams of bubbles. In no time, the surface began settling to its original, virgin state, the last few bubbles fading. With that, the forest was quiet once again, an abandoned campsite the only anomaly. Birds sang, insects buzzed, the wind blew through the leaves and over the flat forest floor. Not a single presence disturbed it.
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