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Re: Game-sourced home movie

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 11:09 pm
by BogDog
I hate it when they're shown clean under the sinky surface...

You don't see the usual coating, as you couldn't see anything then. There is some color tinting. Sorry, but everyone asks/desires something different, and I can do it all. We all have our own specific wants. If I had left the body parts covered, it would have defeated the whole purpose of the see-through medium theme.

I DID see some OK results using tar and leaving the "caker" code intact to cover all submerged parts as you prefer. Using grey outlines makes things somewhat visible under there. I may do a tar pit scene like that one day because of.

Speaking about people covered in stuff...,

...don't expect many more vids of mud-covered people happily leaving mud holes. Nor are boots in mud, a popular theme. Just not in my universe. I did the first "Ecstasy" video with a happy, mud-caked Yuki walking about to fulfill long-time requests and promises, but it did little for my own entertainment (though Yuki's solo time down in the mud-hole certainly was!). That's OK. I want to make something for everyone.

Not easy. Almost every release comes with an "If only..." from somebody. "If only she had boots on."......."If only it were tar instead of quicksand" or "quicksand instead of tar"......... IF ONLY everyone liked the same thing. But then life might get too boring, right? ;)

But who knows? Have hope. If I myself get bored for do-able concepts, I may venture that way. I do have a story concept for an "Ecstasy-3" video involving Yuki and Jenn "back from the dead...was she ever?" type of theme, but the story itself needs lots of development time.

Don't look for anything like that soon. This stuff takes time to create. Last night I tried to get the latest vid out by 10pm, then saw an error and moved showtime to 11:30. Fixed that and a bit more refinement and got it up finally, only to see it banned worldwide. A filed dispute was rejected. FORTUNATELY I located a decent cover of the song performed by a nobody-knows-who-they-are band, and with a little pitch and tempo alterations work managed to make it sound a lot like the original with the same play time. I also have an unpublished, professionally-made album from a friend's rock band (Tom Skowbo of Pearl Black) given to me back in my studio soundboard days that I can use samples from. He wrote and sang everything. It's a good album that I wish I could share the full songs from. You'll hear some samples in the movie, and maybe more in future releases.



The post-credits scenes idea came to me days ago while I was recording Amber standing by the car in one scene, practicing "RIGHT-HAND-UMBRELLA-MOUSE CONTROL" for hours.....yes, literally hours. You have NO idea how hard it was to keep that umbrella upright as I moved her about with my left hand on the keyboard and right hand on mouse balancing it, a penny jammed into the side of the CONTROL key to keep it held down so that she would walk rather than run....The tortures I go through for my art ...(heh heh :lol: ). I did a few practice sessions along the way, like seeing if I could make the umbrella/car idea work.

By last night I had the idea for outtakes fully developed in my head and decided I needed to shoot and add them, and moved the release up one day to Friday. I worked all night and finished it early this morning around 8 or 9 am, another all-niter. Very fortunate I still had all of the so-called movie sets still intact to shoot the outtakes (not really outtakes then, I know). SO glad I did. They came out far better than hoped. Amber still makes me laugh trying to figure out how to shift,her fixed-but-still-readable face expressions priceless treasures.

The new video looks more along the lines of how this image appears, so you will know what to expect: https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... wHhp8AQ29Q

I replaced the questionable song with a cover version by another performer. Let's see if this one goes through.

Re: Game-sourced home movie

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2019 2:03 am
by BogDog
OK, the movie is up, and all looks good. I had to stretch,tweak and modify the cover version of the song I wanted to use so that song and tempo matches the original copyrighted hit version as close as I could get it. Still wish they had OK'd the first version (I still have my copy).
The cover song is not as cleanly recorded. Oh well.

Sure was a fortunate thing too. In my sleepy stupidity working on these scenes in the middle of the night, I somehow managed to put Jenn's name where it should have said "Amber".....TWICE! Guess I like "Jenn" a lot (the name came from a cute little blonde lady I knew in my 30's). Video AND head straightened out.

Hope you enjoy!


Re: Game-sourced home movie

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:34 am
by Green Heart
Hey BG, you seem to be a bit stressed out making these videos, I hope you're not overworking yourself ^^ Please take your time, you're not obligated to do anything in any specific way for anyone, and thanks for sharing the things you've modified and made!

Re: Game-sourced home movie

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:45 am
by BogDog
No worries. I do it because I enjoy it. That's why sometimes there are several-months-long breaks between releases....not enjoying it :( :P

All of the text above in my previous posts are because I like to share the manufacturing experiences of the movies as well. It really has been an adventure. 8-) Here's some background:

During those periods of no movie releases I had lost interest. Same old pits and same old scenery over and over bored me. After the first set of clips I made in late 2017, my best friend died of cancer just after New Year's and I took a break. One year later I was tinkering and finally figured out how to alter clothes and hair properly. That's when the next set of vids came out...the "cave girl period" I like to call it. I also figured back then a way to create clothing resembling nude body parts to make nude or topless scenes. That is no longer nessa. I can make the main body parts whatever I please. My dream is to figure how to make the ladies lose their tops and/or pants in the mud to become nude...screw losing the socks! :D Maybe someday....

Redhead "Lost Sally" was born during this second period too, as well as my most popular video by far, "Tara and the Tar Pit" with over 31,000 views to date. As you can see by the numbers, people are STARVING for good tar pit scenes. Quicksand scenes are everywhere. Head's up, movie producers! ;)

(By the way, over 500 views of "Quicksand Creek" in one day? Wow! Thank you all!)

Then I got bored again for lack of capabilities for bringing new ideas to fruitation, and set it aside for another year-long break. THEN I stumble across MudBait's recently-released EXTENDED mod of the demo that opened up some previously blocked scenery and added some new features. More scenery and more game controls = more ideas, and the new wave of clips appeared. Amber and Jenn are created along with a few people not used yet, and you get shorts like "Ecstasy" and "Quest For Gold".

But once I learned about CrackleCradle and the demos being made in in something called "Gamemaker 8.1", I did some research, hunted down the program and the game .EXE de-compiler, got everything working happily together and cracked the game wide open, my mind was blown. Now I have almost all of the tools to do whatever I want. "Ecstasy-2" and "The WEB" came from that and so much more, with more coming.

I wish I could give the characters (called DOLLS) new movements and actions. I have just enough knowledge of PCs, the BASIC language and coding to stumble my way through. SOMEDAY I'd love to be able to write original code. That would make me capable of doing absolutely ANYTHING (laughs like a maniacal madman....). :lol:

Long breaks promoted creativity, and breaking into the demo to be able to make my own scenery and such allowed me to release that creativity was like opening the fetish-floodgates wide. You have no idea. There's 61 clips on my desktop right now from experimenting with dozens of ideas and concepts. Some inspired or became "The Web" and the new Quicksand Creek movie. Others may evolve into movies or be released as-is, perhaps as post-credit bonus scenes. I think I've deleted about 1000 bad takes by now, and loved every second of it.

One example of my new abilities was the sinking rock. That took a few days to get right, and it still has issues I was able to work around for the video. Originally I wanted it to drop out from under her and plant her in the bog proper, but dear Sally would either stop going down right at the surface of the bog or else keep going down quickly and out of sight with no interaction between her and the tar or QS. Sometimes the results are kind of funny. This was due to conflicts between the character's X/Y locations in the tar code and the elevator code, I assume.

I came up with the sinking rock playing with the elevator code from the original CrackleCradle full game. Likewise the living grass in the newest vore movie came from modifying a conveyor belt :)

But making these can be a work-out, believe me. There is so much involved. Just figuring out where x/y coordinates were in the various code modules for re-positioning Nana's gun so that the much larger umbrella would appear in the correct location in her hand took me half a day to figure out. It's sort of like puzzle-solving, and I'm having fun. ;)

For now it all gets set aside as I do some graphics work fore someone who is time-constrained. Once past that I'll get on to something I'm eager to try making. I've learned enough making the last pic that gets me excited to do the next long-planned one.

Have a better one,everyone. Please posts comments on my YT pages if you like the video. Your words make the work all worth it and help to keep me motivated.

See you at the movies! Sorry for talking your ears off. :oops:

--> Crackle Cradle+ Extended, as seen in GameMaker

Re: Game-sourced home movie

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:46 pm
by Yoho
I enjoy so much your videos. You make me laught when you told us your issues with the umbrella! :mrgreen:
I tried to open the game in Gamemaker 8.1 but I didn't find how I could do that...
My goal is to see if I can help Mudbait for the game design of the levels.
I don't kown the complexity of using that software. But I'm very motivated to learn by myself. :geek:

Re: Game-sourced home movie

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 11:37 pm
by BogDog
From what he has told me, MudBait has passed on that project, though he may have handed it over to others. I've heard nothing else since.

Re: Game-sourced home movie

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 9:36 pm
by Yoho
I send you a pm about MudBait project.

Re: Game-sourced home movie

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 4:42 pm
by JSample
Enjoyed your "Quicksand Creek" double feature, BogDog, although I will admit that I expected Amber to figure out before she sank too deep that if she placed her open umbrella onto the surface of the water with the shaft going down into the mud and lay over the top of it, the resulting air pocket might have kept her from sinking any deeper as long as she kept the umbrella steady in the water.

Re: Game-sourced home movie

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:09 am
by BogDog
You expect too much from her. She panicked. The poor girl can't even figure out how to shift gears... The movie crew had to put the car in first for her for the road scenes :lol: :D

Re: Game-sourced home movie

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 12:25 pm
by BogDog
A small but critical question. Your opinions are most welcome.

Do you think I am risking getting a "Cease and Desist" from that mickey-mouse-run corporation by using this caricature of one of their characters?


If so. I may have to change hair and clothe colors at minimum. I hope I won't have to. She's a popular peril character at DeviantArt. For example: ... -777766002