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Exploring Alberta Bog & Getting Sucked Under Farting Mud!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:48 am
by Boggy Man
I had mentioned an interesting bog west of Edson, Alberta in this thread:

Boggy Man wrote:I also found some bottomless farting peat a ways west of Edson. Hopefully, I can give enough information for you to pinpoint the area. Here is a map of the area: ... 1&t=h&z=14

It is located to the south of the gravel pit in the south side of the highway. I think it is roughly where the light green vertical line intersects with a thicker dark line that is shaped like a smile around the south side of the gravel pit. It is in a clear pipeline corridor through the forest, and marked with a sign saying "Pipeline Abandonment" at the intersection.

Here is the picture of the area I explore in the video, taken on September 2'nd, 2007 (the second of two days I explored the area). Click on the image for the full-sized image:


So, on September 2'nd, 2007, with my digital camera in hand, set to video mode, shooting the action as I go, I walk around the area, sinking anywhere from crotch deep to knee deep to ankle deep in the bubbling peat (there is a springy layer underneath that prevented me from sinking deeper in those spots). Then, I finally hit a spot where there is nothing to block my sinking, and I slowly sink down deeper, and deeper! :twisted: The mire farts continuously around me, as it slowly sucks me completely under! :twisted:

Enjoy! 8-)

I walk around the bog, sinking crotch/knee deep in places, before finally getting stuck in a soft spot, and slowly sinking deeper and deeper into the farting mire, until my nose finally disappears beneath the surface of the farting, bubbling peat bog, my escaping breath hissing out of the mire as it claims its victim! :twisted:

File Size: 31.45 MB

SinkingUnderAlbertaBog.mp4 (MegaUpload Link)

Re: Exploring Alberta Bog & Getting Sucked Under Farting Mud!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 6:46 pm
by steve84
That was pretty fun to watch! :)

Thanks for sharing!

Re: Exploring Alberta Bog & Getting Sucked Under Farting Mud!

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:36 am
by muddypup
awesome vids ^.^ now i will definitely be going out to find that bog hehe

Re: Exploring Alberta Bog & Getting Sucked Under Farting Mud!

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:47 am
by PM2K
I'm impressed you were able to hold the camera as steady as you did... :)

Nice vid as always, Boggyman! Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.

Re: Exploring Alberta Bog & Getting Sucked Under Farting Mud!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:56 pm
by Scarol
Great clips man!
Sometimes i'm jealous that you and other members can find a private spot to sink.
I wish I had a private sinking spot.

Re: Exploring Alberta Bog & Getting Sucked Under Farting Mud!

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:28 am
by totalsubmersion
one of the best videos ive ever seen

Re: Exploring Alberta Bog & Getting Sucked Under Farting Mud!

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:50 am
by bluepit
You need to have a non-downloadable version.