Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Jan 2'nd, 2024!!!

Includes Original Video, Animations and Flash Files. No mainstream clips please!
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Re: Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Sept 27'th, 2019!!!

Postby BeTELGeUSe » Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:11 am

I've been watching your sink videos for a while now. It's good to see some new ones.

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Re: Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Sept 27'th, 2019!!!

Postby mhollan3 » Mon Sep 30, 2019 6:05 am

You ever been caught, Boggy?

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Boggy Man
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Re: Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Sept 27'th, 2019!!!

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:44 am

mhollan3 wrote:You ever been caught, Boggy?

There have been a few times when I may have been seen:

Once was in the year I first found the mud in this area, but at that time, all the meadows were bottomless mudflats that resulted in painful leg cramps to traverse. I happened to have made my way a ways out into the bottomless mud on the north side of the pond, when a low flying airplane to the south was headed straight for me! :shock: I tried to get back to shore to hide in the trees as fast as I could, but both my legs seized up from cramps and I dragged myself onto solid ground using my arms just as it passed low directly overhead! :shock: All that season, the same airplane seemed to keep circling around that area for some reason :? , which annoyed me! :x But, since that year (or was it more :? ), it has been quiet. 8-)

Another time was at my Harris Creek quicksilt area. It was in early spring, when snowmelt had made my quicksilt slide area the most saturated and soft! :D I thought that would be the quietest time, with the least amount of people around the area relative to other parts of the spring/summer season, because certain stretches of the road were still covered in slushy snow, making traveling there awkward, and hopefully, a deterrent. 8-) I had to walk my bike past those stretches of snow to get to other parts of the road that were better. Anyways, I was in the mud, when I looked up and saw someone with an atv standing on top of the silt cliff a distance away! :shock: I stayed still, hoping he didn't see me. But, he just stood there, not moving. Finally, I couldn't wait any longer, and inconspicuously left the area, noticing that the guy left at the same time, making me wonder if he did see me! :?

Then there was another time at my Harris Creek quicksilt area. One of my forms of mudplay in the quicksilt would be struggling in a horizontal position. Below the cliffs, I was laying on my stomach in the soft quicksilt, struggling, with my arms worked straight down into the thick rubbery quicksilt, when all of a sudden, a helicopter turned around and headed towards me and passed overhead! :shock: From the helicopter's viewpoint, I would have appeared like someone that had fallen off the cliff and was laying face down on the ground at the bottom! :shock: Arms still stuck, I got partially up and frantically started to work to free my arms from the quicksilt, which took a bit of time because the mire flexed its muscles each time I tugged at my arms, holding them down tight (each time it tightened it grip, I would relax and it would relax and then the next pull would be higher before the mire locked up again, a gradual process)! I finished working my arms free, cleaned up, packed my things, and left the area, eventually passing a truck heading up the road that had a bunch of people on it that looked like they were on a search-and-rescue mission! :shock:
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


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Re: Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Sept 27'th, 2019!!!

Postby gamwam » Mon Sep 30, 2019 2:45 pm

fantastic to see you sink again,... did you get to record any deep breathing hose assisted sinks this year?

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Re: Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Sept 27'th, 2019!!!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:30 am

gamwam wrote:fantastic to see you sink again,... did you get to record any deep breathing hose assisted sinks this year?

It felt really fantastic! :D Glad to hear you enjoyed it! :) I only had one breathing hose sink that day, but unfortunately it was not on camera. It didn't last very long anyways, because liquid mud kept on oozing into my nostrils each time I inhaled through the hose. So, I only sunk to only an inch or so over my head before resurfacing.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Re: Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Sept 27'th, 2019!!!

Postby jenny_up_to_no_good » Fri Oct 04, 2019 1:35 am

Just popping in to say I am deeply (pun intended) jealous of the pit you've got in that video, I would KILL for mud that deep and with that consistency :shock:

Thank you so much for sharing these videos, they are a joy to behold :D

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Re: Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Sept 27'th, 2019!!!

Postby kwiksand1 » Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:04 pm

Haven't been on the board for a while and wanted to let you know how very much I enjoyed ;) seeing the latest videos!! Love to watch these when I have some private time, alone :-P

Thanks so much for sharing!

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Re: Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Sept 6'th, 2020!!!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Sep 06, 2020 9:25 am

Thanks for the responses! :D

Uploading my huge files to YouTube used to be a real pain with DSL, with upload speeds a fraction of the download speeds, where I would have to initiate the upload in the morning, shrink the window to show only the upload progress bar, and let it run all day, before it would complete in the late afternoon or early evening! :x But, ever since we switched to a fiber optic service (home phone/tv/internet) in late September 2018, with its upload speeds matching its download speeds, I can upload the files to YouTube within minutes, which is substantially more convenient! :D

On Tuesday, August 4'th, 2020, I had my first adventure of the season, with a dramatic sink and escape captured on video! :D Last year, for my first outing, I had a personal sink first in my bog, only to have the bog flood over, ruining any shooting opportunities for that day! :x This year, I had a hunch that the bog would once again be flooded after my first sink, so I decided to use the first sink for a dramatic video this time! It was a good thing I did, :D because sure enough, after making that video and having the subsequent post-video mudplay and mixing, the bog flooded over and I couldn't mix the mud back up to the surface! :x

There was a bit of a problem with the stability of the undulating grass holding the pole my camera/Gorillapod was mounted on, and it shifted slightly after I walked away from it, resulting in the video being off-center, but I was still in the picture! Here it is, divided into the dramatic sinking part, and the escape part! Enjoy! 8-)


A hiker in a wetland is a bit amused by its name, "Big Gulp Marsh" :lol: , and then decides to go for a swim. But, something sinister :twisted: lies between him and the water, and he finds out the hard (or should I say, soft :twisted: ) way, why it was given that name! :shock:



Here is a patch of mud that looks innocent enough, except that it is ever so mildly quivering, and bubbling! Swamp gas? Yes, most of it is, except for one larger bubble that bursts out of the jellylike ooze, which is from the bog passing gas from the escaping breath of a 6' 2" man that it had just gulped down moments earlier! :shock: But, the hungry mire won't be able to keep its food down, as its meal manages to fight his way back up to the surface, gasping for air, and then methodically works his way up and out of the bubbling ooze! I guess that the bog will have to wait for another victim to swallow! :roll:

Last edited by Boggy Man on Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Re: Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Sept 6'th, 2020!!!

Postby Chimerix » Mon Sep 07, 2020 5:33 am

The difference between theory and reality is that, in theory, there is no difference between theory and reality.

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Re: Boggy Man's Dramatic Sink Videos! Updated Sept 6'th, 2020!!!

Postby kwiksand1 » Sun Oct 17, 2021 2:38 am

Oh, how I miss Boggyman's videos!

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