Logging out issue

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Logging out issue

Postby russty1 » Thu Dec 19, 2024 6:38 pm


I've run into a weird issue involving logging out. I'll log out one day, then the next day when I come back to the site, instead of saying "Log in" it says "Log out". I've started verifying that I've logged out before I turn off the computer, but this still happens, like it did today. Has anyone else run into this?
I'm hoping this is just some odd glitch that other folks have encountered as well. Not a big deal overall.


Bob St.

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Re: Logging out issue

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Dec 19, 2024 7:12 pm

It happens from time to time for me as well, but not that often. I always log out when I am finished. Then, the next day, I enter my username and password at the bottom of the page to log in. But, every once in a while, I find no entry boxes for username and password at the bottom of the page, and when I go to the top of the page, I see that it thinks I am logged in, but not as anyone, so I log out, and then the username and password entry boxes reappear at the bottom of the page, and I can log in properly.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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