Downloading and viewing clips on iPad / I phone

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Re: Downloading and viewing clips on iPad / I phone

Postby Fred588 » Sun Dec 17, 2017 7:45 pm

timothy wrote:Thanks for the replies,

I was hoping to find the elusive silver bullet answer.

I've done quite a bit of researching and experimenting with my ipad for a month or so. the best luck I had was with xtreamplayer app. It allowed cut and paste of URL's that would then play. I had mixed results. MPV clip URL's played fine; on other sites I visit the video clips played very slo-mo even when the playback speed was maxed out. Fred, regrettably your clips resulted in "Unable to Load Video" message...

After all this I guess Apple just doesn't like us playing videos unless they come from ITunes....

What is working is uploading from my PC or Android phone to OneDrive then accessing from there. Everything works fine on both Android and Apple.

Again thanks for the replies..

I presume you are talking about teaser clips. If mine do not play but others do there must be something different either in the clips themselves or at the site you try to play them from. You can try the following:

1. Look for the threads called Teaser Teaser_(scene name) here and at ALL of these teasers are rendered exactly the same, so if those you get at one forum will play and those at the other will not then the issue is with the sites.

2. If none of the teaser teasers will play, but other mpg files do play then the issue is probably a codec, screen dimensions, or perhaps the data rate. By data rate I mean the rate at which each file is played (bits per video frame) and not the rate at which it is downloaded.

3. If #2 above seems to apply, write to me directly. It is possible for me to render a brief scene in many different dimensions, bit rates, and formats. By direct correspondence we can find something that will work.

4. If we get to #3 above it would probably be very helpful if you can determine some things such as data rate, scene dimensions, and so on for some video files that DO play.
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Duncan Edwards
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Re: Downloading and viewing clips on iPad / I phone

Postby Duncan Edwards » Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:17 pm

timothy wrote:
After all this I guess Apple just doesn't like us playing videos unless they come from ITunes....

You've kind of hit on it there. Keep in mind that all of these devices are meant to stream video not to store it as you would have on a traditional pc. I've had an iPhone since the beginning and it's an incredible device once you realize this. If there's anything I want to view I keep it uploaded on Google drive or iDrive or any of the other cloud storage places out there. I've got not only videos but tens of thousands of photos with me everywhere I go on my iPhone or whatever device I'm logged in to. It works great once you rearrange your mindset a bit.
It's a dirty job but I got to do it for over 20 years. Thank you.

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