Sent messages getting stuck in Outbox?

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Sent messages getting stuck in Outbox?

Postby melonjelly88 » Tue May 31, 2022 7:09 pm


Every time I send a private message to members they are stuck in the Outbox. Some have left but 3 still remain in there and are not Sent yet. They have been clearing days later. My other browsers and email services work, so I'm just wondering why the private messages are not sending properly on this website?

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Boggy Man
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Re: Sent messages getting stuck in Outbox?

Postby Boggy Man » Wed Jun 01, 2022 1:57 am

I believe that each message stays in the outbox until it has been read by the intended recipient. That gives the sender a chance to make further edits to the message (or to delete it entirely if sender's mind has changed about sending the message) before the intended recipient reads it.

I read your message, and will reply sometime later this week.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Re: Sent messages getting stuck in Outbox?

Postby melonjelly88 » Wed Jun 01, 2022 5:50 am

Boggy Man wrote:I believe that each message stays in the outbox until it has been read by the intended recipient. That gives the sender a chance to make further edits to the message (or to delete it entirely if sender's mind has changed about sending the message) before the intended recipient reads it.

I read your message, and will reply sometime later this week.

Oh really? Thanks for the information, I would never have guessed that.

Sounds bizarre when you wish to get a message out quickly but fair enough.

Feel free to reply as and when. Much obliged :)

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