fantasy island QS scene: this monday

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fantasy island QS scene: this monday

Postby claykid » Fri Jan 13, 2023 7:05 pm

i was reading one of the tv guide listings for fantasy island and they stated this monday will be the terry hatcher qs scene on fantasy island. It will be along the lines of those japansese trivia shows where they answer trivia questions and if you answer wrong you sink a little more. Set your DVR'S and/or watch it live, just a heads up for everyone

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Re: fantasy island QS scene: this monday

Postby cabeca » Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:30 pm

Did someone watch this episode?

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Re: fantasy island QS scene: this monday

Postby Theo » Tue Jan 17, 2023 9:11 pm

I did. As expected, not much. It was like a dry quicksand with a game show theme where they sank a little if they answered a question wrong, and they only sank to their armpits. I would've much rather seen Elena, or that new character Helene sink in some real quicksand. I remember an episode during the first season where Elena and Javier were stranded in the jungle or something, and I was so wishing she'd end up in quicksand, and he'd have to rescue her :) No such luck; another missed opportunity :(
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Re: fantasy island QS scene: this monday

Postby mdqsfan8 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 7:36 pm

on youtube Fox uploaded the scene from the episode

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Re: fantasy island QS scene: this monday

Postby Duncan Edwards » Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:05 pm

I kind of had some hopes for this one but I should have known better. Always been a Terri Hatcher fan. Maybe next time.
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Re: fantasy island QS scene: this monday

Postby Sand_Fox » Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:36 am

Wow, it is a cute scene. Pity it was a man and lady, instead of two ladies in this day and age. Also I noticed the guy gave more action of struggle while lady was just mildly participating. I give this scene a C+ for the concept.

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Re: fantasy island QS scene: this monday

Postby MadMax359 » Tue Jan 24, 2023 1:42 pm

my complaint was they put Terri into a conservative outfit... earlier in the episode she wore something a bit more interesting, i would have preferred she sank in that
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Re: fantasy island QS scene: this monday

Postby Coordinated57 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:10 pm

There might be a second scene however but I don’t think it’s likely. In the trailer you can see two people falling downwards when they’re on the beach. Of course they could fall into another dimension or like a big hole but who knows?

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