BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

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Boggy Man
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 9/23/'23!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:33 am

My August 28'th, 2023 Adventure, Part 6 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

Photos continued:

2023 08 28 3Y Crescent.jpg

2023 08 28 3Z Crescent.jpg

2023 08 28 3ZA Crescent.jpg

2023 08 28 3ZB Crescent.jpg

All finished with taking photos, I headed back to my things, and set my camera case down, feeling hot and finally ready to prepare for my dramatic video of the day! :D

I decided to have a video without a lot of talking before the sink, so I could get straight to the action, and then talk things out while sinking. 8-) I thought about having the breathing hose nearby to get it ready after I finished my dramatic sink video, and go straight to the breathing hose sink after that, but I wanted the breathing hose sink to be in even thicker mud closer to the sides, where it would hopefully be a bit more "farty"! :twisted: So, I just went for the dramatic sink first, and would decide afterwards what to do next. :?

I got undressed, and set my stick in a nice spot in the floating grass on the south side of the bog. After setting it back to 16:9, I then screwed my camera onto the Gorillapod, and wrapped its three knobby tentacles around the stick. I then began to fiddle around with trying to frame it properly, but the features of my smoothed-out bog were somewhat washed-out on the lcd screen, making it difficult to center it on a certain part of the bog, choosing one particular irregularity with a noticeable shadow as a reference point. But, I managed to find it, zoomed in a little, and then turned the camera off while I headed back to put on my swim cap, once again, inside out to have the solid fluorescent green side outside, and the side with the green turning into shrinking green dots with white in the background towards the top, on the inside (objects that are too bright can make surroundings too dark on camera). I had to return to the camera with my sunglasses on again, to turn it on, and make some final adjustments to properly frame the spot where all the action was going to be, using the chosen tiny irregularity with the shadow that was barely visible on the screen as a reference, where I was going to plunge into the mire barely on the west side of. I also tried to zoom in enough to hide the grass on the east side, but couldn't tell if I was successful. :? All satisfied that everything was all set up properly, I pressed the record button, hearing the camera beep, and then headed back to my things to remove my sunglasses and put on my swim goggles. I then returned to the bog, but standing on the north side, I first couldn't locate the reference point! :? So, I walked around to the east side and then towards the south to get another glimpse of it, before returning to the north side, now knowing exactly where to make my leap into! I was now ready to begin! :D

I walked away from the north side, then started to make a brisk walk, or slight jog towards "my destiny" :twisted: , and made the fateful leap, landing on the west part of my reference point, immediately getting gulped down almost to my waist in the doughy morass! :twisted: I then began to talk as I assessed my situation and explain how I was hiking for 2 1/2 hours to get to this lake, and was ready for a swim. I struggled, pushing my arms down onto the surface, only to have them sucked in, and the hungry quagmire sucking my body down deeper! I churned the mud around me as I tried to escape the sticky mess that was slowly gulping me down! It was quite intense physical activity, struggling in such thick, doughy quagmire! I had to try and look away from the sun, which was shining in my eyes, which I was concerned about making my floaters and blind spots worse. :? I continued to struggle, the muck giving out the occasional fart of swamp gas. As it was closing over my shoulders, I could hear it making some sucking sounds as I struggled. Because the voracious ooze was so thick, it was slow going sinking down deeper. When it started to rise over my mouth, I had to start tilting my head further and further back, as my struggles allowed the hungry quagmire to slowly suck me down even deeper and deeper! I was concerned about all this exercise from struggling in the thick muck that had made me feel quite out of breath, because the submersion was coming up! :? The mire sucked over my goggles on my upturned head, enclosing me in blackness, and then I could feel the suffocating muck slowly closing around my mouth. Finally, when I could feel the air I was inhaling being forcefully sucked through the mud above me, I sucked in that one final big breath, held it, and then struggled myself down deeper, working my face forward beneath the smothering doughy ooze! I then exhaled, with the suffocating mire passing the gas to the surface in a hissing stream! :twisted:

After the exhalation, I so badly wanted to linger there for just a few more seconds for added effect, but because of all the intense physical activity of struggling in the thick mire that had me out of breath initially, my heart rate was somewhat elevated, meaning that after losing some air from my lungs to the surface above, my body was demanding fresh air with oxygen NOW!!!!! :evil: So, I had to immediately work myself up to the surface and quickly wipe the thick, suffocating coating of doughy mire from my mouth, to take in lungfuls of fresh air! :o I then lingered there to finish catching my breath, something I didn't have time to do before my submersion (didn't want to pause my performance during the shooting of my video). I then proceeded to work myself higher and higher up out of the muck, wiping it away from my head and body as I went. Once I got to around waist deep, I worked myself around and then worked myself forward into a diagonal position, where I could slowly work myself forward through the mire towards the north end, pushing mud from in front of me towards the back side of me, so it didn't bunch up in front of me. Once I managed to get close to the north side, I was able to start pulling on the grass, and continue to move mud from in front of me to behind me. Then, I turned around again, and pressing down on the grass with my hands, I lifted my buttocks above the muck and pulled myself backwards, sitting down on the grass. I worked my legs and feet out, wiping the mud off them back into the bog. Then, I headed to the pond where I cleaned my hands, and returned to my camera, where I pressed the record button to stop the video, but then was uncertain if I did it, since I couldn't see the screen through the foggy, boggy goggles. :? So, I pressed it a few more times before turning the camera off, knowing there would be some extra videos a few seconds long of my bare disturbed patch of mud, which I would delete later. :?

To Be Concluded...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 9/23/'23!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:33 am

My August 28'th, 2023 Adventure, Part 7, The Conclusion (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

All finished, I then headed to the pond to clean up, happy to see that the water had indeed warmed up as I knew it would! :) I was able to head further out into the pond, where there was a deeper layer of water, and standing on the muddy bottom (my bog is a tiny part of all that same mud), I sunk to the upper part of my legs, with the water a little over a foot over that. Then I leaned forward more and more, the water getting closer to my face, until my mouth was almost touching the surface. I breathed deeply over and over again, before taking a deep breath, and immersing my head in the water, cleaning some mud off my head, swim cap and goggles. I then lifted my head to breathe, and repeated the process over and over again until I was certain I was getting my head clean. However, my swim goggles weren't properly sealed to my face, because the thick mud I submerged in had dislodged them slightly. So, water was getting in. :x I moved my swim goggles to or above my forehead, and finished cleaning my face. Once my face was cleaned up, I cleaned my swim goggles and hung them on an alder branch outside the pond. I did the usual routine of cleanup, including using "Nature's scrub-brush" to clean my back, and also making use of the yellow waterlily rhizomes as solid footing for cleanup as well. I removed my junk shorts and string, and cleaned that, hanging my junk shorts back on the alder branches. I had to go back and find the string, before bringing it back to hang with the junk shorts, and the swim cap as well. I removed the camera/Gorillapod from the stick, and put it with my things, also pulling the stick out of the floating grass and laying it on the ground. I removed the camera from the Gorillapod and changed my camera's aspect ratio back to 4:3. I then took a few photos of the bog, showing the disturbed surface where I had struggled, got sucked under, and then escaped:

2023 08 28 3ZC Crescent.jpg

2023 08 28 3ZD Crescent.jpg

2023 08 28 3ZE Crescent.jpg

I still had time for one more sink! :D I didn't think I had any time for a breathing hose sink, which made me a bit disappointed. :( I headed back to the bog, and standing on the west side, knowing that it would be a lot of work to get back to safety in that stuff, I jumped in, sinking to my waist in the farting mire! I struggled, facing eastward towards the place where a hiker had just been sucked under earlier :twisted: , reaching down into the muck, and feeling no sign of the victim! :shock: I managed to work myself forward to the spot where I (the hiker) was sucked under, which was noticeable because the mud which had been so thick beneath my feet where I first entered was now looser and more giving beneath my feet in the spot I moved to! I struggled, slowly sinking deeper and deeper, imagining that I was slowly sinking to my death in quicksand! :shock: I loved the feel of the softness that was surrounding more and more of my body! There was nothing but more softness beneath my feet! :D I continued to struggle, the heaving surface slowly rising up my chest, towards my armpits! The struggling, the surface pulsating and quaking around me, the feel of it holding my body, imagining that I was going to be soon sucked beneath the surface to my death, raised my stimulation to the exploding point! :D

Now, I was finished with my sinking, but I had to first smooth out all the mud that was disturbed, starting with the center, and working myself back to the edge, where I finished the smoothing job, before heading back to the pond one last time to clean up. I was happy that the water had some warmth, but still colder below, and I went through the same routine of cleanup, happy that the "Nature's scrub-brush" made all the difference in the world for removing stuck-on mud and film/scum from my back! :) While air-drying, I replaced all the sticks/poles around the bog, to keep cattle (and also bears) from being fed to my hungry bog! I then took a final photo of the caged-in bog:

2023 08 28 3ZF Crescent.jpg

I got dressed, not needing my jacket, since I was warming up nicely. I moved my breathing hose back into its hiding spot under a spruce tree, and covered it with dead grass. I put my things away, including my swim goggles, swim cap and Gorillapod into their respective packages, and put things into various plastic bags. I was constantly being buzzed by a bald-faced hornet, which kept on landing on me and taking off, making me nervous, since I didn't want to get stung if it got trapped inside my clothes! :o I then grabbed everything, took one last look at my caged-in patch of treacherous :twisted: quagmire, returned to my bike, and put everything back into my saddlebags. I never bothered switching the memory cards in my camera, instead waiting to do it at home. I never checked out my videos either, to save time, waiting to look at them once I got home. As I started back, I could really feel the heat in the air :) , something that had been weaker in my previous outings due to the smoke. This time was much brighter, with less haze. :) I really wished that I could have gone back to the bog for more evening sinking, since I waited much of the day for things to warm up like this! But, I had to get going home. :(

I passed the drop-off point some time around 5:24 pm, a really good time, noticing that there was an entire herd of free-range cattle there! :shock: I guess that they were the source of the numerous cowpies there! :? That was the most cattle I saw there this season! I just hoped that they would stay away from my bog! After I left Crescent Road onto the main road, I snacked on a Sweet & Salty cashew granola bar, and chugged a bunch of Kool-Aid to try and counter any dehydration I may have acquired, since I could feel some slight drain on my energy. :? But then, going from being hot to chilled to hot to chilled to hot again can also take its toll on one's body. :? I was heading back at a good time, which meant that I didn't have to try calling home at the 7 km mark, instead waiting until I was at my usual spot further down, where cell service was guaranteed, before calling. But, it went straight to voice mail. :? So I tried again, and same thing. :? So, I coasted down to my "nature break" location, the last spot before coming out into the open with farms all over the place, and after taking the "nature break", phoned again, and finally got through. :) My mom had been on the phone with relatives from Manitoba who were coming for a visit in the beginning of September. That was a relief, because I was worried that something serious happened that resulted in no one being home, such as a medical emergency! :shock: Coasting down the hill, it started to feel slightly cooler, but I was looking forward to get into the full sunshine in the valley, and out of the shade of the trees and mountains. But, when I got out into the open, no sun! :shock: Looking to the west, it was a shining, orange disk that got dimmer as time went by, eventually turning to a red disk behind the smoke! :x By the time my dad reached me, I had to go into the bushes by a creek to have another "nature break". By the time we got home, my bladder was bursting again! :shock: I guess I shouldn't have chugged down so much Kool-Aid! :? We got home at a good time, just before it was getting dark, and I had to take my junk shorts out of my saddlebag and put it into our tiny greenhouse to dry for the next day (nobody else really bothers going into that greenhouse).

So far, this was the best outing yet! :D The mud was at a thickness that was impossible to walk through, but too soft to sit on top yet to extract your legs, and still fairly sticky! It was basically at a rather treacherous :twisted: stage in its seasonal thickness transition during the water drop in the pond! I was happy that I managed to have a nice dramatic submersion sink in that extremely wicked stuff on camera, and when I viewed the video, I noticed that I was slightly off center, a little too far to the right, and there was some grass visible on the far upper right. :? The bog looked extremely treacherous and hungry, as I slowly got sucked down to my "demise"! :twisted: I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't stay under the surface for as long as I wanted to, due to my elevated heart-rate making me a bit out of breath when I submerged. :( I later realized that I could have tried to do some repeated digging away of the muck from my mouth each time it closed in as I got sucked down deeper, which was always entertaining, and perhaps could have given me enough time to allow me to catch my breath, or at least partially! :? But then, it turns out that my sinking sequence was just barely under YouTube's 15-minute time limit for unverified accounts, and adding something extra would have put it over the edge. :( On the other hand, Dave has been kind enough to offer to host my videos at mpvstuff (Thanks, Dave! :D ), so that would no longer be an issue. 8-) Looking at the video, I also noticed that at the end, when I drew my "final" :twisted: breath, I was able to do so with the mud COMPLETELY concealing my face, including my nose and mouth! :D That meant that I could have stayed at that level, raised my arms, and then slowly pulled them back down into the suffocating mire, and then replaced the audio containing my sucking air through the mud with other background audio for a really dramatic effect, which I have done in the past! :twisted:

I was disappointed that I didn't shoot the mushing up (bog preparation) video on the west side instead, since it looked and sounded more dramatic than the mud on the north side, although the mud on the north side also made interesting sounds! I was also disappointed that I never had a chance to have a breathing hose sink, since I have been wanting to do one in much thicker mud like this for a very long time, and had an intense craving for more after my enjoyable breathing hose sink on my previous outing! I also later realized that I should have also taken a photo of the bear paw impressions when the sticks were still surrounding the bog, to show where two of them were slightly spread apart. :?

When cleaning up, I think I may have had some baby leeches on my skin, but no big bloodsuckers, although I did find a tiny bit of blood coming from one of my legs, but wasn't certain if it was just from a scratch at that spot. :? I was happy that the smoky haze in the mountains was substantially thinner than before, allowing me to feel much more heat from the sun! :D I was glad to choose that day to go, because it turned out to be a really hot day, with Vernon hitting 34.1˚C (93.4˚F).

Since then, the weather turned cooler, with one rain shower early in the morning of August 31'st, making me concerned about its effect on my bog, which I really want to continue thickening, with the surface free of puddles! The weather is supposed to warm up for the first couple days of September, before another cold front moves through Sunday, September 3'rd, after which, it seems that the weather stays on the cool side for the foreseeable future, right into the beginning of Hunting Season! :x After wall-to wall persistent heat, now, it looks like the weather is turning persistently cool! :x So, it looks like if I don't have another outing on Saturday, September 2'nd (forecast high for Vernon is 28˚C or 82.4˚F), then I might have to wait until late July or early August of next year for my next chance at sinking! :( But, that is only 5 days after this adventure, and my neck and back haven't settled down yet! :? I will have to play it by ear! :?
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Location: The Sunny Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada

Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 10/11/'23!

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:49 am

My September 2'nd, 2023 Adventure, Part 1!

This season, I have been keeping my adventures roughly 12 days apart, to allow for my neck to settle down (sensitivity rises for 5 days before settling down after that). But, after my previous adventure, it looked like 12 days later, September 9'th, the day before Hunting Season, would be on the cool side, just barely above 20˚C (68˚F) in the valley, while it would be somewhere around 15˚C (59˚F) in the mountains! :x But, on Saturday, September 2'nd, it was forecast to go up to around 28˚C (82.4 ˚F), which would put the temperature in the mountains somewhere around 22˚C (72˚F), which would be manageable! :) I don't normally go on weekends, and especially holiday weekends, and it has been years since I had outings only 5 days apart, which was also the recent timing of my peak of my neck sensitivity after each outing. :? But, this could be my final chance at a breathing hose sink in thicker mud this season! :? The fact that all the alders and willows growing between my pond and the one to the east, which has the road on its east side, hide most of my pond, except for a tiny glimpse of the part to the north of my bog, means that people driving by in trucks and atv's wouldn't see me now :D , unless I was in a part of the meadow north of the bog, although that is where I typically clean up! :? But, I didn't know what the chances were of anyone coming up that sideroad anyways. :? So, I was all prepared for my newest adventure, on Saturday, September 2'nd, the first day of the Labour Day Long Weekend! I was concerned about some rain that fell the morning of Thursday, August 31'st, because that morning, it looked like we had a real soaking, which could possibly leave puddles of water on top of my bog! :? I just hoped that 48 hours of dry weather after the rain would take care of that. :?

I got up around 5:20 am, although I felt that early starts might not be advantageous now that the days are getting shorter and the mornings noticeably cooler. :? But, since I knew we were in a warm airmass, I kept my faith that it will quickly warm up. 8-) I was happy to see that there wasn't as much smoke haze as in previous times, meaning that the sun wouldn't be filtered like it was before, allowing for full strength sunshine to get things warmed up, including the mud and water, with more heat radiating from the ground! :D When we left sometime between 8:30 and 9 am, I started to notice some high thin bands of cirrus cloud that seemed to filter the sun, but they were moving southward, with clear blue skies to the north of it. I was surprised on the way up into the mountains that there was a lack of traffic, since I figured a lot of people would be heading up into the back country to recreate during the long weekend. It seemed totally deserted, that is, until we went up Crescent Road, and discovered a white truck parked right beside a sideroad that heads north, just east of our dropoff, which is east of my sideroad that heads north to my pond! :shock: I was a bit concerned that the only sign of anyone we saw in the backcountry during our trip out there was in close proximity to my main "secret" ;) location! :x :? What were the chances? :shock: I just hoped it was someone who had taken off on an atv or motorbike and was going all over the place, not just in this area! :? Today was too important to me to have anything disrupt my plans! :?

When my dad dropped me off, I noticed that the clearing on the south side of the road was now littered with cowpies all over the place! :shock: It was not a good sign, since I didn't want any cattle activity in the vicinity of my area! :? I tested my bike, and it was okay. :) I loaded up my saddlebags, and was ready to go! :D It was around 13˚C to 14˚C (55.4˚F to 57.2˚F) there, a bit chilly for sinking just yet, but I knew things would warm up nicely, that is, once the sun came out from behind that band of high cirrus clouds! 8-) My dad left, and I was on my way! :D I turned onto my sideroad, and while passing the east pond, I studied the breaks in the bushes separating the two ponds, to see what was visible, which wasn't much. :) But, I was then concerned when I started hearing some mooing coming from the area of my pond! :shock: I hoped no cattle were stuck in my bog, although it was caged in, or stuck somewhere else in the exposed mud patches around the pond! :? I then walked my bike onto the sidetrail that led to the clearing north of the pond, having to lift my bike over a couple of fallen trees, and noticing that the trail was now extremely heavily trampled by cattle, meaning that SUBSTANTIALLY more cattle were accessing the pond! :shock: The entire clearing was also trampled and greenery sheered off! :shock: It looked so different from five days ago! :shock: I parked my bike in its usual location in the shade of some evergreens, and got my things together, including my lunch. I heard mooing from more than one cow to the south, and continued to hope that none were stuck anywhere, although there seemed to be some movement. :? I then headed to the pond, noticing that there were multiple heavily trampled paths honeycombing the grassy spaces between the alders! I also had to constantly keep an eye on where I was stepping, because there were cowpies scattered in the grass and along the paths, some of which were fairly huge! :shock:

I reached my usual location where I would set my things down in the shadow of some alders, only to find that a heavily trampled cattle trail now ran right through in between the alders and right over that spot! :shock: I had never seen so much drastic signs of cattle activity there! :shock: Concerned about whether or not any would come that way again, or even if the trampled grass was sanitary enough to put my stuff down (cattles' hooves have likely stepped in cowpies) :? , I set my stuff in the untouched grass on the west side of the trampled trail.

I was hoping that the sun would be out by now, but it seemed as though more bands of high cirrus clouds materialized over the sun, and even though they seemed to shift southeastward, they were staying over the sun and getting thicker, really cutting down its strength, and keeping things cool! :x I was getting concerned, because when we are finally rid of most of the smoke haze filtering the sun, it is now being replaced by high cloud partially obscuring the sun! :x I just hoped the clouds would move away soon, so we could get started with the warming process. :x In fact, I was wearing a blue windbreaker over top of my gray zipped hoodie for extra warmth!

I grabbed my camera out of its case, swapped memory cards, and headed down to the bog. I had to dodge five small fresh cowpies that were plopped in succession close to each other directly on the path I had worn in the grass towards my bog, something that I was now going to have to avoid each time I went between my things and my bog! :x The last thing I needed was to accidentally step in the wrong place and track e-coli XP into my nice, "clean" :roll: bog! :x

When I got to the bog, I was disappointed that it, indeed, had some small puddles of water on top, which would have impacted the thickening process that had been going on all summer long! :x It was in the center, which tended to be the softest and lowest, since during every escape/exit, I always wound up dragging mud away from the middle and towards the edge, although I tended to move mud away from the side of me facing the edge, towards the side of me facing the middle during my escapes! I was going to take care of the water once I began my stirring of the surface afterwards! 8-) I took a photo, showing the state it was in at the beginning of the day:

2023 09 02 4A Crescent.jpg

To Be Continued...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 10/11/'23!

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:50 am

My September 2'nd, 2023 Adventure, Part 2 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

I put my camera away and then, before beginning the removal of the "cage", removed my shoes (I leave my socks at home, since they always gotten full of seeds during my outings), shorts and undershorts, so that I would not have to worry about removing them later with legs that might have some mud on them. So, only wearing a t-shirt and the two jackets, I proceeded with removing the sticks. However, because I could still hear cattle in the area, and there were so many signs of recent cattle activity, just to be on the safe side, I decided to only remove part of the cage, leaving up the sticks/poles on the west side of the bog. As I was piling the sticks on the east side of some alders to the southwest of the bog, I had to avoid another small, but slightly larger cowpie in the grass there as well, around 20 feet from my bog! :x Since my main goal of the day was to have a breathing hose sink at some time around 3 pm, the camera would be aimed down at the mud, and not the sides, although my other videos didn't always show any sides. So, leaving the sticks up on the west side shouldn't be a problem. 8-) I grabbed my camera out of its case and took photos from the open sides, as well as another overhead photo:

2023 09 02 4B Crescent.jpg

2023 09 02 4C Crescent.jpg

2023 09 02 4D Crescent.jpg

2023 09 02 4E Crescent.jpg

2023 09 02 4F Crescent.jpg

I got out my breathing hose from its hiding spot underneath a spruce tree north of my things, and got out my packages containing my Gorillapod, swim goggles, and swim cap, to be used later on. I noticed that the sun was slowly getting closer to the edge of the band of cirrus clouds, although it seemed as if the thickest patch was STILL centered over the sun! :x But, the sun was finally starting to come out and get stronger, meaning that I could get started, beginning with a stimulating ;) struggling sink! :D Because it was still cool, I wanted to avoid getting muddy above my waist, at least for my back, which would have been more uncomfortable to clean, since I would have had to lay back on the floating vegetation (grass, small rushes - "Nature's scrub-brush") to rub the mud off before splashing water over my back to wash off the other debris, and the water didn't have time to warm up yet. :? So, I planned on having a horizontal sink/struggle on my stomach, instead. 8-) But first, I had to pick which part of the bog I wanted to have the horizontal sink, which had to be a spot on one of the sides, since the middle had water, while the sides were raised and thicker. I was eyeing the west side, since that had the thickest mud so far this season, but it was narrower than other parts, such as the east side. :? With all my clothes and glasses off and with my things by the alders, I was ready to begin! :D

To Be Continued...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Location: The Sunny Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada

Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 10/11/'23!

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:50 am

My September 2'nd, 2023 Adventure, Part 3 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

Finally deciding on the west side, I made my way to the northwest corner, slipped in between the sticks to stand on the floating meadow bordering the edge of my bog, and started my fantasy! I thought about how this patch of wet ground looked so innocent, but was the site of a life-and-death struggle as two head of cattle got stuck there, with the hungry quagmire winning out, sucking them under the surface, where they suffered a horrible, suffocating death! :shock: The next day, poles stuck 10 feet down into the muck wouldn't hit anything, meaning that the bodies of the cattle were totally gone, out of reach, lost forever! :shock: And, the bog had eventually erased all signs of the struggle from its surface, as if nothing ever happened! :shock: After I was reflecting on that "situation", I "accidentally" ;) lost my balance, and fell into the west side of the bog, facing south, on my hands and knees, which quickly got sucked down by the hungry morass! :shock: My bent legs sucked under, my arms getting sucked straight down, and the soft, heaving surface sucking at my stomach and slowly rising up my front, I began cursing, because I was now in the same situation as those cattle, and there was no escape from the farting morass! :o I struggled, more and more of my chest pressing into the hungry muck, my arms getting swallowed deeper and deeper, imagining that soon I would suffer the same suffocating death as those cattle, and vanish forever beneath the quivering surface of the doughy ooze, never to be seen again, with the mire then eventually hiding all signs of my struggle, raising my stimulation to the exploding point! :D

After that, I worked myself straight, and then proceeded to mush up the surface around me. I swished the water from the middle part I could reach, over to my left (north), and continued churning the mud, which occasionally farted swamp gas. I would face the middle, reach under the mud, and lifting up with my hands, would flip the soggy surface in front of me over towards me and push it down, making part of what was once a soggy surface turn into a thicker doughy mess, although my actions also pulled some of the soggy surface further away towards me. I repeated it again, and continued to mush and churn all the mud around me, before smoothing it out, and then working myself back towards the west shore, pushing mud from behind me to in front of me, and then pushing down on the grass to lift up my buttocks and pull myself backwards and sitting down on the edge of the grass, where I extracted my legs and feet, pushing the mud off them back into the bog. I then moved to the northwest corner and plunged in, repeating the same process over again, pushing mud underneath towards the middle as well, to try and raise the center. I then moved to the north part, and continued with the process, finding that I was starting to feel a bit more stimulation, not enough for an "explosion" ;) , but just enough for a perpetually "gooooood" feeling! :) The sun was getting nice and warm, and I was staying at around waist level in the thick, bottomless muck, which made things feel less chilly, and more comfortable! 8-)

Then, the next thing I knew, there was a sudden cracking of sticks, moving of branches and a bunch of mooing coming from the west of me! :shock: I looked over, and a spaced out line of cattle were walking northward, one after another, right along the path that went through the area with my things! :shock: I even saw them walking right through there! :shock: My watch! :o My Gorillapod! :o My swim goggles! :o My clothes! :o My camera! :o My prescription sunglasses! :o My lunch! :o My drinks! :o My bug and bear spray! :o :shock: So, I hastily worked myself out, and headed quickly to my things, relieved that the only things that were displaced were my jackets, which were dragged slightly northward in the path! The rest of my stuff was okay! :) Wanting to move my jackets off the path and onto the side, my hands were too muddy to touch them, so I had to move them using one of my sticks. Then, I stood in the middle of the path, to block the few remaining approaching cattle from coming through that spot, watching them stop, stare at me, and walk away westward before continuing northward to join the rest of the herd. I had to wait until there was no more mooing or snapping of twigs to the south of me before I could leave that spot. I decided to grab one of my longer sticks to lay diagonally across the opening between alder bushes in hopes that would block their path, although it wouldn't stop a large animal if it wanted to plow through. But, perhaps just something stuck across the opening would provide a visual/psychological barrier that could stop them. :?

I had forgotten to take a photo of some animal prints on the northeastern part of the bog, so I washed my hands in the pond, dried them off with my junk shorts, grabbed my camera, and took a photo of some animal prints, either a beaver or muskrat, or something else:

2023 09 02 4G Crescent.jpg

I then put the camera away again, and resumed my work, progressing in a clockwise direction. On the east side, while mushing/churning up the surface, I felt something solid with one of my feet deep down. I managed to use my foot to raise it up through the mud high enough to reach, and pulled out a short chunk of wood, around 5 inches long, and a bit rounded or tapered on the ends and wider in the middle. I wiped the mud off it and tossed it into the grass.

When I reached the southeast corner, I was making progress mushing and churning the mire, and getting close to getting started on the southeast extension, when all of a sudden, I was alerted to a different sound! :shock: It first sounded like a bird, but then I realized it was the VOICE OF A PERSON to the EAST of me, ON FOOT, calling out! :o :shock: It first sounded like a child, but then I realized it was more likely a woman, sounding like she was calling out to a pet (dog?) :? , and making some banging or clanging sounds as well! :shock: Then, I noticed that the cattle that were now to the northwest of me quickly took off to the north and left the pond/meadow/alders area altogether! :shock: It was almost as though that person was calling the cattle! :shock: I began to wonder if perhaps she was a rancher checking on her free-range cattle! :? I was frantically exiting the bog, rushing towards the alders, naked, full of mud from my waist down and on my hands and arms, with dried mud on my chest! :oops: I got really nervous when I heard that person yell "HEY!!!" :shock: :oops: I didn't know if that person saw me :oops: :? , but I wasn't anyplace that was visible from the road, unless that person left the road and was walking through the bush towards where I was! :? That person continued to call out for a while, and I felt I had to get out of there IMMEDIATELY! :shock: But, I had to clean up first, and my cleanup area to the northeast of the bog was the only place that was partially visible from the road, something you only catch a brief glimpse of from a moving vehicle, but on foot, you can get a steady view of that small area! :shock: So, I headed straight south, to the tiny pond south of the main pond, looking at the exposed mud on the south side of the main pond, it appearing unchanged from last time. On the northwest corner of the tiny pond, I sat down on a mat of bog cinquefoils in the cool water, and cleaned myself up nicely. 8-) Then I started back, feeling a bit chilled, but relieved that things seemed to have quieted down. :)

As I headed back, I noticed a number of dead alders scattered here and there, just waiting to be used for supplementing my cage! :D First, I had to get back to my things, where I quickly got dressed so I would be decent, putting on both jackets for a faster warmup. 8-) Then, I headed back southward, and proceeded to break off the sticks/poles, and each time I had enough in my hands, I would add them to my pile, and go back for another batch. Once I felt I had enough stick/poles, I then put my shoes on, grabbed my lunch and drinks, and walked to the sideroad, with no sign of the cattle anywhere. :) Snacking on my Pizza Pops, I decided to walk up the sideroad to the clearcut to the northeast to see if there were any vehicles over there, before heading back to where the road passed the east pond, where the voice was coming from. I was just entering the clearcut, and had finished the second Pizza Pop, when I heard the sound of an ATV. Then, someone on an ATV and others on motorbikes passed by me, and some waved to me and I waved back. Nothing to be concerned about, since I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. :cool: Now, THAT was the type of thing I was expecting, NOT someone on foot within earshot of me, and would be within clear view if not for the willows/alders between the two ponds! :shock: Since they were headed to the end of the road in the clearcut, and I could see the area to the south, downhill from where I was, I turned around and headed eastward, up the original road there that passed the clearcut, and continued up it until I heard the people drive back away. All quiet, I then turned around and headed back down the road to where it passed the east pond, and studied the visibility of my pond from there, once again glimpsing only parts of it to the north of my bog. 8-) I hoped that that person stayed on the road, and never saw me. :? That was likely the person's truck that I saw parked on a sideroad to the east! :? I returned to my bike, putting my lunch bag and empty drink bottle in my saddlebag. I headed back to my things, and realized that my new sticks needed to be stripped of loose bark. So, I went through them, and removed all the loose bark I could get off, so nothing would fall into my bog later on. Once that was done, I was nice and hot, so I got undressed, and was all ready to finish up the job I was working on when I was interrupted by the :oops: scare! :)

I returned to the southeast corner, and finished mushing and churning it up, including turning over the wet part towards the center, and mushing it down, as well as pushing mud underneath towards the center, and smoothing things out. I then mushed up the southeast "finger", and then took care of the south side, repeating everything there. I slowly worked myself out the same way as I was doing all along, and from the edge, was able to finish off the southwest corner, which was just a narrow band of undisturbed mud on the south side. All that was left was the middle, which was now a rather small patch after I had "eaten away" at it from the sides. So, facing north, I jumped into the northern part of the south section I had mushed up and smoothed, and was finally able to churn over the last of the soggy surface, turning everything into a nice thick doughy goo, which I smoothed out! :D During my work, I had also been removing debris again, as well as mushing up tiny pieces of mud that was solid, likely from when the surface of the bog dried out a number of years ago. I also loved the feel of the occasional bubble of swamp gas that would work its way up along my body to fart out at the surface! :D

All finished, I started to struggle there, imagining that I was slowly being sucked down to my death by deadly quicksand, plunging my arms straight down into the gulping mire, seeing and feeling it slowly rise up my abdomen, slowly sinking for real! :shock: I then lifted my arms and hands out of the mire, and set them in front of me, but slightly spread apart, and then pressed down as I struggled, the pulsating surface giving way and hungrily sucking them under the surface into its doughy softness! :shock: With my arms in a more horizontal position under the voracious ooze, I struggled vigorously, imagining that I was going to be sucked completely under and suffocate beneath the heaving, pulsating surface that surrounded me and there was no way to stop it, the doughy mire slowly rising to my upper chest, the feel of it gripping me, raising my stimulation to the exploding point! :D

After that, I felt my body temperature drop again, and it was time to call it quits for this sinking session. I worked myself backwards slowly, moving mud from behind me to in front of me, and slowly wormed my way towards the south side, smoothing the mud in front of me as I went, until I was finally within reach of the grass, where I lifted my buttocks up above the mud, pulled myself back, and sat down on the grass. I extracted my legs and feet, pushed the muck off them back into the bog, and then smoothed it out. And finally, that job was finally done :D , albeit much later than I had expected, making things uncertain about my planned breathing hose sink! :?

I headed to the pond to clean up, finding that the water, while a little cool, was finally starting to warm up. :) I cleaned my front, and then laid back on the grass on the edge (Nature's scrub-brush), to rub my back to eliminate the brown film of mud stuck to my skin there, returning to the pond to splash water over my back to rinse off all sediment from the location of the grass I laid down on. I finished off my cleanup, and then returned to my things, where I grabbed my camera and took photos of my finished job:

2023 09 02 4H Crescent.jpg

2023 09 02 4I Crescent.jpg

2023 09 02 4J Crescent.jpg

2023 09 02 4K Crescent.jpg

I put the camera back away. I had noticed that there was a noticeable depression on the northeast quadrant of the bog while taking the photos, so I smoothed it out.

To Be Concluded...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Location: The Sunny Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada

Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 10/11/'23!

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:50 am

My September 2'nd, 2023 Adventure, Part 4, The Conclusion (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

It was getting a bit later than I had wanted! I had planned on having my breathing hose sink at around 3 pm, and it was already getting close to 3:30 pm, I had nothing set up yet, and I was still feeling a little on the cool side! :? To make things worse, I was having leg cramps start up during my last mud session and during cleanup, something I didn't want to happen again during a breathing hose sink! :shock: I was starting to wonder whether I would have time for the breathing hose sink, but I had waited too long to give up yet! First, I decided to set up the cage around the bog, so that I would have that out of the way, and hopefully, I would be warm by then. :? So, I set up the cage, with the new sticks allowing me to double the density of the "bars", which made for an even better barrier! :D Once I was finished with that, I was ready to get things set up! :D

I removed some of the sticks from the southern part of the west side of the bog, since they were casting shadows on the nice thick spot I was going to get sucked under in, on the west side. I grabbed my breathing hose, and buried part of it in the thick mire so it would be hidden from the camera once I was under, with the side I was to put in my mouth sticking out of the mud where I was going to plunge in, and the other end trailing out of the western part of the south side of the bog. I took one stick/pole, and stuck it through the floating mat on the south side, in a spot close to the action, but where it wouldn't cast any shadows in the video. I attached my camera to the Gorillapod, with it once again set to 16:9 so that I could get my spot on the west side properly framed. Once I had the camera set and properly zoomed in, I returned to my things, put on my swim cap and swim goggles, as well as my junk shorts, which I had to tie to my waist with a plastic bale string, ever since the elastic around the waist stretched. I went back to my camera, only to find it had turned off, meaning that I had to turn it back on, go back to put my sunglasses back on again so that I could see the camera screen, and get the area properly framed and zoomed in again:

2023 09 02 4L Crescent.jpg

I pressed the record button, returned to my things to set down my sunglasses, and then put my swim goggles over my eyes, making certain they were fitting nice and snug. I headed back to my bog, having to dodge the cowpies on the path again, something I had to do repeatedly throughout the day! I squeezed in between the sticks on the northwest corner, and standing on the western edge of the north side, I was all ready to begin! :D

Facing south, I made the fateful leap, getting sucked down to my crotch in the thick, doughy mire! :D But, I was a little too close to the breathing hose, which I had to pull out from under the front of my shorts, glad to see that the end wasn't muddy! :) I then began to slowly sink down deeper and deeper, struggling with my legs, the sucking mire eventually rising to my upper chest, at which point, I plunged my arms down into the doughy mess, and continued to struggle in the gulping mire, grabbing onto the hose under the mud to adjust its position. Once the thick, heaving muck rose to my shoulders, I finally put the end of the hose into my mouth, but I had to adjust my bite on it, because the inside of my lips were getting pinched on it. It was a long, slow process, getting sucked down deeper and deeper into the hungry quagmire, but the doughy muck sucked closed over my shoulders and continued to rise higher and higher! I had to try and move my head forward so that it would be in a straight position, for minimal neck strain. The suffocating mire swallowed my breathing hose, my nose and then my swim goggles, the light fading into darkness, and my exhaled breath hissing through the mud. I had to try and push mud in front of my head forward to help me move my head more forward, once again to lessen any strain on my neck. I felt a tiny bit of mud in my mouth, but I spat it out into the hose, and it was no longer a problem. 8-) As the voracious ooze climbed up the sides of my head with the swim cap, I noticed that when I exhaled, for a moment, it sounded like a vibrating fart, and I hoped that I had caught that sound on camera! :D

I kept on pulling myself downward, while holding onto the breathing hose in front of me, so that it would go down deeper with me. I kept on inhaling through the hose, and exhaling through my nose, hearing the air hissing/farting around me to the surface. I kept on working myself down deeper, and then finally raised my hands to the surface to feel the area above my head to see whether or not it had closed over me yet. I felt a "flat" surface of mud above my head, meaning I was indeed totally sucked under the surface of the doughy, suffocating mire! :D I continued to inhale through the hose and exhale through my nose, hearing the muffled hissing sound of the bog passing the gas to the surface above me! I noticed that the air I exhaled tended to take different paths, sometimes moving around different parts of my head. Sometimes the air would seem to build a larger air pocket which would then deflate to the surface above me! :D

I kept on working myself deeper, pulling my upper body and breathing hose down, and then working my feet down deeper into the bottomless gooey stuff below, before lingering there and doing things like moving my hands around underneath to make the mire heave and pulsate, or raising my hands above the surface and do some struggling, and slowly pulling them back down into the doughy depths of the sucking slime! I found that I could sink more easily when I pushed up through the mire with my hands as I worked my upper body deeper, before working my feet even deeper down yet! But, each time I worked myself a little bit deeper, there would be a brief moment of uncertainty about whether my body would be able to easily handle breathing at each progressively deeper depth in such thick mud, with me looking for any signs of any potential problems, but fortunately finding none each time, making me feel more at ease, as I got used to breathing at each deeper depth. 8-)

I tried to hold my arms up closer to where the air I was exhaling was being passed to the surface, in hopes that I could get it to rise along my arms/hands to the surface to try to make better bog farts, but it didn't feel like it was working. :? I loved the experience of being totally engulfed by the encompassing mire, with only my breathing hose keeping me alive deep down in its suffocating depths! :mrgreen: I kept on moving my hands under the mire, swayed, and periodically raised my hands above the surface, only to slowly pull them back down again, to make them disappear into the doughy muck for effect! :twisted: I think that the deeper I got, the easier it was to work myself down even deeper, perhaps because with more mud above my head, it could flow more easily around the top of my head, instead of being hindered by its weight when it tried to lift/bulge above the surface when I was shallower. :? Towards the end, when I worked myself down deeper yet, pushing up through the mire on my sides with my hands while working my upper body lower, and then straightening my legs, working my feet down deeper yet into the thick mire beneath, I noticed something new. :? The mire started to squeeze my head more tightly, which felt interesting! :) It seemed that the deeper I sank, the tighter the grip it had on my body! :? Or, it had to do with the movement of the mud around me when I pulled myself deeper, with it sucking more strongly at my head! :? It then took a moment for me to get used to breathing at that new depth, with me lingering there for a bit more, continuing to do various stuff with my hands. While I was under there, I also tried to put my hands above the stream of air I exhaled, to try to trap it and then release it in one big belch, but couldn't get the air to build up under my hands.

Finally, my mouth was starting to water like crazy, with me having to swallow more and more saliva, and I was also starting to feel a tiny bit chilled. :? So, I finally decided to call it quits, and bring this session to an end. 8-) I carefully worked each foot up higher through the thick doughy mire below, before working my upper body straight, moving my breathing hose up with me as well. I kept on repeating the process, the hissing of the bog passing the gas from my exhaled breath to the surface becoming shorter and less broken up. Then, the mud over my head felt lighter, and my exhaled breath started to have very abrupt hisses. Then, I could see light filtering through the mud! Once I worked myself up high enough for my mouth to be at the surface, I removed the hose from my mouth, spat out a bunch of excess saliva, pulled the hose partially out of the mud, and moved it away. I then continued to work myself up higher and higher up through the thick, doughy mire, wiping away mud from my head, including my swim goggles, and removing more mud that was stuck to me. After my head was above the surface, I heard the sound of cattle mooing again, meaning that they were back! :shock: I just hoped that they didn't walk through my things! :shock:

I continued working myself higher and higher, moving the breathing hose further away. As I worked myself up higher, I would remove the odd bit of debris and smooth the surface out as well. Once I got up to waist deep, I worked myself backwards, towards the west side, and smoothed the mud around me some more. Then, I put my hands down on the grass on the edge, lifted my buttocks above the mud, pulled myself backward, and sat down on the grass. I worked my legs and feet out, pushing the mud off them and back into the bog, which I finished smoothing out. I then headed to the pond to clean my hands, but because things were so blurry through the goggles due to a combination of condensation inside, and mud smeared on the outside, I had trouble getting back to the camera, because I couldn't locate the bog! :shock: I finally found it, returned to the camera, and pressed the record button a few times to make certain it was indeed stopped, before turning the camera off. I know I could have removed the goggles to see clearly, but there was so much mud stuck on my face that I didn't want to remove them until I had most of the mud washed off my face and head, or risk getting mud falling into my eyes. :?

I headed to the pond, and just as I had hoped, the water had warmed enough for me to immerse my head reasonably comfortably! :D I cleaned myself off, having to scrub my face extra hard with my hands to make certain that there was no brown film left. I cleaned my swim goggles, swim cap and then my junk shorts and the string, using "Nature's scrub-brush" to clean my back again, and swishing water over my back to remove loose debris. I hung my wet things on some alder bushes, and finished my cleanup. I also had to clean up my breathing hose, swishing it in the water, and rubbing it in the grass to try and loosen and get the mud out of the grooves, and swishing it in the water again, as well as running water through it.

I removed the camera and Gorillapod from the stick, and removed the camera from the Gorillapod. I changed the camera back to 4:3 and put it away. I was happy that my things weren't touched by the cattle. :) I replaced the sticks I had removed, also removing the one I used for the camera and relocating it as part of the cage. I then put the breathing hose away in its normal hiding place under a spruce tree, covering it with dead grass. I started to get my things put away, but since I had just finished the sink and cleanup, the swim goggles, swim cap and junk shorts and string were still wet. I put my swim goggles away in its package anyways, after trying to wipe away residual moisture with my t-shirt. But, I never bothered putting the swim cap in its package, because it was still fairly wet. I also suddenly remembered that I hadn't taken a final photo of the caged-in bog, so I did that:

2023 09 02 4M Crescent.jpg

I put the rest of my stuff away, and realized that there was one stick left I had forgotten to add to the cage - the one I laid in between the alders to try blocking the path of the cattle! I just took it and laid it on the ground out of the way. I took a final look at the bog, then started back, but turned around to check my area one last time to make certain nothing was left behind, before finally returning to my bike north of the pond, finding cattle were in the area. I put my stuff away, only to find that one plastic bag containing my drink bottles was set down on a small cowpie I didn't know was there! :shock: Barely a tiny smear outside the bag, and nothing inside it was contaminated (smell test), and I turned the bag inside out and put it in a sidepocket in my saddlebag, and finished putting things away. I then headed back, passing the dropoff point some time around 6 pm, around 20 to 30 minutes later than last time. The truck was gone from the other sideroad, and I felt certain that that woman was from that truck. When I made it onto the main gravel road, I snacked on a Sweet & Salty cashew granola bar.

A little bit further down the main road, there was another truck parked beside another sideroad, with a herd of cattle gathered in the area. But, as I approached, the cattle started running, some heading straight down the road in front of me! :x I kept hoping they would go off to the side of the road, because I hated chasing them down the road and separating them from the rest of the herd! :x But, I had reached a long stretch of the road where there was a steep hill/embankment to the left, and a steep dropoff to the right, so the few cattle that were running in front of me had nowhere to go but further down the road! :x I felt bad about how far from the herd they were, and it took forever before I finally reached a spot where the cattle were able to finally move off the road, a couple at first, and the others a little further. I just hoped that they would know enough to head back up the road to get back to the herd. :?

I had promised my dad that I would be phoning him around 7 pm, but since I was running late, I decided to phone at the Kilometre 7 marker, since that was the first place with cell service I would reach. I got there right around 7 pm, and made the phone call, and asked if I should also phone at the usual spot, but he said that he will be coming right away, and will pick me up wherever he saw me. So, I continued on, discovering that I passed the usual contact spot 15 minutes later! He picked me up in the valley bottom, and we got home before it got dark. 8-)

That was quite an eventful day! :shock: I hadn't had so much trouble with cattle in the immediate vicinity for a long time, and this time was the one of the worst! :shock: While I wasn't going to be surprised by anyone passing down that sideroad on any motor vehicles during the Labour Day long weekend, the last thing I had expected was for SOMEONE to be right on THAT sideroad, THAT day, by the east pond, ON FOOT! :shock: I was so scared that this was going to be the day I was finally going to be caught in the muddy nude! :oops: That person sounded like she was calling the very cattle that had been walking beside me and my things! :shock: The last thing I wanted was to be in any close proximity to a rancher checking the herd, especially since I had opened up a patch of ground that poses a deadly threat to any of those expensive animals! :shock: However, looking at the area from the sideroad, as I mentioned before, all the willows and alder bushes growing between the two ponds have hidden almost all of my pond/meadow, with only tiny glimpses of it from the southern part of the east pond, and those glimpses are of the area north of my bog. It would have been quite a difficult walk to go through the thick bushes and forest on the south side of that east pond to be able to get a view of the rest of the pond, and me! :? But, to the north of the east pond, it would have been easier to get through the bushes there to see my west pond and me :oops: , but I think I only heard her voice coming from the road around the southern to middle part of the east pond. :? But, that is the type of thing you can go through on Crown (government-owned public) land, which is multi-use (logging, free range cattle grazing, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, swimming, atv'ing, motorbiking, cycling, etc.).

But, anyways, that scare had interrupted my mushing of the surface, forcing me to lose a lot of time, deciding to take a hike to the clearcut and back, encountering people on an atv and motorbikes, which was something I wasn't surprised about. But, the added exercise from that extra hike resulted in the strongest cramps I had in a while :x , but thankfully they didn't get too bad, and didn't last long. :) I felt that I was soooo close to missing out on the breathing hose sink, but was glad that I managed to go through with it anyways, and didn't get back late! :D It seems that each time I do a breathing hose sink, that in the moment that I am at my deepest beneath the surface of the thick, doughy, cool mire, inhaling through the hose, and exhaling through my nose, and hearing the muffled hiss of the bog passing the gas up to the surface, really feeling my diaphragm getting a workout, I feel satisfied that I have gone deep enough. 8-) But, after it is over, I am on top of solid ground, all cleaned up, dressed up, warm again and heading home, I then always feel some regret for not going deeper yet! :?

I was disappointed about the rainwater that had puddled on top of the bog, which resulted in me mushing up of the surface for a purpose that was the direct opposite of what I had done before! I usually mushed and churned the surface to mix in the thicker stuff that was losing water on top, with the softer stuff below, to make it as soft as below. But, this time, I had to churn the mud to get rid of the water and soggier mud on top, bringing up the thicker, doughy stuff from down below to thicken the surface! Because of that, I believe that the mud hadn't thickened since last time, which was a disappointment, since I had hoped for even thicker muck yet for the breathing hose sink. But, I chose the thickest part, and it worked out fairly good! :)

I had only one brief "junk" video to delete this time. Looking at the main video, once again, it was nicely zoomed in, although once again, my hands weren't both completely visible at times where they were at the surface. The camera captured my escaping breath farting out of the doughy ooze nicely, not to mention the great view of the sucking muck itself! :D I started hearing cattle mooing when I emerged, but looking at the video, it turned out that they were mooing during the video as well! But, anyways, I was so glad I did go through with the video! :D

Interestingly enough, I discovered that this adventure was on the same day of the month as my final adventure last year! The two years have been very drastically different, like between night and day! :shock: This year (2023) had El Niño with a hot, dry spring/summer, where I successfully shot video footage in ever-thickening mud on every adventure! :D Last year (2022) had La Niña with a wet, cool, late spring and late start to summer, where I missed out on my only video opportunity due to equipment (Gorillapod) failure (bought a new one after that), at the only time the mud was briefly sticking up above the water before it submerged for the rest of the season! :x To really illustrate the stark contrast between the two years, here is a comparison of the bog after I had disturbed it, both photos taken on the same day, September 2'nd:

2023 09 02 4N Crescent 2022 2023 Bog Comparison.jpg

I was a bit concerned that the strain on my neck from being beneath the surface of the thick mire would result in more neck pain, especially since I had already gone on an outing 5 days earlier, giving my neck not as much time to recover as I wanted! :? But, my neck sensitivity seemed to remain not any worse than it has been after my previous outings. :) However, once again, my side neck muscles were a bit sore for a day, but then that soreness went away. :)

The day was cool at first, but it did warm up nicely as the day went on. We got up to 28.1˚C (82.6˚F) in the valley, a nice, warm late summer day, the reason why I rushed to go on another adventure so soon (5 days) after my previous adventure! :D The forecast at the time indicated that after that day, the weather would go downhill, and be cooler for the next week, right up until Hunting Season on September 10'th! They were forecasting Saturday, September 9'th to be around 21˚C (69.8˚F), which would have meant that the temperatures up in the mountains would have been around 16˚C (60.8˚F), a bit on the chilly side. So, I was certain that was my last bikeride of the season. :( However, things have been changing, with them forecasting some warmer weather for that weekend, with temperatures approaching that of this adventurous day! :D So, there could be a slim chance I could squeeze in yet another adventure before Hunting Season! :D But, if it turns out that Saturdays are when the rancher checks out cattle :? , then, I could wind up with a repeat of this day's incident, or worse! :shock: I will just have to play it by ear! :?
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:48 am

My September 9'th, 2023 Adventure, Part 1!

I was certain that my previous adventure on September 2'nd would be the final one of the season, because the weather forecast at that time predicted cooler weather for the week after. But, things changed for the better, with warmer air moving in the following weekend! :D The heat was supposed to peak Sunday, September 10'th, with temperatures approaching the 30˚C (86˚F) mark, but that fell on the first day of Hunting Season! :x So, I had to choose Saturday, September 9'th, the previous day, that was supposed to be slightly cooler, but still warm, in the high 20's˚C (low to mid 80's˚F). Since my previous adventure was on a Saturday, and I had a close call with me being almost discovered, I hoped that Saturday wasn't a routine day for the rancher(s) checking up on cattle there! :? I just had to keep my fingers crossed. :? It was a week since my last outing, and this time, with NO rain, meaning that my bog was steadily thickening since last time! :D

I got up around 6 am this time, since I felt that 5 am was too early, with the days getting shorter and the mornings cooler. We left around 9 am, and I was happy to see that there was very little smoke haze, meaning that the sun won't be filtered! :D Heading up, I was concerned about the presence of some small cumulus clouds that were forming nearby, especially to the southeast! I just kept my fingers crossed in hope that they wouldn't be a problem. :? On the way up Crescent Road, we saw some grouse and white-tailed deer. My dad dropped me off at the usual clearing, and I was happy to have seen no trucks around! :D I once again tested my bike, and then loaded my things in my saddlebags. My dad left, and I was ready to go, wearing a zip-up hooded jacket and a windbreaker for extra warmth, since it was only around 15˚C (59˚F), but was only going to get warmer! :D

First, not wanting to take any chances, I wanted to make certain that there were no trucks anywhere else in the area! So, I headed past my turnoff, happy to see no trucks there, and then went past the two ponds on the south side of the road, noticing that the first one with higher water had a mudflat on it, while the second one was just a grass-filled depression (didn't think to look at the part further to the south that was open last time I was at that area). There were also a lot of cattle tracks on the side of the road, but all was quiet. I continued a little further up the road, before being satisfied that no one was in the vicinity. 8-) So, I headed back, stopping at the pond with the newly exposed mudflat, got out my camera, swapped memory cards, and went to take a photo of the mudflat there. But, the easier access point had a fence, which ended at thicker bushes lining that meadow/willows to the west, so I took a photo from the road through the trees, at a part of the mudflat that an animal (cow?) had slogged a thick trail through the mud:

2023 09 09 5A Pond Southwest Of Crescent.jpg

I then put my camera back in its case, and continued heading back, passing my turnoff and the dropoff point, to briefly check out the sideroad where the white truck was parked at last time. I noticed that a tiny ways up, it was all clogged with fallen trees, so no one would drive past there. I then headed to my turnoff, and made my way up there, getting a bit frustrated with the fact that the sun WAS going in and out from behind the broken cumulus clouds! :x I passed my sidetrail, so that I could check out the rest of that road to make certain no one was up it. I headed to the clearcut, encountering a cow with two calves along the way, near the pond with the ring bog to the north. At the top of the clearcut, looking downhill at it, all was clear, so I headed back, accidentally passing my sidetrail entrance, before turning around to get back to it. I figured that it was a good sign when something like that is missed, because it could be easily missed by others. 8-) But then, it was easier to see going in the other direction, heading northward, up the road. :?

I walked my bike down the side trail, lifting it over a couple of fallen trees, and feeling some early day heat in the air, which was promising, although there was a bit of a cool north wind coming up at times. I parked my bike in its usual spot, noticing that things looked deserted and quiet. :) I gathered my things, and headed southward through the grassy trails through the alders that were north of the pond, noticing that there was one cow in the area to the west. No others. When I reached my area, instead of putting my things in the usual spot on the north side of a clump of alders, which had been recently cut through by a cattle trail, I put them on the northeast side of a spruce tree just to the north, that my breathing hose was hidden under.

I got out my camera, and took a snapshot of my caged-in bog, still looking untouched! :D It was a relief, since I was worried that if I had been seen, then the ranchers might have come back and investigated, found my bog, and done things to it to close it up, such as filling it with logs, and clumps of grass, so that it wouldn't pose a hazard to their valuable cattle! :shock: I guess I was just paranoid! :?

2023 09 09 5B Crescent.jpg

I then put my camera away and removed my shoes and watch, but keeping my jackets on, before proceeding to remove the "bars" (sticks/poles) from the "cage" to unleash the "boggy beast"! :twisted: I noticed that on the eastern part of the south side, were a pair of holes in the edge of the mud, indicating that something had set foot on the edge and pulled away, another animal that came close to being eaten by the bog! :shock: I was happy to see that the five small cowpies on the trail were drying out, bleaching and turning into something looking like cardboard on top. Because the area seemed to be so deserted, I decided to remove ALL the sticks from around the bog. When I finally finished removing all the sticks (except for several further away, south of the bog) and put them in a pile to the southwest by some alders, I grabbed my camera and took more photos showing the latest state of the treacherous quagmire:

2023 09 09 5C Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5D Crescent.jpg

To Be Continued...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:48 am

My September 9'th, 2023 Adventure, Part 2 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

2023 09 09 5E Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5F Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5G Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5H Crescent.jpg

I put my camera back away, and felt like I was ready for my first sink, a horizontal struggle, where my back and head would remain dry in the still cool morning air, with some surface contact with my chest. But, when I stripped down, removed my sunglasses, and was ready to go, I heard coughing coming from the forest to the southeast of the pond! :shock: I listened for it, and hoped it was an animal like a cow, and not a human! :? It sounded kinda deep, like a cow, and I didn't want to have to get dressed again, leave and check for anyone in the area. :? So, after waiting and listening, things sounded quiet again. So, realizing I was being overly paranoid, I felt I was now ready to begin! :D

I walked eastward towards the bog, and "fell" facing east, right onto the place that I had my breathing hose sink last time, my bent legs getting sucked in right away! :shock: Leaning forward, I put my hands on the surface, which sucked them straight down into its doughy interior! I struggled, the mire sucking the front side of my lower body deeper, as well as my bent legs, while my arms were slowly being consumed as well by the hungry muck, the doughy surface encompassing more and more of my chest, the surface heaving around me, imagining that I was going to be sucked beneath the surface, raising my stimulation to the exploding point! :D

Once again, I felt my body temperature drop, but at least I wasn't too muddy. I worked myself up into a standing position, and standing suspended at waist deep, I proceeded to mush up and the smooth out the surface around me, the mud making sucking sounds and blowing swamp farts once in a while. I also pushed mud under towards the center to try and raise it. Once I was finished with the west side, I had to work myself to the edge backwards, pushing the mud from behind me around to the front, before lifting myself up and onto the grass, smoothing the rest of the mud out there. Then, to protect my eyes from too much bright light (blind spots and floaters get worse when too much light is in my right (good) eye), I cleaned my hands off in the pond, went to my things, put on my sunglasses again, and returned to the bog.

I jumped into the northwest side, and repeated everything there, progressing in a clockwise fashion. Once again, while on the north side, the mud holding me tightly felt soooo goooooood, that I was feeling mildly stimulated, but not explosively (it was too soon after my recent "explosion", technically called a "refractory period" :geek: )! I just enjoyed a perpetual gooooood feeling. :) While in the process of extracting myself backwards on the north side, a bunch of air belched out from the mud covering my diagonal legs, which I thought was just air trapped by my legs, but it smelled more like swamp gas! I think I was finishing on the east side when I decided to jump into the middle to take care of that part, before working myself back to solid ground, smoothing things as I went, and pushing mud down and towards the middle again. While working in the mud, periodically, the odd bubble of swamp gas would find its way to my body lower down and then I would feel the bog pass that gas upward along my body to where it would fart out at the surface between my skin and the sucking mire! I loved it when the bog blew farts, gas that the sucking mire itself created through anaerobic digestion of organic matter, since that added to the experience! :D

When I reached the southeast side, I jumped into the stiffer muck, and started struggling, and felt partially stimulated, but not completely. It once again felt sooo goooood, because the thicker, slightly stiffer undisturbed surface was holding me tighter than the already mushed up parts in front of me. I was slow at progressing with my work, because of how I loved the feel of struggling in it! But, I finally got the southeast part mostly done. When I exited, and finished the last bit in the narrow finger of exposed mire there, I noticed a green frog nearby, and since I was worried that it was close to where I was walking around the bog, I caught it and released it in the edge of the pond. When I jumped into the south side, I was once again distracted by the feel of being held by the thicker stuff, while seeing the looser stuff in front of me heaving like a living creature! :twisted: I struggled, but still only achieved a mild "feel good" stimulation. When I made the surface heave and pulsate, I reached over and put my hands on the mushed and smoothed out middle surface in front of me, and could feel the strong undulations, feeling like the mire was pure muscle whose flexing moved in extremely wide ripples away from me! :twisted: I finally mushed up the the stiffer surface around me on the south side, smoothed things out, and after extracting myself, finished off the southwest corner from shore, since it was just a narrow band of undisturbed stuff. While mushing up the surface, I was also removing more debris from the bog, as well as breaking up tiny chunks of hard mud that was likely from when the surface dried up years ago.

While I had been working in the mire, I had been getting annoyed at the cluster of broken cumulus clouds that kept on covering up the sun! :x I kept on feeling chilled, especially with the north wind that kept on coming up! :x Then, when the sun finally did come back out, I would feel the burning heat permeating my skin, giving me goosebumps, making me feel a bit warmer, before the sun went back behind the clouds again, and the warmth was gone! :x It kept happening over and over again, which slowed me down, since I was at times struggling for stimulation, and the lack of sun caused me to pause on things at times. But, however, the skies were clear just to the north of the clouds, and they were slowly showing signs of dissipating. :)

Now, it was time for me to have a second stimulating struggle! :D Facing north, I jumped into the center, sinking to around crotch/waist deep in the thick ooze! I struggled in the sucking mire, imagining that I was in deadly quicksand and would soon be sucked beneath the surface that was heaving and quivering around me and slowly rising higher and higher up my belly, until my stimulation reached the exploding point! :D

Then, I worked myself backwards again towards shore, which was once again slow going in the thick mire, with me having to move mud from behind me to in front of me to prevent it from bunching up as I moved backwards. I slowly wormed my way closer and closer to shore, smoothing the surface in front of me, and also pushing mud under towards the center to try and raise the level there. Once I managed to lift up my buttocks and set them on the grass on the south side, I worked my legs and feet out, and pushed the pasty muck off them and back into the bog where it belonged, and smoothed out the surface.

To Be Continued...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:49 am

My September 9'th, 2023 Adventure, Part 3 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

All finished with my first sinking session of the day, and feeling rather chilled, I headed to the water to clean up, sitting on the edge and among the yellow waterlily rhizomes, where I was able to clean off all the mud, front and lower back in the cool water. I didn't allow my upper back to get muddy, so I didn't need to make use of "Nature's scrub-brush", since I could easily reach all the muddy parts. I had also felt some leg cramps during cleanup, something I also felt while I was in the mud as well, which concerned me, since I didn't want any leg cramps to interfere with my main dramatic sink later in the afternoon. :? I stood up and finished the cleanup, and then headed back to my things, discovering that I had spent somewhere around 2 hours and 15 minutes in the mud! Time sure flies! :shock: I dried my hands, grabbed my camera, and took some photos of my mushed up and smoothed out bog, which now quivered freely like a bowl of brown jelly!

2023 09 09 5I Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5J Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5K Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5L Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5M Crescent.jpg

I then put my camera away, and had to air-dry before getting dressed. I knew that the higher ground away from the meadows always radiated more heat due to its dryness, and the sun, which was no longer behind the clouds, was nice and hot. :) So, I chose to try drying off on the bottom of the hillside just to the west of where I was, in a narrow strip of clearing, since it was very handy. :) But, unfortunately, the forest had already cast long shadows over much of it (I hate the lower sun angles at this time of year :evil: ), limiting the amount of sunlight hitting the ground there. :x But, I managed to dry off where there was some sun, and then got dressed in all my clothes, including both jackets and shoes. I then grabbed my lunch and drinks, and decided to go for a walk to warm up.

When I reached the clearing north of my pond, near my bike, the much wider, sunnier, open area there was radiating heat nicely, something I had wanted for the area where I had dried off. Snacking on Pizza Pops, I headed back to the sideroad, and then headed north up it, past the pond with the ring bog, and down where it turned east, before heading up the tinier grassy sideroad that forked/diverged on the north side of that road, heading east. I was thinking of exploring it further while waiting for my chills to vanish, but by the time I reached the point where it ended in a tiny clearing, I was finally starting to feel some warmth, which was a good sign! :) So, I turned around and headed back, feeling progressively warmer along the way, having to remove the windbreaker so I wouldn't get wet with sweat underneath. I dropped off my lunch bag at my bike, and returned to my things by the pond.

To Be Continued...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:49 am

My September 9'th, 2023 Adventure, Part 4 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

I removed my shoes and headed to the south side of the pond to check things out there, noticing that the mud exposed on the northwest corner of the tiny pond looked the same. I took some photos of the exposed mud on the south end of the main pond:

2023 09 09 5N Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5O Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5P Crescent.jpg

2023 09 09 5Q Crescent.jpg

I returned to my things, feeling nice and warm. I was debating whether to go through with the sink, since the air still had some coolness to it. :? But, however, I did feel warm now. :? But, the shadows were starting to move over the bog, and I was concerned about the leg cramps coming back during the sink. :? I finally decided to go through with it, hoping that I could manage to go under without being out of breath this time. :? I picked through the sticks I used for the cage, looking for one that was the right size/shape for mounting my camera on. I chose one, and stuck it through the mat of floating grass on the south side of the bog, at a spot where there would be no shadow cast on the area I was going to sink into, but had to switch it out with another stick, because of a lack of branch stubs for the Gorillapod to anchor to. I mounted my camera/Gorillapod on the stick, had the camera set to 16:9 for properly framing the scene, and picked out some features on the surface for reference. I had thought about taking a small olive-green oval-shaped floating leaf from one of the pondweeds growing in the pond to mark the spot in the bog, but I noticed that there were a couple of tiny shaded depressions, the top one larger than the bottom one, that would make a great reference point. :? The area just above that was roughly the center of the bog. So, I framed the area with the larger shaded depression close to the bottom center, and zoomed in slightly. I was a bit concerned about the sun starting to go in and out from behind another cloud again, and I hoped that the cloud would go away, although the bog was getting partially shaded, anyways. :? I then headed to my things and got undressed, and then dressed up in my junk shorts tied with the plastic string, and had my swim cap on. I put my sunglasses back on, returned to the camera, and made some final adjustments to properly frame the scene:

2023 09 09 5R Crescent.jpg

Now totally committed, I finally pressed the record button, and returned to my things to remove my sunglasses and put on my swim goggles. I returned to the bog again, but viewed at a different angle, the depression seemed to vanish, making me uncertain of the exact spot to jump into! :? So, I had to go around the west side to the south side, locate the spot, and then head back to the north side again, only to lose it again! :x So, after going back and forth around the west side to the south side a few times, I headed around the east side to the south side, and then keeping an eye on it, I returned to the north side, where I felt I knew right where it was, and was finally ready to begin! :D

I finally took that fateful :twisted: leap, landing around crotch deep in the thick, doughy ooze with the tiny depression right in front of me! I then began to struggle, slowly sinking deeper and deeper! I pushed down on the ground around me to try and push myself up, but its hold on me was too strong! :shock: I continued to struggle and slowly sink deeper, but because of the sucking muck's increased thickness, emphasis was on SLOW! As I got deeper, I was pushing my arms into, and then pulling them out of, the sucking mire, mushing up the thick, brown, doughy muck, mostly in front of me! Due to the extreme thickness of the mire, my struggles were taking their toll on me, leaving me feeling exhausted and out of breath again :x , forcing me to occasionally pause. I slowly sunk myself down deeper and deeper, the thick dough closing over my shoulders and hugging my chin. As it rose higher over my mouth, it was thick enough for me to still move my head back to breathe through a gap between my mouth and the rising quagmire surrounding my head! As I sunk down deeper, I had to work my head further and further backwards, and also started using my hands to dig the suffocating mire away from my mouth so I could keep on breathing! :o I dug away the mud at an angle so that I could continue to get a view of the camera through the mud, knowing that the camera would still get a view of my face as it got sucked in deeper below the surface! :twisted:

While digging mud away from my mouth, I started to notice that water was starting to ooze in! :shock: Where did it come from, in a thick bog that was free of runny water, except for the edges that were out of reach? :? Feeling around under the surface, I discovered a tiny clod of decaying grass the bog was digesting to the right of my face, which was saturated with water. I pushed it away, and the water was gone. 8-)

While struggling, I felt my back clicking, meaning that the mire was getting so thick, that struggling was getting increasingly more strenuous on parts of my body! :shock: I just had to make certain not to injure myself! :shock:

Still feeling out of breath, I kept on digging the mud away from my mouth to keep it clear, and when I finally felt I was ready, I took in one last breath, held it, and let the suffocating mire suck completely closed over my mouth, totally encasing me in its doughy grip! :twisted: I lifted my hands up out of the mire to feel the surface above me, making some "weak" digging motions, before pulling them back down beneath the surface! I tried to wait a moment, before exhaling a little bit of air, feeling the heavy, wet, quiltlike mire briefly separate from the top of my head from the resulting air pocket before wrapping itself tightly around my head again as the air pocket immediately deflated, with the air hissing to the surface of the suffocating ooze above me! :twisted: I just hoped that the top of my head wasn't visible from the surface when the brief air pocket lifted the muck up off the top of my head! :?

I tried to pause for a moment, but once again, my body demanded fresh air, forcing me to quickly work myself higher, dig mud away from my face, and start to rapidly take in the precious oxygen! :o :o :o Then, I rested there, trying to catch my breath, but I found that I kept on taking short and rapid breaths, and feeling no relief! :shock: While I was trying to catch my breath, my chest began to feel sore, which prompted me to quickly work myself up higher. Once I did that, which reduced the pressure of the mud on my chest, my breathing became much, much deeper, and I felt better. :)

Exposing my muddy body to the air made me feel a bit cooler, especially since the shadows of the trees were continuously passing over me! :x Still catching my breath, I slowly worked myself up higher and higher up out of the pillowy soft mud, wiping more and more mud off me as I went. Then, once I was high enough, for the first time, I discovered I was able to sit down ON TOP of the surface of the mire, something that I couldn't do before! :D So, I worked myself backward over top of the doughy undulating ooze, smoothing the mud as I went, until I made it to shore, pushing mud off my legs back into the bog. I then headed to the water, and cleaned my hands off before returning to the camera to stop the recording. But, looking through the foggy, boggy swim goggles, the screen looked unusually dark, and when I pressed the record button several times to make certain I stopped that recording, the camera made beeping noises that it usually does when there is an error or a problem, such as insufficient battery power (I had charged the battery overnight, so it should be fine) or out of memory! :shock: I turned the camera off, and then headed back to the water to clean up, hoping that all that work, that literally took my breath away, for a dramatic video wasn't for nothing! :?

Just as I had hoped, the water was not too cold to immerse my head, and in my cleanup area, I was away from the shadows and in the full sun! :D However, I had to go a little bit further out into the pond to get to water deep enough to immerse my head, since the water levels have been steadily dropping. It was slightly cooler than last time, but still had some warmth in it. So, I cleaned my head, rubbing my face and neck furiously to make certain all traces of mud were removed. I removed my swim goggles, cleaned them off, and set them down on a yellow waterlily lilypad. I then cleaned my face again, before cleaning my chest and arms. Then, I headed onto shore with the swim goggles, and hung them on an alder branch to dry. I then returned to the water, where I rubbed my back on the floating vegetation (Nature's scrub-brush), before returning to the water to splash water on my back to rinse off all remaining debris. I removed my junk shorts and string, and cleaned the string, setting it on a lilypad, and then cleaned the shorts. I put them on some alder branches before returning to the water to finish off the rest of my cleaning.

To Be Concluded...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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