Industrial Ooze Pit

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Zorah Valtero
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Re: Industrial Ooze Pit

Postby Zorah Valtero » Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:21 pm

Jaguar Paw wrote:In the 1980s comic strip "Judge Dredd"(is that still going?) such places used to be called "Chem Pits"; they were either the fly-tipped detritus from industrial activity OR; they were the products of chemical fires caused by the nuking of large areas of Mega-City One during theHolocaust War of 2106; the added property of which was, they were almost always corrosive and invariably dissolved human flesh on contact. Best chem pit story; "Night Of The Rad-beast" ("Fresh flesh! Fresh flesh! Want fresh flesh! Give bits for Bizmo!")

Well I can assure you, the sludge is not corrosive... But it does stink like hell.

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