Kamisori & Kyandi <33

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Who would you perfer to sink with?

Kamisori - The Older Sister
Kyandi - The Younger Sister
Total votes: 16

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Kamisori Katana
Posts: 117
Joined: Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:15 am

Kamisori & Kyandi <33

Postby Kamisori Katana » Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:41 am

Before I begin, I'd like to announce that I have a cute lil' SL sister now. =3 Her name is Kyandi.
Kami & Kyandi_001.png

=3 She is adorable. Now just to let you know, Kyandi is controlled by me as she is my "second" SL account. Most SL users have a second account out there somewhere. Some use them a storage, others may have used it before & grew tired of them. Reison why I made Kyandi is because I needed some spice back in my life. When I went on vacation in RL in July I didn't have a good time at all. When I came back, I was feeling very down. I logged in about 1 AM Aug. 1, 2010, the night I came home, & every one of my friends was busy that night but I did manage to find one at least who was relaxing but with two other people. Turns out those two others where Alt. Profiles! I was very amused to see my friend using three profiles at once thanks to the power of the Emerald Viewer, transfering stuff to and from all three profiles. I went to bed thinking what it would be like if I had a second account to fool around on & transfer stuff for safe keeping or other fun purposes. I woke up the same morning around 11 AM and gave a very good thought about it. A few hours later, Kyandi was born. =3 Using two profiles at once is alot of fun but crashes happen often when SL is acting up. I DO NOT abuse the usage of two profiles in contest, etc. Ok, enough about backstory and importaint info, I bet you want to know a little data about my avatars don't you?

Name: Kamisori
Gender: Female
Character's Age: 21
Species: Human
D.O.B.: Aug. 30, 1988 (MY RL BIRTHDAY)
SL Rez Day: Feb. 27, 2009

Name: Kyandi
Gender: Female
Character's Age: 16
Species: Newman
D.O.B. Aug. 30, 1994
SL Rez Day: Aug. 1, 2010

That's all I can tell you about Kami & Kyandi. What's a "Newman" you ask? See below for info on what a Newman is. =p

One of the four Phantasy Star Universe (PSU) player-races, Newmans are generally seen as being adept in Techniques (AKA Magic), as a result of the increased mental abilities of this race due to genetic engineering. However they are the least physically imposing race. Visually, Newmans are very similar to humans. The only notable difference is that Newmans have elongated ears which can be raised three different ways within a 90-degree radius.


They excel in TP. They have an affinity for TECHNICs (Magic Spells). They are the most obvious racial choice for Forces (Magic Users).
Their Accuracy is good, too, making them able Rangers (Snipers).
Newmans have a better TECHNIC Defense (AKA MAGIC Defense) due to their high MST.
They have the highest EVP. (Fast & Agile, able to avoid attacks with ease & with flare.)
They are able to wield Crea weapons (A unique weapon class).
They gain stat bonuses as Force, Fortetecher, Guntecher, Wartecher, and Fighgunner types.


They are generally the least adept Hunters (Melee attackers). (Low Physical Attack Power)
Their Defense is under par compared to Beasts and CASTs (Two other player-races of PSU).

That's all the time I got for now. See you all next time. =3
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white clay8796
Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:52 am

Re: Kamisori & Kyandi <33

Postby white clay8796 » Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:26 pm

Cool!!!!!like it.

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