Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

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Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

Postby TBoneTony » Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:37 am

This is my entry for the Quicksand Fan's Halloween Story contest. Hope you all enjoy it.

Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya
(Made for Quicksand fans Halloween contest 2009)

by TBoneTony

Haruhi has organised a Halloween Party with her friends of the S.O.S Brigade.
Haruhi is 20 years old and she is the Brigade Leader who thinks up of all sorts of crazy things to do.
Mikuru is 21 years old and she is the Moe member of the club who has got big boobs.
Yuki is 19 years old and she is the weird computer girl who every club needs, even though she had small boobs and speaks with a soft monotone voice she is a perfect Lolita Complex.
The two male members are already at the clubhouse where the Halloween Party is being held.
Koizumi (20 years old) is calm, relaxed, always smiles and he is more of a Yaoi guy.
Kyon (20 years old) is perhaps the only normal person of the group.
The two guys are waiting for the 3 female friends to join them for Haruhi’s Hentai Halloween.

After finishing high school 3 years ago and being friends for 5 years they had made their clubhouse in an old abandoned mansion out in the forest.
It was Haruhi’s idea since she was the brigade leader.
And nobody seemed to mind the venue even though it first freaked out Kyon that this mansion was out in a deep forest.
The reason why the S.O.S Brigade still kept in contact was because of the members being here with Haruhi.
Because if Haruhi becomes bored. Then she would destroy the world and make a new one.
So Yuki the Alien, Mikuru the Time Traveller and Koizumi the Esper all committed themselves to keep the group together for the sake of this world.
And Kyon was dragged into it, because he was somehow the person who accidentally inspired Haruhi to come up with the idea of getting a group together.
Out of all the people, Kyon was perhaps the only person who did not enjoy being in the group, but he did like the girls of the group even though one of them, Haruhi, would always boss him around.

In case if you were wondering, the S.O.S Brigade stands for…
Spreading excitement all
Over the world with Haruhi
It was originally started by Haruhi to find Aliens, Time Travellers and Espiers just to hang out with them.
Yeah…it is ok to laugh if you want.
This story is just a tip of the iceberg of the strangeness of the Manga/Anime series.
So feel welcome to read this random story.

The 3 girls of the S.O.S Brigade are walking towards their clubhouse for the Halloween party.
Haruhi was in her brown Bunny Girl costume.
Mikuru was in her red Bunny Girl costume.
Yuki was in her white Bunny Girl costume.
“Haruhi, I think we are lost.” Mikuru yells as she starts to cry in a Moe type of way.
“Ah, quit your Moe crying, I know we are close to the mansion at the moment.” Haruhi says as she is confident of the path they are taking.
Yuki looks around observing the area with a really serious look on her face.
“The data in this area has been distorted, I believe someone has scrambled the information around us.” Yuki softly says in a deeply feminine monotone voice.

Haruhi who was not listening to Yuki because she could not understand the strange computer language Yuki uses most of the time suddenly screams in frustration.
“I know…the boys must have decorated this forest to make us feel like we are lost. I can’t believe they would do such a thing. When I get my hands on Kyon I will yell at him and he will get the death penalty so bad this time.”
The Death Penalty is only just a punishment that Haruhi gives out mostly to Kyon, most of the time it involves Kyon cleaning up the mess the S.O.S Brigade make with their club activities and since they are now in a Mansion, the cleaning is just as hard in a big area.

Meanwhile inside the mansion, Kyon and Koizumi were sitting in the clubroom.
“Koizumi, can I ask you one question?” Kyon asks him.
“Oh yes you may…” Koizumi says politely.
Koizumi gently smiles and then replies.
“Because Haruhi wished me to wear this pink Bunny Girl outfit. I have to do what I can to please her. She wished for everyone to be dressed as a Bunny Girl.”
Kyon sits back in his chair frustrated that he is perhaps the only one in this club who is not in a Bunny Girl outfit.
Instead Kyon was wearing a Tentacle Demon outfit with tentacles coming out of his back that made his chair hard to sit straight on without bending forward a bit to fit his tentacles made of large rubber hoses.
“Well, at least I was the only one who came up with my own outfit.” Kyon said to himself.
Even though Kyon dressed up in a different costume, he is only dressing up as a tentacle demon because there was nothing else he could think of. Plus his younger sister thought of the idea while he was brainstorming at home and she took over making the design for him.
It seemed that no matter what, girls were going to dictate Kyon’s life until the day he dies.
Kyon then saw the sudden serious look on Koizumi’s face.
“What are you looking so serious about, is there something wrong Koizumi?” Kyon asks.
“I sense danger.” Says Koizumi, “I think the girls might be in trouble, lets go into the forest and find then quickly.”
As soon as the Esper Koizumi said that, Kyon did not hesitate but to run out of the clubroom with his friend. Whenever Koizumi was acting serious, Kyon knows that something is not right and most of the time Haruhi and the girls were in danger.

Haruhi, Mikuru and Yuki were walking deeper and deeper into the dark and twisted forest when the 3 girls suddenly saw a pumpkin floating in the middle of what looked like thick black mud.
“Oh my god…this is so awesome!!!! Kyon must have put this pumpkin in this mud to scare us girls. But I aught to say, Kyon does not know me at all if he thinks he is going to scare me by throwing a pumpkin into some mud like this.” Haruhi said out loud.
Suddenly the pumpkin opened its eyes and it had a huge grin on its face.
“Welcome to my quicksand pit lovely ladies…would you like to join me in my stomach for tonight?” said the Pumpkin with a booming voice.
Mikuru jumped back scared in shock.
“Ugh…I don’t think this is something Kyon would do Haruhi.” Mikuru yelled in fear.
Yuki just stood still quietly analysing the information radiating from the pumpkin.
Haruhi was even more astounded by the Pumpkin that was floating in Quicksand.
“I don’t know what special effects you are using Kyon, but what ever you are doing you sure do amaze me.” Haruhi said as she continued to believe that Kyon was doing this all for a play.

Haruhi then grabbed Mikuru by her hands and she pushed her friend forward towards the Quicksand pit.
“Hey…Haruhi, what are you doing?” Mikuru yelled in fear.
“I am just testing to see what will happen if we all step into the quicksand with the pumpkin. Something awesome is bound to happen.” Haruhi gleamed.
She then pushed Mikuru into the quicksand and instantly the red bunny girl was up to her hips and sinking into the quicksand.
“Noooo…get me out of here…it’s so squishy and I can’t move my legs.” Mikuru yelled.
She had sunk fast up to her navel and the soft moist sands were soaking her bunny suit top that she could feel the wetness on her skin and between her legs.
“Haruhi…this is not funny…get me out of here please…” Mikuru screamed.
Suddenly Mikuru stopped yelling as she felt something under the quicksand wrap itself tightly around her legs and they were starting to spread her thighs apart.
She then started to feel something rub itself against her groin and it was trying to penetrate against her red bunny girl suit.
Haruhi looked down at her friend not knowing the danger her friend was in.
“What does it feel like Mikuru? Is the quicksand all squishy and tight and do you feel like it is sucking you down?”
Mikuru looked at her friend with tears in her eyes.
“Haruhi…please get me out of here. I think this quicksand is trying to rape me.”
Suddenly two long plant-like tentacles came out of the quicksand and grabbed Mikuru’s arms.
“Nooo!!!! Haruhi, there are tentacles in this quicksand…help me!!!” Mikuru whispered as her voice sounded like it was bordering on intense terror.
As soon as Mikuru whispered tentacles, Haruhi’s face gleamed into a bright shine of excitement.
“Tentacles? That is so awesome!!!” Haruhi yelled as she jumped into the quicksand pit to join Mikuru.
Haruhi then felt the tentacles under the quicksand wrap around her legs and also her thighs rubbing against her brown bunny girl suit trying to get into the folds of her womanhood.
“Oh my god…this feels so amazing. Yuki…come in this is fun.” Haruhi yelled out to Yuki.
The tentacles then emerged from the Quicksand pit and they quickly wrapped themselves around Yuki the alien girl and they pulled her into the Quicksand.
Yuki’s white bunny girl outfit was quickly stained by the black muck and the tentacles rose up to her chest as they pulled down the suit to expose the 19 year old chest of Yuki.
The tentacles then wrapped around her small breasts and they rubbed her nipples.
The quicksand sunk all 3 girls up to their chests and both Mikuru and Haruhi were having their bunny girl tops being pulled down so the tentacles would wrap themselves around the girl’s breasts rubbing them like they were doing to Yuki at the same time.
With their arms and legs bounded by tentacles, and their bodies chest deep in quicksand, all 3 girls were having different reactions to the quicksand.
Mikuru was yelling and screaming.
“Somebody help us…this quicksand is trying to rape me and my friends!!!!” Mikuru yelled as she felt one of the tentacles navigate under her bunny girl outfit and found her womanhood.
“Oh my god, Kyon I did not know that you could do something like this…you are so awesome!!!!” Haruhi yelled.
Haruhi felt the plant-like tentacle slither though her bunny girl costume and found the folds of her womanhood giving her so much enjoyment.
Haruhi was unaware of the danger she and her friends were currently in.
Yuki however was just standing still while the tentacles in the quicksand were raping her.
But her alien mind was calm and relaxed. She was feeling this strange and powerful data that was given to her body and she was trying to figure out if it was something to enjoy or if it was something that could be dangerous for her and her friends.
Her mind was in all 1s and 0s and this is what she was thinking.


As the information was being transmitted into her mind, Yuki saw that the Pumpkin was starting to get bigger and it’s mouth grew wider.
By this time the girls were up to their heads in the quicksand and they were almost on the brink of orgasm.
“Ugh….ugh….help me…someone please save us…” Mikuru yelled.
“Ugh…Ugh…oh my god…this is so awesome…” Haruhi cried in happiness.
“Ugh…ugh…ugh…I sense some sort of information that could be harmful.” Yuki analysed the situation in deep detail as the quicksand was up to her chin.
The girls then experienced a powerful earth shattering orgasm.
“UUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Mikuru cried in pain.
“UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!” Haruhi screamed in pleasure.
“…uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!” Yuki calmly ride out her orgasm with her soft deep monotone voice.
Suddenly with the orgasm processed in her mind, Yuki was able to determine her findings on the information that she had organized from the data that she collected.
“Haruhi…Mikuru…we need to get out now.” Yuki said quickly.
But by that time, Haruhi had passed out from her orgasm and Mikuru was like a shattered doll unable to move on her own free will.
The tentacles in the quicksand had finished raping the girls and they were all wrapping around their bodies tightening around the 3 doomed girls.
Yuki saw the giant Pumpkin open its mouth wide ready to eat Haruhi headfirst.
“Now…you will be mine Haruhi Suzumiya.” The Pumpkin boomed its voice in defiance.
But before it was able to eat Haruhi, Yuki quickly mumbled her mouth in some sort of alien language and suddenly she ripped the tentacles apart from her body and she quickly punched the giant Pumpkin in its face.
“YYYAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!” screamed the pumpkin.
Yuki was standing with her white bunny girl costume ripped and torn around her body and she had somehow got her feat to float on the quicksand’s surface.
“What…how could this be?” The pumpkin yelled in disbelief.
Yuki quietly whispered to the evil pumpkin in her soft monotone voice.
“The information I gathered from your data allowed me to analyse your origins, therefore I had concluded that you are nothing more than a virus to the system and you were after the entity of whom I was summoned 6 years ago to protect. As a system like you who is a threat to the entity I am trying to protect, I have no choice but to delete you from this world.”
From that statement, Yuki then reached out her hand and touched to pumpkin.
The evil pumpkin then yelled in pain as it was being broken up into pixels and being deleted from this world.
“NOOOO!!!!! YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!!!! I WILL COME BACK AGAIN FOR HARUHI SUZUMIYA!!!!” screamed the pumpkin just before it was 100% completed from this world.
After the pumpkin was gone, Yuki then closed her eyes and her body fell neck deep into the quicksand.
She had to rest her body after completing a powerful function that had drained her body’s energy.

When Kyon and Koizumi found the girls, the girls were softly laying neck deep in a deep pit of quicksand.
Koizumi quickly used his Esper powers to fly in and out of the quicksand grabbing the girls and pulling them out of there.
As they walked back home, Kyon and Koizumi were carrying the girls on their backs.
Koizumi carried Yuki and Mikuru while Kyon carried Haruhi.
“I wonder what happened back there?” Kyon asked.
Koizumi looked at Yuki as Yuki then opened her eyes and softly whispered to the Esper in her alien tongue language.
Koizumi then repeated the message to Kyon saying.
“There is nothing to be afraid of now, it is only just a virus that got into the system and tried to eat Haruhi. But as long as Yuki was there to save her, everything is fine and the virus is no longer with us. Permanently deleted from the system.”
Kyon looked puzzled and then replied.
“I get it…something really strange happened and now it is gone, I believe that is all my mind could understand in this strange world.” Kyon said.
Even though it had been 5 years since they first met in school. Kyon, Mikuru, Yuki and Koizumi were all still committed to the S.O.S Brigade to save Haruhi from whatever tried to kill her, even though Haruhi would have no idea what happened.

After Haruhi and Mikuru woke up at the mansion, the 5 friends celebrated Halloween together and Haruhi’s memory of the Quicksand Pumpkin had been erased from her mind thanks to Yuki’s power to erase people’s memories.

The End

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Re: Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

Postby stevensenechal » Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:35 pm

Thank you for your entry! It will be included on the voting poll on November 1st.
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Re: Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

Postby TBoneTony » Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:25 am

I was just wondering if anyone has noticed that if you turned the 1's in Yuki's mind into red when she is gathering information in Binary, you can notice that the top half has got a heart, and the bottom half has a H.


So you can say that in Yuki's mind, the Binary code reads 'heart' H. As in Love Haruhi, or if you look at it in another way, Love Hentai.

Just thought I may as well let you all know while I can.

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Re: Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

Postby stevensenechal » Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:27 pm

No I did not notice. Funny eh? :roll:
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Re: Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

Postby quagmire_uk » Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:29 am

Heh, nice story! The great thing about the Haruhi Suzumiya anime and manga and books etc is that with her ability to change the world according to her subconcious, there is such amazing potential for bizarre pornographic scenes! Hehe.

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Re: Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

Postby PM2K » Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:24 pm

I like it! :D

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Re: Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

Postby water_bug_62208 » Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:59 am

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

Postby water_bug_62208 » Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:18 am

I'm posting to this in order to keep all of the Halloween Quicksand Story Contest entries together so they don't get scattered throughout the Stories Forum.

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Re: Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

Postby water_bug_62208 » Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:45 am

Grouping the Halloween Quicksand Story Contest entries together so they're not scattered.

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Re: Hentai Halloween with Haruhi Suzumiya (Story Contest Entry)

Postby water_bug_62208 » Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:53 am

Until 15 Nov 09, rolls around, I'm going to keep putting the Halloween Quicksand Story Contest entries on top and together to ensure all contestants get a fair look.

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