Metals, by Hispanian1

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Metals, by Hispanian1

Postby Nessie » Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:16 am

by Hispanian1
This English version was translated by Hispanian1 and then edited by Nessie

Wonder Woman was investigating a report of strange appearances in the black marsh. The appearance of a mysterious monster had already caused various accidents in a certain area of the freeway, and the police had no clue as to what it could be.

She was driving her own car as Diana Prince. Normally she would have been using the Invisible Jet, but it was not working. She was a member of the Justice League, and she had used her Jet during a battle against Lex Luthor. It had been badly damaged. Anyway, she had received the report while transporting documents in her car as Diana Prince.

Suddenly, Diana saw a woman on the road dressed in overalls, signalling for help. Diana passed by, pretending to ignore her. But as soon as she knew that the woman could not see her do anything, she drove the car off the road and behind some bushes. She began to twirl, spinning faster and faster -- with a flash of white light, she suddenly transformed into Wonder Woman.

She sprang into action, running quickly toward the woman. As she approached, she saw a truck loaded with metal barrels covered in chemical and biosanitary danger seals. The road was flanked by a ravine, and the barrels were wavering precariously -- on the point of plunging down the ravine and into the soggy marsh below.

"This truck contains highly volatile chemicals!" screamed the woman. "If those barrels fall off that cliff, what's inside will explode and contaminate the air within a diameter of a hundred meters! And the marsh will be poisoned!"

The Amazon princess did not hesitate for a moment. She used her magic lasso to tie the truck bumper to prevent the truck from going down into the gorge. The lasso could hold the truck even though it was too heavy for Wonder Woman.

"That will suffice for the moment," said Wonder Woman. "The police will be able to bring a big tow truck and remove the truck without a problem."

"Yes, but what concerns me are two barrels that fell to the ravine. They are not volatile, but their content is capable of contaminating several liters of water, killing all the species of the marsh. You must find them immediately!"

"Are its contents toxic?"

"Only when mixed with water. In its simple form it is harmless. You can even touch with your hands. You should only prevent it from touching the water."

Without hesitation, Wonder Woman climbed down the slope looking for the containers.

She soon found herself in the black marsh. She could see the herons flying in the distance and knew that they would be victims of this ecological disaster if she did not arrive in time.

Soon she saw the two dented barrels spilling a liquid that looked like floor cleaner and was about to mingle with a stream that passed by.

With great strides she hastened without looking where she was walking. Neither the dampness on the ground or the muddiness of it warned her of the danger that she could not feel through her high boots.

Then she sank to her knees.

"Great Hera! What's happening?"

With her muscular legs, she took a few steps forward, and sank to her thighs.

But Diana was not thinking about her own safety. She had to reach the barrels! With effort, she advanced a few inches, but it was impossible. She twisted for a bit, trying to free her hips, but for every inch that she managed to rise, her body sank two.

She soon realized the predicament that she was in.

"For Hera! Quicksand! I have fallen into quicksand!"

She stretched forward as far as she could, while her generous, muddy butt was trying to get out of the sand. All of this was useless and she only managed to sink more.

She straightened as she sank to her waist. She pulled out her communicator but it had been ruined by the sand.

She screamed loudly for help.

"Help! Help me! I just fell into quicksand and I'm sinking fast!"

She had the slight hope that maybe Superman or Supergirl could have returned from their space mission and could hear her.

"Well, well, well! I hoped to find a real Wonder Woman and I find a damsel in distress!" Diana heard the teasing voice of the woman who was wearing the overalls -- but she had changed! She was now wearing a dark spandex suit and her face was adorned with a devilish smile.

"No doubt you need this," she teased, as she twirled Wonder Woman's magic lasso in her hand.

"Give me the lasso, please. I do not want to die like this!"

"Of course I'll give it to you. But in return, I want your belt."

"What? No! Impossible!"

"If I do not give you your lasso, I will just take your belt off of your muddy, lifeless corpse. Choose."

Diana had to admit that she was at the mercy of that woman, who in fact was right. With the lasso, she would have a chance to escape. Without it, she was lost.

With difficulty she took off her belt and immediately felt her strength dwindling. Although it took all of her natural Amazonian strength, she was able to remove the belt from the mud and throw it at the feet of her enemy.

To her surprise, the woman kept her promise and threw her the magic lasso. The Amazon caught it in an instant.

Immediately she threw it to the nearest branch. It failed on the first attempt and she sank even more.

"Come on, you can do it," she told herself to cheer herself up.

The second attempt succeeded. She was able to snare a strong branch with it and began to climb out. Because of the weight and suction of the mud and how slippery the mud had made her hands, it was a great effort for her. The mud seemed to want to hold onto its well-formed victim.

However, when she had already been released to her knees from the mud, the woman threw an applicator with liquid onto the magic lasoo.

The slightly viscous liquid slipped through the lasso into the hands of Diana, who immediately felt it slipping from her fingers. She began to sink once more, and suddenly, she knew what the liquid was.

"Merciful Minerva -- it is oil!"

The lasso escaped her hands as she slipped back into the deadly mixture.

"No, no! Not again!"

She tried hard to grab and regain hold of the lasso, but it slipped from her hands at every moment. The tenacious mud devoured her perfect legs, her huge hips, her slim waist and generous soft breasts, and then, her smooth shoulders. Finally, she was sunk to the neck, her beautiful hair floating in the mud.

"I'll get the oil out of your lasso if you give me your bracelets."

"By Hera, never!"

"You have only a few seconds left before you sink completely. Despite your great strength, the quicksands will devour you mercilessly. Your lungs will burn with suffocation and you will die in the middle of a scream in an endless night."

The sand brushed her chin. She had to obey, tilting her head back to gain more time. Soon the bracelets were at the feet of the villain.

The evil woman shook another applicator onto her lasso and the liquid dissolved the oil. Diana, her strength nearly exhausted, began to climb out of the mud once more. Her tight suit slipped from her body, showing her naked curves as she climbed the rope. But when she had freed her knees once more, the woman used her oil applicator and Diana began to slide back to the hungry quicksand.

"Oh no, not again, please!"

Now her nearly naked body slowly and steadily submerged despite the fact that she was doing everything she could to free herself.

Soon she was up to her neck again. An electric shock her caused her to let go of her magic lasso. The woman had touched an electric baton to the lasso and applied the charge.

"I've got it all now," the woman said as she looped the lasso around a hook on her belt.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because Mr. Luthor paid me very well to recover this special metal for use in his new weapons. He also wanted to make one of the culprits responsible for his imprisonment suffer."


"Now that you're helpless, you can just die."

But that woman had forgotten to take the gold crown with the red star off Wonder Woman's head. And as soon as she turned her back, Wonder Woman removed it herself and flung it, smacking the evil woman on the head. It bounced back into the hand of the Amazon. Before her beautiful face disappeared into the mire, she gathered up the last of her strength and threw it toward a tree, where it landed encircling a large branch.

The branch fell into the swamp. For a few seconds it seemed as if there was no one, for the evil woman was unconscious from the blow and Diana had disappeared into the quicksand.

However, under the mud, Diana was still moving. Her anxious hands appeared and grabbed onto the branch. Taking firm hold of it, she began to pull herself towards the shore. While crossing a part of the sand, she realized that that she was very lucky not to have fallen into the softest part of the bog. If she had fallen into that soft area, she would have sunk in a few seconds. Here in the thick part, she had sunk more slowly and now had firm hold of the branch. She could get out.

She cleaned her face and put her suit back on to hide her nakedness. But before she could do her customary twirl to become Diana again, she felt the blow of an iron fist.

She rolled across the ground and saw the woman with Hipolita's belt on and a huge force.

The amazon princess saw her come and waited, feigning unconsciousness. But when the woman was near, she was greeted with a surprise kick as Wonder Woman flexed both legs and pushed her hard. The woman fell into the deepest part of the softest area of the quicksand.

In great rage, she struggled to free herself. She sank rapidly.

Wonder Woman took the lasso from the ground and tried to offer it to the woman, to pull her from the deadly trap. But the woman rejected the lasso. The feeling of power that wearing the belt gave her had made her believe that she was invincible. This trap, however, had almost done away with Wonder Woman herself, so this ordinary woman had no chance. Diana could only watch as the woman disappeared underneath the quicksand.

The truck had actually arrived empty and had no engine. This made it very easy to remove from the edge of the ravine. The barrels were not full of poison after all, but only liquid detergent. Using ropes and hooks, the police retrieved the body of the woman and the belt she had taken, which was finally returned to Wonder Woman.

The monster was not real at all. It turned out to be a hologram that was projected randomly in the area, surprising unsuspecting motorists into creating accidents.

It was later learned that a bio-detector had been inserted into the skin of the Amazonian princess in her last fight with Lex Luthor. This had allowed the evil woman to know when the Wonder Woman was in the area.

The secret of the identity of the evil woman died with her. Lex Luthor was left without the marvelous metal, without eliminating his great enemy, and with some more years of imprisonment.


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Re: Metals, by Hispanian1

Postby DJlurker » Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:25 am

Nice job, Hispanian and Nessie! ;)

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Re: Metals, by Hispanian1

Postby Hispanian1 » Mon May 01, 2017 6:00 am

DJlurker wrote:Nice job, Hispanian and Nessie! ;)



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Re: Metals, by Hispanian1

Postby Hispanian1 » Mon May 01, 2017 6:01 am

Por cierto, autorizo a cualquiera de los productores a hacer la historia, solo pediría una copia del video.

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Re: Metals, by Hispanian1

Postby Nessie » Sun May 07, 2017 12:06 am

Hispanian1 wrote:Por cierto, autorizo a cualquiera de los productores a hacer la historia, solo pediría una copia del video.

Ahora no puedo trabajar con video...pero puedo traducir eso para el mundo:

He just said that any of the producers here can use this story for a video. He'd just like a copy of it when you're done.


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Re: Metals, by Hispanian1

Postby Hispanian1 » Sun May 07, 2017 5:29 pm

Nessie wrote:
Hispanian1 wrote:Por cierto, autorizo a cualquiera de los productores a hacer la historia, solo pediría una copia del video.

Ahora no puedo trabajar con video...pero puedo traducir eso para el mundo:

He just said that any of the producers here can use this story for a video. He'd just like a copy of it when you're done.


Muchas gracias

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