The Sinking of Mikuru Asahina (big)

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The Sinking of Mikuru Asahina (big)

Postby DJlurker » Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:48 am

It's time for another story from me! 8-) This one could be considered a sequel of sorts to "The swampy adventures of Haruhi Suzumiya", but it's not required reading. So, without further ado, I present:

The Sinking of Mikuru Asahina (big)
by DJlurker

Of all the time-travel assignments she’d done, this had to be one of the most dangerous.

Of course, there was always an element of danger when eldritch aliens like Kuyo Suo were involved. But this one was due to Mikuru Asahina directly foiling an attempt by the alien to gather the other members of the SOS Brigade in one place, though whether it was to capture them or kill them, she had no idea. The only reason she’d known about the plan was due to foreknowledge given to her by her superiors in the future.

She had arrived in the clearing in the forest before the others, and waited for them to arrive. She tried to reassure herself that this was a few years in the future from her first assignment to them in high school, so her friends were older, wiser, and more competent now… especially Kyon, who had worked out a bit and was now actually capable of keeping up with Haruhi in a race, though she was still physically stronger… and, of course, Haruhi herself, who was now actively aware of her reality-altering powers, though she still didn’t have perfect control over them, but tried not to use them unless she had to…

Haruhi herself had been the first to arrive. “Huh? Mikuru-chan? What are you doing here? Did Yuki send you a note too?” Mikuru had shaken her head, before beginning to make signs with her hands. “Um, I don’t really know sign language…”

(Neither does Kuyo Suo,) the time-traveler had thought to herself. Itsuki Koizumi arrived not a minute later. “Ah, hello, Suzumiya-san, Asahina-san. Did Nagato-san send you a note as well?”

“Koizumi-kun, Mikuru’s making sign language and I have no idea what she’s trying to say. Do you know?”

“Hmm, well, I do know one or two from the agency who are deaf… Would you mind repeating your message, Asahina-san?” Mikuru had complied, trying to slow herself down to make sure her friend could interpret properly… “Oh, dear.”

“What? What’s she saying?” inquired Haruhi insistently.

“I’d like to know too,” muttered Kyon as he emerged into the clearing, Yuki Nagato at his side.

“She’s saying ’It’s a trap!’” cried Koizumi, as he looked around the area. “And she also used the word ‘alien’…”

“Alien?!” Haruhi and Kyon repeated in near-sync. The two turned to Yuki…

Who promptly rolled her eyes back in her head, as she collapsed to the ground. “Shit! It’s Kuyo… it has to be!” Kyon yelled as he rushed to Yuki’s side. Haruhi had closed her eyes, as if trying to sense something… “There!” She made a throwing motion with her hand…

…and Kuyo Suo had appeared, right next to Mikuru (causing her to scream in surprise), recoiling as if she’d been hit by an invisible rock.

“There you are!” Haruhi immediately lunged forward, giving the Sky Canopy Domain interface a hard knee to the gut. Normally, such a blow wouldn’t have affected the alien, but given that said blow was delivered by the reality-warper herself, Kuyo reacted as any human would have done, doubling over in pain.

“Run! Scatter!!” yelled Haruhi as she grappled with the dark-haired alien. “She can’t chase us all down at once!”

“Hope you’re right about that, Haruhi!” Kyon answered as he slung the prone Yuki over his shoulder, before running off into the woods, Koizumi running in the opposite direction.

Mikuru herself was already gone…

And now, the time-traveler was bracing herself against a tree, her large bosom heaving as she tried to catch her breath. (She was right beside me…! Was she going to kill me for ruining her plan?) Mikuru swallowed to get some moisture back in her dry throat, before undoing the top button on her blouse, as she continued to gasp for oxygen…

Finally, her breathing and heart rate came down to more normal levels, allowing her to stand straight and try to get her bearings. As Mikuru scanned the forest around her, however, it soon dawned on her that she was utterly, hopelessly lost. She attempted to use her (classified information) to contact her colleagues in the future, only to realize that (classified information) had been disabled. Had Kuyo done that…?

(Calm down,) she told herself. (Nagato-san can probably find you once she recovers…) She heard a wild animal cry out in the distance, making the time traveler hope that there weren’t any large predators in this forest…

*snap…* A twig or branch snapped, far too close for Mikuru’s liking. Fear and panic reignited in her heart, giving wings to her feet as she fled once more…

As she continued to run, looking behind her, Mikuru couldn’t help but think, (This is just like one of those horror movies…!) Except in this case, there was a real danger…

Unfortunately, Mikuru should have paid more attention to what she was running towards, rather than what she was running from. She *did* notice the ground underneath becoming softer, but she paid it no mind…

That is, until said ground gave way beneath her, causing the shapely woman to plunge past her knees in soft, brown quick-mud. Her inertia carried her forward as she fell, causing her to plunge her arms up to the elbows in the muck…

“Oh,*no!*” Mikuru squeaked in surprise and horror. “Not quicksand! Not here, not *now*…!” She tried to yank her arms out, only for the quicksand to clamp down on them with a suction that belied its deceptive softness… The time-traveler then felt the slimy muck press against her bosom, then her belly as she sank in… “Ew, ew, ewww!” Her face contorted in disgust as she tried to lift her breasts away from the surface, only to cause her rear end to sink under, the mud finding its way under her skirt and flowing around her panties…

“Nooooooo!!” she squealed, in a tone more befitting of her high school days, as she continued to twist and squirm in the quicksand. Her motions were counterproductive, eventually causing the auburn-haired woman to settle into an upright position, her arms firmly stuck at her sides, her breasts halfway floating in the muck, her nipples hardening from the coolness and texture of the wet, slimy sand…

“This is soooo disgusting!” she protested, tears streaming down her face as she felt the quicksand slime itself against every bit of her submerged body. Looking behind her, Mikuru’s heart sank as what remained of her footprints told her she’d sunk herself smack-dab in the center of the bog… Shaking her head, she muttered, “Could this day get *any* worse…?”

How ironic that a time traveler like Mikuru Asahina either didn’t know or had forgotten the meaning of the phrase ‘tempting fate’.

Something caught her eye, and Mikuru looked up… and there was Kuyo Suo, standing at the edge, still dressed in her brown, business suit-like school uniform, even after she should have graduated, her long full-bodied black hair billowing behind her, cascading down to her calves. Her cold, emotionless gray eyes focused on the trapped Asahina…

…who promptly let loose with a bloodcurdling shriek that echoed through the forest. This did nothing to deter the alien, as she began walking toward her…

…only to plunge to her knees in the bog. “What…?” She looked down, apparently caught off guard by the earth failing to support her, as she sank to her thighs, her skirt spreading over the surface. Subsequent attempts to move caused Kuyo to sink to her waist. She looked up at Mikuru, then down at the rippling surface of the quicksand, then up, then down again, as if finally realizing why the time traveler was over halfway buried in the ground. Had it been anyone else, the situation would have seemed almost comical to Mikuru…

Curiously, Kuyo slowly twisted back and forth in the mire’s embrace, sinking further down, until her own bosom was pressing into the muck. She then tried to push up with her forearms, only for them to sink in as well. Strain showed on the alien’s face as she attempted to extract her limbs, apparently to no avail…

Mikuru wasn’t stupid enough to think that the mire would hold Kuyo for very long. (Honestly, it’s not a matter of *if* she kills me, but *when*…) she thought to herself, shivering in fear. The alien looked up at her again…

-and then, suddenly she was right in front of her, though still mired as deeply as she was. Mikuru shrieked again, and to her credit Kuyo actually winced this time. “What is this?” she asked.

“Wha… huh…?” the auburn-haired woman stuttered.

“What. Is. This?” The interface repeated slowly, looking briefly down at the mire again, as if trying to get the point across.

“Oh, uh… this stuff?” Mikuru tugged at her arms again, sending a ripple across the mire. “Um.. it’s called quicksand… It’s what happens when water comes up from under the ground, and, uh… makes it so that the ground can’t hold up a person’s weight anymore. That’s why we sank in…” She looked back down at her trapped arms. “And, sometimes, the mixture of water and dirt causes a suction that keeps you from escaping, as you can see…”

“Hmm… I see.” Kuyo nodded slightly, before freeing her right arm from the mire- to Mikuru, it looked as if she had ‘phased’ it out, or something. The time traveler closed her eyes, again shaking in fear as Kuyo extended an index finger toward her… Then gasped in surprise, as she felt her left nipple being pressed on. Kuyo withdrew her finger, before poking Mikuru’s hardened nipple again.

“S…stop that!” Mikuru squeaked, as the alien moved over to her right breast, gently poking that nipple as well, causing uncomfortable sensations in the auburn-haired woman. The interface looked her trapped companion in the eye once more, before asking, “Why does it do that?”

“B…because the mud’s cold,” Mikuru responded. “A-anyone’s nipples would get hard if they’re exposed to cooler temperatures…”

“Hmm…” Kuyo withdrew her hand, before starting to fondle her own bosom, as if trying to confirm what the other woman had told her… (If it were anyone but Kuyo Suo, I’d probably be laughing right now…) thought Mikuru. The interface reached out to her again, but instead of poking her nipple, she gently grasped Mikuru’s entire left breast, before giving a squeeze…

Mikuru gasped deeply, her body shivering in response to the unexpected groping. Kuyo seemed slightly nonplussed by this, moving her hand to Mikuru’s other breast, before kneading and squeezing it in a similar manner, causing the time traveler to roll her head around as waves of sensation coursed through her… “Please stop…”

Someone cleared their throat. Mikuru and Kuyo turned their heads to Mikuru’s right…

To see none other than Haruhi Suzumiya herself standing there, arms crossed, a stern expression on her face, the mud squishing wetly under her feet but not claiming her. “You know, even back in high school, I wouldn’t have let anyone other than myself fondle Mikuru like that without permission…” She glared at Kuyo. “And you, alien, do *not* have permission!” With that, she grabbed Kuyo by the hair, easily pulling her out of the quicksand, before swinging around and hurling the alien bodily into the nearest tree. Kuyo unceremoniously collapsed to the ground and was still.

“Suzumiya-san! Oh, thank goodness…!” Tears of joy and relief streamed down Mikuru’s face, as Haruhi turned back to her.

“You OK, Mikuru-chan? That girl didn’t do anything else to you, did she…?”

“No, no, I’m fine,” Mikuru reassured her friend. “Well, other than being hopelessly stuck in this yucky, disgusting quicksand…”

Haruhi rolled her eyes. “Oh come on, Mikuru-chan, I thought I showed you how to get out of quicksand when we filmed our second movie in high school! Don’t tell me you forgot…”

“I-I panicked!” Mikuru protested. “Kuyo was chasing me, and I wasn’t looking, and the mud felt so gross- LOOK OUT!!” Kuyo had recovered, and lunged at Haruhi with a speed only seen in anime shows…

Only to crash headfirst into an invisible force-field. “Nice try, Kuyo-chan, but I totally saw that one coming,” Haruhi muttered, not even turning to face her as she made a downward gesture with her hand…

Kuyo gasped as she felt herself being drawn into the mire once more. Trying to push out, her arms again became stuck as she settled to her chest, before the mud around her turned black and sticky…

“There,” affirmed Haruhi, “That should hold you. You’re not getting out of that stuff until I say so.” The reality-warper’s proclamation didn’t deter Kuyo from trying to extract herself anyway, but the now tar-like substance held her firmly, like glue.

“Now, where were we? Oh yeah…” Haruhi stepped in front of Mikuru, before allowing herself to begin sinking into the quicksand. “I’m gonna show how to get out of this stuff on your own, OK Mikuru-chan?”

“Um… Okay…” (It’ll be fine, this is Haruhi from college, she’s not gonna try anything funny…) Still, as she watched her old friend sink in front of her, her jeans disappearing beneath the muck, her t-shirt becoming stained brown, her face giving a warm smile, even as she deliberately pushed her hands and forearms into the muck, Mikuru couldn’t help but feel another wave of sensation course through her…

“Huh? Mikuru, you’re shaking!” Haruhi moved forward, ignoring the quicksand’s suction as she wrapped her arms around her friend, pulling her in close. “Calm down, it’s OK, you’re safe now…”

However, Mikuru was shivering for an entirely different reason… and when she felt Haruhi’s body press against hers, the mud flowing around them both, she went over the edge. “Oooooooh!!” The time traveler threw her head back as stars flashed in her vision, wave after wave of pleasure pulsing through her…

“The hell…?” muttered Haruhi as she felt Mikuru quake against her in a way that could only mean one thing… She pulled back to look at her friend as her head fell forward again, gasping for breath, eyes closed, face flushed. “Mikuru, did you just *orgasm*?”

The auburn-haired woman’s face turned a nice shade of cherry red. “Yes… yes I did.” Taking a deep breath, she continued, “I didn’t *mean* to… it just happened…”

Haruhi rolled her eyes. “Oooo-kay then… Well, I won’t tell if you won’t. It’ll be ‘classified information’ between us, OK?” She winked.

“R…right,” sighed Mikuru, her face returning to a more normal color as her friend shifted away from her again.

“Right then… so, first things first,” Haruhi began. “Getting your arms up and out. Most likely, you’ve just been tugging and jerking straight up to try and get free, but that doesn’t work, does it?”

“Nope,” Mikuru affirmed, tugging at her arms again.

“Well, using quick jerking motions causes the mud to clamp down on you. You gotta take it slow… give the mud a chance to flow around your limbs. Also, you should use sideways motions, instead of trying to go straight up. That’s a common mistake a lot of people make.”

“You don’t say… OK, I’ll try it.” Strain showed on the time traveler’s face as she tried to do as her friend instructed. “Ugh… I think I’m going deeper…”

“It’s OK, me too,” Haruhi assured her, her own bosom having been swallowed up. “Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of… um, ‘body’ to work with… Not like we’re on the edge of submersion here.”

“R-right… I think it’s working, though.” Mikuru tried to stay calm as she continued to bring her arms up… Soon enough, they emerged from the mud with a *plop!*, Haruhi managing to free her own arms a second later, before clasping her hands with her friend. “There, see? Just like that.”

Mikuru smiled in relief as she gave the reality-warper’s hands a gentle squeeze in gratitude. She could also feel herself floating back up to chest-level, due to the laws of buoyancy… “So, now what?”

“Now, you lean back, try to get into a more horizontal position, so you can bring your legs up,” Haruhi instructed. “Again, go slow.”

The auburn-haired woman did as she was told, shivering a little at feeling the mud rise up her back, even as her bosom pulled clear. “I’m not sure if I can bring my legs all the way up…”

“Well… you know how to do the backstroke?” Haruhi asked.

“I-I think so…”

“OK, just do that, then, and kinda swim your way back to shore.” The college student then turned towards the trapped Kuyo Suo. “As for me, I’m gonna teach this alien a lesson about messing with my nakama.” With that, she began making her way over to Kuyo, half-swimming, half twisting through the quicksand, until she’d worked her way into the pseudo-tar that held the interface…

Meanwhile, Mikuru was making slow progress back-stroking her way through the quicksand, though she stopped to see what kind of ‘penalty’ Haruhi would inflict on Kuyo.

It certainly wasn’t anything she’d expected, as the reality-warper suddenly began groping Kuyo’s breasts in a similar fashion to how Kuyo had groped Mikuru earlier, causing the alien to gasp in surprise from the sensation…

“Figured I’d do sort of an ‘eye for an eye’ type punishment,” Haruhi stated. “How do you like having your soft spot squeezed, hmm?”

“It… feels… good,” Kuyo gasped, quivering as Haruhi gently pinched her now-hard nipples, her head tilting back as she moaned in pleasure…

The time traveler continued to watch for a little longer, before shaking her herself back to her senses, and resuming her swimming motions… except, the mire seemed to have thickened a bit around her and she couldn’t pull her arms up. Repeated attempts caused the mud to flow over her shoulders, and pour inside the unbuttoned opening in her blouse, sliding in between her breasts…

Mikuru gasped as she felt her arousal return with a vengeance. (No, not again…) She tried to take a deep breath to calm herself, only to fail miserably when she heard Kuyo moan loudly. Opening her eyes and looking forward, she saw that Haruhi had pushed one hand into the sticky black pitch that now held both her and Kuyo, a mischievous grin on her face. (She wouldn’t!)

Apparently she would, as the black-haired alien screamed aloud, Haruhi’s immersed arm moving in a particular rhythm… Mikuru quaked again with pleasure, her bosom sinking the rest of the way under, only her head and neck now remaining above the soft earth, her auburn hair spreading on the surface… In this diagonal position, the mud felt like a slimy waterbed that gently cocooned her in its embrace…

Mikuru tilted her head back to avoid watching Haruhi’s ‘punishment’, deliberately letting the muck clog her ears to block out Kuyo’s cries of pleasure, even as her body continued to writhe in the mire’s grip… (Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts…) She thought of Koizumi in a thong, which caused to shudder with disgust…

But then Koizumi’s face transformed into Kyon’s. (No no no!) Mikuru thought desperately, but her mind had now locked into that image, and wouldn’t let it go, as her arousal came roaring back with the force of a tidal wave…

Despite the mud in her ears, she still heard Kuyo’s cry of ecstasy as Haruhi finally sent the alien over the edge, which in turn, was the final trigger for her own orgasm. “Aaaaaaagghhh!!” the time traveler cried as she bucked and jerked in her entrapment, the quicksand rippling around her flushed face, her eyes clenched shut as wave after wave of intense, unstoppable pleasure pulsed through her whole body, from head to toe…

After what seemed like forever, her orgasm finally, mercifully subsided, leaving Mikuru basking in the warm mud and afterglow… She pulled her head up and out of the mud, shaking it a little to get some of the muck out of her hair and ears, before opening her eyes…

And seeing Haruhi staring incredulously at her, while Kuyo was gasping for air, still recovering from her own orgasm. The time traveler’s face immediately went beet red as she realized her friend had seen everything.

“*Again*, Mikuru-chan?” the college student asked in disbelief. “Good grief, either you swing for the other team, or you’ve got a mud fetish you didn’t know about!”

“I… I…” Unable to draw enough oxygen to respond, Mikuru managed to wriggle herself back up to chest-level, her thrashing having loosened up the mud around her considerably. Taking a deep breath, she started again, “I- I think it’s the latter, Suzumiya-san… I… think I’ll get out now…” She started backstroking again, vowing not to stop this time until she got to terra firma.

Haruhi sighed and shook her head. “That Mikuru, I just don’t know about her sometimes… I thought *she* was supposed to be the mature one now… aaaaaaanyway.” She turned back to Kuyo Suo, her hands reaching for her nipples again… but this time, she pinched them *hard*, before twisting…

“AAAAGGGHH!!” the interface screamed.

“That’s called ‘pain’, Kuyo. Like it?” asked Haruhi rhetorically.

“NO!” Kuyo cried out in reply. “Stop, STOP!!”

The reality warper released her grip, moving her face close to Kuyo’s until their noses were almost touching. “I know you have trouble with my language, so I’ll keep this brief. You try to hurt any of my friends again, and you will feel pain ten times worse than what you just did. Do you understand?”

The brunette alien’s eye twitched. “Yes…”

“Good.” Haruhi pulled away, before pressing her index finger to the other woman’s forehead. “Now, go home.” Kuyo Suo promptly vanished, presumably back to the Sky Canopy Domain, as the sticky black tar changed back into normal quicksand. Haruhi then looked over at Mikuru, seeing that she’d managed to drag herself to solid ground. Nodding to herself, Haruhi rose out of the quicksand, until she was standing atop the surface, before walking over to her friend.

By the time she got there, Mikuru had pulled herself up to a standing position, albeit leaning heavily on a tree, covered in mud, panting from exertion. “You OK?”

“Yeah,” Mikuru gasped out, “other than being completely embarrassed with myself…”

“I already promised I wouldn’t tell anyone, you know,” Haruhi gently reminded her. “Now c’mon, you probably should take a shower, before you go back to the future…”

“Actually, my… technology… is broken, somehow… I think Kuyo probably did that…”

“Nothing Yuki-chan can’t fix, I’m sure. C’mon, let’s go.” The reality warper put Mikuru’s arm over her shoulder, as the two of them walked off together.

“Are you sure… you want Kyon-kun… to see me like this?” The time traveler couldn’t help but point out.

Haruhi shrugged. “If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll keep his eyes fixed on *my* glorious, sexy, muddy body… unless he wants a penalty!” Mikuru couldn’t help but laugh at that, Haruhi soon laughing along with her as they made their way out of the forest…

Last edited by DJlurker on Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:57 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Sinking of Mikuru Asahina (big)

Postby A20 » Sat May 27, 2017 3:15 pm

We need a Haruhi OVA of this stat! xD That was a very well written story, I was entertain all the way through :3 Always wanted to see Mikuru (adult or moe) sink in the mud. I kinda have a story in my mind as well hopefully I get to draw out someday. Great work!
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Re: The Sinking of Mikuru Asahina (big)

Postby PM2K » Sat May 27, 2017 4:41 pm

Very cool! :)

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Re: The Sinking of Mikuru Asahina (big)

Postby DJlurker » Sun May 28, 2017 3:04 pm

A20 wrote:We need a Haruhi OVA of this stat! xD That was a very well written story, I was entertain all the way through :3 Always wanted to see Mikuru (adult or moe) sink in the mud. I kinda have a story in my mind as well hopefully I get to draw out someday. Great work!

Thank you so much! I would love to see you draw a Mikuru sinking story someday... :D

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Re: The Sinking of Mikuru Asahina (big)

Postby nachtjaeger » Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:16 am

Great story! Thanks!
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