BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 7/25/'17!

Postby bogbud » Wed Jul 26, 2017 3:09 pm

Beautiful scenery and those mudplaces look so inviting!
You're really lucky!

Just wondering: That lake looks too good to be left alone (so to speak). How about hikers or campers, is that a problem?
I'm already chindeep in this mudbog and every desperate attempt to move my stuck legs only drives me deeper in. The thick mud slowly swamps my waders and my arms have nothing to hold onto.
I'm feeling home.

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 7/25/'17!

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:33 am

The sinking and exit videos are available through this thread:

Enjoy! 8-)
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 7/25/'17!

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:39 am

bogbud wrote:Beautiful scenery and those mudplaces look so inviting!
You're really lucky!

Just wondering: That lake looks too good to be left alone (so to speak). How about hikers or campers, is that a problem?

There are tons of places all over the backcountry here. That lake is a small lake with a rough access, and there are people fishing there from time to time, but it isn't a big place, so it can be quiet, especially on weekdays. There are larger and better lakes with better access and facilities that are more popular. This area is a fair distance away from my sinking area, but I tend to shy away from going on weekends and holidays, since there could be people exploring the sideroads via truck/atv/motorbike. My place is generally quiet, until hunting season, starting September 10'th.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 7/31/'17!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:58 am

After my first adventure of the season, with sinks, both on-camera and off-camera, I was in pain for a week from the leg cramps and lower and upper abdominal pain/soreness, and after that, my lower abdomen was still very sensitive. I waited 2 weeks before going again, anxious to see what the hot dry weather (there was some brief cooler breaks in the middle of that period) did to the thickness of my bog! The air had been mostly free of smoke for the past while, but the night before my adventure, smoke started to appear to the south, which had me worried. The last thing I needed was for smoke to weaken the sunshine, which was essential for warming up the water and my bog. On the morning of Friday, July 28'th, there was still some smoke in the sky, but when my dad took me up into the mountains, I could see clear skies further to the south, which was a relief! :) Even though he complained, my dad drove me up the steep hill on Crescent Road again, and went past a spot where I said he could stop.

After he dropped me off, I backtracked to the original spot where I wanted to be dropped off, to check out the hidden pond (liquid mud and sticks pond) to the east of Crescent Road. It was awkward hiking over the uneven ground and sticks and logs in the old, overgrown trail and the surrounding area, because of pain on the outside of my right ankle that had started over a week earlier. When I got to the hidden pond, there was some mud exposed, but not that much. I swapped memory cards in my camera, and took a photo of one patch on the south side:

2017 07 28 2A Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.jpg

I started to walk counterclockwise, but partways along the east side, I turned around and headed back. While returning, I heard some loud cracking of sticks and branches in the bush to the south of me, on the other side of the old, overgrown trail. Not certain whether it was a moose or bear, I decided not to take any chances, in case it was a bear. I cracked some sticks myself to alert whatever it was of my presence, and made a wide circle around that sound to get back to my bike, and then headed to my Crescent Road pond.

I gathered my things, such as Gorillapod, junk shorts, swim goggles, insect repellent, drink, etc., and headed to my sinking spot, anxious to see what it was like! When I got there, it was definitely nice and thick! :D I hadn't seen it this good in years! :D I took some photos of it. Doesn't it look peaceful and innocent? :twisted:

2017 07 28 2B Crescent.jpg

2017 07 28 2C Crescent.jpg

2017 07 28 2D Crescent.jpg

I headed back to my bike to have lunch (no bananas this time), and this time I sat on a rock to rest. I briefly got up to try and catch a video of my watch sitting in the grass turning over to 12 noon as part of my sinking video, but the video wound up shaky. :( After the lunch was finished, I returned to my bog, only to find that it had clouded over! :x I needed full sunshine to warm things up, especially my cleanup water! So, I decided to wait and see what happened. In the meantime, I took another photo of my bog under cloudy conditions:

2017 07 28 2E Crescent.jpg

To be continued...
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 7/31/'17!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:00 am

My July 28'th Adventure, Part 2 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

While passing the time to wait for the sun to come back out, I headed northward on the western shore, and took photos of other muddy patches exposed by the dropping water levels:

2017 07 28 2F Crescent.jpg

2017 07 28 2G Crescent.jpg

2017 07 28 2H Crescent.jpg

2017 07 28 2I Crescent.jpg

2017 07 28 2J Crescent.jpg

To be continued...
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 7/31/'17!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:00 am

My July 28'th Adventure, Part 3 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

The last of the series of photos of other mud patches at the Crescent Road pond:

2017 07 28 2K Crescent.jpg

Finally, the north-south band of high cloud passed by to the east of us, and I was ready to begin! :D I mounted my camera on the Gorillapod, and wrapped its knobby tentacles around a stick I had to the south of the bog. I was all changed, into my junk shorts, but kept my watch on as part of the video. I scrutinized the area, figuring out my point of entrance, trying to pick out the ideal target for me to hit with my plunge, and then centering it on the camera. Once I had everything figured out, I clicked the red Record button, headed over to my entrance point on the northwest side of the bog, and got started! :D

I was playing a hiker who was told by a fortune teller that he was going to drown that day, before the morning was over (it was supposed to be morning in the video, but it was really afternoon)! While avoiding the water, the hiker couldn't avoid the quicksand! :twisted: But, I was stumbling a bit on my lines before taking the plunge, sounding amateurish, like I was reading from a script at times, since I was trying to remember what I was going to say as I was saying it. :? However, the sink went well, and a new video was recorded! :D After my submergence and re-emergence, I submerged some more times in the pulsating, heaving, doughy, farting morass before exiting, cleaning my hands off, and then pressing the Record button to stop the recording. I then clicked the shutter button to take a shapshot of the area of the sink:

2017 07 28 2L Crescent.jpg

With that done, I headed to the water to clean my head and my back a bit, but not completely, since I was going back in the mud anyways. I then returned to the mud to crawl around on the warm, solar-heated surface skin, where I had a nice stimulating struggle on the west side facing south, where it was the thickest. I then crawled around the bog, counterclockwise, mushing up all the firmer top skin until it was all a sticky, doughy mush. It was a lot of exercise squirming and crawling and pulling myself around in that doughy clinging muck, making me hope that I wasn't straining my abdominal muscles too much. I felt sooooo comfortable laying on my stomach on that cushiony quagmire! I didn't want to leave! :D But, I decided it was time to take a break from my sinking to warm up so that I could take another deep sink later.

I worked my way back out, pulling myself onto the vegetation mat around the bog and pushing off any mud on my skin back into the bog, before heading into the water. I cleaned myself up from head to toe, as well as my junk shorts. It was always a bit awkward doing the cleanup because basically it is a mat of floating vegetation that sinks below the water surface when walked on close to the edge, ending in water with a bottom that is the same as my bog itself. Basically, when I am in water up to my armpits, the soft bottom is up to my crotch. So, lots of sediment stirred up that I would have to swish away, or wait until it settled. I had to use the floating vegetation itself to rub off the mud sticking to my back by laying down on my back on it and grinding my back against the mat, with it being pushed under the water. I had to continuously pick off leeches, that were homing in on my blood, while the unrelenting flies had been biting me continuously since I got to the area. I air-dried, keeping on looking for any leeches I might have missed, but not finding any. I had retrieved my watch from the grass where I had thrown it during the video. While drying off, I sat down in the shade, and watched the video I shot, noticing how I had overshot my target slightly, making me a little off-center to the right. But, it worked out okay. :)

After viewing the video, I got up, and felt something slimy in my butt. I looked at my fingers, and they were covered in blood! :shock: I then felt a bigger leech attached to my right butt cheek, just on the top edge of my butt crack! :shock: I had inspected myself over and over again earlier, and had found nothing! :x I couldn't figure how I could have missed it! :? So, after having dried off, I had to return to the water where I threw the leech back in, and had to wash the blood off. Then, when I started to air-dry the wet parts again, the same area felt sticky again, and I discovered I was still bleeding! :x Leeches use an anticoagulant in their saliva to keep the blood flowing, so that was making it take a bit longer for the bleeding to stop. I could feel a bump in the area of the bite. After a few washings, I finally decided to leave it, and not bothering to put on my undershorts and shorts, instead putting on my t-shirt. After some more walking around the meadow waiting to warm up, I finally put my shoes on as well, and walked back to the area where my bike was dropped off, and walked around there, where it was drier, with more heat radiating off the ground. I saw a white-tailed deer on the trail leading back to the sideroad, which looked at me and shook its head. I think it was a doe, since I didn't see any antlers. When I moved slightly in its direction, it took off. I walked up the trail towards the road, but there was no sign of the deer. I was finding myself starting to feel warm, and walked back down and then back up the trail, before finally returning to my sinking spot, all ready for my next sinking session (I knew I was ready when my hands were no longer cold, but warm).

Some time after my video, while I was trying to warm up, when it was getting close to 2 pm, I changed my watch back two hours and tried shooting a video of it again, changing over to 12 noon, this time using the Gorillapod to keep the camera steady. Then, I changed the watch back to the correct time. The watch video worked out this time! :D

To be concluded...
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 7/31/'17!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:01 am

My July 28'th Adventure, Conclusion (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

Back at my sinking spot, I took some photos of my mushed-up patch of quagmire. Wouldn't you just love to jump into that?

2017 07 28 2M Crescent.jpg

2017 07 28 2N Crescent.jpg

2017 07 28 2O Crescent.jpg

2017 07 28 2P Crescent.jpg

I got all prepared. I had my swim goggles on my forehead, and my breathing hose handy for underbog breathing, something I was looking forward to doing for a long time. From the west side, I jumped into the middle, landing chest deep in the doughy muck. I just struggled continuously, and slowly let the bog claim me more and more. When it rose to around the bottom of my nose, I lingered and struggled there for a while, before deciding to get out, and do the submergence with the hose on camera.

So, I worked myself out, cleaned my hands, put on my junk shorts which were cleaned and drying on an alder branch, and remounted my camera back onto the Gorillapod, which I re-wrapped its tentacles around the stick on the south side of the bog. I pointed the camera down to the spot beside my breathing hose in the southwestern part of the bog, and got the area zoomed in and roughly centered. I was a bit concerned about the battery indicator, because it went from 3 bars to only one, making me wonder if I had enough battery power to shoot the video. :? I started to wonder if I was going to regret wasting valuable battery power watching the first video while drying off (and while inadvertently feeding a leech). :? I just hoped for the best. :?

I clicked the record button, made a final adjustment to the camera, and then jumped in from the west side. When I landed, up to my chest, the mire was farting like crazy around me briefly. I was trembling a bit because I had been out of the mud all wet in the dry air, and the evaporation really sucked the heat out. I knew that once I was back in the mud, and had the moisture no longer evaporating from my skin/hair, I would feel warmer. 8-)

I slowly sunk deeper, and then put my swim goggles on, and finally the breathing hose in my mouth. But, before going under, I had to take the breathing hose out, and spit out dirt and debris from my mouth that had accumulated inside the hose from the past couple of years of non-use. I shook the hose and re-inserted it back in my mouth, and pulled myself under, and started bubbling away! 8-) Some dirt from the hose still got in my mouth, but not much to be a problem. I inhaled through the hose while exhaling through my nose, with it initially making a hissing or rushing sound, and I could see brief flashes of light when I exhaled, from the conduit of air extending to the close surface briefly. When I got deeper, it stayed dark, and my exhaled air became more of a "phlup phlup phlup" sound, with occasionally a steady rushing sound. I sunk myself down deeper and deeper, gradually ending up close to "wrist deep" (that is, the mud was up to my wrists when held above my head). I could have gone deeper, but breathing was slightly more uncomfortable, but I could have handled it, since I would get accustomed to it after a while. The big concern was that when I was at "wrist deep", my lower abs were starting to feel sore (I could even feel my pulse in my lower abs), and I was worrying about straining them too much if I went deeper (they have been giving me enough problems for the past 11 months as it is). :? So, I stayed at around wrist deep, my escaping breath going "phlup, phlup, phlup" up to the surface, able to keep my eyes open because of the swim goggles, my breathing hose the only thing keeping me alive staying submerged for so long and at that depth! I raised my hands to the surface and retracted them, swaying and bouncing beneath the surface, feeling the mud move with/against me when I moved, totally swallowed by soft thick muck, loving every moment of it! :mrgreen: It had been soooo long since I had experienced that! :D It was bog heaven! :mrgreen: After enjoying my underbog experience for a while, I began to feel the beginnings of a headache, which was a signal that perhaps I should call it quits. I figured that I had enough on video, anyways. :? I just hoped that the wind didn't interfere with the recorded sound, not to mention whether the battery lasted long enough for my entire underbog session! :?

So, I began to slowly work myself up higher and higher, feeling pressure easing more and more, until my exhaled breath was no longer going "phlup, phlup, phlup", but instead became more of a steady hissing or rushing sound. My head still felt like it was under mud, but I could see some occasional light facing forward. My head was just coated in a thick layer of mud. I worked myself up a bit higher, removed the hose from my mouth, and cleared the mud off my head. I worked myself up higher and higher, removed my swim goggles and tossed them in the grass. I finally crawled to the grass on the west side, and pulled myself out of the mire, wiping it off my skin back into the bog as I went. I then cleaned my hands in some water, and went to stop the recording, but noticed the screen looked dark. I pressed the record button to stop the recording, but nothing happened. Then, I realized that the camera was already off! :shock: When I tried turning it back on, it gave me a warning that there was no battery power left, and then turned off again! :x The batteries ran out before I had finished making the video of my breathing tube submersion! :evil: I knew that I should have recharged the battery the night before, even though it looked like there was sufficient charge (it had dropped to two bars, but went back to three the day before)! :x I had no idea how much of my breathing hose submergence video was recorded, if any! :x I couldn't even check the recording to find out, because the camera would just give me the warning of no battery power, and then would turn off! :x So, it looked like I would have to wait until I got home before finding out. :?

I then returned to the mud, and crawled/squirmed around on the surface again, having another stimulating horizontal struggle in the middle east part facing south, at which point I suddenly started to feel cooler. I finally worked my way to the edge, and pulled myself out, wiping all the mud off my skin back into the bog.

I headed into the water, where I cleaned off thoroughly, constantly checking for leeches. I was shivering a bit still, and while I had my head underwater to clean it, I accidentally swallowed a small mouthful of pondwater that was just teaming with all sorts of stuff if you examined it with a microscope! :shock: I had nothing to spit out, and hoped that ingesting that water wouldn't get me sick! :? I had to return to the water to clean my other things, such as my junk shorts, swim goggles, and my breathing hose, running water through it to flush out its inside, something I should have done last time I was there. I air-dried, and got dressed. When I had unwrapped the tentacles of the Gorillapod from the supporting stick one tentacle broke off! :x I didn't realize I had stressed it that much! It had lost part of a tentacle several years back at the Harris Creek quicksilt slide area. Now, it has one full tentacle, one half tentacle, and one stubbier tentacle! :x I don't know if it is usable anymore, but I will have to test it out some time soon. :? I might have to buy another one. :?

I tried the camera again but it still only gave me a warning about no battery power before turning off. I couldn't even take any final parting photos of my sinking spot. But, it wasn't too different from the earlier shots, except the disturbances on the surface were different and the lighting was different (lower sun). :? I put my stuff away, and just to be on the safe side, I put back a bunch of large sticks around the west, southwest and northwest sides of my bog, to be prepared for when free-range cattle return later this summer. I don't want any to fall into my bog, since the dropping water levels have made the meadow firmer around part of my bog. :?

I returned to my bike, put my things away, and headed for the valley, snacking on a couple of Pizza Pops and a Dipps bar on the way. My stomach felt a bit upset, but I wasn't certain if it had to do with the water I accidentally ingested, or just what I had been eating while being active. :? I figured that it was just what I ate, since I have had upset stomach like that many times before. :? My dad picked me up in the valley, and we headed home. As it turned out, after he dropped me off in the morning, he decided to check out a car dealership, and one thing led to another, and my mom wound up buying a brand new GMC Terrain! It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for my dad taking me up into the mountains for my bikeride! 8-) So, the day worked out for everyone! :D

That night, when I finally transferred my videos and photos to my computer, I was happy to discover that the camera battery died, stopping the recording, during the latter part of me exiting the bog! :D So, all the good stuff is there, although it looked as though the camera might have shifted down slightly, with the bubbling action moving from roughly the center of the screen to the top of the screen. But, looking at the position of the hose, it looked the same, meaning that perhaps I moved further back under the mud. :? I also noticed in my first video, where I was supposed to drown before the morning was over, shot during the afternoon, that when I was wearing my watch, the camera briefly caught the time displayed on the watch (1:33 pm), something I didn't think would happen! Looks like I have more editing to do. :? The next day, upon inspection of my "successful" watch video, I discovered that it had contained my reflection! :x So, that watch video is no longer viable. My plan was after I submerged in the video, it would cut away to the watch, showing it changing to 12 noon, with the bog bubbling a little in the background. But, another complication is that a plane was flying overhead just at the moment my submersion happened, which makes editing in the other sound clips a bit more work, since the sound of the plane can't suddenly stop. :?

I was happy about the way the day went, with only a few minor leg cramps, that were only brief. No ill effects from ingesting the pond water, either. But I was still eaten alive by the voracious flies, and while in the water, voracious leeches were after my blood below the surface, while the flies were biting me from above. My sink was the best yet in a long time! :D But, my abdominal muscles are sore all over the place. I hope that the soreness in my upper abs goes down fast like they did last time. It is my lower abs, especially the lower right which are the most persistent. I hope that I can feel better soon enough to be able to return sooner than two weeks, because I just can't resist "the lure of the swamp"! :mrgreen:
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 8/8/'17!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:53 am

After my second adventure a week earlier, I finally had a third adventure on Friday, August 4'th, the first time I had 3 adventures since 2014! This time, I took numerous photos. Feel free to use them for manips! :)

The day before, I put elastic bands in my camera case in case the Gorillapod needed some extra help, since it has only one full tentacle, one stubby one and one short one. I did test the Gorillapod on a branch the day before the adventure as well, and seemed to work. But I just wanted to be certain. I was concerned about the smoke, which was heavy the day before the adventure (milky skies), and was still the same in the morning of the adventure, but fortunately it cleared away from the north. :) They were forecasting some winds, which I was glad to see blowing the smoke away. :) But, I was concerned that the wind might interfere with the audio of the videos I was going to record, not to mention speed up the evaporation, which makes me feel chilled more quickly when exiting the mud. :?

My dad dropped me off past the steep hill on Crescent Road, at a bend, and I was on my way! :D Biking westward, I first headed past the entrance to my Crescent Road pond, to check out two ponds south of Crescent Road, to check out their status, and take any photos. When I passed them, I noticed that both were the lowest I had seen in years! The first one almost never had mud exposed, but now it had lots of mud exposed, while the second one was all mud! It was a shame that both ponds were in full view of the road, since I would have loved to sample the mud there! But then, my Crescent Road pond sinking spot outshined any other mud patches in the area! I dropped my bike off in the bush south of the road and east of the second pond, and headed down to check out the second pond to the west! I took photos of the mud that was exposed, including a couple of reasonably fresh bear prints:

2017 08 04 3A Pond South Of Crescent.jpg

2017 08 04 3B Pond South Of Crescent.jpg

2017 08 04 3C Pond South Of Crescent.jpg

2017 08 04 3D Bear Paw Print At Pond South Of Crescent.jpg

2017 08 04 3E Pond South Of Crescent.jpg

To be continued...
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 8/8/'17!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:54 am

My August 4'th Adventure, Part 2 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

Here are more photos I took of the empty pond:

2017 08 04 3F Pond South Of Crescent.jpg

2017 08 04 3G Bear Paw Print At Pond South Of Crescent.jpg

2017 08 04 3H Pond South Of Crescent.jpg

2017 08 04 3I Pond South Of Crescent.jpg

2017 08 04 3J Pond South Of Crescent.jpg

To be continued...
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 8/8/'17!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:54 am

My August 4'th Adventure, Part 3 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

Deciding to leave my bike near the second (west) pond, I then walked back to the first one. But, it had a barbed-wire fence around it, forcing me to find a spot where there was a sizeable gap on the bottom for me to crawl under. Then, I took some more pix:

2017 08 04 3K Another Pond South Of Crescent East Of Other One.jpg

2017 08 04 3L Another Pond South Of Crescent East Of Other One.jpg

2017 08 04 3M Another Pond South Of Crescent East Of Other One.jpg

2017 08 04 3N Another Pond South Of Crescent East Of Other One.jpg

2017 08 04 3O Another Pond South Of Crescent East Of Other One.jpg

To be continued...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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