Urban Quicksand Demise

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Urban Quicksand Demise

Postby linzidover » Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:04 am

A Silly Mistake (mud,stockings,grim)

Karen had had only herself to blame. Her ridiculous fear of busy streets had led her to the quiet alley. Rather than turning back when she came upon the fence and warning sign she pushed through, snagging her white nylons and causing the beginning of an ugly ladder on her lower right leg. A she cursed she was looking at the spoiled hose and walked blindly into the well signed hazzard. An open sewer hole swallowed her and she fell into what was a fairly clean flow of water which was mainly rainwater from the previous night. Although only knee deep, Karen landed bum first and her whole outfit was drenched. Her legs in white nylons, shone, saturated and suddenly more fleshy than lilac coloured in the light from the hatch above. "Shit, shit, shit" she cursed herself and then her anger was now despair. "Theres no ladder up I'm stuck"

Rising to her feet she almost lost her left shoe, grabbing the white patent court shoe as it canoed away into the darkness. Shoe replaced she sloshed off, downstream as this seemed easier. There was an eery light from the various grids and kerb drains which splattered in and around her. She could see her outfit clinging to her rather splendid body. The wet skin of her fine skirt material betrayed her garter clips and even the heavy welts of her stocking tops. "Ooh its cold"

After much screaming at grids overhead and wandering for a half an hour she saw light ahead. A major grid above the wide tunnel section she approached gave an air of daylight. The road ahead looked safe enough, in fact the water was now only trickling between her ankles and the wide section was covered in dry crusty mud where the water seemed to dissappear. With bold, ill-placed confidence Karen bolted out into the daylight on to what she thought was dry footing. How wrong she was! Her first step found her foot indent to a thick skin of dry mud which was obviously the surface of something much more fluid. Her court did not break the skin but was enveloped on all sides as it pushed down. Her following leg brought her entire weight on to the undulating "rice pudding" skin, too much it punctured the seal of the skin and an audible ssss.. of trapped gas seeped out as her leg sank quickly to the knee. Her stomach knotted in panic, she knew she was in big trouble. She automatically tried to step out of the goo using the foot still planted on the skin but her sharp heel only helped bog both legs at the knee and sent lazy ripples across the entire hungry bog. She gasped in real fear as she could not feel concrete under her shoes and realised this maybe some kind of sump where solid debris is trapped. But how deep, Karen deep, or deeper? Her panic saw her turn round in the mud and pump her feet in a misguided attempt to step back to her shallow concrete footing. No good, she had boldly stepped six feet from the edge and could not step or grope her way back. Her frantic pumping had only served to remove and gift her expensive footwear to the darkness of the muddy pit. She was really hysterical now, wailing and all the time miring herself, inevitably to a point of no return. She bunched her skirt up to save it from the grimey clawing mud and to see better. What she saw was frightening indeed, glued in above mid thigh she was still sinking even when she did not move. She felt her hosed feet and legs glide slowly downward through the fine mud, now and again halted by the false hope of a snagging piece of debris or thicker mud which time after time slipped aside or gave under her weight. "No-ooooo-no!" Her stocking tops were now on the the verge of vanishing and almost as they had gone her lacey panties had their crotch dipped in the mess. "Although Karen was in dread of her situation she was strangely aroused. Since her shoes had departed her nyloned feet had enjoyed the massage of the encasing mire, now the waistline of her skirt gone she could feel the clammy intrusion of mud pressuring in through the inadequate barrier of her thin lacey, "used to be pale blue" now shitty brown panties. she was being penetrated forcibly by an assailant who could not be kicked, sprayed or threatened.

In the midst of her last chance of pleasure came an unexpected reprieve. Her left leg which was straightened downwards, toe searching for ground, touched down on something. Her second foot made contact, she was now tiptoed with her only her head neck and shoulders visible, her hands were down in her knickers, vigorously finger fucking her mud lubed hole and rubbing her dirty slippy clitty. She made one error in what may have been her moment of salvation, a huge orgasm jerked her entire frame, she screamed and deep within her grave her toes flicked and curled.
This tiniest of motions dislodged the large solid mud rootball which she was tiptoed on and which was sitting in more liquid mud. Her temporary ground fall now began rotating and as her toes moved in order to maintain station were further spinning the ball and further liquidising the surrounding mud. Karen seemed to visualise this and her deep panic returned, she couldn't keep this tip toe dance up and she needn't have as the root ball suddenly dislodged and jerked away from under her pathetic little searching nylon toes.
Her weight now carried her lower legs into a pocket of almost liquid mud. After such a gradual immersion her head and shoulders were swallowed with a sudden gloopy splash, with only a small wet tear in the rice pudding skin to suggest someone had just vanished there.

Karen knew now it was over, ironically her feet had found the concrete base of the sump and she even managed almost automatically to slip back into one of her lost shoes which had sunk ahead of her. Her wicked treat however had been her undoing, her arms pointed down and hands buried in her panties and crack were never leaving her side. Had they had been stretched up she could have pushed up with her feet from the sound bottom and grabbed the concrete edge of the sump. But no, she did what she could, rasping at her sex for one more O, it came and in the murky blackness she squealed out, blurgfhh, the pressure of mud and liquid immediately welled in, her ears, nose and now her mouth throat lungs, affgh. She paid everthing for that last O. A belch of splattering mud and thin splashes of her final breath surfaced as the last signs of Karens being, escaped her squalid sewer tomb.

One discoloured court shoe eventually was dislodged months later in a big flood. It snagged on an outflow screen where it was spotted by a sewer worker. "Jeez, some prettee lady musta hopped home last night" he said to himself. He added it to a strange collection in the underground staff breakroom, amongst other detritus, wallets, hats, spectacles, an old rusty pistol, and now Karens only remaining presence. "A could jerk off in that pretty shoe later" he thought.


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Re: Urban Quicksand Demise

Postby Lomax » Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:15 pm

At first I though tthis was a sort of homage to the great Victor Hugo and his well-known sequence known to all of us on here. Then it side-tracked into a sub-genre which, I'm afraid, does nothing for me (that's not a criticism: even within such a narrow special interest group such as ours, you simply can't please everybody). I've simply never understood why people write (or enjoy) stories in which the protagonist, realising that they're about to die a nasty and lingering death, succumbs to an overwhelming desire to masturbate. Others plainly disagree.

I also hate it when people give away the ending before they start (grim, etc). Removes all the suspense.

But well done for having the gumption to post a story inthe first place.
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Re: Urban Quicksand Demise

Postby linzidover » Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:56 pm

Although I'm a little sorry you didn't enjoy, thanks for commenting all the same. It seems so many who viewed didn't even see it worthy of criticism. Fair point on the grim header tis a bit of a spoiler lol

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Re: Urban Quicksand Demise

Postby quagmire_uk » Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:32 am

I myself can't decide whether I like grim headers or not... the fact is that I'm not a big fan of grim scenes usually so it is good to have a heads-up so I am prepared. On the other hand, a grim ending does have better shock value if it is a surprise... and similarly an escape/rescue is nicer when it is a surprise too.

Anyway, I rather enjoyed the story! The fact is that a grim scene where it is just a girl falling in and struggling and then drowning is rather depressing, and I find needs something more (like the erotic element) to make it enjoyable. Situations where the girl escapes or is rescued generally don't need the erotic elements as much because of course they aren't so depressing! Heh.

I find stories where the protagonist gets very horny are more believable if she had already been incredibly turned on for some reason before falling into the mire. Like if she had been going to meet her lover and she was so horny that she wanted to touch herself simply while walking to meet him, or something like that. Or if there was some science fiction or supernatural element, some chemical or radiation or magic that made her horny against her will or better judgement or something.

Marjorie / Gwyllion does erotic stories invovling monsters and tentacles and blobs and things, many of which would normally be considered some kind of rape, which would normally never turn me, but in each scenario there's always some kind of element like a pheremone or something magical that means the girl just can't help herself, and rather than brute force stopping escape often it is the senations themselves and lack of willpower. http://marjorie.auroris.net/?page=new So yeah, that's an author that can manage to make women enjoying experiences with blobs and tentacles and quicksand-like situations seem plausible.

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Re: Urban Quicksand Demise

Postby linzidover » Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:08 am

Many thanks for your commnets and observations and thaking the time to reply, I hope I can surprise you next time :D

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Re: Urban Quicksand Demise

Postby Lomax » Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:36 pm

linzidover wrote:Thanks for commenting. It seems so many who viewed didn't even see it worthy of criticism.

If you expect more than a tiny fraction of people who open a story thread to leave a comment (however nicely you ask), you need to revise your expectations downwards. Believe me, I speak from experience.

Fair point on the grim header tis a bit of a spoiler.

I've always been drawn to the melodramatic aspect of our little obsession, rather than finding it a sexual turn-on per se (which means that I'm not a true fetishist, I suppose). Part of the reason I read stories is because I want to find out what happens in the end. If you tell me before I start, I sometimes don't bother to read at all.
In order to make an apple pie from scratch you first have to create the universe.

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