The Siren's Sands (Quicksand, possibly fatal, helplessness, pleasure, NB)

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The Siren's Sands (Quicksand, possibly fatal, helplessness, pleasure, NB)

Postby Solrex » Mon May 07, 2018 11:07 pm

Author's Note: Hey, not much to say, I hope you enjoy. If you are curious to what I mean by possibly fatal, then to explain it, just know a lot of my stories are left up to the imagination, and have several different options as to how one imagines the story. Thus, you could imagine a submersion, and you could not as well. It's up to your imagination.

Please leave a reply down below giving a constructive criticism if you want, I'll take advice on what I did wrong as long as it's constructive. If you don't know what that means, a good method of constructive criticism is two stars and a wish. 2 things (or more) you enjoyed, and 1 thing you wished the story had.

Anyways, go hurry up and just read it and enjoy!

In the land of Arcana, there lived a siren of the bog. This siren was humanoid with two legs, however, she had a certain magic she could use to change the physical makeup of quicksand to replace the water with a very special chemical. This chemical did nothing on it’s own, but upon contact with sweat or bodily oils, it would turn into a contact-activated concentrated dopamine.

Basically, if one were to touch the quicksand through one’s skin, it would activate the chemical reaction, and give a powerful feeling of euphoria to the victim, as long as the chemical remained in contact with one’s skin, this would cause a very pleasurable experience, one which only becomes stronger with more contact.

This can cause victims, whether they are attracted to quicksand or not, to feel a powerful desire to strip and get as deep as possible, even trying to submerge oneself once at the point of buoyancy of the bog the victim found themselves in.

The siren makes several shallow pools throughout the land with maps to her quicksand domain to tease and lure victims to her ultimate trap. She also used a water walking spell to walk over her own trap, using a skin-tight thin forcefield to avoid contact and appear sparkling.

So, if one were to come across one of the siren’s lures, whether it be the sand being surrounded by sticky material to get oneself to be barefoot, with a treasure in the center along with the map, or a different trap to trip someone and make the victim land onto the pleasure sand with their hands, or something else entirely, there is always a lure. These traps are nothing more than ankle deep at most, to force the victim into seeking out the siren’s lair.

Once the victim comes to the location on the map, trekking into a cave would ensue. Following the cave would lead one down a steep downward path, and into a very large room. The room was circular, and had a radius of about 60 yards, or put simply, the diameter of a football field. The room’s ground was all quicksand enchanted by the siren, all of it at least 10 feet deep, the exception being the entrance, and the platform in the center where the siren waited in patience. Light came from small holes in the roof that let in light but were too small to fit through.

When one entered the domain, the anticipation of such a large amount of this pleasure sand would cause oneself to strip immediately, unless some very powerful willpower made them strip down to just their underwear instead, and step into the sands.

When one stepped onto the sand with their foot, the soft yielding sand would slowly suck at their foot while feeling amazing, being a consistency that was sticky and slurpy, and didn't come off readily. However, it was still just quicksand, not tar.

The siren would smile at one who had found her lair, and simply wait. Watching oneself struggle and pump their legs to sink up to their knees, the dopamine intake by this point being just as strong as most addictive drugs. But, going deeper feels so much better, and no one would stop there.

With dopamine flooding one’s mind as they sunk up to just below their groin, clothed or not, the siren would approach them, water walking across the sand to the victim. If clothed in undergarments, the siren would use a dagger and cut them loose, smiling, knowing what one wanted.

Whether male or female, orgasms would ensue once the sand touched one’s genitals, males thrusting into it, and females spreading their legs wide, having the most powerful orgasm the victim has ever had in one’s life, while still feeling this pleasure and wanting to go deeper.

Sinking below the waist was simply beyond euphoric, and by now, the point of no return was way far passed. Most will thrust their arms deep into the sand, whether leaning forward or remaining standing, just wanting more of the pleasure.

Once one sank to about their chest, and started to become slowly more buoyant, the struggle to go deeper would ensue. By now, most people would have already attempted to have 2-3 more orgasms while sinking, but now would settle at just above the chest.

Almost everyone’s reaction is the same; one would look pleading into the siren’s eyes, begging her to push oneself under. However, this is the point where the siren is fully in control, and able to do as she pleases. Most of the time, especially during a first sink, she won't submerge her victims. However, instead, she asks favors of them, oaths to swear, treasures to gather. In return, she will allow one to come here any time and sink as much as one wishes, even drowning one in the sand if they so wished.

Unable to refuse, physically unable to refuse, the siren is able get whatever she wants, as she wants it. Following the bargain, the siren will let the victim squirm and struggle in their pleasure a little longer, then command the sands to push oneself up and out of the sands, casting a water walking spell on the victim so they can escape and get what she wants them to, whether that's gold, jewels, or more slaves.

She also helps them up the steep slope, which without her help, would be impossibly slippery to escape. She then mends one’s undergarments and the victim clothes one’s naked body before leaving.

With the pleasurable memory in mind, breaking free of the siren’s control is very difficult, almost needing a memory wiping spell to do so. Even the nerves have to be wiped of their memory, least one is unable to forget the pleasure.

The siren is no mythical creature, just some very clever sorceress that set up a powerful trap. And if one wishes to die in the sands, it is by far one of the very best ways to perish, leading those that wish to no longer live to become loyal slaves of this siren, sometimes giving one a reason to live, however, if one still wishes death, it can still be granted by the siren. She would simply hold the victim below the sands as they drowned in pleasure.

So this tale ends, if you wish to see this siren, the maps are everywhere, and albeit it's not difficult to enter, it’s almost impossible to leave her control and servitude. Be warned, traveler.

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Re: The Siren's Sands (Quicksand, possibly fatal, helplessness, pleasure, NB)

Postby DJlurker » Wed May 09, 2018 12:44 am

A very good story! I’m sure there are people here who would be more than willing to fall under the siren’s control… 8-)

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