Sinking Field Trip - (Cons, casual, fatal, sex, multiple submergences)

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Sinking Field Trip - (Cons, casual, fatal, sex, multiple submergences)

Postby joey1234567 » Tue Jun 25, 2019 11:46 pm

Sinking Field Trip

(DISCLAIMER: All women in this story, even those said to be in High School, are at least 18 years old.)

The school bus rattled and shook as it drove down the rough country road outside the city. Onboard, the bus was filled to the brim with lovely young women from the local High School. All of them wore the standard school uniform; a white blouse tied in the front to bare their midriff and squeeze their tits, a red plaid skirt that was barely long enough to cover their delicates, white knee high socks, and black dress shoes. All over the bus the girls were talking, giggling, and gossiping among themselves. Towards the middle of the bus, a pair of young women sat next to each other, speculating about their destination.

Addison, a blonde with shoulder length hair and impressive melons sat next to the aisle. Beside her, looking out the window, was Tasha, a redhead with her long hair pulled into a pair of pigtails. She also sported the largest rack on the bus, which bounced and jiggled every time the bus shook.

“So where do you think we’re headed?” Tasha asked curiously.

Addison shrugged, subtly eyeing her friend’s jiggling breasts as she was distracted. “I dunno. Maybe a zoo or something?”

“I don’t think so.” Tasha replied. “I don’t know of any zoos in this area. Maybe a hunting ground?”

“You seem pretty interested in where we’re headed.” Addison said, raising her eyebrows. “Are you worried about these puppies?” She teased as she reached over and gave Tasha’s hooters and firm squeeze.

Tasha giggled and brushed her off. “No, I’m just curious about how we’re gonna die. I mean, aren’t you?”

The bus was currently taking the girls on what was known as their ‘Final Field Trip.’ The name was pretty self-explanatory; it was a field trip from which none of the girls would return alive. At the end of every school year, High Schools would host these types of field trips for girls who failed to meet the requirements to graduate. The trips were purely voluntary, typically those who signed up were just girls who wanted to go out with their friends. For an added bit of excitement, the students never knew where or how they were going to die until they reached their destination. The only guarantee was that none of the girls would make it through the day.

As the bus continued down the dirt road Tasha posed the question again. “I mean, aren’t you at least a little curious? It is your death after all.”

Addison pondered for a moment and then shook her head. “Nah, I mean we all go out sooner or later, the how doesn’t really matter to me.” Addison turned around to address the two girls in the seat across from her. “What about you girls? Are you wondering about how we’re gonna snuff it?”

In the opposite seat were two women furiously making out. Shana, a pale dark-haired girl with vaguely Asian features had her hand up her friend’s skirt. Meanwhile, Autumn, a tanned brunette with long flowing hair, had slipped her hand underneath Shana’s shirt and was groping her breasts. Both girls appeared to be a couple of years older than the others on the bus, most likely from failing and repeating their senior year multiple times.

Autumn managed to tear her face away from Shana’s just long enough to answer. “No, not really. As long as we can go out together, I’m happy.” She immediately resumed kissing Shana.

Tasha rolled her eyes at her classmate’s apathy, it was probably why they had all failed to graduate. She continued to gaze out the window until the bus reached its destination.

About an hour later the bus finally pulled into what looked like a large grassy field near a wide and shallow pond. For about a mile in all directions the grass was nearly a foot tall and intermittently interrupted by round patches of what looked like mud.

As the bus came to a halt the girls’ two teacher chaperones, Ms. Michaels and Ms. Aniston, stood up at the front of the bus. Both women were busty MILFs with long flowing blonde hair. Their attire was much more professional than that of the students with tight white blouses tucked into longer khaki skirts. Ms. Michaels appeared to be in her late thirties and was slightly curvier than her co-teacher. Ms. Aniston was a few years younger, probably in her early thirties, and her hair was a darker shade of blonde.

Ms. Michaels was the first to speak up. “Alright girls, we’re here. Now before we get started Ms. Aniston and I have some business to take care of with Mr. Douglass,” she motioned to the driver of the bus, the only male onboard. “Once we’re done he’ll head back to town and we’ll explain what we’re going to be doing here today.” Mr. Douglass would be returning to the city alone. It was customary that on a final field trip, whatever fate awaited the students would be shared by their chaperones as well. “Now please hop off the bus, but be sure not to wander off!”

Ms. Michaels, Ms. Aniston, and Mr. Douglass all quickly headed out the door off the bus, slowly the students followed suit. The girls all gathered outside in what looked like a small dirt parking lot next to the field. The field was surrounded on all sides by thick forest and there were no buildings in sight.

The scenery, or lack thereof, only made Tasha even more confused. “How are we supposed to die out here? Other than starvation?” She asked rhetorically.

Addison joined her in gazing out at the empty field. Apparently, she had finally become curious herself. “I don’t know. Maybe we’ll dig out own graves and they’ll shoot us execution style?”

Tasha’s brow furrowed. “I hope not, that sounds like a cruel way to go, even for a bunch of flunkouts.”

“I know,” Addison added, “plus we wouldn’t even get to have any fun first.”

When the bus was emptied the girls stood outside in groups, most continuing their gossip from the ride over. Tasha started to get a little impatient waiting for her teachers and started glancing around looking for them. She heard strange sounds coming from the other side of the bus. Walking over to the rear, she peeked her head around the corner to see Ms. Michaels and Ms. Aniston with their skirts pulled down and their blouses pulled open, leaning against the side of the bus for support while Mr. Douglass alternated between fucking each of them from behind. Currently Mr. Douglass’ cock was inside of Ms. Aniston and Ms. Michaels fingered herself, eagerly awaiting her next turn.

“Yes, yes, YES!” Ms. Aniston cried out, she was trying to keep her voice down to not alert the students, but was failing. “That’s it! Fuck me! Give me my last fuck!”

Mr. Douglass withdrew from Ms. Aniston and inserted himself into Ms. Michaels. “Oh yea! Fuck me! Fuck me before I die!” She said as she pushed herself back onto Mr. Douglass’ rod.

Tasha blushed and turned back around the bus. She had never seen any of her teachers act so unprofessional. She made her way back to Addison and patiently waited for the teachers to finish.

A few minutes later the three teachers returned from the other side of the bus. Both Ms. Michaels and Ms. Aniston had done admirable jobs of cleaning themselves up and regaining their composure. If the girls hadn’t heard them, they never would have guessed that they both just had their final fuck. Mr. Douglass hopped back on the bus and hit the ignition. The engine roared and slowly the bus turned around and made its way back to civilization, leaving the women to their fate.

After the bus left the pair of teachers walked around the students until they stood in between them and the field. Just behind them, near the dirt, was a small patch of mud about five feet in diameter.

“Okay girls, listen up.” Ms. Aniston said. “Now I’m sure some of you are wondering what we’re doing here and how we’re going to die.” There were a few murmurs from the crowd, but no one spoke up. “Well we’ve got a unique experience in store for all of us today. Today, we’re going to drown in quicksand!” Ms. Aniston raised her arms outward to emphasize the surprise, which caught many of the girls off guard. After a moment to let the information process she began to unbutton her blouse and undress.

Tasha raised her eyebrows. Of all the ways she thought she was going to die today, quicksand was not one of them. Next to her, Addison seemed a bit more intrigued with the concept. She bit her lip as she imagined Tasha’s tits, and her own, slowly sinking beneath the surface. Quicksand was certainly not how she imagined going, but she certainly wasn’t opposed to it.

As Ms. Aniston stripped down, Ms. Michaels stepped forward. “Now, this field is full of various quicksand pits, some large, some small. But they all share similar properties. Ms. Aniston will demonstrate by being the first of our group to sink and submerge.” Ms. Michaels motioned to her friend who was now fully nude.

Ms. Aniston took several steps towards the nearest pit and the class followed a few steps behind. When the girls were a few feet away from the edge Ms. Aniston walked around to the other side of the pit and slowly slipped her feet in. She quickly sunk in to about her knees. Once there she continued to sink but at a much slower rate.

“How does it feel?” Ms. Michaels asked.

Ms. Aniston gigged. “Nice and cool, perfect for a hot summer day like today!” Ms. Aniston continued to slowly sink. She remained calm and collected until the mire reached her pussy. Suddenly she gasped and closed her eyes. Unconsciously she began to rub her sex with one hand and fondle her tits with the other. The girls in the group took a particular interest in Ms. Aniston’s arousal. Several, including Shana and Autumn, began squeezing their own tits.

Eventually Ms. Aniston’s hand and waist dipped below the surface. Once there her sinking nearly came to a full stop. She continued to pleasure herself for a moment, oblivious to the world around her, until Ms. Michaels cleared her throat to get her attention.

Ms. Aniston quickly snapped out of her trance and blushed, realizing that she had been masturbating in front of a crowd of students. “He he, well as you can see, once you reach a certain… depth, the quicksand feels quite good.” She said, trying to play off her arousal as educational.

Ms. Michaels chuckled and continued. “You can also see that Ms. Aniston has almost completely stopped sinking. That’s due to the density of the mud in these quicksand pits. Once you get in you will sink to your waist rather quickly, but once there if you keep your legs spread apart you will achieve buoyancy. As long as you keep your legs spread, your sinking will slow to a crawl and you can… ‘enjoy yourselves’ as long as you want.” She paused for a moment and read the crowd. It was clear that many of the girls were becoming excited about their impending fate. “Now, if you want to sink deeper simply put your legs together and point them downward.” She motioned to her coworker in the pit.

Ms. Aniston nodded and grunted as she moved her legs in the mud with some difficulty. Suddenly her sinking resumed. Not at a fast pace but certainly quicker than the slow crawl from before. She moaned as she sunk deeper and began feeling her breasts again. The girls could see that her hand was moving beneath the mud. As she sank deeper her arousal only grew. After a few minutes her breasts touched the surface of the mud and she cried out in ecstasy. She threw her head back and closed her eyes. If she was aware that her students were watching her final orgasm, she didn’t care anymore.

Virtually all of the girls were transfixed on their teacher, even those who were skeptical or didn’t care before. Many had already slipped their hands under their skirts and were rubbing themselves.

Ms. Michaels smiled at the class’ enthusiasm and continued her final lesson. “Now as you can see, the deeper you go, the better the quicksand feels. Isn’t that right Ms. Aniston?”

The sinking teacher was panting for breath, recovering from a mind blowing orgasm. “Y-yes. Indeed,” was all she managed to say.

Ms. Michaels continued. “Now girls, you’re all free to sink at whatever pace you want, but be aware. Once you sink in to about waist depth there’s virtually no way out of the quicksand without outside help. And since we’re all sinking today that isn’t going to happen. So make sure you are ready before you hop in.” By this point Ms. Aniston was up to her neck in the mire. “It looks like Ms. Aniston doesn’t have much time so you can start right away if you want to or you can watch Ms. Aniston ‘finish up’ here before jumping in yourself. I’ll be walking around supervising and helping out until all of you are gone before joining Ms. Aniston in this pit.”

Almost immediately some of the girls, including Shana and Autumn, rushed off into the field to find their own pits to sink into while others, like Tasha and Addison, stayed behind to watch Ms. Aniston’s final moments. By now she was up to her ears and had her head tilted back so only her face was above the surface. Her breathing had become labored, partly due to building up another orgasm, and partly due to the pressure of the quicksand on her chest.

“So long… girls.” She managed to say as she struggled to keep her face above the surface for a few more seconds. “Enjoy sinking and… dying… today! Oh and… I guess… I’ll see you later… Clara.” She said to her fellow teacher.

“I can handle it from here Beth, you can go under now.” Ms. Michaels replied.

Ms. Aniston closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then she let herself go and submerged fully beneath the surface. The students all leaned in close, half expecting her to resurface at any moment. Instead only a few bubbles made their way to the top, and then the bog was still.

Ms. Michaels cleared her throat. “Alright girls, now spread out and find a pit to sink into. There’s plenty to choose from so no need to bicker over any of them. And no dawdling, we don’t have all day and I’d like to submerge before sundown.”

With that the remaining girls and Ms. Michaels began to scatter into the field. Addison and Tasha turned to each other.

“WOW! That was really hot! I’m wet already!” Addison said, squeezing her tits through her shirt and biting her lower lip.

“I know right! Do you think we’ll cum that hard when we sink?” Tasha asked, always curious.

Addison took Tasha by the hand and led her into the field. “Only one way to find out!” She cheered as the two girls skipped happily towards their demise.

As the girls walked through the field they passed by their classmates, many of whom had already started sinking. Some were going quickly and were already up to their chests, others were taking their time and had just reached their waists. Most had stripped down first but a few had jumped in fully clothed. Many of the girls were taking their time before sinking, trying to find the right pit or overcoming nerves, but those who had already jumped in clearly enjoying themselves. Moans of ecstasy and pleasure rang out across the field, a few sinking damsels even beckoned their reluctant friends to come join them. Meanwhile Ms. Michaels went around gathering discarded clothes in a trash bag, unfazed by the moaning.

Finally Addison and Tasha reached modestly sized pit. About ten feet away was a larger pit where Shana and Autumn were already sunk up to their lower chests. The lovers were practically glued to each other with their hands underneath the surface, for obvious reasons. Autumn’s face was buried in Shana’s neck while Shana had her head tilted back crying out in pleasure.

“How is it girls?” Addison asked, despite the fact that the answer was obvious.

Neither Shana nor Autumn responded, neither even gave any indication that they heard Addison. They just continued to sink and make love.

Addison bit her lip and started undoing her shirt. “That’s it, I can’t wait any longer. Hurry up and get naked.”

Tasha obeyed and began undoing her own shirt. Hearing Shana and the other girls’ cries of pleasure only made the two of them more eager to experience it for themselves. The girls practically tore out of their clothes, tossing them aside carelessly. They knew Ms. Michaels would come by to pick them up, and if she didn’t, it’s not like either of them would be around to be punished for littering. Addison only paused for a moment to admire Tasha’s incredible rack as she removed her shirt and they bounced freely. Once they were both naked, the two friends embraced each other and shared a passionate kiss. It wasn’t the first time they had kissed each other, but it was the most intense, and the last.

Addison withdrew and smiled at her redheaded friend. “Alright now jump in!” She commanded enthusiastically.

Tasha looked back at her quizzically. “What do you mean? We’re both sinking today, aren’t we?”

“Yea but I wanna watch you sink first. Watching those melons slip under the mud will get me so hot and ready to sink myself.” Addison said, grabbing Tasha’s tits and squeezing them for added emphasis.

Tasha took a step back and covered herself. Not out of modesty, but out of frustration. “Why should I sink just to get you off? I want to watch you sink too! How am I supposed to do that if I’m already under by the time you get in?”

Addison rolled her eyes. “Oh come on! It’ll be so hot! Don’t you like the idea of sinking while someone else jills off in front of you?”

“If it’s so hot, than you sink first and let me get off!” Tasha asserted. Though she had to admit that the idea didn’t sound so bad.

Addison sighed and threw her arms in the air out of resignation. “Okay, fine! How about we get in on opposite sides of the pit at the same time? That way we can watch each other sink.”

“Now that sounds like a plan!” Tasha responded enthusiastically. She quickly took her position on the far side of the pit while Addison stepped up to the edge nearest her.

Addison took a deep breath. “Okay, we hop in on three. Ready?”

Tasha took a breath and nodded eagerly.

“Okay. One, two…” Addison counted down. “THREE!”

On three, Addison hopped forward into the pit immediately sinking halfway up her thighs. Tasha, on the other hand, remained standing on the edge of the pit with a sly grin on her face.

“Well, looks like I get to watch you go under first after all.” Tasha teased as she gently stepped forward into the pit. Since she entered more gracefully than Addison, she only sank up to her knees.

“You Bitch!” Addison giggled. “Though I can’t say I wasn’t thinking of doing the same thing. Now, at least play with those tits of yours for me before I go under.”

Tasha grinned and squeezed her breasts while leaning forward, teasing Addison with them. As she jiggled them in Addison’s face, Addison bit her lower lip and began to stroke her quivering pussy. “God, I hope I can stay above the surface long enough to watch those puppies go under.”

Tasha squirmed a bit to make herself sink faster. “I’ll see if I can speed things up for you.”

For the next several minutes the two girls sank slowly into the pit, the only sounds they made were their orgasmic moans of pleasure. By the time the mud had reached Addison’s lower chest, both girls had experienced multiple orgasms. At this point, Tasha was up to her waist. The two girls took a break from constantly pleasuring themselves to recover their energy. During the lull, they noticed that the sounds of moaning that had previously surrounded them had grown much quieter. While they couldn’t see too far around due to the tall grass, they realized that many of the girls on the field trip had submerged in their respective pits.

“Hey! Autumn! Shana! You two still there?” Addison called out.

“Ugh, Shana went… under a minute ago.” Autumn’s voice replied. She was struggling to respond, indicating that she was very deep into her own pit. “I’m going under any second now.”

“So long Autumn,” Tasha called back. “We’ll be going under ourselves in a few minutes.”

“Goodbye Autumn!” Addison shouted, “You and Shana were always two sexy bitches!”

“You… too…” Autumn Struggled to respond. “Goodbugh!”

Autumn was cut off by what sounded like mud filling her mouth. There was a brief gurgling sound before the adjacent pit went quiet.

“Well, I’m ready to join them if you are.” Addison said with a wink.

Tasha just giggled and began to grope her breasts again, much to Addison’s pleasure, and the two resumed their pleasurable sinking.

Several more minutes and orgasms passed. Eventually the mud reached up to the bottom of Tasha’s breasts, and Addison was up to her neck. Addison’s breathing was labored, both from the numerous orgasms she had experienced as well as the pressure of the mud on her chest.

“I… I don’t think… I can stay… afloat… much longer.” Addison struggled to say. “Please… sink your tits under… before I go.”

Tasha smiled and adjusted her legs to make herself sink faster. She took her muddy hands and pressed her generous breasts downward into the mud, slowly forcing them below the surface. Her breasts were so large they could easily have helped her achieve buoyancy and prevented her from sinking further into the pit, but that’s not what she wanted.

It took some difficulty, but Tasha managed to force her breasts fully under the surface just as the mud began creeping up Addison’s chin. All the while, Addison had been furiously fingering herself under the surface. As Tasha’s breasts dipped under the surface, Addison tilted her head back and cried out as she cummed harder than she had all day. Her whole body shook violently, causing her to sink further. As her whole body went limp from ecstasy, only Addison’s face remained above the surface.

“Thanks… for that.” Addison said with an exhausted voice. “I think… I’m going… to go now.”

Tasha smiled. “Goodbye Addison. It’s been fun. I’ll join you in a minute.”

With that, Addison surrendered to the pit and gently slipped below the surface. The sight sent shivers down Tasha’s spine, since she knew she would be doing the same shortly. Tasha was beginning to work herself up to what would likely be her final orgasm when she heard footsteps coming up behind her. She wasn’t able to turn her head too far, but luckily Ms. Michaels stepped around the pit to where Tasha could see her. She had let her hair down and untucked her blouse. She also was carrying a large trash bag full of the clothes of her former students.

“I take it Addison just submerged?” She said as she picked up Addison and Tasha’s discarded clothing. “I heard that last orgasm from across the field.”

“Yea… she really enjoyed… watching my… breasts… go under.” Tasha’s speech had become more labored as the pressure of the mud mounted on her chest. By this point, Tasha was up to her shoulders in the mud.

Ms. Michaels giggled. “I’m sure she did. You do have quite the impressive rack. I’m sorry I didn’t get to see it myself.”

Tasha blushed, she wasn’t used to Ms. Michaels being so informal.

“Well,” Ms. Michaels continued, “It looks like yours and Addison’s clothes were the last ones left to pick up, and most of the other girls have submerged.” She tied off the bag and slung it over her shoulder. “It looks like you’ll be going under momentarily, so I’m going to drop this off by the parking lot and join Ms. Aniston.” As she headed back towards the parking lot she called back to Tasha. “Goodbye Tasha. If Addison is still alive under there, send her my regards.”

“B… bye,” was all Tasha managed to say. The mud had reached her neck and she was having trouble breathing. However, the deprivation of air only made the situation more erotic. Tasha resumed rubbing her clit, working her way up to what would be her final orgasm.

Tasha began to imagine what she would look like as she dipped below the surface. She thought back on how Addison looked as she went under. The look of utter contentment on her face as she surrendered to her fate. She imagined if Shana and Autumn looked the same way as they went under. She recalled how Ms. Aniston looked while she was sinking, and predicted that Ms. Michaels would enjoy her fate in a similar way.

These thoughts were enough to send Tasha over the edge. Her whole body convulsed and shuddered with the greatest, and last, orgasm of Tasha’s life. As her body shook, the thick mud held her tightly in place, which only heightened Tasha’s orgasm. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and the entire world began to fade around her. Tasha could feel the mud creeping up the sides of her face. Still basking in the afterglow of her final orgasm, Tasha surrendered to her fate just like all the girls before her, and closed her eyes as the mud covered her face and sucked her beneath the surface.

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Re: Sinking Field Trip - (Cons, casual, fatal, sex, multiple submergences)

Postby Chro_Zarco » Wed Jun 26, 2019 12:34 am

HOLY SHIT! That was amazing!
I rather think that the red and black really suits me, don't you think?

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Re: Sinking Field Trip - (Cons, casual, fatal, sex, multiple submergences)

Postby JSample » Wed Jun 26, 2019 11:07 am

This was certainly an unexpected twist on the idea of a woman pleasuring herself in quicksand until she goes under for good, Joey. Tasha's comment at the beginning, "I’m just curious about how we’re gonna die. I mean, aren’t you?" followed by your explanatory paragraph, pulled me into the story. Some questions I had as I continued reading were whether any of the girls were afraid of dying simply because they hadn't graduated, whether any of them felt terror as they sank and tried to escape, how the female teachers felt about this final "assignment," and what the girls' parents thought about it all. This is not to say that my questions prevented me from enjoying your story; they simply reflect my own approach to storytelling. Nevertheless, having defined the "rules" for your story, you kept to the fantasy situation that you created very well. The only possible inconsistency I spotted was your comment that Autumn and Shana "appeared to be a couple of years older than the others on the bus, most likely from failing and repeating their senior year multiple times." At first I had been thinking that failing to graduate was a "one and done" deal that would send them on their final field trip, but this suggested that the girls would be given multiple chances to graduate before being consigned to their demise. Again, this reflects more about me than it does your story and your approach to it. Thanks for providing a sexy read to go along with my morning coffee! :D
Jason Sample

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Re: Sinking Field Trip - (Cons, casual, fatal, sex, multiple submergences)

Postby Solrex » Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:50 am

This was well done. I don't usually like fatal stories, not unless they are done right, and this story is one I shouldn't like, but it was rather charming to read. If you are going to define how buoyancy works, then the reader needs to know, and you did that part spectacularly. I'm willing to forgive physics to let you make your own.
My biased rating of the story? 7.5/10
My unbiased rating of the story? 10/10

Good job. Keep going.

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Re: Sinking Field Trip - (Cons, casual, fatal, sex, multiple submergences)

Postby hawkmaster91 » Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:16 am

that story was amazing. glad I bookmarked it

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Re: Sinking Field Trip - (Cons, casual, fatal, sex, multiple submergences)

Postby Thearbiter2 » Fri Jun 28, 2019 9:51 pm

Awesome story! I hope we get to see more from ya in the future ^_^
Staying positive doesn't mean you don't feel sad or angry sometimes, it just means you keep going anyway. -Andrew WK

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Re: Sinking Field Trip - (Cons, casual, fatal, sex, multiple submergences)

Postby arisumudvixen » Sun Jan 30, 2022 7:51 pm

I know this is an old thread. but I'd love to have copy of the pictures to the story.
I saw them, but didn't think to save them

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Re: Sinking Field Trip - (Cons, casual, fatal, sex, multiple submergences)

Postby joey1234567 » Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:47 am

arisumudvixen wrote:I know this is an old thread. but I'd love to have copy of the pictures to the story.
I saw them, but didn't think to save them

May DA page got shut down. You can find the picture story on my Pixiv page here:

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Re: Sinking Field Trip - (Cons, casual, fatal, sex, multiple submergences)

Postby GTaggert » Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:14 pm

Holy shit, what an incredible story! Unlike some of the others, it's the fatal stories that I like the best, and this one absolutely rocked! Keep em coming!

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