Pictures of my sinking location

Pictures that you took and want to share.
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Re: Pictures of my sinking location

Postby mud_dreamer » Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:56 am

Solrex wrote:
Sinkman61 wrote:
Solrex wrote:Deep mud is only bottomless until you find the bottom. Without the bottom found, it is without a bottom, or bottomless. If you were bouyant in it just a foot above the bottom, you wouldn't know any better since it's opaque.

Really? I thought that mud in bottomless areas had some Chinese people stuck on the other side of the planet. And I’ve always wondered if you could run into a volcano when you sink about 5 miles down. But then I realized that just because we call it “bottomless” doesn’t mean there’s no bottom. We just haven’t found it yet.

Even then, you would float about chest to neck deep because of buoyancy.

I'll start the popcorn now. :wink:

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Re: Pictures of my sinking location

Postby duuudeization » Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:15 am

I put someone in your spot
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Re: Pictures of my sinking location

Postby MadMax359 » Sat Jun 08, 2019 3:59 pm

duuudeization wrote:I put someone in your spot

and not just anyone, a real cutie... love her expression and my favorite depth! :twisted:
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Re: Pictures of my sinking location

Postby mud_dreamer » Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:42 am

duuudeization wrote:I put someone in your spot

:shock: She can stay. I'll watch her have fun. :D

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Re: Pictures of my sinking location

Postby mud_dreamer » Tue Jun 11, 2019 6:00 am

MadMax359 wrote:
duuudeization wrote:I put someone in your spot

and not just anyone, a real cutie... love her expression and my favorite depth! :twisted:

:geek: Especially the depth.

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Re: Pictures of my sinking location

Postby mud_dreamer » Sun Jun 30, 2019 5:13 pm

About three days ago we had a very heavy rain event. The stream that this location is on has been out of it's banks for several days. I am contemplating how the location will be affected. My hope is that it the stream erosion will cause more mud to fill in there. If this happens it will make it even better for future sinking because there will be less water covering the mud when the stream is at normal levels. This will also give me access to the deeper parts.

One risk to this scenario is if instead of mud, sand gets deposited. Knowing the area that this stream drains, it is more likely that mud will be washed in. That is how the existing mud ended up there in the first place.

Another risk is that the location gets scoured out, meaning that mud will be washed out and the location would have deeper water in it. I would be very surprised if this happens.

Unfortunately, the water level may takes several weeks to drop, and more rain is predicted. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Fortunately, I am very busy getting other things done so that I will have more time for this in late summer and fall.
I am going to jump in the car and take a ride over there to see what the flow is doing.

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Re: Pictures of my sinking location

Postby mud_dreamer » Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:23 pm

I just got back from checking out how the increased flow in the stream is affecting my sinking location. From what I could see, the increased flow should increase the depth of the mud here. As I have mentioned, this location is an eddy pond under a bridge right after a 90 plus degree bend in the stream. With increased flows the heavier materials take the outside path and continue downstream thereby missing the eddy pond. The lighter material (mud and silt) take the slower inside path and get pulled in and trapped in the eddy pond where the flow slows down enough to let a large amount of the mud and silt settle out.

Once the material settles out I doubt that it can be lifted off the bottom. ;)

One other great thing about this location is that the bridge prevents light from letting vegetation grow.
Whoever designed this bridge did me a big favor. 8-)

My other main location is similar. It starts under a bridge after a bend in the stream. However the bend is 90 minus degrees and the bridge is closer to the bend. The mud under the bridge is waist deep and the mud has settled out well beyond the bridge is neck deep. And some vegetation can grow there. Next time I go there, I will take a few pictures.

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Re: Pictures of my sinking location

Postby Sinkman61 » Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:12 pm

Oh, the suffering one has to do when he lives in one of the top premier locations for sinking mud in the entire country. I’ve decided to show you the closest mud hole to my home. I literally measure that distance in FEET. YUP...FEET. No going on a drive, bike ride, or long hike. No worries about trespassing. Just a quick stumble out my back doors and there it is, a tidal creek literally only 25 feet from the back of my house, on my property. certainly doesn’t look like much. It’s all starting to get overgrown, but that’s typical for here in the summer. Just three months ago I had this entire area spotless. It always gets overgrown during the summer months. It’s ju too hot around here to really do anything about it until the fall, when I once again clean out the entire area. The tidal creek itself is quite safe, as it’s high enough that only a really high tide manages to push any water into it. So there’s no danger of drowning if one gets stuck here. As such, anyone sinking in it can wear their waders or hip boots. But...they can’t go naked. I have neighbors on both sides of me. I rarely, if ever, use it for a sinking spot. It may be really close, but that doesn’t mean that it’s any good. In an area that has pristine sinking locations all over the place, this little tidal creek sucks. That’s because although it formed originally as a tidal creek, it’s also part bog. Bogs simply aren’t my favorite places to go sinking. They’re full of limbs and organic material that’s slowly rotting, thus, they tend to stink. Additionally, they’re often full of clumps and stuff, so they’re not the incredibly buttery smooth, slippery, highly viscous,supercharged, silky sticky material I’ve come to appreciate. While that base is certainly there, it’s been diluted with tons of crap from the local vegetation that’s dropped into it over the years. This entire area is part of a wildlife area which often brings deer right to my back door. On a scale of 1 - 10 with 10 begins the best, I give most areas around here a solid 10. But this spot barely rates a 1. But this fall I think I’m going to start cleaning a lot of the crap back out and start some restoration of the area. I might be able to turn this spot into my own private little sinkhole.

Currently there’s some water sitting up on the top because we’ve has a lot of rain lately. We could use it though, as it’s somewhat of a break from the dry Spring we were having. Unfortunately summer rains aren’t for sinking as they bring much of the lightening that Florida’s been known for. My house got struck three years ago.
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Re: Pictures of my sinking location

Postby mud_dreamer » Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:12 pm

I have sank in a few spots that were overly green and smelled a little like someone opened a septic tank nearby. It is a little unnerving.

Once I was exploring a sinking location which had a thick layer of duck weed all over the top. I stepped one foot in it and something swam away from right beneath my feet. I think that it was a muskrat. I turned right around and left. Not my cup of tea.

My locations are close enough to my home. The only drawbacks during the daylight is that there could be others using the area. Your spots have this drawback too. It would seem that you could just find a spot behind an island or a point?

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Re: Pictures of my sinking location

Postby mud_dreamer » Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:44 pm

Since the water level on our streams has gone down significantly I decided to check on this location. First thing I noticed is that someone dumped about 5 gallons of cat litter, complete with turds, right at the start of the path that people use to access the area. Then I noticed that a 4 wheeler has been driving around in the mud.

It also looks like the flood damaged the area more than I had thought it would. Lots more trapped debris and little sand bars. I am pretty sure that it will recover eventually but I am not going to use this location for awhile if ever again.

Given all this I decided to hunt for a new sinking location.

As luck would have it. Within 2 hours I found a location that is much closer and has easy access. Most important, it has much more privacy. I spent about 2 hours there and at this point I have gotten waste deep and not hit a hard bottom. The only negative here is that I have found a few sticks and maybe a branch. The area is at least 50 feet long so I can just move along the bank if I encounter something annoyingly large. Hopefully it is at least shoulder deep here.

The mud is almost perfect. Dark grey silty clay with no smell at all. There is clean water next to the location for loading my Stream Machine and cleanup. BTW, the Stream Machine deserves much praise. I had gotten to knee deep and it took at least 20 minutes to get both of my legs out. I then sank to crotch deep and knew that I was seriously stuck. I used one blast of the Stream Machine aimed right between my feet. I stepped out within 2 minutes. No strain on my body at all.

I also realized that injecting water will be the best way to "customize" the mud here. If I do not add water and get down more than waste deep, I will likely injure myself trying to get out. However, I don't want to make it too watery.

I took pictures and will post them later. I'll probably start a new thread since it is a new location.

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