any new decent male sinks?

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any new decent male sinks?

Postby gamwam » Sun Jul 21, 2019 11:33 pm

so just wondering if anyone out there has filmed any male submersions lately? things are drying up a little in the male videos department, kind of like my life lol

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Re: any new decent male sinks?

Postby mudxdresser » Thu Aug 29, 2019 3:44 pm

A few new ones appear from time to time and think perhaps about as many appear yearly as ever have in the last few decades, however, that also means that with the increasing number of mudmen that we see on the various forums each year, the number of mudmen videos does indeed seem to be going down on a per capita basis.

I would simply observe that what is needed is a profession mud video producer who produces videos of mudmen. I have a lot of original material myself but am not much interested in doing the distribution thing and have been unable to date to find anyone who wants to do the business side of things in a professional manner. So, perhaps another good question is why are there no professional producers of mudmen videos?
Last edited by mudxdresser on Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: any new decent male sinks?

Postby Fred588 » Thu Aug 29, 2019 4:18 pm

mudxdresser wrote:few new ones appear from time to time and think perhaps about as many appear yearly as ever have in the last few decades, however, that also means that with the increasing number of mudmen that we see on the various forums each year, the number of mudmen videos does indeed seem to be going down on a per capita basis.

I would simply observe that what is needed is a profession mud video producer who produces videos of mudmen. I have a lot of original material myself but am not much interested in doing the distribution thing and have been unable to date to find anyone who wants to do the business side of things in a professional manner. So, perhaps another good question is why are there no professional producers of mudmen videos?

While I cannot answer the question of why there are no such producers (or even if that is true) but I can say that I do not produce such videos because I do not expect I could break even if I did. On the other hand, if someone else wants to be such a producer I would be perectly happy to offer a location on the same basis it is offered to anyone else.
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Re: any new decent male sinks?

Postby mudxdresser » Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:58 pm

Well, actually, I didn't describe what I meant correctly, there are folks like Doug (Mudlover) who produce videos of males in the mud. What I meant to say is there are no male/male video producers out there. As to the commercial viability of a given demographic group, as far as I know, the ratio of folks who are into watching something and the much smaller subset of those who will actually purchase such a video is relatively constant. So, since there really are quite a lot of guys looking for material on guys out there these days, I suspect it would sell.

In similar fashion, I think male/female mud videos would sell, but ironically, perhaps not so well as male/male mud videos. And the reason for that is that it has been my observation that a large number of folks on the mud network as it exists currently that I've interacted with, really don't find a male/female scene as exciting as instead a female sinking or being besmearched in mud or a female/female sink.

Oh, and since I'm talking male/male mud videos, that would not be suitable to film at Studio 588 due to operating guidelines there.

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Re: any new decent male sinks?

Postby Nessie » Sat Aug 31, 2019 2:36 pm

I did try and ran a male-friendly ad for mud talent once.

I'm sure there was a good actor in those emails somewhere. The trouble was that the idiot factor was too high. If all those guys were brazenly obvious about being dumb as rocks or oversexed, it was entirely possible that even though there were good emails too, behind one of those could lurk a good liar.

This just didn't seem safe to do, and I ended up with four women. All four women behaved professionally and really, truly got that this was a job.

I really think the project could break even and even do well. Obviously there is a demand for this. But it'll have to either be a male producer, or somebody who doesn't work alone.


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Re: any new decent male sinks?

Postby Mynock » Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:31 pm

I think a lot of us (guys and gals) would be more comfortable sharing our home movies if we had a way to make sure some asshat wasn't going to steal them and post them all over the net. Sadly there's just no way to make sure that doesn't happen.
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Re: any new decent male sinks?

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:36 am

I was really disappointed back on August 8'th, when during my first personal sink and mushing up of the surface and invading weeds of the day, the bog got covered with water, ruining any chances for any decent sinking videos that day! :x The wet July delayed the water level drop by about a month :x , but things improved weatherwise throughout August. :) But, unfortunately, each time I tried to get back, everything under the sun would make any lifts into the mountains inconvenient/unavailable. :( But, next week, I may be able to finally get a chance to return to my Crescent Road pond sinking spot, and hopefully, by now, water levels have dropped enough so as not to flood the mud when it is disturbed! :) But, we do have some thundershowers and more precipitation this weekend, which might leave a puddle on top. But, I hope any puddle that exists doesn't last, although it could be easily mixed into the mud. :? I just hope that by announcing the chance of a second adventure, this time with at least one video, doesn't jinx things, since next week could be the last week with decent heat, due to the time of year, and hunting season typically begins here September 10'th! :?
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Re: any new decent male sinks?

Postby gamwam » Wed Sep 04, 2019 11:36 pm

these are great! i love peat bogs they are the best locations for us guys that like a serious deep sink, that looks like a great location too plenty of variety to choose from - great work - thanks for sharing with us:)

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Re: any new decent male sinks?

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Sep 05, 2019 8:35 am

That is quite a fascinating boggy playground you have there! :D I love how extensive it is, and the texture of the mud is definitely of Grimpen Mire calibre! :twisted: I loved the sounds the various bogs made, especially in the first video, like they were alive (burping, farting, growling)! :twisted:

I noticed that when you work yourself out of the bogs, you would struggle rather vigorously. I found that by just bending and lifting one leg up just a little, and then the other, and then wiggling your waist/abdomen upwards until your legs are straight while pushing down on the mire, and repeating, you can work yourself up higher rather easily without worrying about straining yourself, before finally sitting back and working your legs to the surface. 8-)

I also noticed all the vegetation that is growing over the bog. In fact, it looks as if that area had been previously submerged for many years, before becoming exposed due to a water drop, which opened up extensive mud flats, but now plants are taking over. It might be only a matter of time before it all turns into a grassy meadow that is bouncy at first, but then progressively more solid, burying those areas forever! :shock: :x I had the same thing happen to some of my places, and the only thing I could do was select my favorite areas, and push all the plants under, keeping it clear of plants. Plant roots accumulate water which can seep into where you are sinking, making it uncomfortable to try submerging. Keeping choice sinking areas clear of plants and well mushed up will help take care of water seepage problems where you are sinking. Pushing the plants deeper under also results in them decomposing, which means the bog can fart out more swamp gas when it sucks you into it! :twisted: So, you should try and pick out the choiciest places that are the deepest, and get exposed earliest in the season (and perhaps others that get exposed later and later in the season for variety perhaps in case in a dry year the first places get too stiff), and help make those spots swallow all the vegetation for boggy digestion, and keep things open to preserve them! :twisted: My Crescent Road pond sinking spot, which I am hoping to finally visit this Friday September 6'th, is all that is left of extensive mud flats exposed around a pond when water levels suddenly dropped (when biking down Crescent Road many years ago, I got suspicious when I saw a large water-deposited pile of gravel in a small streambed that came from the pond, prompting me to investigate, and the rest is history). Another pond with drastic water drop many years ago, exposed more substantial mudflats, prompting me to call it the "Mud Lake Pond", but it quickly got covered over with sedge grass as well, except for a long stretch of quagmire on the north side, which I worked to keep open, until beaver(s) repaired the dam, and everything was flooded, even the surrounding meadow! :x

Hope this advice helps, and hope you enjoy your bountiful bogs for many years to come! :D
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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