The Legend Of Black Zelda (M)

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The Legend Of Black Zelda (M)

Postby DJlurker » Thu Oct 17, 2019 11:31 pm

OK, here it finally is, the sequel to 'The Origin of Black Zelda'! Hope you enjoy it! :D

The Legend Of Black Zelda
A Breath of the Wild QS Fan Fiction
by DJlurker

He'd finally found them.

After weeks of searching, Link had finally located the Yiga Clan, thanks to his current traveling companion, a Sheikah by the name of Dorian. Dorian had once been a member of the Yiga Clan himself, before meeting his wife and changing his ways as a result. However, his knowledge of the Yiga had proved useful in narrowing down where they would be hiding, and tracking them down...

"Looks like there's quite a number of them," Dorian observed as he and Link gazed down from a cliffside into Tobio's Hollow, located in the eastern Faron region. "But who is that girl with them? She does not dress in the standard Yiga uniform..."

"Hmmm..." Link got out his Sheikah Slate, looking through the scope and using the zoom function to get a better look at the black-haired woman... "Oh, no."

"What is it?" Dorian asked in concern.

"...It's Zelda."

"Zelda?!" the elder Sheikah drew back in disbelief. "But does not the princess have blonde hair?!"

"No, it's her. I'd know that face anywhere," Link shook his head. "There's no doubt in my mind."

"My word..." Dorian looked down at the woman again. "What foul magic did those Yiga use to transform her like this?!"

(You were part of them once, wouldn't you have some idea?) Link was tempted to say, but wisely held his tongue.

"Still, there seem to be too many for us to take on at once," the ninja pointed out. "We should withdraw and consider our strategy..." Unfortunately his words fell on deaf ears, as the Hylian champion suddenly stood and leaped off the edge! "Master Link!"

As he fell, Link promptly equipped his Mighty Lynel Bow, the perception of time slowing as he took aim and fired several Bomb Arrows, taking care to ensure that Zelda herself was not hit. As the Yiga were scattered by multiple explosions, the hero whipped out his Paraglider to slow his descent, landing safely on the ground before drawing his Master Sword and Hylian Shield.

"It's an ambush!" one of the surviving Yiga cried.

"It's the hero! GET HIM!" another yelled, the remaining Yiga promptly charging at Link, who simply knocked them all down with a spin attack! One Yiga archer jumped up and tried to snipe him, only for Link to deflect the arrow with his shield, then fire a sword beam which downed the ninja! Another tried to sneak up from behind, but the hero was well-versed in their tactics by now, swiftly rolling away before turning and cutting him down!

"You'll pay for killing our boss!" A Swordmaster declared as he charged in, but the Hylian easily parried, shield-bashing the Yiga elite before thrusting his blade through his heart!

"We're getting slaughtered! Black Zelda, do something!" her Yiga master ordered.

"Yes, Master," Zelda complied walking forward a few steps, then extending her hand...

"Gah! What the-?!" Link as he nearly lost his balance, before looking down, seeing his feet sinking into the earth! Barely deflecting another Yiga's strike with his shield, he managed to turn and see the transformed princess... "Zelda! Stop this! What are you doing?!"

"I am... disposing of Master's enemy," the black-haired woman replied, the green in her eyes flickering a bit before reasserting itself. For some reason, though, she felt her heart twist as another Yiga leaped at Link's back, the Hylian unable to turn and defend himself due to his sudden peril-

-but then the Yiga was cut down by a leaping Dorian, who then took a ready stance as he confronted Black Zelda and her master. "YOU! The traitor!" said master realized. "So that's how he found us...!"

"You never were very good at hiding your banana peels!" Dorian taunted as he cut down another Yiga that charged at him. Black Zelda attempted to liquify the ground under him, only for the Sheikah to easily jump and roll away! "That trick won't work with me! Your Highness, you must come to your senses!"

"Highness...?" Zelda blinked. "But I have always served my master..." Just then something caught her eye, turning to see Link rising from her magical quicksand on a giant block of ice, Sheikah Slate in hand! "What...? He defeated my quicksand?!"

"Curses! Black Zelda, we must flee!" her Yiga master turned to retreat.

"Yes, I think you're right!" Zelda agreed, quickly following.

"Oh no you don't!" Link yelled as he jumped off his ice block, time again slowing around him as he took his bow and nocked a regular arrow, taking aim at the Yiga's retreating back...

"Gaahhh!" the evil ninja cried as said arrow lanced through his heart from behind.

"MASTER!" Black Zelda cried in distress.

"G, go, escape... that's an... order..." the Yiga grunted out, before collapsing and going limp.

"Nooooooo!" Zelda wailed, even as she did as ordered, fleeing into the woods.

"...Nice shot, Master Link," Dorian observed as he sheathed his sword. "Hopefully now that he's dead, Princess Zelda will eventually remember herself..."

"We have to go after her," Link insisted. "Dorian, you watch my back in case other Yiga try an ambush..."

"As you wish, Master Link," the elderly Shiekah obeyed.

Black Zelda ran and ran, but to where, she wasn't sure... eventually, exhaustion overtook her, and she collapsed against a tree, sliding down into a sitting position. "Oh, Master... how could this have happened? Whatever shall I do now...?" She buried her face in her arms and sobbed uncontrollably...

After crying her eyes out for a few minutes, a firm resolve formed in her mind. (I shall join my master in death... without him, my life has no meaning anyway...) Mind made up, she strode to the center of the dirt path, before closing her eyes and concentrating...

At first nothing seemed to happen... But then, slowly but surely, the ground began to bubble under her feet, Black Zelda smiling as her brown boots began to sink into the earth, her ankles soon consumed... (I want to savor these, my last moments...)

She sighed as the quicksand crested her boots and poured into them, her legs now hopelessly stuck... she shifted from side to side as the mud rose over her knees, reaching for her thighs... "Yes... take me, quicksand... take me down, all the way down..." She quaked as the mud bulged against her groin, leaning forward, her hands pressing on the surface... Black Zelda then took a glob of mud in her right hand, pressing it to her breast, moaning in delight...

The princess started to sink a little faster, her hips gone, her stomach rapidly disappearing... She managed to move her trapped hand to between her legs, beginning to gently rub down there, quaking harder as a wave of intense heat stole her breath away... "Yes... Oh, yes..." She scooped up more mud and pressed it to her other breast as the quicksand claimed her ribcage...

Black Zelda threw her head back as more waves of heat surged from her groin, now sunk to her bosom in the sucking muck, her free hand still kneading her breast, then gently pinching her erect nipple under her shirt... the mire itself seemed to bubble and boil from the intensity of sensation she was experiencing... She sank no deeper at the moment, wanting to have at least one orgasm for certain before she let herself smother in the earth.

Thankfully that wasn't far off now, Zelda trying her best to move her trapped hand faster and harder against her groin, despite the quicksand's resistance... She shuddered, then screamed ferally as the ultimate pleasure was finally granted to her, her green eyes popping open as she bucked and thrashed in her muddy encasement, the quicksand heaving along with her body, which only intensified her incredible ecstasy as she continued to scream her pleasure to the treetops above...

And then it was over, Black Zelda going limp in the mud's embrace, her head falling forward as she gasped and panted for breath. "That one... was for you, master..." She began to sink again, her bosom vanishing, letting her free hand sink under, ready to accept her fate... But then...

"Zelda!" a voice called in the distance. "Zelda, where are you? I'm coming!" The raven-haired woman opened her eyes, to see the last person she ever wanted to meet again running towards her- her master's murderer. He seemed to panic upon seeing her sunk so deeply into the ground, running up to the edge of the small bog she'd created and kneeling down. "Zelda! Zelda, it's me! Link!"

"I don't know you, you murderer!" Black Zelda shot back as the mire rose up her neck, her long hair spreading over the surface. "Just leave me to die!"

"I won't do that!" the Hylian refused. "I was assigned to protect you! Please, try to remember!"

"How about I see you in hell?!" Zelda retorted, before letting the bottomless bog consume her completely, only a few strands of jet-black hair remaining on the surface.

"NO!" Link cried, quickly grabbing his Sheikah Slate from his hip, accessing the Cryonis rune. "Please work..." he pleaded as he pointed the slate at the quicksand, activating the rune... Thankfully, it worked, bringing Zelda back into open air on a tall block of ice. Wasting no time, the hero quickly climbed up onto the block, grabbing Zelda's unresponsive body and turning her over, striking her in the back, causing her to reflexively cough the mud out of her lungs. "Breathe, Zelda, breathe!"

The princess choked up and coughed out a bit more mud before finally gaining control of her breathing, feeling herself being turned upward, looking into Link's face. "You... why did you save me...?"

The Hylian Champion hesitated, before ultimately responding, "...Because I wanted to. Because I love you, Zelda."

"Love?! Don't make me laugh!" Black Zelda retorted sharply. "You killed my master! You took away my reason for living! Then you interrupt my suicide attempt! This is not love, but torture!" She crossed her arms and looked away.

Link sighed in frustration, racking his brain to try to think of a solution... then an idea came to him. (Maybe... if it worked for me...) Taking out his Sheikah Slate again, he accessed the Camera function, scrolling through the archived photographs... (Let's try this one...) "Here, Zelda, this is a field nearby Hyrule Castle. You were taking pictures of the local flora, and you found a silent princess flower. And then you found a frog and tried to feed it to me..."

"What? Why would I try to feed you a frog?!" Zelda turned back to him.

"Well, when it's mixed into an elixir, it boosts your speed," Link explained. "You were the one who taught me that..."

"I... did...?" Blinking in confusion, Zelda looked at the picture of the field... then it all came rushing back to her, her green eyes abruptly reverting to their original blue shade! "AH! I remember...! I remember everything...! Link..." She looked up at her hero, tears starting to form in her eyes. "Oh Link... I can't believe... the things I said... the things I did! I tried to kill you...!"

"I forgive you," Link said without missing a beat, drawing his princess into a warm embrace. "You were brainwashed... you can't be blamed for what you did back then." That didn't stop Zelda from burying her head in his chest, weeping and sobbing, Link gently stroking her black hair. "Welcome back, Zelda."

After a few minutes of crying, Zelda managed to regain control, pulling away and wiping her face- only to smear it with mud. "Oh, for- I'm a mess! Ugh, to think I nearly committed suicide for that Yiga! And can we get off this ice block now? I'm freezing!"

"Yeah, just a second," Link agreed as he gently wiped Zelda's face off, then breaking the Cryonis block- only for the two to fall back into the quicksand, splattering mud everywhere! "Whoops..."

"Seriously, Link?!" Zelda deadpanned as they sank down. "How could you have... oh, never mind." Closing her eyes and concentrating, her and Link's descent slowed and stopped, the two now floating chest-deep. "Fortunately, it seems I retain my control over the viscosity of the earth..." Reaching a hand up, she pulled some of her hair into her view. "And it also seems, despite the brainwashing having been broken, my appearance has not reverted either..."

"It doesn't matter to me," the Hylian Hero shook his head. "I don't care whether you have blonde or black hair... you still have that cute face and those beautiful eyes."

"R-really...?" Zelda locked eyes with Link, his gentle smile causing her heart to melt. "Oh, thank you..." Almost without thinking, she pulled him into an affectionate kiss, the mud squelching between their bodies as they gently collided, the two instinctively wrapping their arms around each other beneath the quicksand...

Link had been caught by surprise at first, but soon settled into the kiss, the two softly moaning into each others mouths as they gently rocked together in the thick, sucking mud... "Mmm, Zelda..."

As they continued to make out, Dorian nodded to himself from the shadows, before withdrawing to give the couple some privacy...


Sorry if you wanted an intimate scene between Link and Black Zelda, but this story took too long to write already... Maybe in the future, I'll write an 'epilogue' featuring such a scene, depending on how people like this one! ;)

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Re: The Legend Of Black Zelda (M)

Postby JSample » Sat Oct 19, 2019 4:27 pm

I'm looking forward to an epilogue! :)
Jason Sample

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