Gutless Forest

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Gutless Forest

Postby Tailova » Fri Jul 23, 2021 7:04 am

Before the story begins:

This story is 18+
This story doesn't purely have quicksand, but it has a lot of mud. I hope this fits enough here.

The story starts with two girls named Cherri and Zoey.
-Cherri is a cheerful and energetic girl. She has a lot of willpower against despair. However, she's not the smartest individual. She has a tendancy to get herself into trouble.
-Zoey is... simply put... a tsundere. She is usually reluctant to show her soft side, but she can be quite sweet if the circumstances are right. She also has a bit of a sailor mouth.
Cherri and Zoey are close friends.

I'll release the next parts in this post this time when I get the chance. Having them in separate topics is probably a hastle for the reader.


Day 1: The Living

Cherri: "Hey Zoey?"

Zoey: "Yea?"

Cherri: "How come there's no leaves on the floor?"

Zoey: "I dunno."

Cherri: "Aren't trees supposed to have leaves under them?"

Zoey: "I mean, sure?"

It feels strange to see the floor of the forest have no leaves. There's also a lot of areas that are just damp mud. It's not soft enough for it to be squishy, but it's odd.

Zoey: "This forest is a little strange... maybe we should take a different turn."

Cherri: "Aww, but I wanna look around here more."

Zoey: "I don't. Why are you so interested?"

Cherri: "I've never seen this kind of place before."

Zoey: "I haven't either, which is why I wanna leave."

Cherri: "Aww, come on. Please?"

I hug her as I plead. I just wanna explore a new place together. It's not everyday we run into new locations since we do this quite often around here.

Zoey: "Alright, fine. I don't wanna spend too much time in here though. This place is creepy as hell."

Cherri: "Aww, it's not that bad. I'll protect you if something scary comes at us."

She pushes me off of her.

Zoey: "I don't need you to protect me! I can handle myself just fine."

Cherri: "Oh... okay."


We continue walking through the weird forest. About 10 minutes in, we hear a loud noise that sounds like a howl, but not exactly. It was kinda haunting.

Cherri: "Whoa, what was that? It sounded cool."

Zoey: "I... don't know."

Cherri: "Wanna go find what made the noise?"

Zoey: "Hell no! I would rather not get us killed."

Cherri: "Aww come on."

Zoey: "Don't 'aww, come on' me. I don't want us to be in any more danger than we're already in."

Cherri: "I don't think we're in danger."

Zoey: "We're in unexplored territory. It's safer to assume it's dangerous."

Cherri: "But I like checking out dangerous things."

Zoey: "How many times have you been close to getting killed by something because of it."

Cherri: "Well... heh... yeah, but we always make it out alive."

Zoey: "Because I'm here."

Cherri: "Hehehe, yeah. Hey look, there's a lot of bushes way over there!"

Zoey: "Oh, I see it. It's like a line of em.

Cherri: "I think they have berries in them."

Zoey: "Don't you dare."

Cherri: "I know, I learned my lesson with weird berries. Don't they look strange though? They're like a bright aqua color."

Zoey: "Yea, I definitely haven't heard of those kind of berries."

Cherri: "I think they're making a circle."

Zoey: "The bushes?"

Cherri: "Yeah, look."

Zoey: "Oh yeah, I see it."

Cherri: "Wanna go see what they're surrounding?"

Zoey: "Okay, fine..."

Cherri: "Yay! I'll try not to let the bushes eat me or something."

Zoey: "Ugh... at this point, I wouldn't be surprised."

Cherri: "Rude..."

Zoey: "Hey, I've seen you do stupider things."

Cherri: "True, but still..."

As we approach the berries, I notice that the size of the berries are very slightly growing and shrinking.

Cherri: "Whoa, these berries are weird."

Zoey: "Eugh, are they pulsating?"

Cherri: "What does pulsating mean?"

Zoey: "It means..."

Cherri: "Whoa, you should touch them, they feel weird."

Zoey: "I'm not touching that."

Cherri: "Aww, why not? It feels funny."

Zoey: "They look gross."

Cherri: "They're not gross. They looks kinda pretty."

Zoey: "Yeah, but they're not..."

A few seconds pass and she has yet to finish her sentence.

Cherri: "They're not what?"

She lets out a long sigh.

Zoey: "Whatever, as long as we don't eat them."

Zoey grabs a berry to feel it.

Cherri: "I won't eat em. I don't wanna make another-"

Zoey: "Don't go into detail about that incident!"

Cherri: "Sorry."

Zoey: "Yeah, they do feel funny. A little fuzzy too..."

Cherri: "I know, right? Hey, the leaves kinda feel fuzzy too."

Zoey: "They do."

Cherri: "Hey wait, there's a space in the circle. Come look."

I skip towards the opening of the bush circle.

Zoey: "Careful to look in there first. Wait for me."

I look inside the circle to see wet grass and a hole in the middle that looks strangely like a creature. There's also smooth looking green vines.

Cherri: "Whoa."

Zoey: "What the hell is that thing?"

Cherri: "Look at it, it's moving... kind of."

Zoey: "Ugh... it looks gross. Why is it so wet?"

Cherri: "I dunno."

Zoey: "Please don't actually go in there."

Cherri: "Aww, fine. I've never seen anything like it before. What do you think it is?"

Zoey: "I dunno, but it looks dangerous. Let's just keep walking."

Cherri: "Can I take a picture of it?"

Zoey: "You don't need to ask me. Go ahead."

Cherri: "Cool!"

I snap a picture and we move onward.


As we walk more, there more vegetation, but the flat muddy areas are larger than before. They also look more soggy.

Zoey: "God, this place is starting to look like a swamp."

Cherri: "A little."

Zoey: "I heard you are a bit frightened of swamps."

Cherri: "You're thinking of my sister. She had a bad experience with quicksand and she's terrified of swamps because of it."

Zoey: "Gotcha. Nevermind then."

Cherri: "Hey Zoey, do you like my skirt?"

Zoey: "I find it weird that you started wearing them to our walks. It does look cute, but doesn't it feel weird to wear them on a hike?"

Cherri: "It did at first, but I really like how it feels. It's comfy."

Zoey: "I suppose so."

Cherri: "You should wear one too."

Zoey: "You think so?"

Cherri: "Yeah, you wanna try it?"

Zoey: "I... wait what?"

Cherri: "You wanna try wearing a skirt?"

Zoey: "What do you mean?"

Cherri: "I brought an extra cause I thought it'd look cute on you."

Zoey: "Oh you mean in the backpack."

Cherri: "Of course. Where else would I put it if I brought it along?"

Zoey: "No, I thought... nevermind."

I rummage through the backpack until I find the extra skirt. I grab it and hand it to Zoey.

Cherri: "Here."

Zoey: "Okay, lemme just walk behind the tree to change."

Cherri: "Okay."

She walks behind the tree with the skirt in hand. After a few seconds, I see her appear with the skirt I gave her on her waist.

Cherri: "So cute! Now we match."

Zoey: "Kind of a weird match with this shirt though."

Cherri: "I think it looks adorable."

Zoey: "Thanks."

We continue walking.

Cherri: "How does it feel?"

Zoey: "It feels weird to have myself exposed like this. It's shorter than I thought it would be."

Cherri: "That's what makes it cute."

Zoey: "If you say so."


After a few minutes, I see something fuzzy moving.

Cherri: "Hey look, over there!"

Zoey: "What? Uh-oh, is that a bear?"

Cherri: "I don't think so. Whoa!"

I see a fuzzy round thing jump out from the fuzzy mass briefly. Then it does it again, or is it a different one?

Zoey: "What are those?"

Cherri: "Wanna maybe..."

Zoey: "Ugh... yea, sure."

Cherri: "Yay!"

Zoey: "Let's not get too close though."

She says in such a stern voice.

Cherri: "Okay!"

I snap a picture real fast as we slowly approach it. I see one of the little fuzzballs approaching us with caution.

Cherri: "Hey, I think they're curious about us too."

Zoey: "Uhh, we should not be getting close to them."

Cherri: "There's one heading to us. I don't think they're harmful."

Zoey: "They don't look harmful, but what if they're poisonous?"

Cherri: "You think those small guys would be poisonous?"

Zoey: "Yeah, kinda."

Cherri: "Whoa, look! They have cute little eyes. How could something that cute be dangerous?"

Zoey: "I don't trust it. Let's back away from them."

Cherri: "But I wanna touch it..."

Zoey: "Cherri, come on!"

However, the fuzzball suddenly leaps on my leg. It starts moving around my left leg, rubbing it's fur on me, which kinda tickles.

Cherri: "Whoa, oh gosh!"

Zoey: "Get it off!"

Cherri: "I don't wanna scare it. It's not spiky or anything, it really is fuzzy."

Zoey: "Why do you always get us into these situations?"

Cherri: "It's not hurting me or anything. I think it likes me."

Zoey: "I seriously don't think it's a good idea to just touch these things."

Cherri: "It's touching me. I'm not touching it."

Zoey: "Either way, get it off and let's get away from these-"

Suddenly, it leaps onto Zoey's right leg with an impressively fast jump. Zoey lets out a startled scream.

Zoey: "Get it off! Please get a stick or something!"

Cherri: "Zoey, it's fine."

Zoey: "Stop saying it's fine, I don't like this!"

Cherri: "Don't you think these things would be more scared of us?"

Zoey: "Not from how they're acting!"

Cherri: "I don't think we need to worry about these guys. They're not harmful."

Zoey: "Mmmh... please get off of me."

Cherri: "Look at it's eyes though. Don't you think it's cute?"

Zoey reluctantly looks at the fuzzy ball rolling around her leg.

Zoey: "I can't exactly see it well when it's moving around like that. Ahh, it feels weird!"

Cherri: "It does kinda tickle you, doesn't it?"

Zoey: "I'm not ticklish!"

Cherri: "Yes you are."

Zoey: "Shut up... Ehh?!?"

I see it go up her skirt. Zoey immediately grabs it and chucks it towards the furry mass that seems to have gotten much closer to us.

Cherri: "Why did you throw it like that?"

Zoey: "What do you mean 'why did I throw it like that?' You saw where it was going!"

Cherri: "Yeah, but..."

I point towards the furry mass.

Zoey: "What? When did they get so close?!?"

Cherri: "You didn't hurt the poor thing, did you?"

Zoey: "I... don't think I did. I just grabbed it and threw it. I didn't crush it or anything."

The mass starts rapidly moving towards us. Before I could start running, they were already around my feet, so I didn't wanna move and crush them by accident. However, Zoey got more distance, so she ran briefly until she realized that I wasn't moving.

Zoey: "What are you doing, get out of there!"

Cherri: "I don't wanna step on them!"

Zoey: "Cherri!"

They all started climbing my legs, which feels so strange. They quickly made their way up both of my legs, but the skirt is giving them trouble with going any further past my waist. On the other hand, having so many little fuzzy creatures on your legs, thighs, and underwear is one of the craziest things I have ever felt.

Cherri: "Ahh, they're all over me!"

I start squirming due to how they're tickling and rubbing me. It's hard for me to stand up straight.

Zoey: "At least they're only down there. Can't you try brushing them off or something?"

Zoey is trying her best to speak to me despite the distance she's keeping.

Cherri: "I don't think that'll help. Plus, it feels kinda... nice."

Zoey: "It feels what?"

Cherri: "It feels nice!"

Zoey: "Don't you feel violated though? They're literally in your skirt."

Cherri: "I mean... I dunno. I kinda like it..."

Zoey: "Does it really... no, we need to get those guys off of you!"

Cherri: "I don't wanna..."

Zoey: "Cherri, why..."

Cherri: "I just really like these guys. You should try this too! It feels so weird, but good."

Zoey: "I don't want those things going in my skirt!"

Cherri: "Come on... it's not that bad."

Zoey: "You keep saying that, but..."

I reach out my hand to her to try to persuade her to come near me, so that she can experience the same thing I am.

Zoey: "This is so weird... why am I agreeing to this?"

She obliges, but before she can reach my arm, the fuzz balls on the ground start jumping on her leg. She inches closer to me without stepping on the little guys until she's next to me.

Zoey: "This already feels weird... I hate that they're going in my skirt!"

Cherri: "I mean, it feels nice for me."

Zoey: Why did you make me wear a skirt right before we found these guys?"

Cherri: "I've never seen these guys before, how was I supposed to know?"

Zoey: "Yeah, I know."

Cherri: "There's not really any on the floor now. They're all on our legs."

Zoey: "Well, at least we can move now, but... I feel like moving might make an opening for them to crawl into other places that I do not want them crawling in. Ahh! One just rubbed itself on my..."

Cherri: "Your what?"

Zoey: "Nothing. I think I'm noticing why you like this, which makes me question things about you."

Cherri: "What do you mean?"

Zoey: "This is gonna sound weird, but... is this turning you on or something?"

Cherri: "What!? Umm... well... kind of. But, it's only because they're... ya know..."

Zoey: "Yeah, yeah, I get it. I admit, it does feel nice on the legs, but I don't think having a bunch of little creatures on your private place is a good idea..."

Cherri: "Probably not, but what am I gonna do about it."

Zoey: "At least we're not naked or anything."

Cherri: "Umm... yeah. Agreed."

Little does she know... I don't have underwear on...


Thirty minutes pass, and the fuzzballs finally start leaving all at once.

Joey: "Whoa, cold!"

Cherri: "Yeah, those guys were keeping us warm, I didn't even notice how warm they were."

Joey: "Let's just start walking. I wanna get out of here soon."

Cherri: "Aww, I wanna explore more."

Joey: "We can always look around on other days."

Cherri: "But we can still look around more for a bit longer, can't we?"

Joey: "Yeah, just for a bit."

We continue walking around for another half hour. The trees seem taller here, and the ground that isn't grassy is getting more muddy.

Zoey: "I think this is a good place to stop. The ground is getting wetter, I don't wanna get us stuck in quicksand or something."

Cherri: "Aww, but I wanna explore... okay. Which way did we come from?"

Zoey: "That direction behind us, I think."

Cherri: "You sure?"

Zoey: "Cherri, don't confuse me to get us lost again. I know you do it on purpose to get us to explore more."

Cherri: "Yeah, but... I don't recognize the terrain behind us."

Zoey: "We're... oh. Wait... shit. Where did we...?"

Cherri: "I swear I'm not trying to this time."

Zoey: "I know your not, what happened to the terrain behind us? I swear there were less trees than that."

Cherri: "I don't know... are you sure we were going straight the whole time?"

Zoey: "Shit, I don't think we were. I think we might've turned at some point, but..."

Cherri: "It's fine. We'll be fine if we're together."

She sighs.

Zoey: "Yeah... I'm sure we can make it out. This has happened before after all..."

Cherri: "Hehehe."

Zoey: "Let's just start walking the opposite direction and hope we see less trees."

Cherri: "Sounds like a plan! Lead the way, captain!"

As we start walking, Zoey lets out a groan.

Zoey: "Please don't say that... it's embarrassing."

Cherri: "I guess you've had enough embarrassment for the day, huh?"

Zoey: "Tell me about it."


Time passes as we tread through this interesting, but strange forest. We see another bush circle nearby.

Zoey: "I'm getting a bit hungry..."

Cherri: "We do still have another meal left in the backpack. Wanna take a break?"

Zoey: "Yeah, a break sounds nice."

I take off the backpack and set it on the ground to prepare lunch while I speak.

Cherri: "Sweet. Hey, since this our last meal in here, do you think we should bring some of those berries with us?"

Zoey: "Man... I'm gonna get real upset if they end up giving us more bathroom problems. What choice do we have though?"

Cherri: "Hopefully we'll make it out before we need to eat them."

Zoey: "Yea..."

Cherri: "Doh yu fink ar fren mih fin uf?"

Zoey: "Please stop talking with your mouth full."

I swallow my bite.

Cherri: "Sorry, do you think our friend might find us?"

Zoey: "Who, Rufi?"

Cherri: "Yea, or his sister maybe?"

Zoey: "No, probably not. I don't think anyone knows that this place exists."

Cherri: "Aww. Alright then."

Zoey: "You're surprisingly calm, as usual. What makes you so calm when we get into shit like this?"

Cherri: "I dunno."

Zoey: "Stop it, finish your goddamn bite!"

Cherri: "Sorry..."

I swallow my bite.

Cherri: "Don't yell at me like that. I figured you'd be able to understand what I said."

Zoey: "It's disgusting to see you do it, it makes me angry. I'm also kind of in a bad mood since we're... ya know... LOST!"

Cherri: "I didn't mean to get us lost..."

Zoey: "No, you're fine. I got us lost this time. I'm sorry for yelling at you."

I hug Zoey.

Cherri: "It's okay, I know you're upset. Don't feel too bad about it."

Zoey: "I know, but don't try to take the blame for something I did bad."

Cherri: "Okay then."

We finish our meal, now time to pick berries.

Zoey: "These ones pulsate too..."

Cherri: "Is pulsating when it grows and shrinks like that?"

Zoey: "Basically, yeah."

Cherri: "I see."

I grab a berry. It's pretty big, almost as big as a lemon, but shaped like a peach. I pluck it off it's branch.

Cherri: "Whoa!"

Zoey: "Eww..."

Cherri: "It's still moving! That's weird!"

Zoey: "I'm not sure how to feel about the jelly looking stuff in it."

Cherri: "It looks like some kind of jam! I wanna eat it!"

Zoey: "It's only a last resort. Let's pluck a bunch and leave."

Cherri: "Okay..."

After we pluck enough to fit in our meal containers, we walk forward for a few minutes to find a small pond. The water looks surprisingly clear.

Cherri: "Hey, wanna take a bath in there like we did before?"

Zoey: "Let's check inside it before we hop in to make sure it's safe."

Cherri: "Okay!"

We look inside the water to check for any creatures or debris that might be unsafe.

Zoey: "Looks okay to me. It's a bit weird to take a bath right after our break, but..."

Cherri: "Hey, breaks don't have to be just for eating, do they?"

Zoey: "Guess not. Where should we stick our clothes?"

Cherri: "Let's just put it on the backpack."

Zoey: "Oh yeah, good idea."

We undress ourselves and stick our clothes on the backpack.

Cherri: "I'll check the temperature."

When I stick my right foot in, the viscosity of the water feels... odd. It feels more thick, and also kind of slippery. When I lift it out, the liquid pours from my foot without dripping. It's just a clear flow of this weird... slime? My curiosity gets hungry, so I stick my other foot in. I'm sitting on the ledge next to the pond, so I'm not fully in yet. I rub both my feet together, and there's basically no friction. I stick my hands in and rub them together, same thing.

Cherri: "This water is interesting. Come check it out!"

Zoey: "What's so interesting about it?"

Cherri: "It's like... slime... sort of."

Zoey: "Huh?"

Cherri: "Come here."

Zoey: "Okay."

Cherri: "Stick your hands in and rub them together."

Zoey: "Uhh, I feel like I'm gonna regret this."

She does what I requested. After she rubs them briefly, she freezes for a sec, then does it again as if carefully inspecting it.

Cherri: "Doesn't it feel kinda cool?"

Zoey: "I mean, I'm not sure I'd wanna bathe in this stuff."

Cherri: "You're already naked, you might as well."

Zoey: "That's not-"

Cherri: "I totally wanna bathe in this stuff, so I will."

I dunk myself in the pond, submerging up to my chest when I touch the floor of the pond. The way the liquid feels on my body is indescribable. Every time I move, my legs slide against each other and my arms effortlessly slide on my torso. It feels kinda hot.

Cherri: "You totally need to come in. It feels so amazing!"

Zoey: "Does it?"

I lift my arm, which creates a thin wall of slime connected to the surface for a brief moment.

Cherri: "Whoa, that's cool! Come on, join my domain, for I am the slime queen!"

I raise both my arms to make more walls for dramatic effect.

Zoey: "So goofy. Fine, I cave. I probably won't like it as much as you though."

Cherri: "You don't know that."

She submerges herself to my level.

Zoey: "Oh jesus, that feels so weird. Ahh! Every time I move, it's like... oh this feels so weird."

Cherri: "I know, right? Feel your legs squishing against each other effortlessly."

Zoey: "Don't make it weirder..."

Cherri: "What? It's true. Doesn't it feel nice?"

Zoey: "I don't know about that."

Cherri: "Aww, come on. Try touching your body all over. Your hands just slide through."

She tries, then blushes as she stops.

Zoey: "It feels strange that my entire body is exposed too."

Cherri: "Well, ya don't bathe clothed."

Zoey: "Yeah, but I feel... I dunno."

Cherri: "Hot?"

Zoey: "I..."

Cherri: "I think it feels hot. Don't you? How every time you squirm your body, it just digs itself deeper into your more private areas?"

Zoey lets out a super cute squeal that I have never heard before. It made my heart flutter.

Zoey: "Eee! Stop it! That sounds so perverted!"

Cherri: "What was that squeal?"

Zoey: "Shut up, this feels so weird."

I get closer to her.

Cherri: "Why are you so cute?"

Zoey: "I'm not cute!"

Cherri: "Yes you are..."

I wrap my arms around her to hug her, which ended up making me super hot from how my body rubbed against her.

Cherri: "Ahh!"

Zoey: "Don't glomp on me like that! You're all covered in slime!"

Cherri: "We both are silly. It feels good to hug you."

Zoey: "O-okay, but... I don't think that this is... appropriate..."

Cherri: "Yeah, but come on. Let loose a little."

Zoey: "What do you mean let loose?!"

Cherri: "You're always like "no, I don't like this" but I can tell that you do. It feels good to be covered in this stuff, doesn't it?"

Zoey: "Where is this coming from?"

Cherri: "I wanna see you enjoy yourself, you're always such a grumpy butt."

Zoey: "I... I'm not always a grumpy butt, am I?"

Cherri: "You usually are. It's rare for me to see you smile."

Zoey: "Well, I'm sorry. You tend to annoy me a lot, so that might have something to do with it."

Cherri: "Yeah, but I don't see you smiling with other friends."

Zoey: "Mmm..."

Cherri: "Come on, just relax a little."

I say as I rub her back from top to bottom. She let's out a deep sigh.

Zoey: "It's kind of weird to be asking me to do that when we're both completely naked and you're touching me all over."

Cherri: "Oh... umm... well..."

Zoey: "I'm not telling you to let go of me, by the way."

Cherri: "Oh?"

Zoey: "Just... don't touch me anywhere inappropriate is all I ask."

Cherri: "Don't worry, I'll try not to."

I keep rubbing her back thoroughly with my left arm. I use my other to gently brush my nails backwards on her stomach.

Zoey: "Oh god, what was that?"

Cherri: "I dunno, just thought it'd feel good."

Zoey: "Do it again."

Cherri: "Gladly."

I continue gently massaging her stomach. I'm careful not to touch her chest, and she looks so relaxed. It makes me so happy to see her like this. It's kinda making my heart do backflips when I see her relaxed expression. I don't think I've seen this look on her before.

Zoey: "Can I do it to you?"

Cherri: "Huh? Sure..."

I wasn't expecting her to say that, but I'll gladly oblige. She presses her body against my side, and does exactly what I was doing to her before. It feels incredible, and having her chest pressed against me is making me feel things.

Cherri: "Whoa... I didn't think it felt that good..."

Zoey: "Yeah..."

Cherri: "Ahh..."

Zoey: "Stop making those noises."

Cherri: "I can't help it, it feels too good."

Zoey sighs. Some time passes as I'm in pure bliss.

Cherri: "Hey, it just occured to me..."

Zoey: "Yeah?"

Cherri: "How are we gonna clean ourselves?"

Zoey: "Uhh..."

A moment of awkward silence as Zoey stops rubbing me.

Zoey: "Shit."

Cherri: "Wanna walk around naked?"

Zoey: "We still need to carry our stuff."

Cherri: "We can just stuff our clothes in the backpack, it's fine."

Zoey: "What choice do we have? It's gonna be hella cold though."

Cherri: "We can just warm each other up."

Zoey: "Yeah, sure."

We stuff our clothes in the backpack while trying to get as little amount of slime on them as possible. After that, we continue walking forward to try to escape the forest. Despite us being lost, I'm having so much fun. I'm excited about the idea of us camping in these woods. I hope Zoey is okay though, she seems a lot less stressed out now, but I do hope we can make it out so she can be okay.


During a few hours of walking, we see more bushes, ponds, we caught a glimpse of another fuzz hoard, but only for a second, and the mud is getting more wet, which isn't a good sign. We've been avoiding the mud for the most part, but there were a few short gaps we had to walk through to get across, which kinda felt good. Unfortunately, now our feet are super dirty, so we'll have to walk around with muddy feet the rest of the way.

On the other hand, I just noticed that we're basically dry from earlier.

Cherri: "Hey, I think we can stick our clothes back on. Wanna?"

Zoey: "Yeah, it's getting dark, so it's colder now. Still feel a little icky though."

We take our clothes out and stick them on, except our shoes.

Zoey: "Wait, where's your underwear?"

Cherri: "Uhh..."

Zoey: "Did you forget them by the pond?"

Cherri: "I uhh... not exactly..."

Zoey: "What, did you go commando or something?"

Cherri: "M-maybe..."

Zoey: "Why with a skirt? That's so lewd."

Cherri: "I was curious how it would feel."

Zoey: "Whatever."


We continue walking a little longer. Out of nowhere, I feel something press itself into my lady hole. I moaned at the sudden intrusion.

Zoey: "What the hell, you alright there?"

Cherri: "Something is..."

I try to grab whatever is raping me, but it's too slippery for me to take it out. Instead it keeps getting deeper and pulsates harder. My knees give as they hit the floor.

Cherri: "I can't take it out!"

Zoey: "What the hell? Oh god, what is that thing?"

Cherri: "I don't know!"

Suddenly, I feel it immediately slide out of me, which hurt.

Cherri: "Ow! Thank god, but ow!"

Zoey: "Sorry- whoa! Oh hell no, get away from me! Let's get the hell away from this... tentacle thing."

Cherri: "O-okay. Help me up."

As she helps me stand up, my legs shake. We get a far enough distance before I collapse on my knees again.

Zoey: "You okay?"

Cherri: "Yeah, sorry. That was just so sudden."

Zoey: "You don't need to apologize."

Cherri: "God, that thing was... so..."

Zoey: "Please don't go into detail about it."

Cherri: "Can I take a picture of it?"

Zoey: "It just basically tried to rape you, and that's on your mind?!"

Cherri: "I mean, it wasn't another person or anything, it's fine."

Zoey: "I really don't think that makes it any better. Also, I don't see it anymore. Oh, I do see where it came from though. See the tiny hole over there?"

Cherri: "I see it. I'm gonna try to make it pop out again, so I can get a picture."

Zoey: "You are beyond insane. I'm not going any closer to it, so if it attacks you, have fun."

Cherri: "Heh... have fun."

Zoey: "Just... don't let it get you again, okay?"

Cherri: "Wait, so if I do get attacked, are you just gonna watch as that thing hammers me?"

Zoey: "What! I-"

Cherri: "That's kinda hot."

Zoey: "..."

I start slowly approaching me. As I get closer, my mind is filled to the brim with naughty thoughts, but I try to avoid them so I can focus on my mission: Take a picture the moment it pops out and then book it.

Zoey: "Just... go slowly..."

Cherri: "I know what I'm doing, don't worry."

Zoey: "Uh huh..."

Cherri: "Have faith."

Zoey: "You're probably gonna get pegged."

I inch closer with my camera. The closer I get, the more nervous I am and the more my heart races. At some point, I feel like I'm too close, so I quickly take a few steps back out of fear. My goodness, this is thrilling. Suddenly a new strategy came to mind.

Cherri: "Hey Zoey... I'm gonna need your help."

Zoey: "Oh dear... what is it?"

Cherri: "I'm gonna run past the hole, so I'm directly over it. Hopefully it'll come out once I do that. I need you to take the picture while it's out. Make it a good one."

Zoey: "Jesus christ, alright fine. Let's try it. Hand me the camera."

Cherri: "Okay."

The baton has been passed to Zoey. I get in position, and prepare myself mentally.

Cherri: "3..."

Zoey: "Wait, hang on. Camera's not on. Ok, go ahead."

Cherri: "Ok, 3... 2... 1... GO!"

I begin running for dear life. I try to leave myself exposed on the pace that I'm over the hole. Once I'm past it, I check behind me, and sure enough it was heading for me. I keep running until I'm far enough away.

Cherri: "Did you get it?"

Zoey: "Yeah, I got it! I'm coming!"

Cherri: "Okay, careful."

She makes it to me.

Cherri: "Lemme see, lemme see."

She switches the screen to the picture. Whoa.

Zoey: "That is a hell of a creature. That was inside you?"

Cherri: "I didn't think it looked like that, but wow."

Zoey: "We need to seriously get the fuck out of here. I have a really bad feeling about this."

Cherri: "I get what you mean, but why would a creature like this do that to me?"

Zoey: "Who cares? I don't wanna stick around and wait for other creatures to figure out how to do that to me."

Cherri: "But we're lost..."

Zoey: "I know... this sucks..."

Cherri: "Hey, at least we're not like getting mauled by anything."

Zoey: "Don't jinx it..."

Before we start walking again, Zoey stops and puts her arm in front of me.

Cherri: "What is it?"

Zoey: "There's more holes ahead... they're blocking the grassy place we're trying to cross."

Cherri: "You wanna book it? We'll have to step into the mud again."

Zoey: "Better than the holes. I do- Ack!"

Her legs sank into the mud knee deep, and she almost fell forward.

Cherri: "Whoa, that's deep..."

Zoey: "There is a bottom though. Let's go around."

Cherri: "You sure? What if it gets too deep?"

Zoey: "We just need to walk around, it's not that many steps."

Cherri: "What if there's a hole in the mud?"

Zoey: "I feel like the mud would flood it. Although, now that I think about it, I am a little afraid of what would be in the mud."

Cherri: "You still prefer it over running a bit? I mean, I assume you're wearing underwear, right?"

Zoey: "Yes, I am. I still don't feel safe though."

Cherri: "Through the mud then?"

Zoey: "How the hell are we gonna be able to sleep if we keep getting this dirty?"

Cherri: "I'll just sleep on top of the bag and keep my legs off."

Zoey: "Wait, don't go in... yet..."

I stepped in the mud before she could finish half her sentence.

Cherri: "Whoa, this mud feels really nice."

Zoey: "Ok, let's just... get to the other side then."

We tredge through the mud to pass the holes. It takes us a minute or two to reach a safe grassy area.

Zoey: "Okay, since the mud is this deep, I feel like we're just getting deeper and deeper into the forest. My guess is the deeper the mud, the deeper we're in the forest."

Cherri: "I wonder how deep it gets..."

Zoey: "I don't wanna find out. Either way, we should change our direction."

Cherri: "It'll probably be difficult with how much safe ground there is."

Zoey: "You call that safe?"

Cherri: "I mean, to be fair, we're not really getting hurt physically."

Zoey: "I'd say it's more mentally getting hurt."

Cherri: "What are ya talking about? I'm fine."

Zoey: "You don't find being raped by some weird giant worm thing mentally damaging at all?"

Cherri: "Well, I guess it did hurt when it was yanked out of me, and it did kind of make my mind a little crazy, but I'm doing fine!"

Zoey: "Where does your positivity come from...? Let's just go. I say we start trying to head that direction."

Cherri: "Okay!"


We start trying to cross the forest after turning right. It's proving to be a challenge to maintain our direction with less grassy areas. Some grassy areas aren't even safe, and end up being disguises for mud, which caught us by surprise a few times. Unfortunately, things aren't improving as far as trying to not step in the mud, and it's almost reached our waists. After the mud touched our skirt, we decided to try to avoid the mud a lot more, but it's not going well. It's not like we're trapped in one area, but we've completely lost our direction because of it.

This goes on for an hour and a half, and we're currently starting to get really tired. We look for a good firm place to rest that has no nearby holes. Our legs are caked with mud, so we decide to just leave our sleeping bags packed.

Zoey: "We gotta scrape this mud off. I'll find something we can use... maybe this knife?"

Cherri: "That sounds dangerous!"

Zoey: "We'll just use the back side."

Cherri: "Oh okay."

It takes a while for us to get most of the mud off. It's not perfect, but I can at least feel like my legs can breathe. Some of it slid off easily too, which was nice.

Zoey: "That definitely feels a lot nicer. Well, hopefully we don't get attacked by ants or anything."

Cherri: "Yeah, I can agree with that. I haven't really seen many bugs around here though..."

Zoey: "Me neither. I'm definitely thankful for that, at least."

Cherri: "Hey, some bugs are cute."

Zoey: "Most aren't, in my opinion."

We both lay down next to each other.

Cherri: "What about lady bugs?"

Zoey: "Well sure, lady bugs are cool, but wasps are not."

Cherri: "Yeah, I guess not."

Zoey: "Nobody likes wasps."

Cherri: "I'm sure there's someone out there that do."

Zoey: "They're probably crazy."

Cherri: "Heh... Hey, I can still see some stars, even with all these trees in the way."

Zoey: "Yeah, same. Wish I could see more, I can tell that there's a lot."

Zoey lets out a hearty yawn, which makes me yawn as well.

Zoey: "Man, I'm tired. This was quite a day."

Cherri: "Yeah. It was fun."

Zoey: "I hope we can get out of here. I have a feeling we're not gonna make it out of here by tomorrow."

Cherri: "You don't think so?"

Zoey: "Not really. Not with how lost we've been getting."

I hear Zoey move a bit, then she wraps her arms and legs around me, despite how dirty our legs are.

Cherri: "Whoa..."

Zoey: "Hey..."

She's so close to my ear...

Zoey: "Please don't leave me alone if you wake up first, okay? Stay with me."

Cherri: "I-I... I'd be more than happy to. Don't... don't worry."

Zoey: "Thanks."

She sounds so sleepy and cute, I can barely squeeze the words out of my mouth. I get the feeling that I'll end up waking up later than her though...
You feel something...

As you descend, you don't know what you feel, but you want to feel it...

And it wants to feel you

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Re: Gutless Forest

Postby Theo » Mon Jul 26, 2021 2:56 am

A kind of odd but interesting dynamic with all the dialogue and short bits of first-person story from Cherri’s perspective (I assume) but... I kinda like it. Two naughty ladies in skirts, hiking and lost in a strange, muddy forest; what’s not to like? :P And the dialogue is also quite entertaining at times too.

I especially enjoyed the slimy pond part, though I have to admit, was really hoping they’d get stuck in some deep mud or quicksand shortly thereafter. The thought of being naked, covered in that slime and sinking in quicksand really appealed to me, but oh well, it was still a good story anyways.

Thanks for posting, I’m curious to read what happens in the next part! :)
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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