Sinking, mud

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Sinking, mud

Postby Username11 » Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:08 am

Mira walked contentedly through the forest as though it didn't exist. All that could be heard was the birdsong and the slapping sound of her flip flops. She strolled through, the wind gently blowing her flared jeans which ended halfway down her ankles. She also wore a white baggy t-shirt which partly exposed her lightly tanned skin.

"This is lovely" she said as she stretched her arms up to the air. The smell of wet grass could be sensed for miles due to the recent rain showers. This unfortunately however made the dirt paths of the forest slightly more muddy than usual. "Oh no" mira said as she looked down at her flip flops. " they're beginning to get muddy" she brushed this of however because she knew there was a river which she could wash them off in further in the forest. She then slowly continued on her walk.

She could eventually see the river from atop a slope. She strode down and began to walk towards the river. She then began to feel that the ground was becoming squishy underfoot. She looked back and saw that her flip flops had left indentations in the wet mud. "That's weird." She thought but took no care and continued to walk towards the river. Suddenly she heard a slurping sound and looked down to see the soles of her flip flops submerged in the mud. She put her other foot forward to pull the first one out but the same thing happened. "This won't stop me," she said as she pulled her foot out and continued to walk on.

All of a sudden she felt suction on her right foot. She looked down to see that it had been submerged up to her jean leg in the mud. "Oh shit, at least the river's closer now," she said. She put her other foot next to her right and looked down. She began to wiggle her toes and felt the mud oozing between them. "This feels pretty good," she said. She then began to walk on but failed to notice that with each step she began to sink deeper. She eventually took off her flip flops and continued on barefoot. Little did she know, she was about to get properly stuck.

The sucking on mira's toes and feet became gradually more intense. All of a sudden, she was pulled into the mud just under her knees. "Oh god, at least it won't be to hard to get out," she said. She tried to pull her right foot out but all that was accomplished was her left knee submerging in to the mud. She tried the same with her left leg but her right knee quickly became submerged. She continued on like this until the mud had reached her pussy. This sent shivers through her body causing her legs and bare feet to squirm in the mud. This again sent her deeper. "Oh no, I think this is quicksand. But wait, I thought quicksand didn't go this deep." She thought. "In that case I'll have name it. I'll call it sinking sand due to the constant sinking and sandy texture of the mud." While she was thinking of this name, the sinking sand had reached her waist and showed no signs of stopping. "Oh crap, SOMEONE HELP ME, I'M TRAPPED IN SINKING SAND," Mira yelled, thinking of the name she had given to it. Mira began to think of ways to get out and put her hands down to push herself out but watched as the sinking sand pulled her hands under it's surface. She began to yell out again as the sinking sand reached the bottom of her chest. She began to thrash about in a bid to get out but was only sucked in to her breasts. She continued to struggle as someone else rushed up to the pit. It was Mira's friend, Lola. She was wearing a sweater and baggy jeans that hung loosely around her barefeet. "What are you doing here?" Mira asked. "I heard a shout about some sinking sand and rushed over to see," Lola said. "Why are you barefoot then?" Mira asked. "I lost my sandles running over here okay. Now let's get you out of here," Lola said. She grabbed a nearby tree branch and began to walk over. At this point, Mira had sunk to her chin and was pointing her face up to avoid going under. Lola came back with the branch and tried to get it over to Mira but it wasn't long enough. Lola then began to move forward to get the branch to Mira but the only way she could wash by walking into the edge of the pit. Mira then griped the branch with a muddy hand and was pulled from the thick, wet muddy sinking sand. Lola cautiously made her way around to pull Mira out the last bit, enjoying the feeling of the sinking sand on her barefeet. "Thank God that's over with," the pair said as they walked to the river to clean off.

PA Jack
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Re: Sinking, mud

Postby PA Jack » Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:39 pm

And this on your very first post? I hope you keep posting story ideas (I posted a few as jack c back in 2009). I think stories are becoming a lost art, and it is nice to see someone put one up as a first contribution. Good luck.
Formerly jack c, years ago.

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Re: Sinking, mud

Postby Theo » Sun Sep 11, 2022 8:12 pm

Could be a bit longer, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. A short and tasty story! :P All I can say is: “more please!” And thank you for posting!

PA Jack wrote:And this on your very first post? I hope you keep posting story ideas (I posted a few as jack c back in 2009). I think stories are becoming a lost art, and it is nice to see someone put one up as a first contribution. Good luck.

Maybe not so much a “lost art,” but certainly a more infrequent one IMO. I have so many ideas but I just haven’t had the time to devote to them this year. Hopefully soon I’ll get back to it.
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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