The King’s Mistress Part II

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The King’s Mistress Part II

Postby Sparky81 » Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:53 pm

Penny stood slowly, her dress and hair darkened with mud and water. Without hesitation Penny went down on one knee and bowed her head.

“I pledge myself to her majesty the Queen above all others. She has my love and devotion and I will remain faithful until my death. My loyalty is to her alone and no other.”

“You speak of treason against the King!” The Queen exclaimed

I speak of an alliance between us, your grace. For without it, I will gladly enter the moor and let it take me”

“What kind of foolish talk is this?!?” The Queen said in disbelief.

“The Queen has absolute power over me, that is to say whether I live or die. But what power do I hold? Only what I might whisper in the King’s ear or what I might see and hear. If the Queen were to pledge her support, I can work in the Queen’s favor and be safe in your protection.”

“You bargain with me like a common street peddler. I am your Queen and will not be put upon.”

Penny started to remove her mud soaked garments.Slowly, layer by layer carefully laying them on the grass. When she removed her final under garment, she stood naked before the Queen.

The Queen gaped and was struck by her beauty. Her skin was smooth and free from scar, pox, and other marks. Penny’s enormous breasts didn’t sag. How can this be? The Queen thought. They stood firm upon her chest with tiny nipples. Her plump bottom looked juicy as it was shaped like a pear.

“Are you pleased, your grace?” Penny asked.

“Very pleased” said the Queen

“If the Queen desires me, I will give myself to her fully.”

The Queen was hot with desire. Her thoughts raced. I must find out why the King has her night after night.

The Queen removed her dress and under garments. At around 40 years old and after three children, the Queen was still a handsome woman. Her slight frame and long black hair hadn’t changed much. Her breasts sagged and her belly was softer after the children and a few extra pounds were added to her bottom.

“Our pledge, your grace, has not been set upon stone.If you were to enter the moor, the alliance would be sealed.”

“You think me a fool! To enter the moor and do away with me?! You ask me to put my life in your hands?!” The Queen shouted

“For if I let the Queen drown in the moor, your guards would throw me in after you and flee. The King would surely have their heads for allowing harm to come to the Queen. To harm you means I must die also.”

The Queen thought on Penny’s words. Only a fool would throw her life away. The Queen carefully stepped into the moor. Her body slowly sank as the mud gripped her. She faced Penny standing by the edge. The mud and water were just below her breasts.

“Help me” the Queen said, extending her arms towards Penny.

“You think me clever, don’t you, your grace?”

“Too clever” the Queen replied

Penny knelt down and layed on her side facing the Queen. Her head rested on her hand bent at the elbow while her other hand lay on her side.

“What if I was so clever as to inform the King of your evil plot in his bedchamber night last. And the King ordred that there be two trusted guards and a driver to accompany you today. So when I lured the Queen into the moor, there would be no help The Queen’s own evil plot turned against her.”

“Help me!” The Queen shouted, waving her arms towards the guards and driver. “Help me!”

Thrashing and reaching, slapping at the mud desperate to find anything to keep from sinking.

“It’s no use, your grace. You’re only going to sink faster and the guards can’t hear you.”

The Queen settled herself. “ You evil whore! You have plotted with the King to do away with me!”

“I have pledged myself to you, your grace, above the king. Yet you have not spoken the words to move me.”

“Sweet Penny, what must I do for you to save me. Tell me the words and I shall speak them? The Queen begged Penny for the mud had reached her shoulders and she was sinking fast.

Penny pushed her huge breast up towards her mouth and began to suckle her nipple.

“Your grace, I need words of assurance that our pledge, our love, will be unbroken by anyone, even the King.”

“Dear sweet Penny, from this day forward I pledge my love and trust to you. You shall have my protection without fail against any enemy, even the King.”

Penny continued to suckle her breast. The Queen begging for her life in front of her. The power had aroused her. So powerful, Penny was consumed by it. Driving her to crave more. She had the power of life and death. Nothing had aroused like this before.

“Speak more, your grace.” Penny moaned as her hand slid between her legs.

The Queen was up to her chin in the moor. With trembling lips her words were chosen carefully as they could be her last.

“Penny, I am devoted to you above all others…”

The Queen slid under the mud as Penny watched. Her excitement was unbearable. She arched her back watching the surface. As a burst of bubbles opened the mud, Penny exploded with delight. It was as if the bubbles had fingers deep inside her. But what now? To save the Queen?…..

Posts: 30
Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2017 12:37 am

Re: The King’s Mistress Part II

Postby GlasirMaria » Tue Jan 17, 2023 4:16 pm

awaithing for the next chapter <3
Be happy always and watch my da:

Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:21 pm

Re: The King’s Mistress Part II

Postby Sparky81 » Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:33 pm

I’m working on it. Should have it up soon.

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