How did your fetish begin?

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How did your fetish begin?

Postby Stuck_Cat » Sat May 20, 2023 10:00 pm

Ever since I first joined this site, I've had several questions. Many of these questions have been answered, but I have a few left to ask. Today, I want to know how your fetish for quicksand began. I will begin this topic by answering how it began for me.

When I was 3 years old, my mom was watching a movie on TV and I saw one of the characters get stuck in quicksand. I ran into my room horrified because at the time I didn't know what I just witnessed. About 1 or 2 years later, our family got a wireless internet router. I was watching some YouTube and found these clips of quicksand scenes. What was one horrifying to me was now fascinating and I had no idea why. I just couldn't stop watching these videos. When I became a teenager, puberty hit and now these videos turned me on much more than what I thought was normal for a teenager. I never mentioned it to anyone because I thought mentioning it would make me lose friends. Fast forward to my adult years and I found Reddit had a link to this exact forum. I joined as soon as I could and now we're at this exact moment of time.

This has been Stuck_Cat. I'll see y'all real soon.
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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby MadMax359 » Sun May 21, 2023 4:23 am

i am different than many here in that i have more of a damsels in distress fetish than a purely quicksand fascination
also responded to scenes and images from an early age, and quicksand scenes were among my favorites

and i have found many more sites that feature quicksand than sites for buzzsaws and railroad tracks! :twisted:
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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby Zargen » Sun May 21, 2023 2:48 pm

I've had it since I was little after watching the sprinkler scene in Honey I Shrunk the Kids. The part with Amy falling off the flagstone "cliff" and into the muddy water was what sparked it off, the idea of a girl/woman and her clothes/outfit getting wet and/or immersed.

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby OBI-wan » Sun May 21, 2023 4:26 pm

The Mighty Hercules.
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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby mudmaiden » Sun May 21, 2023 4:30 pm

Tarzan's Hidden Jungle
Tarzan to Jill Hardy: Girl be still. Not sink!!"
From "Valley Of Mystery" : Don't struggle and do not thrash around; that just makes things worse!

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby bogbud » Sun May 21, 2023 5:34 pm

The Never ending Story. That's also why it's bogs, not quicksand
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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby redjak6t4 » Sun May 21, 2023 6:06 pm

I know exactly where it all started for me, Stuck_Cat.

Seeing Lois Nettleton sinking, struggling and screaming in a Venezuelan mud pit in the movie Valley of Mystery (1967). I was a teenager then and for reasons beyond my understanding (at that time) my body reacted strongly to her peril - with an erection. Soon after that I started secretly sketching crude pictures of girls sinking into deep mud and quicksand. Quite what my parents would have thought if they had discovered my hidden cache, I dread to think!



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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby Tim Kelly » Sun May 21, 2023 7:37 pm

Ice-cold in Alex.
"Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh! Quicksand! I'm sinking! I'll go straight to the bottom of.......GLURP!"
(a month later)
"Ugh! Yukkkh! Ptui! I'm out of it! I'm free! Not even quicksand can defeat the power of.....the Eye of Zoltec!"

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby PA Jack » Sun May 21, 2023 7:49 pm

I was fascinated by quicksand scenes from a very young age. I was in early elementary school when I saw Revenge of the Zombies on TV, with the blonde zombie wife pushing the mad doctor (John Barrymore at that! - not one of his more auspicious roles) down and under. It made me feel really weird for a few days, and I didn’t understand the feeling. It wasn’t until puberty that I realized that it wasn’t just quicksand - it was WOMEN in quicksand, and it started to turn me on. I started trying to watch every Tarzan movie, hoping for a female scene. The two scenes mentioned by members above (Tarzan’s Hidden Jungle with Vera Miles, and Valley of Mystery with Lois Nettleton) are indeed the best in my opinion.

Matching the cliche here, I thought I was the only person in the world like this. It was not until the 1990’s that I had access to the internet. I of course discovered that, while not common I guess, there were many others like me. The TV/movie scenes don’t match the scenes filmed by the producers on this board, though. I have many of Dave’s videos. Nessie is the rare female producer here; she is real and her scenes are great. I like the damsel-in-distress dramatic scenes, with or without rescue.

It seems that I was wired this way from the beginning, or close to it. I have settled in to accepting this fetish as kind of a sideways gift, something more than others have. I don’t advertise it, although my wife knows. Maybe some of this rings a bell with others here.

Formerly jack c, years ago.

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Re: How did your fetish begin?

Postby Duncan Edwards » Thu May 25, 2023 3:34 pm

This question gets asked routinely and it's caused me to think a lot about the answer. I've always assumed I was born with it since I have no memory of an specific trigger. Way back in my brain I have some shadowy thoughts of images similar to b/w Guns of Darkness. A few years ago I learned that it was first broadcast on television on NBC at a time when I would have been sitting in front of the tv at about age 3.
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