Jinn’s AI Swamp

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Viridian » Tue Aug 22, 2023 3:20 pm

Jinn wrote:I’ve been researching photo editing apps for my iPhone since I do all my work on it. I’ve been getting away so far with the basic editing tools on my phone for cropping, getting rid of extra fingers, summer teeth, and adding extra pieces of clothing but I need a good layering program to fix stuff like different colored eyes. For example in this quicksand pic, Supergirl’s eyes look like a fucking malamute. I’m just hesitant on getting an app that I have to pay a membership for, instead of a one-and-done purchase.

This was one of the reasons why Realistic Vision V5 became a game changer for me. I was using RV3 before this, but RV5 has been affectionately called the "fingers and teeth" update. Even so, AI upscaler apps will often fix these problems without manual editing.
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:15 pm

I’ve been going through some pics & paragraphs that I hadn’t got around to sharing and thought I’d post some. I can’t believe I used to write stories this short! It seems like such a long time since I did these but it was only a couple months aho. Enjoy the last long weekend of summer before she sinks out of site!


The only way Supergirl could get over the pit was to jump it. She looked down at the icky mud once more before backing up to take a run at it. She counted to three and sprinted to the edge, leaping into the air oblivious to the vine that caught her foot upon liftoff, sapping her momentum. Kara fell way short of her target and plopped down into the slimy, mud filled pit. Up to her thighs in jungle mud, Kara wiggled and pulled at her legs which remained mired. An uneasy feeling came over her as she realized this was no ordinary mud pit. ‘Quicksand!’ whispered Kara. That uneasy feeling was the sensation of her body slowly starting to slip deeper and deeper into the pit.


As she flew over the jungle canopy, the symptoms of Supergirl’s kryptonite poisoning were in full effect; crippling headache, blurred vision, overwhelming weak spells. She had to land, but somewhere safe. Below her was the dreaded Black Swamp; a vast acreage of treacherous tar pits and… Kara blacked out. When she came to she was in a free fall, tumbling earthbound. She managed to right herself just before splashing down into a hideous pool of tar and mud. The thermals that gave the pitch an uncomfortable heat sent bubbles of hot gas burping and belching to the surface of the tar around the trapped heroine’s sinking legs. She fought to escape but the sticky goop only pulled her legs back into the pit, deeper and deeper with every struggle. Nearly waist deep in the deadly sludge, Supergirl tried to stay calm and hope that her symptoms subsided before the horrible death trap completely consumed her.


The sand seemed safe enough to walk on, until Kara found herself sinking. She had reached the middle of the jungle clearing before the saturated silt turned to a gluey mush beneath her. The superheroine’s legs quickly sank, catching her by surprise. She looked around; too far from the edge of the bog to reach for anything, too mired to crawl. ‘Help! Please help!’ the supergirl cried and pleaded, ‘Somebody? Is anyone there?’ She tried to peer over the brush to see if the strange people who had been following her were anywhere close. ‘Please… anyone… please I’m sinking in quicksand!’ cried Kara as her legs slowly sank out of site. Her followers were in fact very near to where Supergirl was trapped… observing with keen interest and sinister anticipation.
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:16 pm

Life has had me shackled lately and I’m finding it hard to make new stuff, but I somehow managed to find the time to put this one together during the week. I got carried away with the writing again but I think it’s a cool little story that goes with it. I usually have no luck with generating images of Supergirl in a skirt but I thought this one turned out quite well. Enjoy…


Supergirl knew she was walking… rather ‘flying’ into a trap, but it was the only way; she had to confront and stop the evil sorceress Circe. The wicked witch was on the warpath, and had already lured the two beautiful heroines Snow Bird and Feisty, likely to a gruesome fate in the dreaded Black Swamp; a vast, bottomless bog filled with deadly quicksand and inescapable…

‘Tar pits,’ Kara shuddered, flying over the perilous ponds of putrid pitch. ‘Such an awful way to…’ she lamented before pausing and shaking her head, trying not to envision her pretty friends being sucked down to their sticky doom.

Circe felt Supergirl was coming. She had foreseen it many moons ago and had been preparing to receive her ever since. The wily witch had collected and concocted a host of horrible spells and customized incantations from the Ghost Grimoire spell book, specifically for an encounter with the ‘Girl of Steel’. Circe did not have in her possession any of the rare kryptonite that she coveted but she was steadfast; the sadistic sorceress knew that Supergirl’s second greatest weakness was magic.

‘Fractis Alis!’ chanted the sinister sorceress, raising her arms over her spell book as the red and blue streak of Supergirl zipped over the dead swamp trees. Orbs of violet colored energy manifested from Circe’s palms as she pointed her hands skyward, directing energy bolts at the unsuspecting superheroine soaring above. The lightning-like projectiles hit their intended target hard and true.

Kara was swiftly overwhelmed by an intensely painful shock that traveled from the top of her neck to the bottom of her spine, causing her to lose her ability to stay aloft. As the stricken Supergirl plummeted from the treetops to the swamp below it took all of her concentration to keep from crashing. Kara managed a rather rough yet respectable landing, plopping feet first into the soft marshy ground. She steadied her wobbly, tar splattered legs as she took stock of her condition.

Her head was pounding and her body ached but it could have been a lot worse, Kara assessed as she tried to lift off from the swamp surface. Her attempt to take flight was met with a dull ache in her back and nothing more. ‘I’m grounded!’ gasped the downed damsel.

‘Potentia Damnum!’ Circe cursed, from somewhere close enough for Kara to hear the sinister incantation. Kara shivered at the sensation of air being drawn from her lungs, as if a giant vacuum was sucking the energy out of her. ‘Ugh! I..I can’t…’ the stunned superheroine gasped, nearly falling over. ‘My powers… they’re gone!’ Kara discovered, looking down at her trembling limbs.

Like a frightening phantom, Circe floated with her terrible tome through the lifeless trees and swamp decay to the impotent heroine. ‘Is this your take on cancel culture, Circe?’ Kara challenged, eying her adversary with disdain. The vile villainess laughed heartedly, ‘I must attest Supergirl, you’ll find your trip to the swamp to be a bit of a… downer…’ the smiling sorceress raised her arms, caught her breath and recited from the hovering text, ‘Angelus Mergor Picem!’

A sadistic, swirling wind descended from above, spiraling tightly around Kara before disappearing into the black earth beneath her. Suddenly, the swamp floor stirred, the tar under her boots began to spew and bubble hideously. Kara felt a slight vertigo sensation as the sticky pitch began to swallow her legs. ‘UHN! I’m sinking!’ gasped the powerless Supergirl, struggling in the belching, black goop.

A satisfied Circe grinned devilishly as she spectated the slowly submerging superheroine. Thick, gooey tar pulled Kara’s legs deeper as she fought to escape; her struggling only rewarding her with a quicker descent. The helpless heroine moaned urgently as hot petroleum paste squelched and gurgled around her trapped thighs. This couldn’t possible be any more horrible, thought Kara. Her assessment was dead wrong.

‘Oh, you poor thing,’ mocked Circe, slightly winded from her occultist assault on Supergirl, ‘All alone, stuck in that icky tar and sinking out of sight. Tsk tsk. Perhaps you’d care for some company.’ The twisted enchantress waved her arms and conjured another devious dilemma for the captured hero, ‘Tentamenta Impentum!’ More bubbles and ripples exuded ominously from the treacherous tar pit. Kara gasped with astonishment as dozens of crawling, jet black tentacles rose from the depths of the perilous pool, encircling her mired body.

‘Drowning me in tar wasn’t evil enough for you, Circe?’ scoffed Kara, as writhing, rubbery tendrils began to coil around her legs. Circe coughed and belly laughed, ‘You’re entitled to hate me, my dear but you have to at least respect the fact that I’m thorough.’ The nasty necromancer continued to laugh between coughing fits; all of her callous conjuring was taking its physical toll on her. There was a price to pay for commanding the energy stored in text of the holy, haunted Ghost Grimoire.

Cries of disgust expelled from Kara as tar drenched tentacles snaked their way around her captured body, tightening themselves around her waste and creeping up around her breasts and shoulders. The imperiled hero contested hopelessly as wormy appendages looped around her arms, clenching them firmly. Kara whimpered desperately as another tentacle slithered around her neck from behind and began to squeeze.

Circe ramped up for one last assault on the totally vulnerable Supergirl. Staggering, the weakened witch raised her arms and shakily belted out a final incantation, ‘Tentacula Descendunt!’ The sweltering pitch quaked and boiled as the menacing monster tentacles began to pull Supergirl aggressively downward into the tar pit. Black goo oozed over Kara as her defenseless body was diabolically dragged closer to her imminent demise.

A bead of sweat dripped from Circe’s forehead as she dropped to her knees in exhaustion, her head bowed and gripped by a coughing fit.

Almost completely consumed by the tar, Kara watched her depleted nemesis with an unusually calm demeanor. The nearly sunken Supergirl tilted her head back and called to the sky, ‘NOW!!’

Supergirl felt this moment with Circe was coming. She had been warned by the great seer Madame Xanadu about this encounter many moons ago and had been preparing to confront the sorceress ever since. Kara had assembled a special team to deal with whatever the witch could summon from the Ghost Grimoire.

Before the spent sorceress could react, Mary Marvel rocketed past Circe seemingly from out of nowhere, snatching the cursed catalog of spells. Awaiting Shazam’s protege nearby was the master magician Zatanna, who was handed the large tome and hastily leafed through the pages.

‘You cannot recite from the Grimoire! You are not worthy!’ coughed Circe, still incapacitated on her knees.

Zatanna smiled at the witch, closed her eyes and raised her hands as the Grimoire levitated in front of her. ‘Angelus Reponere Cum Diaboli!’ cited the Mistress of Magic, manifesting a swirling indigo cloud that encircled the two heroines, the witch and the tar pit that was nearly finished engulfing Supergirl entirely. When the cloud dissipated, Kara, dripping from head to heels in black slime was kneeling in the spot where Circe had dropped; the wide eyed witch had magically replaced Supergirl’s space in the deadly, tentacle infested tar pit.

‘NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo…..’ shrieked the incensed sorceress, as the death dealing tendrils pummeled her and dragged her frantically flailing body into the dark depths of the tar.

‘She’s gone,’ remarked Supergirl, as Mary Marvel helped her to her feet and wiped the tar from her cape.

‘She’ll be back,’ warned Mary, pulling clumps of pitch out of Kara’s golden locks and inquiring, ‘What about the Ghost Grimoire?’

‘Abscondere Librum,’ chanted Zatanna, inciting the massive spell book to begin folding over itself continuously, shrinking in size with every fold until it had vanished from plain site. ‘It’s somewhere safe,’ promised the magician.

Supergirl frowned with disappointment, examining her filthy legs and her once cute, micro skirt that had been destroyed by black sludge, then responded to Zatanna’s assurance, ‘For now…’
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:45 pm

Supergirl brought a friend…


Batgirl urgently ripped off her fear toxin-coated cowl and cape, launching them hastily into the dense jungle brush. Frantically wiping her face, she knew she was too late as Scarecrow’s fast working hallucinogenic began to overpower her senses. Waves of crippling paranoia and hallucinations sent Batgirl into a frenzied panic attack. She began to hyperventilate, her eyes wide and her pupils dilated as she scurried off terrified and screaming into the darkness under the jungle canopy.

‘Should we go after her?’ queried a hesitant henchman. ‘Don’t bother,’ Scarecrow snickered assuringly, ‘She’s harmless now. That dose should bog her down for hours. Speaking of bogs, coincidentally she’s also running into the swamp.’

‘What about fly-girl?’ The thug continued, motioning to an unconscious Supergirl lying face down, bound by kryptonite ropes beside the stack of assorted luggage filled with street drugs. ‘Let her sleep it off,’ Scarecrow recommended, ‘Take the krypto-cords with us, we may still need them.’

‘We’re just going to leave her there?’ asked the puzzled goon. The vile looking villain huffed. ‘We probably shouldn’t be murdering any supers lest we have the entire Justice League on our asses. That’s heat we don’t need,’ snapped back an impatient Scarecrow, ‘What’s with the interrogation? Knock it off and get those bags loaded.’ The creepy crime boss and his handful of minions collected the stash of suitcases and Supergirl’s glowing green restraints before splitting for the nearby secret airstrip and their awaiting small aircraft.

When the drug runners were out of sight, Kara carefully climbed dizzily to her feet, still handicapped from her exposure to kryptonite. She had faked her unconsciousness in order to shake her assailants’ attention. ‘Barbara,’ she whispered, concerned for her friend’s health after Batgirl was hit with a surprise dose of Scarecrow’s nasty narcotic. Kara’s flight ability was still inhibited so she unsteadily raced after Batgirl on wobbly boot heels toward the treacherous jungle lowlands.

Batgirl was in such a frenetic state that she was oblivious to the large mud hole she was running into. She was finally halted after several paces as she plunged calf-deep into the quaking mire. The suction of the thick, boggy soup held Barbara’s long legs as she thrashed wildly. Her heart pounded in her chest like a locomotive as she twisted and yanked her legs, only sinking deeper in the slimy swamp muck. Pins and needles numbed Barbara’s hands and feet as tunnel vision crept over her eyesight; Batgirl was going into shock.

‘Barbara…’ called Kara from the edge of the sticky pit, ‘BARBARA!’ Batgirl didn’t respond. Shock symptoms had filled her ears with a dull ringing; Barbara was swaying and close to blacking out.

There was no time. Even if Kara could find a tree branch or something to reach out to Batgirl with, the intoxicated superheroine was about to pass out. There was only one thing Supergirl could do. Backing up and sprinting at the mud pool, Kara leapt from the edge and plopped down into the soft swamp several feet behind Batgirl. After painstakingly lurching a few steps forward, Supergirl managed to get situated directly behind the gooped Gothamite.

Kara put a hand on Barbara’s shaking shoulder and pulled her close. ‘Barbara. Listen to my voice. It’s Kara. I’m here with you,’ comforted Supergirl, as she calmly coached the hyperactive heroine, ‘Barbara, listen to my voice. Don’t panic. Take a deep breath with me.’ Batgirl seemed to register the gentle coaxing as she turned to see her pretty friend over her shoulder. Both girls silently shared a few meditative breaths as the mud beneath them bubbled and belched. The bogged beauties could feel themselves sinking as the syrupy slime slowly oozed over their thighs. They both knew this was quicksand, and they were trapped.

‘Oh Kara!’ exclaimed Barbara, breathing heavily again, ‘What are we going to do?’ Kara felt her friend falling back into a panic attack and pulled her close. ‘Barbara, listen to me. Keep breathing, and just relax. I’m going to take care of you. I promise.’ reassured Kara, as she slid her other hand over Barbara’s thigh with a gentle pat.

The fear toxin caused Barbara’s overactive senses to trigger an intense reaction to thoughts with unbridled emotions; feelings of unreasonable paranoia and unbearable fear; feelings of intense vulnerability; feelings of over-the-top gratitude to her friend for sacrificing herself to rescue her… her strong, sexy friend… taking charge of her; feelings of attraction… Barbara felt like her emotions were betraying her. She battled internally; she couldn’t possibly be getting turned on at a moment like this. But she couldn’t fight the growing arousal from the feeling of Kara’s caressing hands on her, their warm bodies pressed together, Kara’s gentle voice close to her ear, her ass grinding into Kara’s lap…

‘Why did you do it?’ demanded a tearful Batgirl, ‘Why did you jump in here with me? You’re still weak from the kryptonite. You’ll drown…’

‘Shhhhh…’ whispered Kara caringly, hugging Barbara from behind, ‘Im going to save us. We just need to stay calm.’ Quicksand hungrily squelched around their hips as the girls continued to sink into the sloppy sand trap.

Kara’s compassion was sending Barbara’s libido over the edge. She was sure she’d orgasm with one more soft whisper or tender caress from the sizzling Supergirl. ‘Breath with me,’ Kara requested with a calming, quiet whisper. Barbara bit her lip and stifled a climax at the feeling of Kara’s warm lips on her earlobe, her plush breasts against her back.

Grotesque gas bubbles suddenly spewed from the bellowing bog as the sinking superheroines plunged dramatically down to their shoulders in the perilous pit. ‘UHN! KARA!’ cried Barbara, squirming as awful swamp sludge poured in around the descending damsels.

Kara knew they had only a precious few moments left before the quicksand swallowed them completely. Closing her eyes, she concentrated and mustered all of her strength. The menacing morass gurgled and churned again, slurping the imperiled pair quickly down to their chins in the sucking swamp. Barbara whimpered desperately, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks.

Supergirl seemed to vibrate as a rush of adrenaline surged through her veins, activating a resolve deep within her. Slowly, the beautiful Kryptonian began to defy the deadly grasp of the quicksand, rising up from the devious depths. Kara held onto Barbara tightly as she labored to pull the two of them up and away from the swamp’s gruesome grip. Gobs of sandy muck dripped off their bodies as they rose above the diabolical death trap, and then the jungle canopy. Supergirl was flying again, carrying an overstimulated Batgirl, still reeling from the fear toxin and holding on to her rescuer steadfastly…

Cradling a sandy, subdued superheroine in her arms, Supergirl landed graciously on Barbara Gordon’s Gotham City apartment balcony. The helpful hero delicately set Batgirl down on a patio chair before entering her flat, running a hot shower and fetching a tall cooler of ice water. Kara held Barbara’s head and helped her sip the cold drink. She benignly lifted the exhausted Batgirl up and hovered down the hall to the steam filled bathroom.

Kara kindly removed Barbara’s soiled boots, and thoughtfully ran her hands along her legs to wipe off clumps of caked-on quicksand. She gently peeled off Barbara’s mud stained, spandex leotard and dropped it onto the bathroom tiles. Kara cordially opened the fogged glass door of the large, walk-in shower stall. ‘I’ll be right out here if you need me,’ offered Kara, helping Barbara into the piping hot shower, ‘I’m just right here.’

Barbara turned around and gazed adoringly into Kara’s eyes. She lovingly took her savior’s hands in her own and backed into the shower fog, pulling the hesitant Supergirl in with her. ‘I need you,’ Barbara yearned, as she closed the stall door and threw her arms around Kara. The embracing girls disappeared in the steam of the scorching shower. More muddy boots and tights fell to the tiled floor as murky water swirled around the drain…
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:33 pm

I don’t usually mess around with other girls, but once in a while a redhead comes along…


The Batcycle zipped through the evening Gotham City freeway traffic at breakneck speed. The insanely fast, low-riding motor bike and its rider zigged and zagged around speeding cars and trucks as if they were gates on a slalom course.

The rider was a stunningly beautiful young girl with fiery red locks, clad in a sleek, unapologetically skin-tight, black bodysuit and shiny knee-high boots. A black eye mask partially concealed her lovely face. Two pointy antennae protruded like bat ears from a headband attached to her mask under her windswept hair. Flashy golden gauntlets and a hip-hugging utility belt accented her scorching hot outfit. The bold, golden yellow bat insignia spanning her chest spoke volumes without a word being uttered.

Pure adrenaline fueled Barbara Gordon as she zoomed out of Gotham, eyeing a tracking device with a locator pin blinking on its screen. The rush of the pursuit and the speed of her motorcycle were making her dizzy with exhilaration. The feeling of her drop-dead gorgeous legs straddling the powerful road rocket as it purred pleasurably between her thighs added to her excitement. Chasing dangerous criminals as “Batgirl” made Barbara feel incredibly confident and super sexy. She liked to think of herself as being “totally bat-ass.”

‘Slaughter Swamp,’ frowned Batgirl. The blinking beacon on her screen had stopped moving, and according to the GPS was somewhere deep in the treacherous marshlands on the outskirts of the city.

The tracking beacon had been affixed to a large duffle bag filled to the brim with donation dollars for the children’s ward at Gotham General Hospital. Barbara knew that even large piles of charity cash weren’t off limits to scumbags around town, so she had snuck an E-fob in with the loose bills after a downtown fundraising event. An unknown scumbag had since lifted the loot, and took the bait.

Batgirl rolled her bike to a stop near an abandoned ice cream truck about a kilometer shy of the beacon pin at the dead end of a dirt road in the moonlit swamp. ‘Cute,’ she snickered at the thief’s mode of transportation.

‘Looks like I’m hiking from here,’ assessed Barbara, scowling at the mushy mud under her high heeled kicks, ‘This is already grossing me out.’

Gingerly slinking through the swamp brush, Batgirl silently crept into a sandy clearing where her GPS tracker had lead her. ‘Anybody home?’ joked Barbara, as she looked around puzzled at the vacant open space. No tracking beacon, no duffle bag, no scumbag. ‘I don’t get it,’ she pondered, looking at the blip on her screen and then down at the soily sand, ‘the fob should be right here. I should be standing on top of…’

The sneaking superheroine was suddenly silenced by a sticky sensation. Barbara was finding it increasingly difficult to lift her boots. A surprised gasp slipped from her lips as she looked down at her slowly sinking legs. ‘Quicksand!!’ she cried, as the gritty ground beneath her turned to pudding. Batgirl realized that she had been lured into a trap… a sinister, slurping sand trap; an agonizingly slow descent to her doom in the depths of a bottomless bog.

Barbara moaned in a fit of panic induced resistance as the unsteady, soupy silt sucked her struggling legs deeper. She ceased her futile flailing upon the discovery that her thrashing was only causing her to sink faster.

‘UHN! This is so horrible!’ lamented Barbara, shuddering at the icky feeling of slimy sand crawling up the silky, sheer pantyhose on her shapely thighs. ‘What am I going to do? Think Barbara… THINK!’ The trapped heroine tried to stay calm and concentrate on her escape plan as the thick, hungry quicksand continued relentlessly to swallow her helpless body.

‘How am I supposed to get out of this when all I brought were good looks and… gadgets! Of course!’ exclaimed Batgirl, preparing a mini grappling hook in her gauntlet. Aiming at a sturdy looking tree branch next to the pit, the stuck superheroine fired the hook and cable assembly toward the limb… and missed.

‘Oh crap,’ cussed Barbara, as the menacing morass poured in around her sinking hips. Frantically she fumbled with the stubborn winding mechanism to reset the hook. ‘C’mon… C’MON!’ she pleaded with the wrist gadget as the belching bog gulped down another mouthful of her captured body.

Wet sand began to soak through her tights as she once again aimed the hook at the tree and fired… Another miss. ‘Oh No!’ Barbara whimpered as the sucking soil burped unpleasantly and slurped her down to her chest. Her heart was beating rapidly as she rewound the cable yet again.

The painfully slow winding tech suddenly stopped. There was a jam somewhere in the spooling cable and Batgirl’s anxiety began to redline. ‘Please, please, PLEASE!!’ begged Barbara, toggling the mechanism as the quaking quagmire gurgled and gobbled down her breasts.

‘Ugh! I can’t stop sinking!’ pouted the imperiled Batgirl, beginning to doubt that she could escape the devouring death trap that was ceaselessly consuming her. She whimpered as sandy muck oozed over her shoulders and began to crawl up her neck.

‘BZZZZZZ..CLICK’ hummed the gauntlet’s hook gun, as the cable jam let go and the mechanism reset. An overjoyed Batgirl sighed with relief as she once again took aim at the tree branch. The quicksand was mere moments away from totally enveloping her. Barbara knew this would be her last chance to escape the gluttonous goo before it gulped her completely under. She closed her eyes and… paused.

Batgirl thought of something before reaching way down into her belt under the quicksand, painstakingly maneuvering her arm in the thick sand to retrieve a small metal disc. Swamp sludge was oozing over her face as she attached the disc to the hook and took aim. She fired at the tree limb, striking it and causing the disc to activate a spring loaded net, which wrapped itself around the branch and the barbs of the hook. Batgirl carefully wound the slack out of the cable and pulled it taut, as her nose touched the surface of the bog.

The hook held firmly onto the mesh that wrapped around the branch and supported Batgirl’s weight, keeping her from sinking completely under and drowning in the greedy goop. Very slowly and very carefully, she began to pull her sand soaked body from the perilous pit. Reaching the solid edge of the awful bog, she took a moment to rest and catch her breath.

With only a few seconds left, Batgirl had rescued herself from certain death by quicksand. Oddly enough, her thrilling near death experience excited her; she found the battle against the sand bog’s gooey grip on her vulnerable body to be surprisingly arousing. Danger, in any capacity seemed to turn her on; haphazardly hauling ass on a crazy fast motorcycle on a busy highway to hell; being devoured by a deleterious death pit with little or no chance of escape; this evening’s peril was deliciously elating. With her chest still heaving, the sexy superheroine licked her lips, massaged her breasts, slipped a hand down between her legs and whispered provocatively,
‘Totally bat-ass…’
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby sixgunzloaded » Thu Sep 21, 2023 5:32 pm

Oh wow... Batgirl is giving Supergirl a serious run for her money in the hotness department in this latest one! :o :shock: :twisted: :D
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sun Sep 24, 2023 1:39 pm

sixgunzloaded wrote:Oh wow... Batgirl is giving Supergirl a serious run for her money in the hotness department in this latest one! :o :shock: :twisted: :D

Most definitely! I’m happy with how this one turned out. I didn’t need to airbrush out any extra fingers or fucked up teeth. I’m equally pleased with the story.
I’m going to do a few more Batgirl ones. Getting AI to cooperate will be adventurous; I find it has a hard time with masks and cowls.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:07 pm

Trying out some new filters with a feline femme. I got carried away with the length of the story again. I can’t help myself.


‘There you are,’ spied Catwoman, identifying the coveted piece of jewelery through the twilit swamp trees.

A gnarly gang of backcountry brutes had taken up amateur thievery, and had surprisingly relieved a wealthy Gotham City couple of their collection of precious gems. What they didn’t know was that the pair of elites they had just robbed were criminals themselves, and had in their possession a stolen diamond necklace valued in dollars at tens of millions. The prized piece was lifted during the infamous “Antwerp Diamond Heist” decades before, and naturally found its way to Gotham, one of the most corrupt cities on earth.

Decked out in a sexy, sleek, black bodysuit with sensory enhancing tech including night vision eyewear and cat-eared headband antennae, Selina Kyle’s alter ego, Catwoman clearly regarded the sparkling diamonds at a safe distance from the treasure hunters’ Slaughter Swamp hideout. The thugs were carelessly admiring their loot out in the open, laughing and bragging loudly about their pillage. Selina licked her lips as the sparkle from the shiny gemstones affixed to the necklace flirted with her eyes, even from dozens of meters away.

‘Who tipped you guys off? Who’s been propping you?’ she wondered in a whisper, curious about how this unprofessional lot had managed to pull off such a high profile job.

The sound of a Glock 19’s hammer cocking froze Selina to the spot. ‘It was all me, kitten,’ admitted Sugar Daddy, aiming his pistol at the crouched kitty, ‘Nice and easy, princess. Hands way up.’ Two more stealthy swamp prowlers flanked the gun-toting crime boss. ‘Put her to sleep and take her to see Chef,’ instructed Sugar Daddy, as one of the men produced a rag and bottle of presumably ether. The second thug removed the Selina’s bull whip while the first doused the soiled fabric and applied it to the captured Catwoman’s face. After a brief struggle Selena’s eye lids fluttered, and she dropped into an involuntary cat-nap…

Selina slowly awoke to the sound of a creaky cabin door opening. She glanced down at the table she had been fastened to; she was bent over and spread-eagle; gagged with awful tasting linen; handcuffs locked her arms to table legs in separate corners; her ankles were each tied tightly to the other table legs underneath the large wooden, alter-like table top. A giant, hideous man in a white apron approached the confined Catwoman in the dimly lit room, holding a bucket and sneering. ‘Well, well. Hello, sexy kitty cat,’ he spewed, eyeing up the vulnerable girl’s exposed rear end. The monstrous man Selina assumed was “Chef” helped himself to a handful of cat ass as he dropped the bucket labeled ‘LARD’ on the table.

Selina gasped through her gag cloth as gigantic hands aggressively groped her legs and slapped her ass; wandering fat fingers poked and prodded around pervily under her tights. She could feel an enormous erection pressing against the inside of her thighs, hard as a rock and throbbing disturbingly against her soft legs. Chef spat a gnarled toothpick onto the floor, produced his colossal penis, dipped his predatory paw in the lard and applied a double dollop of cooking fat to his menacing member. ‘Mmmm..There you go sweetheart, Chef’s all nice and slippery for ya,’ assured the creepy cook, stroking himself thoroughly with one hand, while the other squeezed Selina’s supple buttocks, ‘But I won’t lie, baby girl; it’s still gonna hurt.’ Selina whimpered helplessly at the sight of her captor’s unsettlingly massive organ. She hopelessly deduced that there was no way that thing was going to fit inside her without inflicting intolerable pain and suffering, perhaps even a fatal internal injury.

Catwoman’s super sharp and dexterous, retractable index finger claw had been easily picking one of the handcuff locks with surgical precision. She anxiously freed her left arm just as Chef’s slimy snake had begun to slither between her cheeks. Selina delivered a lightning fast swipe to Chef’s face, before quickly jimmying free her other handcuffed arm. Blood poured down Chefs brow into his eyes from his deeply lacerated forehead as he stumbled back, shocked at his victim’s speed and skill. Once her hands were both free, Catwoman made quick work of the ropes holding her slender legs to the table.

As Chef regained his resolve he lumbered angrily toward the fearsome feline, his huge erection charging like a greasy rhino horn at Selina. The acrobatic cat merely leapt backward over the table, knocking it down in front of the attacking ogre. The oversized oaf tripped over the fallen furniture and awkwardly face-planted the filthy floor, instantly knocking himself out into a snoring slumber.

‘Sweet dreams, sleaze bag,’ offered Selina as she ripped off her gag and slinked out of the cabin through the room’s only window…

‘Bastard,’ cussed the crouched, crimson faced kitty as she surveyed the contents of the loot bag near the hideout; no necklace.

Not long before, Sugar Daddy had left the hideout compound with the diamond necklet, leaving only nickel and dime, nonsense broaches and bracelets for the goofy goon squad in the swamp.

After escaping deadly date night with Chef, Catwoman had scurried through the compound of cabins in search of the ultra valuable diamonds. The stunned henchmen could only stand and watch as the cocky kitten had nervily sauntered over and snatched the velvet pouch of gems from the half-wit horde of hooligans on her high heeled, hasty departure from the hideout. The grumbling group has since rebounded, and were in pissed-off pursuit mode.

Catwoman saw the early evening flashlight flickers and heard the angry rumbles of the malicious mob approaching, prompting her to continue fleeing. She tucked the jewel bag under a rotten tree stump for a future extraction and stood up to run. Even in her high heeled boots, there was no way those hillbillies could catch her in a foot race, even through treacherous swamp, Selina thought. That assumption was voided the moment she felt her legs plop down into the ghastly goop.

A gasp escaped her lips as Catwoman looked down at the saturated sand swallowing her boots. She had carelessly raced into the sticky grip of a bottomless quagmire. Thick, gooey quicksand devoured her sexy, stocking covered legs as she struggled uselessly. ‘Be still, Selina,’ she warned herself, trying to calm down as she slowly sank deeper in the sinister sand pit.

Bubbling bog ceaselessly sucked the captured kitty’s body into its filthy fathoms as one of the marsh mobsters clad in a legit army jacket reached the edge of the pit. ‘Hey Doug, she’s over here,’ he yelled, as another man approached. ‘She gone and runned right into the quicksand,’ he surmised, disappointingly, ‘She’s a goner now.’

‘Well, fuck,’ the other man huffed, ogling Catwoman’s tight fitting suit and bare behind breaching the bog, ‘She ain’t got the loot and the quicksand ain’t gonna leave us sloppy seconds. Might as well head back.’ Cursing and swearing, Doug meandered off into the swamp to round up the rest of the hunting party.

Selina moaned as the silty muck devoured her ass and crawled up her torso, bubbling and belching hungrily as it gulped her deeper and deeper. She pushed down trying to keep from sinking but the mire welcomed her plunging arms into its sucking embrace.

The lone, brooding gangster was still watching the sinking Selina, her trusty bull whip was dangling from his belt opposite a holstered sidearm. The embroidered name of ‘TEALE’ was patched to the right breast of his military-issue coat.

‘Hey mister,’ Selina piped up from the perilous pit, trying to look pouty and pretty, ‘I know you’re gonna let me drown in this goo, but can a dying girl have one last request?’ Teale remained silent, put his hands on his hips and sighed impatiently. ‘I’ll tell you where the jewels are if you give me my whip,’ proposed the imperiled pussy cat, now up to her breasts in slurping sand.

‘Bullshit,’ retorted Teale, ‘you’ll fuck me over.’

‘Please,’ begged Selina, as the sticky sand trap sucked her a little deeper, ‘I just want to go out with the honor of holding my weapon.’ Selina bit her lip nervously as her sensual, spandex covered breasts disappeared under the hungry quicksand. Catwoman decided to take a huge gamble; ‘Look, soldier,’ she offered, ‘your loot is under that stump over there between those twin willows.’ Almost completely consumed by the malevolent mud, Selina had to take a risk. If that guy truly was ex-military, he’d hopefully respect her pledge of an honorable death. She crossed her fingers under the muck.

Eying Catwoman suspiciously, the trooper sidestepped over to the stump, and retrieved the stashed sack. He examined the contents, smiled and stood silently watching the bog ooze slowly over the trapped girl’s shoulders. The ex-serviceman also fancied himself a gamble; Teale was all in on a bet that he could make off with the jewels and the whip, plus get rid of this costumed cat-bitch after she performed a premium salute to his sacrifices; ‘I know you’re going to pull yourself out of there if I give you back your whip,’ revealed the confident criminal, unholstering his shiny, six shot revolver, ‘So I’m changing the rules.’ The ex-soldier aimed the long barrel of his 357 Magnum at Selina as he tossed the bull whip into the muck beside her. ‘Get your fine ass outta that mush n’ c’mon over her and thank me for my service,’ Teale demanded, unzipping his pants…

‘There you are,’ spied Catwoman, watching Sugar Daddy’s over-the-top, cliche, getaway ice cream truck enter a parkade under a downtown Gotham apartment complex. The cunning cat burglar perched precariously on the roof ledge opposite the crime lord’s safe house high rise. An oversized desert camouflage army jacket concealed Selina’s whip, and her dirty, damp, sand soaked leotard. A velvet bag of mediocre stolen jewelry was tucked away in one of the jacket’s deep pockets. Swamp grit clung uncomfortably to her skin under her tattered stockings and boots. With greedy intent and a score to settle, the agile Catwoman leapt down the building’s fire escape, disappearing into the darkness of the narrow alley below…
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Last edited by Jinn on Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby sixgunzloaded » Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:55 pm

Jinn wrote:charging like a greasy rhino horn

omg... I just can't... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: The image in my head...
Please don't ever stop your stories!
By the way, nice pic too! :lol: :lol: :D
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:23 pm

sixgunzloaded wrote:
Jinn wrote:charging like a greasy rhino horn

omg... I just can't... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: The image in my head...
Please don't ever stop your stories!

Size matters.

sixgunzloaded wrote:By the way, nice pic too! :lol: :lol: :D

Thanks! I wish I had more time to post stuff. Sexy.ai has been upping their game just as my life is getting busier. I’ve got a pile of stuff on the way, I just need to find a moment to get it done. Glad you liked the pic and story!

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