Quicky Sanders AI Collection

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:37 am

Tunnel Vision
Tunnel Vision.jpg

Quyen Sanders' flashlight danced with the shadows, turning the tunnel's damp walls into an eerie spectacle. The muffled sound of dripping water echoed, almost rhythmic, as if the ancient stone passageway was whispering secrets of the forgotten past. Quyen, with her sharp brown eyes behind the glint of her rectangular glasses, was used to chasing shadows for the truth. But this was different; this was the kind of story that didn't just lead the evening news, it haunted the sleepless nights of those who heard it.

The tip about illegal activities conducted in the underbelly of the city had led her here. She moved cautiously, her red shirt a stark contrast to the greying stones, the fabric slightly unbuttoned in the humidity of the subterranean world. Her footsteps, careful and measured, were the only sign of life in this forsaken place. Quyen could feel the weight of the earth above her, a silent pressure that promised no mercy should the old tunnel give way.

A sudden shift under her feet sent her heart racing. The ground, which had seemed so solid, betrayed her with a soft, almost imperceptible squelch. Quyen paused, a small frown forming as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. The ground responded with a sluggish tug. She tried to lift her foot, but the effort was met with resistance. Looking down, her light revealed a sight that sent a chill through her spine — the stone floor was giving way to a thick, dark sludge that clung to her like a desperate shadow.

Panic clawed at her chest as she realized she was standing in quicksand, its grip tightening with every breath she took. This was no ordinary mud; it was like wet cement, heavy and relentless. Her journalistic instincts screamed for her to document this, to capture the slow and terrifying beauty of the trap nature had laid for the unwary, but survival instinct urged her to fight.

Quyen's struggle was silent, her breaths short and quick as she tried to pull her legs free. The mud seemed to pulse around her, each movement sinking her deeper into its cold embrace. She twisted and turned, her muscles burning with effort, the mud rising inch by terrifying inch. It was then, in her peripheral vision, she noticed it — a slow, but steady stream of the same dark sludge pouring in through a small opening in the wall.

Her mind raced with the realization that this wasn't just an environmental hazard; someone had engineered this trap. But why? And for whom?
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Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Sun Nov 05, 2023 12:33 pm

Missed Call
Missed Call.jpg

Quyen Sanders had always been attracted to the whispers of the untold story, the kind that lingered in the shadows of the unexplored or the forgotten. But as she stood at the edge of the forest, a foreboding canopy of ancient trees stretching before her, she could not shake the coil of dread tightening in her gut. This was not just another assignment, and the sinking feeling in her stomach was an omen she could not ignore.

The forest was still, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and distant bird calls, as if the very air were holding its breath. Quyen's eyes, a rich brown mirroring the earthy floor, scanned the area, her reporter's instincts on high alert. She brushed her shoulder-length hair behind her ear, adjusted her black-framed glasses, and moved cautiously forward, her boots sinking slightly with each step into the forest's soft belly.

Her story - a series of mysterious disappearances linked to this very forest - had led her here, where the whispers spoke of a danger unseen. Quyen's red shirt, vibrant against the greenery, caught on a stray branch, tearing with a sound that seemed too loud in the silence. She paused, listening, but only the forest's breath answered back.

As she continued, her mind pieced together the fragments of her investigation, but her thoughts were violently interrupted when the ground beneath her gave way. With a gasp that tore through the quiet, Quyen found herself flailing, the earth swallowing her into its murky depths. Quicksand.

Panic clawed at her chest as she struggled, the sand-like grip pulling her down further. She reached desperately for her handbag, the leather caught in the quicksand's embrace, her fingers grazing the strap. But it was her cellphone, her lifeline, that her eyes sought – it lay a cruel few inches from her outstretched hand, partially submerged, the screen flickering with the ghost of a signal.

Every frantic attempt to grasp it only served to draw her deeper into the forest's clutches. The quicksand was like a relentless beast, unforgiving, and with each movement, Quyen sank further, her red shirt now a flag of distress in the engulfing brown.

Her breaths came in short gasps, her mind racing. This was not how her story was supposed to end. She had always been the narrator, not a character fated to a grim and untold finale. Quyen's resolve hardened; this would not be her last chapter.

But the forest watched in silence, indifferent to the human struggle. As the quicksand crept up to Quyen's shoulders, the world seemed to still, her fate hanging in the balance. The final flicker of her cellphone screen caught her eye, a beacon of hope drowning in the darkness
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Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:10 am

On The Line
On the Line.png

Quyen Sanders had always had a knack for finding herself in precarious situations, but this time, the stakes were as murky as the ground beneath her feet. She was in the depths of an old forest, with only the faint whispers of wildlife accompanying her. The smell of earth and decay filled the air. The ground, which looked solid enough, had betrayed her with a suddenness that left her heart racing.

As Quyen stepped forward, the ground gave way beneath her, and she felt a cold, wet grip pulling her down. Quyen's breath hitched in her throat as she realized she was sinking into quicksand. Her mind raced; she knew panic would only hasten her descent. She tried to recall the survival tips she had once read—don't struggle, try to lean back—but the quicksand was like a living entity, pulling her in inch by inch.

"Calm, Quyen, calm," she murmured to herself, reaching for her cellphone in her jacket pocket. Her fingers, slick with the cold sweat of fear, fumbled as they dialed the familiar number. It rang, and she almost sobbed with relief when she heard the click of an answer.

"Vicky! Thank God! Listen, I'm in a bit of a situation here," Quyen said, trying to keep her voice steady as the mud rose to her chest, its weight pressing against her like a physical barrier to her freedom.

"What’s wrong? Where are you?" Vicky Marsh's voice was laced with immediate concern. There was a shuffle of movement, a soft curse, and then Vicky’s breathless voice again, "Quyen, I'm stuck too. I was following a lead, and—"

"You're what?!" Quyen's voice rose in disbelief and fear for her assistant. The forest seemed to close in around her, the trees now silent witnesses to their plight.

"I'm in quicksand, Quyen. It's got me up to my waist, and I—"

The irony of the situation was not lost on Quyen. Here they were, both caught in the same trap, miles apart. Quyen tried to muster a laugh, but it came out as a choked gasp. She could feel the quicksand creeping up, a slow, relentless predator.

"Vicky, listen. We're going to get out of this," Quyen said with a conviction she was far from feeling. "Try to distribute your weight, don't move too much. I'm going to—"

She stopped midsentence, her arm sinking as she shifted, the phone slipping from her grasp. A silent curse passed her lips as the device sank beneath the muddy surface, cutting off her only lifeline.
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Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:56 am

Jungle Heat
Jungle Heat 1.jpg

The sweltering heat of the Indonesian jungle was a pressing force, but it did little to dampen the determination that burned in Quyen Sanders' core. As she stepped out from the artificial coolness of her hotel, her red blouse seemed almost defiant against the lush green canvas of the jungle—a signal flare announcing her presence. It was a calculated choice, embodying the boldness required for her current assignment: to uncover the arteries of a smuggling operation that had seamlessly woven itself into the local tapestry. It wasn't just about the illicit goods that vanished into the undergrowth; it was the lives twisted and broken in the process, stories she was determined to bring to light. The jungle swallowed her whole, its canopy a cathedral under which countless sins had been committed.

As she navigated the treacherous terrain, each step took her closer to the heart of darkness that pumped contraband through hidden veins. She was the embodiment of the stories she chased—complex, layered, and unyielding. The earth beneath her feet was a manuscript, and every leaf and stone held the potential of whispers, clues to be uncovered.

Unseen, a figure watched from the underbrush, his gaze predatory as it tracked Quyen's movements. From his perspective, she was a fascinating contradiction—her professional attire incongruous in the wild setting, yet it was her very out-of-placeness that made her a beacon. He noted the strain against her blouse as she moved, the skirt clinging to her with the jungle's embrace, and the dampness that made her skin glisten under the oppressive heat. His eyes were drawn to the opening of her blouse, feasting on the swell of her breasts the peeked through, their subtle sway as she walked the worn paths. A curious creature, unafraid of danger. Too familiar, perhaps.

He observed the purpose in her stride, the intensity in her eyes behind the glasses that seemed to see through the jungle's deceit. In his mind, he began to orchestrate her capture, visualizing the triumph of ensnaring such a formidable prey. The reward for her would be significant—a promotion within the ranks, perhaps, or a handsome payout. He came prepared. His bag contained the ropes he normally brought to work, but today they would serve another purpose.
Jungle Heat 2.jpg

Consciousness returned to Quyen Sanders in fragments, the muffled world coming into focus as her senses reengaged one by one. The air was thick, laden with the scent of damp wood and the tang of her own fear. She tried to move, to lift her hand to her throbbing head, but a biting restraint greeted her effort. Panic fluttered in her chest as she realized she was bound, her wrists chafed by the coarse bite of rope. The humid air brushed against her exposed chest. She glanced down to see that her blouse had been ripped open, exposing her ample breasts. Her captor had certainly been meticulous in searching her.

Pushing the thought out of her mind, she examined her surroundings with the keen eye of a journalist. The shed was small, the walls closing in, made of planks that whispered secrets of the jungle through their crevices. Memory seeped back into her, images flashing: the laborer with his disarming smile, his plea for help, and then the startling press of a cloth against her mouth, soaked with an acrid chemical that dragged her into darkness.

Quyen took stock of her situation, her journalistic objectivity a lifeline in the swell of panic. She observed the shed: a single, grimy window let in slivers of light, the door was heavy, reinforced. They hadn’t gagged her—a mistake on their part—and she surmised it was because they believed the shed, in the heart of their operation, was secure enough. They underestimated her.

The ropes were tight, but with each twist and turn, she tested their give, searching for any slack. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she noticed the shed's interior—tools, gardening equipment, containers of various sizes—each item cataloged for its potential use in her escape. She needed to be patient, wait for the right moment. Someone would come, and when they did, Quyen Sanders would be ready.
Jungle Heat 3.jpg

In the dim light of the shed, Quyen Sanders’ fingers worked quickly and quietly, picking apart the knots that bound her. There was no triumphant snap of rope giving way; instead, the binds loosened silently, and she was able to slip her wrists free with a quiet sigh of relief.

Cautiously, she stepped toward the door, her movements restrained to avoid any telltale creak of the wooden floorboards. She eased the door open, just enough to slip through, and found herself on the edge of the smugglers' camp.

Her eyes darted around, taking in the early morning routines of the camp’s inhabitants, none yet noticing the anomaly in their midst. She kept close to the shadows, moving with a hushed urgency. Quyen’s blouse, still crisp despite her ordeal, brushed against the rough wood of the shanties as she squeezed past. The sound of ripping fabric filled her ears as the sleeve tore, but she couldn’t afford a pause.

She continued her silent sprint, the camp gradually waking around her. A taut line of laundry snagged her blouse once more, and she heard the rending of cloth as a significant tear opened along the front, leaving her exposed to the cool morning air. Her skirt caught on a protruding nail, and with no time to untangle it, she pulled away with force, leaving a piece of the fabric behind.

Now, with her clothing in tatters and her cover at risk of being blown at any moment, Quyen quickened her pace. She darted between the gaps in the huts, her bare feet agile on the damp earth. A shout went up from behind her; her absence had been discovered. Heart pounding, she broke into a run, the camp dissolving into the dense foliage of the jungle as she made her escape.

After some time, she stopped for a breath. She examined herself, fortunately free of injury, though her clothes were in tatters. Worse, she was alone in the middle of the hostile jungle, with no idea where she was.
Jungle Heat 4.jpg

The jungle was unforgiving, a maze of green that Quyen had been navigating for hours. Her clothing bore the brunt of her passage, the once pristine red blouse now a canvas of rips and dirt. A particularly cruel branch had claimed the back of her blouse as she had pushed through a dense thicket, leaving a gaping tear that exposed much of her skin to the elements. She had felt the fabric give way, heard the sound of it splitting, a stark reminder of her vulnerability in this environment.

Her skirt, too, had suffered. When crossing a fallen tree bridged over a narrow ravine, the fabric had snagged on a splintered limb. Despite her careful movements, the skirt had torn with a harsh sound, revealing a significant portion of her backside. The tear was not just a blow to her modesty, but also a practical concern; the jungle was no place for exposed skin.

Quyen's focus wavered between her need to press on and the awareness of her increasingly exposed state. She felt the sting of the jungle's gaze on her bare skin, the scratches from unseen hands of foliage that seemed almost sentient. With each snag, each new tear in her attire, she left behind fragments of herself, a trail of bright red threads and scraps that marred the earthy floor.

The realization that she was leaving a trail added a new layer of urgency to her trek. She couldn't afford to be so easy to track, not with the possibility of her captors on her trail. With every step, she felt the weight of eyes on her, whether real or imagined, and it drove her to move with more caution.
Jungle Heat 5.jpg

Her trek through the jungle continued to be a difficult one. Already struggling with her damaged clothing, Quyen had to be watchful of branches and grasses that pulled at the remnants of her shirt and skirt. But her fixation on what was in front of her distracted her from the threat below.

Without warning, she slipped and fell forward. Moments later, she landed with a loud splat, her ample chest buried in thick, brown oozing mud.

"Great," she thought to herself, if being barely dressed wasn't already a problem.

Then, as she tried to get up, she felt the mud shift. Her legs slipped into the warm mud as it eagerly swallowed her thighs. She felt a subtle pull as the mud began to sag under her weight...
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Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:58 am

Jungle Heat 6.jpg

Desperately fighting against the sucking mud, Quyen managed to position herself upright, only to sink past her waist. She had little time to act before the quicksand prevented any attempt at escape. Removing what was left of her shirt, she tried to snag a nearby root. The torn material did little to snag a lifeline, and the slightest pressure caused it to tear apart. Quyen was left to flounder in the encroaching mud, now pushing against her bare breasts. Between her captors and the quicksand, she had to make a choice. She screamed.
Jungle Heat 7.jpg

Quyen's efforts at staying still are not working. Slowly, the quicksand swallows her ample breasts, leaving her shoulder-deep in the relentless quicksand. Is there anyone who can help her?
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Duncan Edwards
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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Duncan Edwards » Fri Dec 08, 2023 9:03 pm

Viridian wrote:...the relentless quicksand. Is there anyone who can help her?

I'm rooting for the quicksand here. :mrgreen:
It's a dirty job but I got to do it for over 20 years. Thank you.

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby cerberus » Fri Dec 08, 2023 11:18 pm

Poor Quicky, she seems to end up like this a lot. It's almost as though she enjoys it. Mind you, she must be getting good at escaping, she is always available for new perils and adventures.

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Thu Dec 28, 2023 1:36 pm

Snowed In
Our intrepid and peril-ridden reporter has been absent as of late. Turns out, she's been buried in a case during the Christmas break...
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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby Viridian » Tue Jan 09, 2024 1:44 am

Out Cold
Out Cold.jpg

Suddenly, there was movement—a shadow darting between the trees. Quyen's instincts kicked in. She lunged forward, her heels digging into the soft forest floor, leaving imprints as the only evidence of her passage. The chase was brief but intense, a game of cat and mouse between the seasoned reporter and the elusive criminal.

But in an unexpected twist, the hunter became the hunted. A figure emerged from the shadows, a blur of aggression and malice. Quyen, taken by surprise, barely had time to react. They clashed, a scuffle of desperation and survival. Her assailant, his intentions as dark as the forest that enveloped them, struck with a ferocity that belied his desperation.

The blow was sudden, disorienting. Quyen felt a sharp pain, a burst of stars in her vision, and then the ground rushed up to meet her. She hit the forest floor with a thud, her world spinning, her senses scrambled. Her glasses had been knocked away, lost amidst the undergrowth.

As the criminal disappeared into the forest, Quyen lay there, dazed, the sounds of the forest oddly muffled, as if she were underwater. She tried to gather her thoughts, to push past the fog that clouded her mind, but it was like trying to grasp at smoke. Her blouse was ripped open, exposing her ample cleavage, a vulnerability she despised being reduced to.

Slowly, painfully, Quyen began to regain her senses. She tried to move, to get up, but found her movements sluggish, resisted. A chilling realisation dawned on her—she wasn't just lying on the forest floor; she was sinking into it.

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Re: Quicky Sanders AI Collection

Postby cerberus » Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:28 pm

Viridian wrote:... exposing her ample cleavage, a vulnerability she despised being reduced to.

She's going to be even more upset when she checks her skirt! Nice scene, hope she gets out alright.

Somehow I seem to have overlooked the Snow scene, that was cool, nasty place to get frostbite though.

Johnny Dowd: Be content with your life. It may not get any better!

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