Jinn’s AI Swamp

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:00 pm

This is precisely the kind of Amazon package I want delivered to my doorstep…


‘You don’t have to do this Waylon,’ reasoned Diana, trying to keep the reptilian raider from continuing on his warpath. Wonder Woman was blocking the marshy trail that lead to the quaint, British Columbia interior resort town of Golden, from the large, looming lizard-like figure of Waylon Jones, aka. Killer Croc.

‘Out of my way, wonder witch!’ hissed Waylon, bearing down aggressively on the brave Amazon warrior wasting his time, ‘This is between me and that backstabbing boss-maggot!’

Killer Croc had a serious bone to pick with criminal kingpin BossMan. Given the opportunity, he’d prefer to literally pick that bone from BossMan’s crumpled corpse.

The crime enterprise known as the Boss Crew had hired Waylon for a job relieving a wealthy entrepreneur’s sunken yacht of its lucrative safe contents. Killer Croc was stealthy and insanely powerful, and a proficient swimmer. He was the perfect man… er… “lizard” for the heist.

When the job went south, an entire navy patrol and a pair of SEAL teams had to move in to take down the scaly salvager near the wreck in the sunny Florida Keys. BossMan, as it turned out was the owner of the yacht. After his would-be insurance scam was foiled by curious coast guards he threw Killer Croc under the blame bus, and denied involvement.

Waylon went away for a subsequent vacation at Arkham Asylum in Gotham City, New Jersey, the only facility in the nation equipped to host the huge, hostile henchman.

Renewed and resolute after a granted early release from Arkham for “good behavior” and exhibiting “promising signs of reform”, Waylon was on his way to show BossMan why the Croc was “Killer”.

Meanwhile the crime boss and a platoon of his elite armed droogs were laying low in their true north cottage compound, oblivious to the approaching onslaught.

Determined to stop the blood bath from ensuing in the peaceful Canadian tourist town, the super strong and stunning Wonder Woman put herself in harm’s way. The “harm” was already pissed off, and about to angrily bash the blockading beauty.

‘Waylon stop!’ commanded Wonder Woman, as Killer Croc began his charge, ‘This isn’t the way!’

‘It IS the way honey, and you’re IN it!’ snarled Waylon as he lunged at the gorgeous guardian. Diana foresaw his attack plan and dropped to her knees. As the leaping lizard-man flew overhead Wonder Woman laid a boot to his jaw, sending the gargantuan goon tumbling into the tall grass.

The rattled reptilian shook his head and resiliently returned to his feet, lining up for another charge. Diana was already counter attacking before her opponent could fully rally. As she launched a flying kick at her foe, Killer Croc grabbed her ankle in mid air and swung her down, crashing her violently into the wet marsh reeds.

The crazed Croc pounced on the wobbly Wonder Woman, pinning her arms and legs down in the soft swampy soil. ‘Heroines like you save a lot of good people from creeps like me and BossMan,’ started the bitter sounding bad guy, ‘But who saves a villain? Who the hell thinks bad people are worth saving? You?’

‘Everyone is worth saving,’ replied the arrested Amazon, ‘You’re better than this!’

‘BULLSHIT!!’ roared Killer Croc, as he picked up Wonder Woman and thrust her defeated body back down into the marsh, knocking her unconscious…

When Wonder Woman awoke she was alone. The dizzy Diana nursed a slight headache and examined her surroundings. She had been deposited on a patch of tall grass along the muddy shore of the Columbia River, the grand water way that snaked through the Columbia Wetlands south of Golden.

Gone from her person was her gear; the Sword of Athena and the golden Lasso of Truth. Besides a few scrapes and bruises she was relatively unharmed. It appeared as if Croc only meant to disarm Diana and slow her down for as long as possible.

The town was around ten kilometers from where Croc had left Diana. Her fast swimming adversary could swiftly and silently get into Golden from the river without being detected. Boss Crew sentinels would be most definitely watching all entrances into town, but perhaps not the wet ones.

Diana refocused. She surmised that she had been out for nearly a half hour, and that Croc must have already reached the town. The Rocky Mountain tourist village full of innocent people was about to get rocked by a next level street brawl. ‘Waylon!’ she whispered, as she hopped to her boot heels, and hastily headed in the direction of Golden.

Without properly observing her immediate surroundings, Wonder Woman leapt blindly off the islet of tall grass into the thick, gooey mud surrounding it. With a gross ‘KPLWOP’ sound, the gasping heroine’s long legs immediately plunged down to thigh depth in the slimy quagmire.

The sandy muck of the shoreline was unable to hold her up, and the wiggling Wonder Woman felt her legs slowly sinking deeper. The bubbling quicksand heaved and rippled around her trapped thighs as they slipped into the slurping abyss. ‘Ugh! I’ve got to get my legs out of this goop!’ protested the sinking superheroine.

Diana’s strong, sensual legs battled rebelliously against the sinister suction of the hungry quicksand. She pumped and pulled, desperately trying to free herself from the sticky sludge. To her horror, every struggle seemed to bury her legs deeper and deeper in the sucking sand trap. Wonder Woman whimpered with nervous anxiety. Even as she held still, she could feel her vulnerable body being devoured by the ghastly goo.

‘I..I can’t break free!’ lamented Diana, twisting and turning uselessly as the churning mire poured in over her hips. Desperate to keep from sinking further, she futilely pushed down into the muddy morass as it crawled up her slender waist.

‘No! Ugh!’ cried the hindered heroine, still writhing and wrestling against the grimy grip of the menacing mud as it enveloped her breasts. It was no use. Wonder Woman sadly started to realize that she was completely captured and nothing she could do would keep the gluttonous quicksand from swallowing her helpless feminine figure.

‘Hera, help me!’ prayed the pretty Princess of Themyscira, as she fearfully watched the icky mud gooping over her shoulders, and felt it oozing up her neck, ‘Give me strength!’

Breathing heavily, Wonder Woman tried to calm herself down. The hopeless heroine could do nothing else in her final moments but tap into her inner peace. She closed her eyes, took several long, deep breaths and surrendered to the bubbling, belching quicksand that finally washed remorselessly over her lovely face.

Heroines like Wonder Woman save a lot of good people from creeps like Killer Croc and BossMan. But who saves a heroine?

A brutish, muscular arm wrapped itself around Diana’s submerged torso before dragging the sunken superheroine out of the disgusting death pit. The gasping Amazon coughed and gagged as her head poked up through the surface of the hideous bog. Someone very large, with intense strength was easily pulling her body up from the sucking grasp of the quicksand. Her rescuer lifted her up and out of the trap, then laid her down gently in the tall grass next to the perilous pool that almost ended her life.

Gulping big lungfuls of air, Wonder Woman wiped the marshy gunk from her eyes so to identify her savior. ‘Waylon!’ she sighed with relief. Her muddy face quickly went from an expression of shock to displaying concern as she interrogated the giant lizard, ‘BossMan… the town…’

‘I didn’t do it,’ confessed Croc, with his head lowered, ‘I realized something on the way… I realized that I was going the “wrong” way.’ The monstrous looking reptile-man was brooding, and deep in thought.

‘You came back. Waylon. You saved me.’ expressed a grateful, teary eyed Diana, ‘Why did you…’

Killer Croc paused with his menacingly sharp toothed jaw agape, trying to talk. He appeared to be straining to get the words out, as if he was reluctant to admit something. He huffed.

‘Waylon?’ queried a wondering Wonder Woman, wiping gobs of slimy sand from her long, jet black hair.

‘A beautiful woman once told me,’ began the hesitant Waylon. The gentle giant forced the bit of wisdom from his chest, as he handed a magnificent sword and a glowing golden length of rope to the mud covered maiden in the grass, ‘Everyone is worth saving…’
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby 65sinking » Fri Dec 22, 2023 9:47 pm

Great tale and image! I was a fan of what you had done to Supergirl, but Wonder Woman looks really amazing in these 2 recent posts - she's become my favourite character in your stories.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sat Dec 23, 2023 2:09 pm

65sinking wrote:Great tale and image! I was a fan of what you had done to Supergirl, but Wonder Woman looks really amazing in these 2 recent posts - she's become my favourite character in your stories.

Thank you! Back in the summer I had given up trying to get decent Wonder Woman/quicksand images. AI and my prompts have improved since then so I thought I’d give ‘er a go again with outstanding results. I simplified my prompt list significantly and I don’t know if that was the difference but I’m stoked with these latest ones.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby cerberus » Sun Dec 24, 2023 8:58 pm

Really liked the WW stories, especially the second (sucker for a happy ending). The character and costumes look great as well, I haven't tried WW since my Perchance days (so long ago, all of 6 weeks!). Maybe I'll give it a whirl on SD sometime, I'll leave it for a while, I don't want to intrude on your subject matter.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Mon Dec 25, 2023 3:48 am

cerberus wrote:Really liked the WW stories, especially the second (sucker for a happy ending).

She can’t meet her demise every time in my stories. I’m not dead inside.

cerberus wrote: I haven't tried WW since my Perchance days (so long ago, all of 6 weeks!). Maybe I'll give it a whirl on SD sometime, I'll leave it for a while, I don't want to intrude on your subject matter.

Shit dude, I don’t own the rights to Wonder Woman. Giver her a go, man. I’d be stoked if I inspired you or someone else to post some relative stuff. Im just having fun and trying to keep the fire going.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby sixgunzloaded » Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:52 pm

Beautiful! Gal Gadot is perfect for WW and qs is (IMHO) the perfect adventure! I loved the happy ending as well. Nicely done!
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:14 pm

sixgunzloaded wrote:Beautiful! Gal Gadot is perfect for WW and qs is (IMHO) the perfect adventure! I loved the happy ending as well. Nicely done!

Thanks! I have to agree. I’m having a blast doing these WW stories, especially because the images are turning out so great.

It’s admittedly a bit of social commentary; I was trying to keep with the holiday peace on earth vibe. Our world needs heroines like Diana (in quicksand or otherwise).

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:04 pm

Happy New Year !!

Like the superheroine in this slime pit, the year 2023 is out of time…


The splattering sound of slime dripping from cave ceilings into a plethora of putrid pools echoed throughout the caverns. Stringy globs of goo hung like syrupy stalactites as they slowly stretched and split from their tethers before plopping into unpleasant puddles.

‘Hello?’ echoed Wonder Woman’s voice as she carefully crept through the mouth of the cave into the underground labyrinth; assuring her footing each time she planted her boot heels on the super slippery surface.

The black haired beauty, proudly adorned by her trademark Amazon armor cautiously extended her fit, elegant legs into every step. The wise warrior knew the dangers of the caves and took nothing for granted. Using her golden glowing lasso to light the way, Wonder Woman proceeded daringly into the depths.

‘These caverns eat heroines,’ Diana Prince quietly reminded herself as she maneuvered over sketchy, slick slate rock and around perilous pits.

The incredibly brave and intimidatingly attractive Amazon warrior came in search of two missing colleagues; one was dispatched to investigate the source of the strange slime that seemed to abundantly occupy the hollowed out holes in the secret Slovenian sub-terrain; the other was on a search and rescue operation.

After bio-analysis revealed that the substance in the caverns was “unearthly”, master ranger Trace had ventured into the dark depths of the Dinaric Karst region to investigate where or why the extraterrestrial slime was seeping into the European caverns. She never came back.

Another proficient tracker, Ma’iingan went searching soon after for any clues leading to the whereabouts of her lovely friend in the treacherous tunnel system. Like Trace, the beautiful Anishinaabe heroine also seemed to vanish into thin air… or more likely into thick, otherworldly ooze.

Diana came to a large junction in the cavern. The open section of the cave system was lit naturally by an overheard fissure high up in the rock. A thin strip of sunlight provided a dim luminance and a shadowy view of six tunnel openings that branched out into a vast web of caverns. Each opening looked nearly identical to the next; this was no place to lose one’s sense of direction.

‘Tracy?!… Victoria?!’ called Wonder Woman aloud in the creepy cavern crossroad, hoping to invoke a response from her fearless friends down any of the tunnels, ‘Trace?!… Ma’iingan?!’ Her shouts were answered only by her own eerie echoes and the sound of the constantly dripping goop.

A glimmer caught her eye. Down one of the tunnels shone the flickering light of a lantern, reflecting off the lubricated limestone.

‘Like a moth to a flame,’ Wonder Woman warned herself ominously as she followed the random flashing.

At a sharp bend in the tunnel, Diana came upon the light source. An ultra bright LED lantern was jammed at eye level between two rocks overlooking an icky, aqua-blue colored slime pit.

The lamp continued to flicker and falter as Diana approached. There was no way to tell who the lantern belonged to from across the pit. Perhaps there would be some clue on the light itself that would identify its owner, thought Wonder Woman. The hesitant heroine minded her movements as she proceeded precariously on the slippery stone around the sinister slime. ‘I’ve got to be careful,’ she lectured herself, ‘I can’t tell how deep these…’

Suddenly slipping on a lubed ledge beside the pit, Diana lost her footing as well as her greasy grip, which sent her falling backward. A disturbing ‘GBLUMP PLOP’ sound emitted from the ooze-filled sinkhole as Wonder Woman’s legs plunged into it.

‘NO! UHN!’ gasped Diana, fighting to regain her balance and pull her arm out of the gooey gunk. She hastily tried to climb up and out of the clinging clag, but it was too late; she was caught in the sticky snare. There was nothing beneath her but deep, devouring slime. Every movement Wonder Woman made caused her long legs to sink deeper and deeper.

The awful ooze had the color and consistency of mint toothpaste. It smelled like swamp decay and Drano. Whether struggling in it or remaining motionless, each action or inaction yielded the same result; the helpless Wonder Woman was steadily sinking into the slurping slime pit.

Diana’s heart sank as she caught sight of her lasso; it was hung up on a jagged rock at the edge of the pit, dangling almost spitefully out of reach of the distressed, sinking superheroine.

‘There must be something… some way out of this!’ cried the helpless heroine, desperately looking around for anything to grab onto, some way to keep herself from sinking. Even if she could reach the edge of the pit, the slick, slime covered stone would offer no deliverance.

‘Ugh!’ moaned Diana fretfully, as her strong, sensual thighs descended into the terrible trap, ‘There’s no escape!’ The sucking sludge stuck to the wiggling Wonder Woman‘s legs like quicksand made of melted marshmallow. A gross gob of greenish-blue goop splashed intrusively onto her exposed breasts from above. She had quickly become overwhelmed by the oppressive ooze.

She shuddered at the feeling of slime seeping over her hips and gurgling around her slim waist. Stringy goo drizzled onto her long black hair from the roof of the cave. Wonder Woman feared that she was about to suffer the same gruesome demise as her superheroine sisters; being swallowed alive by bottomless, alien mucus.

Diana’s situation was grim, but her hope was not totally extinguished. Before embarking on her mission, she had taken the precaution of recruiting an accomplice. If Wonder Woman had learned anything from the disappearance of Trace and Ma’iingan it was that traveling into the slime filled cavities of underground Slovenia was not wise to practice solitarily.

The radiant Supergirl was more than willing to join Wonder Woman on her quest, and had promised to rendezvous with the Princess of Themyscira. So far however the uncharacteristically late Kara ZorEl was a no-show for their adventure.

Anxiously awaiting her Kryptonian ally’s assistance, Diana whimpered nervously as cyan colored ooze poured in unpleasantly over her chest. If there was ever a time for a dramatic last minute rescue, it was then. To Wonder Woman’s increasing dismay there was still no sign of Kara, or the bottom of the slime pit.

‘Kara help me!!’ pleaded the imperiled Amazon loudly, ‘I’m sinking fast!!’ Supergirl would not be there in time to save her. The quaking quagmire bubbled and churned as Wonder Woman’s shoulders dipped under the surface. ‘Somebody!!’ she begged, as her wavy black hair fanned out over the greedy, gummy goo, ‘Someone, please! It’s sucking me under!!’ No one came.

In her frantic final moments, Diana grasped and clawed futilely at the fluid surface of the mucusy mire. She could feel the slime creeping up her neck and closing in over her face. Her total submergence into the pit was imminent. ‘Great Hera…’ she whispered, before taking a final deep breath. As she closed her eyes, Wonder Woman surrendered to her fate and let herself submit to being engulfed by the ooze.

As the defeated heroine disappeared into the viscous, neon colored scum pool, the haunting urgency of Wonder Woman’s whimpers and wailing was replaced with the ceaseless sound of dripping slime, ever echoing throughout the vast and deadly web of caverns…
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby cerberus » Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:03 pm

Ewwwe, green slime! Love it. Great story and pic too.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Fri Jan 05, 2024 7:28 pm

Ok, ok, I went next level on the story length this time. Just having fun with some o/g & o/c heroines for the sequel…


As Wonder Woman held her last precious lungful of air under the surface of the slime pit, she selflessly thought of her friends; she thought of her missing colleagues Trace and Ma’iingan; she thought of Kara.

When she could no longer hold her breath, Diana emptied her lungs and braced for the horrific helplessness and involuntary convulsions that come with a drowning death.

But death would have to wait.

A sense of commotion and the feeling of movement above Wonder Woman manifested into her arms being grabbed. Someone had begun to frantically, forcefully pull her from her would-be gooey grave.

Diana clung to the female form that was hauling her sunken body out of the deadly pit. Kara had finally, thankfully arrived, thought the grateful Amazon as she choked and gagged on the suffocating slime that she had inhaled on death’s doorstep. Diana looked up at her savior; it wasn’t Supergirl.

Her rescuer was tethered to a rock at the pit’s edge by the golden Lasso of Truth, and was straining with all her might to pull herself and the now semi-submerged Wonder Woman from the sticky sludge.

The phantom-like, feminine figure was dressed in a grey and white, slinky skin tight leotard. A smoke colored eye mask haloed two intimidatingly piercing, silver eyes, staring hauntingly from under a fur rimmed hood. Her face appeared young and beautiful, but at the same time ancient and wise. She seemed expressionless, yet emotional and determined.

And those eyes… they were exotically compelling and strangely frightening… like a wolf. If one dared to stare at them, they’d hope those penetrating orbs didn’t return a glare.

‘Ma’iingan!’ cried Wonder Woman, embracing her friend as they collapsed onto the solid floor of the cavern, free from the grip of the goo filled trap.

Victoria Logan did not select her moniker. It was given to her at birth from her tribal elders. The Ojibwe word for “wolf” was a fitting title for the lovely yet lethal indigenous Canadian girl; Ma’iingan was staunchly loyal to her “pack” of family and friends, skillfully adept at tracking and hunting, and fiercely territorial.

The bright and bold beauty from the Chippewa of Thames First Nation had also inherited supernatural qualities from her ancestors, passed on to the most righteous in her blood line; super strength, speed and endurance; a heightened sensory function; keen spiritual sensitivity and clairvoyant ability.

She was the best of the best of her tribe. She dedicated her life to using her powers and abilities to protect others, preserve her culture and find harmony with all living things, good or bad.

‘Thank Hera, you’re alive!’ cheered Diana, lovingly hugging her brave friend on the slick stone, examining her in disbelief. The hooded heroine was nursing an injured ankle that had been taped rather crudely, but was otherwise in good order. ‘I thought you were…’ Wonder Woman started, then trailed off before continuing with a difficult inquiry, ‘…and Trace?’

Ma’iingan regretfully shook her head as tears welled up in her eyes. ‘Oh, Vicky,’ consoled Diana, ‘I’m so sorry.’

‘I searched these caverns for days, looking for any sign of her… any feeling at all of her presence,’ admitted the solemn superheroine, ‘She’s gone.’

‘The living ooze took her,’ stated Victoria, once again expressionless and stoic, ‘She was my best friend Diana, and as of the most recent summer solstice she was my secret lover. Our two hearts beat as one.’ Diana had begun to coil her lasso up when she noticed that Ma’iingan was still clutching her end tightly as she continued truthing, ‘The last time I saw Tracy we had a fight. We left angry. I didn’t get to tell her one last time that I loved her. I will regret that until my last breath.’

Victoria exploded into tearful sobs. Diana pulled her in close and held her, rocking her gently and compassionately.

‘The ooze is a living thing,’ continued the teary eyed Anishinaabe, ‘It does not hate, it does not want. It is just doing what it must to survive.’ The Chippewa superheroine was still grasping Wonder Woman’s golden, truth-inducing length of rope.

‘It took our friend’s life,’ replied Diana, staring begrudgingly at the aqua colored assassin in the cavern pit. ‘It took your Tracy.’

‘I don’t seek revenge,’ rebutted Victoria, sniffling and wiping away tears before handing the end of the lasso back to its rightful owner, ‘I don’t seek justice. I don’t wish it harm. I only wish for no one else to get hurt.’

Diana admired Victoria’s unparalleled resolve. No Lasso of Truth was needed to bring out that kind of forgiveness, she thought. That type of courage and reconciliation was next-level heroic and soul deep. Sadly, no golden length of rope would ever tie back together the pieces of Ma’iingan’s broken heart.

‘You keep mentioning that the ooze is… alive?’ Wonder Woman investigated while de-sliming her person.

‘Yes. I studied Tracy’s notes before…’ Ma’iingan paused momentarily, ‘The entire cellular makeup of the fluid are in fact microorganisms that together act as a single living entity. The larger the collective, the more aggressive they become.

‘I understand,’ interjected the Amazon, wiping slime from her long legs, ‘Why aren’t they moving?’

‘They’re photosensitive,’ added Victoria, tending to the slippery sludge on her own legs, ‘Bright light makes them catatonic. The lantern in the rocks is actually keeping this slime pit from scooping us up and devouring us.’

As the lantern flickered, Diana shuddered at the thought. ‘Where is the slime oozing from?’

‘There is a large chamber in the rock above us,’ explained Ma’iingan, wiping clean her tight fitting spandex bodysuit, ‘the main mass lives there. It has been seeping down to feed on animals and minerals in the lowers caves. It hunts at night.’

‘What is its composition?’ asked Wonder Woman, curiously.

‘Carbon, water, proteins, amino acids, basic life ingredients. The lab identified an element with an atomic number of 126,’ Ma’iingan revealed, ‘It apparently behaved like Jadarite, but had radioactive properties.’

Wonder Woman’s face went pale. ‘Great Zeus,’ she exclaimed, jumping to her boot heels, ‘Kara!’

‘Wha..Diana?’ a puzzled Victoria became anxious at the sight of Wonder Woman’s urgency, ‘What’s the matter? What is it?’

Wonder Woman was already making for the cavern junction in haste. ‘The ooze,’ she yelled back, ‘It’s living kryptonite…’

Hovering over the cave entrance into the Slovenian underground, Supergirl resigned to the fact that Wonder Woman had already ventured inside. ‘Always the go-getter,’ joked the lovely and powerful Kara ZorEl, regarding the proactive prowess of the Princess of Themyscira.

A pungent odor of rot and chemicals forced the curious Kryptonian to investigate an opening near the top of the rock formation over the cavern system. ‘Interesting place to store compost and pool cleaners,’ thought Kara aloud, her cape fluttering elegantly as she descended through a crevice into a large cavity within the mountainside.

Upon entering the dark, foreboding fissure, Kara was overcome with a wave of dizziness and fatigue. The sudden onset of an intense headache caused her to wince and lose her bearing. ‘Ugh! What the…’ she moaned as her weakened body plummeted downward. Her symptoms were congruent with those of kryptonite poisoning. As Kara’s unique powers failed her, she knew she was in trouble.

Kara’s form-fitting boots landed with a ‘KBLOOP’ into something squishy and gooey. When her eyes adjusted to the dim cavern lighting, she saw that she was calf deep in greenish-blue slime.

Sluggishly, Kara pumped her legs. Her movement caused her to sink to her knees in the unstable sludge. Holding still, the horrified heroine felt her legs subtly but steadily descending deeper, and deeper into the thick, sucking goop.

‘I’m stuck! UHN!’ lamented the bogged beauty, as the awful ooze crept up her gooped, glistening thighs, ‘My legs are sinking in this… kryptonite-quickslime!’

Unpleasant squelching and splattering sounds seemed to surround the sinking superheroine on all sides. Kara strained her eyes to see what was lurking in the lame luminance. She gasped at the sight of what was sharing the deadly space with her. A hive of squirming, slithering slime tentacles were wiggling and writhing all around the helpless heroine.

The drained Supergirl panicked, and struggled pathetically as the snaking sludge worms closed in on her. From behind her a touchy tendril plopped down over her left shoulder and glided invasively over her spandex covered breasts. Another icky appendage coiled itself around her slender waist, squeezing and pulling the pretty girl deeper into the churning gunk beneath her. The captured Kryptonian wasn’t just sinking in slime, she was being swallowed by it.

‘Diana! Help me!’ the subdued superheroine tried to scream, but the effects of the suppressive kryptonite only allowed her a meek whisper.

More and more terrible tentacles piled onto the overwhelmed Supergirl. Rubbery ropes wrapped around her arms and wrists; slippery strands slid over her helpless hips and thighs. Liquid lurkers leeched lewdly under her leotard. The gooey grabbers were dragging her relentlessly into the slurping pit.

Kara was too feeble to resist. She whimpered hopelessly as she submitted to the sinister slime monster. The defeated Supergirl bit her lip in angst, almost completely consumed by the living liquid. She was now on death’s doorstep.

But death would have to wait.

Someone holding a signal flare as bright as the sun was rappelling into the cavern above the desperately doomed damsel. The blinding light caused the turmoilous tentacles to retract and shrivel, as if they were cowering to the corners of the cave. Diana had arrived in heroic fashion to save the day, thought Kara, neck deep in slime and squinting at the silhouette of her savior.

‘Hey fly-girl,’ the friendly voice of the rappelling rescuer echoed in the cave, ‘Need a lift?’ It wasn’t Wonder Woman.

‘(GASP) Trace!’ cried Supergirl with tears of relief.

The daring tracker extended her hand, ‘Grab hold, Kara.’

‘I..I can’t!’ whimpered Supergirl, ‘It’s got me!’ The insatiable slime was not going to easily give up its super-supper. Fighting the light-induced lethargy, the famished, tentacle-riddled ooze strained defiantly to hold Kara down and keep her from escaping. Its vulnerable victim continued to be consumed. ‘Help me Trace! It’s sucking me in!’

‘I gotcha,’ assured Trace, swinging her feet above her head and plunging her arm into the grippy goop. Snagging a handful of Kara’s cape, the muscular maiden began to pull the crippled Kryptonian out of her death trap. Dropping the flare and hitting a button on her harness, a small Bat-tech winch began to buzz, and the two heroines ascended from the swallowing slime pit.

Hand over hand, Trace lifted the dangling Supergirl up to her by her cape. Kara could barely lift her arms to hold her rescuer as Trace tucked an arm around Supergirl’s waist and pulled her tight little super-body close to hers.

‘How long have I been gone?’ asked Trace, as the two girls rose from the dark depths.

‘Wha..?’ a puzzled Kara started before clueing in, ‘About six days. Why?’

Trace nodded. ‘Did you know there is a portal to the Phantom Zone in these caverns?’

‘No!’ gasped the stunned Supergirl, ‘Trace! Did you…’

‘I used the portal to escape the ooze monster. I feel like I’ve been gone for six months… or six minutes. I dunno,’ shrugged a bewildered Trace, shaking her head and repeating herself, ‘I dunno… I dunno.’ The pair of heroines said nothing further, and didn’t have to. All Phantom Zone survivors shared a silent understanding.

When the tired, traumatized girls reached the surface, Trace carefully carried the sapped Supergirl down to a grassy area near the cavern entrance. Gently laying down her pretty passenger, she produced a towel from her camouflage cargo pants and wiped the withered residue from Kara’s besieged body.

Perspiration trickled down Tracy Meyer’s neck from under her short green hair onto her already soaked tank top. Supergirl was fast asleep from exhaustion before she even touched the grass.

‘Great Hera!’ Wonder Woman praised, standing at the entryway to the cave network with her mouth agape in utter shock.

‘Hey Double-Double-U,’ greeted Trace affectionately, with a wry smile.

The two girls jumped at the startling sound of a ghostly scream escaping the cave. Emerging from the darkness with her hands clasped over her mouth and two saucer-sized silver eyes affixed on her resurrected girlfriend, was Victoria.

‘Hi baby girl,’ whispered Trace, extending her arms as her eyes welled up, ‘Come to me.’

The Chippewa heroine began to hyperventilate as she hesitantly began to walk toward Trace, unsure of what she was seeing. Her slow shuffle turned into an outright sprint as she dashed toward the open arms of her lover. Weeping uncontrollably, tears streamed out of Victoria as she leapt into Tracy’s embrace.

‘My love! My love!’ repeated a sobbing Victoria, wrapping her legs around Tracy’s waist and squeezing her neck. She wildly kissed and hugged her special friend, who was relishing every ounce of the affection from the beautiful girl straddling her.

Ma’iingan began to wail loudly. Cries of absolute joy and a steady flow of tears continued to gush unhinged from the ultra-emotional superheroine. Her weeping was so intense that it took on a haunting, howling tone.

Not to be outdone, the resident wolves of the Dinaric Karst region eerily chimed in from the surrounding forest with harmonious howling of their own, as if crooning along to a love song. Spooky sobs and shadowy singing filled the twilight sky around the grateful girls under the rising moon.

Meanwhile, as Wonder Woman continued watching and Supergirl continued sleeping, the ooze continued oozing.

Deep in the slimy Slovenian caverns, the aforementioned portal that could only be described as an oval of bright darkness, vibrated and crackled disturbingly as if someone or something was coming through from the other side…
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