Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Quicksand

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Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Quicksand

Postby Quicksand-Lover-7 » Sat Feb 24, 2024 1:31 am

Hey there is this video game that I played called Shadow Of The Tomb Raider and it is also the very last Tomb Raider video game that has currently been made. Anyways there are a lot of moments in the video game where Lara Croft has to walk through some deep mud that is about knee deep and she sometimes even gets stuck for a moment. The mud has the same physics as the snow in the previous video game called Rise Of The Tomb Raider.

It looks like at one point during development, the developers actually might have considered adding a part in the video game where Lara Croft actually sinks in deadly quicksand and has to escape. However it looks like the idea was eventually scrapped, probably because it wouldn’t have been very fun in terms of gameplay but I still think it was a huge missed opportunity. I say this because there is a book that you can buy that shows all of the concept art from the video game Shadow Of The Tomb Raider and in the book, in one of the pages, it shows early concept art of Lara Croft sinking in deadly quicksand. Here are the links to five videos that I found on the internet of people going through the book and here is a screenshot of the concept art of Lara Croft sinking in deadly quicksand. I really wish that they had added it to the video game!

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Re: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Quicksand

Postby BogDog » Sat Feb 24, 2024 2:05 am

"Early concept, no longer represented in the game".

:o :? :cry:
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Re: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Quicksand

Postby TK421 » Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:57 am

Ok, so who do we need to bribe to make this DLC? :lol:
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Re: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Quicksand

Postby sixgunzloaded » Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:15 pm

Definitely a huge missed opportunity! Can you imagine how amazing that would have been??? There's any number of ways they could have included this in the game.

They could have made it a timed, choice of actions scenario where one choice triggers a cut scene where she escapes and one or more choices which send her to her tomb (see what I did there?).
They could have made it like the qs obstacles in the original Tomb Raider 3, but with far better graphics. That would have made a nice tribute to that third game, seeing as how this was the third in this series.
They could have made it so the player has to use her bow to shoot loose a vine to pull herself out, sorta like in that concept art.
And all of these could have included some really nice cut scenes before and after the player interaction. Or hell, they could have just made the whole thing a cut scene.

As I understand it, they're quite possibly in the process of making a whole new three-game series, possibly as a continuation of her adventures set a few years after this last batch. We can hope. :)
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Re: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Quicksand

Postby redspydr_1979 » Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:23 am

Yeah, missed opportunity for sure. I think one of those interactive cut scenes (God of War, Uncharted, etc.) would have been perfect for this scenario.

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Re: Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Quicksand

Postby Drgb988 » Sun Feb 25, 2024 12:58 am

In which vids and at what times are the quicksand related pages?

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