Raven Draws Near: The Sinking Succubus (F/QS/Grim?)

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Zorah Valtero
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Raven Draws Near: The Sinking Succubus (F/QS/Grim?)

Postby Zorah Valtero » Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:02 am

The fetid marsh was shrouded in darkness, its filthy pits of muck and mire shifting and glooping softly, undisturbed. A faint mist hung over the slop, shrouding these deadly swamps in secrecy, the muddy sludge lying in wait like a predator biding its time to strike. This deep in the Endless Bog of Eternal Sorrow, it was said that none who ever found its way to this part of the swamp ever found their way out. It was as if the swamp looped in on itself over and over, with truly no way to ever escape the maze of mire.

And yet, a swirling amethyst vortex formed amidst the fog, conjured by a traveler on the other side, unknowing of the danger that lay before her. As she stepped from the portal, she quickly found herself plunging into the mire below, her boots disappearing into the slop all the way up to her knees while it squelched loudly beneath her.

“Ughhh!! This is what I get for not having worked with rifts in a while!”

The lady, her hair black as licorice, was as thick and shapely as could be. Her impossibly large bust was supported only by her corset, and her soft, thick thighs and pear-shaped ass were not at all hidden by her pleated amethyst miniskirt. Tugging at her legs, Raven found herself in quite the predicament, being unable to free them from the sucking mire that clutched them tightly. As she fought to free herself, the portal she had stepped from slowly closed, shrinking to the size of a marble before disappearing completely.

“How vile,” the succubus bemoaned, “To think that I, a demon, would find myself stuck in something as mundane as a mud puddle!”
She continued to tug and pull at the muck, wrapping her palms around her leg trying desperately to free herself while the muck glooped between her mired thighs.

“Wait… Wait, just a minute…”

Raven released her grip on her thigh and stood upright, still, holding her arms out to stabilize herself. As the muck continued to shift and gloop around her, she could feel the upward creep of the mud, slowly rolling its way up her shapely thighs. The succubus came to the awful realization of her predicament.

“This isn’t mere mud at all… This is…”

She swallowed nervously.


The sucking muck below glooped against her mired thigh, sending mud splattering up her leg while she slowly descended into its depths. Sure enough, the succubus had plunged into the swamp’s deadly quicksand, and she was sinking fast. Before long, Raven found the swampy slurry sucking at her mid thighs, slurping greedily while it consumed inch after inch of her legs.

“Well,” she sighed, brushing her hair from her eyes, “I suppose there’s no time to lose if I want to get out of this.”

Placing one hand of her hip, she raised the other, an amethyst glow enveloping her arm. With one flick of the wrist, she snapped her fingers, only for the magic power to dispel, and nothing to happen.


She tried again and again, each time, the violet light growing fainter and fainter, before failing to shine at all. Reality dawned on her as she continued to slip lower and lower into the sucking slop.

“No, no no… There’s something wrong,” she stammered, all the while she settled deeper, “Something about this place, it’s nullifying my magic…”

As the mire began caressing her tender inner thighs, Raven realized she may actually be in trouble. She began to scour her surroundings, looking for anything she might be able to grab onto to keep herself from sinking. Overhead, she did find some low hanging vines, covered with long strands of disgusting algea, taunting her with the idea of escape. But as she reached for them, she quickly found she had already sunk too deep to save herself.

“Damn it all! Had I known this was quicksand sooner, I might have been able to get out of here!”

She gasped as the slimy muck began creeping up her panties, kissing her softly between her legs while it continued to devour her. Instinctively, she pulled her skirt down into the muck, feeling it caressing her soft asscheeks, almost as if the sucking slop was groping her.

“Ughhh!! How utterly vile…!!”

Poor Raven could not stop the muck from rolling up her backside, however; The filthy, sucking mire continued to consume her inch by inch, slurping softly while it stained her thong with swamp mud. Realizing she was getting nowhere with her escape, she resumed scouring her ever rising surroundings, desperately searching for anything she could use to escape her peril.

Through the thick mist hanging over the murky bog, she spied the gnarled roots of the mangroves surrounding the insatiable quicksand, once more far outside her reach… But much closer, she discovered a branch deeply buried under the surface, with only a mere offshoot poking from the muck. As she slowly began to reach over for it, she turned and twisted her body, unwittingly sinking her soft ass beneath the mire’s maw, the sludgy slop gulping softly as it closed over her backside. Finding herself up to her hips now in quicksand, she tried her best to walk her body closer with her forearms, straining to reach the branch as her ass rose from the mire, caked in a thick layer of mud.

“Nghhh, everything is just too far to reach,” she bemoaned, “I’m starting to see why no one ever gets out of these perilous, putrid pits!”

As she slowly pushed herself back up with her hands, she righted herself, her asscheeks sinking back into the muddy abyss with a disgusting slurp. She quickly found her hips disappearing into the murky mire once more, the shifting slurry closing its clutches on her waist, her massive bosom hanging over its surface like a canopy loaded with milk. With her options quickly dwindling, she swallowed her pride and cupped her hands over her mouth.

“Heeeeelllp!! Damsel in distress!! Quicksand!!”

Her cries only echoed back to her, the sucking swamp continuing to engulf its prey. She waited for a moment, listening for any response as her elbows dipped into the sloppy sludge, forcing her to spread her arms by her sides. She raised her cupped hands to her black lipstick coated lips once more.

“Succubus in peril!! Somebody save me from this sinking swamp!!”

Same as before, no response… Though the mire did gloop again, sending a clump of mud splattering the underside of her bosom. Raven looked down at the impression left by the muck bubble, irritated at the quicksand’s gesture.

“You are not helping! Succubi are for men, not troublesome quagmires!”

The woman began to buck and kick in the quicksand, squirming fruitlessly in the dreary death pit, knowing full well she was driving herself deeper to her muddy doom, but still protested nonetheless. As her soft, warm breasts began to rest on the surface of the gently rolling muck, she ceased her struggling, feeling the cold, wet embrace of the mire caressing her bosom. She held her arms up by her head, furrowing her brow with worry as she continued to sink into the treacherous quicksand.

“Don’t you go about getting ideas about having your way with those, you vile moor!”

The ever yielding muck responded by glooping between her breasts, sending mud shooting up her cleavage. The mired mistress moaned gently in surprise, a soft blush beginning to form on her cheeks.

“T-those are not toys for mere mud!!”

As she continued to settle deeper and deeper into the marshy maw, she could feel the horrible slop devouring inch after inch of her bosom, rolling over her tender succubus nips while it pushed her mounds upward. Poor Raven couldn’t help but feel violated for the first time in her life, her temple defiled by the hands of the unworthy.

“I don’t like this feeling,” she whispered, “Is this what shame feels like?”

The gently rolling mire began climbing over her breasts, pouring down between them while it did so, slurping noisily while it claimed more territory over her domain. As the thick mire closed over the top of her bosom, it gulped loudly, continuing to suck its prey deeper and deeper into its murky depths.

“S-so much for being buoyant,” she nervously quipped.

Facing certain doom in a matter of moments, Raven placed her hands down onto the surface of the shifting sludge, trying desperately to regain some ground against the mire. As she pushed against the surface, she began to rise from the filthy bog, her bosom beginning to crown from the muddy abyss. The swamp protested noisily however, refusing to give up its prey without a fight while it sucked angrily beneath her. But as she gained an inch, her arms lost two, finding herself sinking again suddenly.

“Oh no,” she gasped, squirming to free her arms, “No, no, no…”

Without warning, the quagmire rapidly reclaimed her breasts once more, gulping noisily again as the poor succubus found herself up to her collar in deadly quicksand. She tugged at her mired arms, desperately trying to free them while the mudpit threatened to engulf her shoulders. Her eyes wide with sheer terror, Raven did the only thing she could do.

“Heeeeeeeeeeelp!! Help meeeeee!!”

Being buried so deep in quicksand, the slowly sinking succubus couldn’t hear her own echo over the slop’s incessant sucking. With rescue simply out of the question, the succubus continued to sink, her shoulders disappearing as the thick muck closed over them with a sickening slurp. As the shifting moor began rolling up her neck, Raven felt a terrible sensation deep in her gut.

“Am… Am I going to die…?”

Petrified at the thought of perishing, she held completely still, her eyes wide with fear for the first and possibly last time in the thousands of years she had lived. She came to the realization that if her magic had been nullified by the twisted bog, so too may her immortality. Feeling the cold, wet embrace of the rolling, sucking mud touching her chin, she began to lean her head back in the quicksand, desperate to keep the muck out of her face.

“Oh no… No, please, don’t do this…” she pleaded the sinking sludge, “I’m much too young and beautiful to die like this… Please…”

But the quicksand was unmoved by her pleas, and it continued to devour her, climbing her cheeks and filling her ears, sealing her in deafening silence. With one final cry, she shrieked as loud as she could.

“Heeeeeeeeeeeellllp!! I’m sinking under!! Please, somebody!! Heeeeellp… Mmph…”

The filthy mudpit silenced her as it flowed over her lips, replacing her deep violet lip gloss with that of black mire. The muck framing her face, Raven whimpered softly in the muck, struggling to resurface to cry out once more, but the slop quickly flowed over her nose, sealing her fate. No one could hear her cries, no one could see her buried this deep in the muck. As she slowly closed her eyes, so too did the quicksand close over, gulping softly as it sucked its prey under.

As the muck shifted and wobbled to her submerged struggles, it sloshed and shlucked, its surface continuing to be drawn in to the spot where she had been just moments before. But as seconds became minutes, the undulations began to settle, eventually falling completely still. The stagnant surface was breached by a cascade of bubbles, glooping loudly at first, but diminishing to a blorp, again to a bloop, to a blub, and lastly, one final small blip before the surface rested once more. As the mist flowed over the treacherous death pit once more, the murky predator, never satisfied, lied in wait, eager to consume again, as it always had, as it always will.

She spewed a load of mud from her lips, gagging and gasping for air.

“You okay?”

The succubus gagged, covered head to toe in a thick layer of mud.

“…You’re a little late, hero boy.”

“Sorry, Raven. This place is a little hard to navigate.”

“Ugh, excuses,” she groaned, “Always with the ‘I’m not omnipotent, I don’t have eagle eye, I can’t tear rifts into space to get where I need to be faster’ talk.”

The man shrugged, his blade clinking against his back.

“Look, I made it, okay? And you’re not sucking mud… Anymore…”

The two stood in silence for a moment.

“…You know I love you, right?” Raven teased, with a mischievous smile.

The man nervously looked away, his face flushed with a gentle pink.

“…Yeahhhh, I do.”

She snickered.

“Alright, hero boy. Take me to your lair or whatever. I’m hungry after all this.”

The man chuckled, tightening his headband, hefting his blade over his shoulder.

“You’re insatiable, Raven.”

“Hey, a succubus has to eat.”


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