Nebula and the Black Modakawa Dress (M)

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Black Clay Lord
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Nebula and the Black Modakawa Dress (M)

Postby Black Clay Lord » Thu May 09, 2024 7:27 pm

A little something I did involving that sexy dress from Modakawa.

I'm a simple man. I see sexy dress, I have to write of it.

Well, at least ones like this that meet my standards.

This is a reupload by the way.
One sparkly shiny day, in the middle of a mid morning rainstorm, Nebula sat by the right window of her comfy abode of a mega mansion, watching for the mail to be delivered. She had ordered something days ago, but she was getting restless waiting for it. What was it she ordered? She didn't say. It was to be a surprise. "Sheesh, when will it get here...?!" Nebula asked, almost in a whiny tone. "It feels like I've been waiting forever..." She then went onto say.

Sighing a moment later, Nebula soon got up from her seat, traveling to the main living room to sit down & watch TV. Turning it on, the weather channel popped up with the meteorologist explaining that the rain was to clear up very soon. But not until after lunch. Flipping the channel, Nebula hit a channel playing Nat Geo's documentary about quicksand. It's a pretty decent documentary that highlights the truths about quicksand across the world.

Nebula giggled at the show. "Only chest deep?" She asked. "Ho, if only they knew how it was possible to actually slip under with the right conditions." She then said with a smirk. Watching this proved to be an ideal time killer, as sometime later, a door knock was heard. "That must be the mailman! I'll get it!" Exclaimed Nebula exclaimed, getting up & going to the door. Opening it, Nebula was greeted by the usual postman that stops by our house.

"Well if it isn't Nebula! My, you've gotten so beautiful since I last saw you." He says. Nebula giggled with flattery. "19 years of work & being raised right will do that." She answers. At 19 years of age, Nebula is indeed looking as beautiful as her mother Palutena. Being the daughter of a mermaid, it's certainly no wonder. "Anyway, I got a package for you, along with other goodies." The postman says, reaching into his now unsealed mail bag shortly after.

From it, he pulls out some catalogs, and a few coupon stuffed envelops. Nebula looks at the latter, and scoffs. "These can probably be thrown away..." She says. Finally, the postman takes out a pack that would usually hold clothes ordered online. The sight excites Nebula. "Oh my gods, it's finally here!!" She exclaimed, happily taking the package. The postman soon had nothing else to give. "Well, my business is concluded! Onward to more mail!" He says, saluting.

He turns around & makes off from the household. Nebula closes the door once he's gone. Setting the catalog & coupons down, Nebula was about to bolt upstairs to open her package. But suddenly... "Stop right there, Nebula!" Said a voice familiar to Nebula. Looking in the direction of where it came from, Nebula came face to face with her mother Palutena. "Mother?" Nebula says, gulping. Palutena walked up to Nebula almost immediately.

She stopped short of docking breasts with her own daughter. They may both be K-Cups, but Nebula was 2 inches bustier than Palutena. "What is it that you've ordered this time around?" Palutena asked. "Mom, quit worrying about what I get. It's not a big deal." Nebula says. But Palutena wasn't buying it. "You've been waiting at that door each morning up until lunch for 3 days straight, and now you're holding a package." She goes onto say, arms crossed.

"Spill. Now." She then orders. Nebula ultimately relents & opens the package carefully. Inside was a wad of black fabric, but once taken out to be seen in full, a dress was unveiled. But this one was made to be more revealing than other dresses. Its hips were exposed down to halfway past the outer thigh, and the back was wide open. Palutena recognized it right away. "That's that revealing black dress from Modakawa, isn't it?" She asks, uncrossing her arms.

"Yes it is." Nebula answers. "Father was looking at this, and so I decided to buy one." She then giggles. Palutena sighs. "I really wish Juni would not take such keen interest in clothes like this..." She says, before shaking her head. "Oh well, it can't be helped I suppose." She went on. "Just make sure you take excellent care of that, all right?" Palutena finalizes. "I will." Said Nebula with a promising tone. With that, mother allows daughter to head onward upstairs.

Once Nebula was in her room, she threw off all but her bra & g-string thong panties. Taking up her black dress, Nebula posed with it in her hands in front of her mirror, before ultimately slipping it onto her body. It easily fit her body like a glove. "Hah, perfect..." She said, smiling & happy. After tying it onto herself, and making sure the chains are in place, Nebula stepped out of her room, flaunting her new dress shamelessly with a sexy smirk on her face.

The chains on the dress add a good flair to it as well, for Nebula took delight in flaunting her hips as she struts downstairs. Bumping into her sister Geneva, she blinked at Nebula. "Is that that black backless dress from Modakawa I keep hearing about?" She asked. "It is. Do you like it?" Nebula asks Geneva. "Yes, but..." Geneva started. "Sheesh, did you have to spend some of our money on it?" She then asks. "These things are pricey." She then adds.

"You forget that we have tons of money." Said Nebula. "That doesn't mean a damn thing, woman!" Geneva exclaims. "Father might've claimed Mammon's bottomless chest of wealth so we have food on the table, but it doesn't mean we should use it at random with all the riches it can produce." She then says with a calmer tone. Geneva then sighs. "Well, whatever... As long as the money doesn't go into evil things... Dad would flip out." She then says.

Nebula puts a hand under her chin. "Not that any of us would've done so anyway..." She says. "Well, now I need to buy one myself." Geneva says, heading the same way Nebula was going. Nebula showed off her dress to anyone who would gaze upon it, and reception was widely positive. Nonetheless, after lunch, Nebula decides to take the dress for a sink. And she knew the best place to do it. "If anyone needs me, I'll be at the Bluegarden Bog." She says.

With that, she heads out the door, still clad in her sexy dress as she travels to the Bluegarden Bog. The bog is so aptly named because the vast majority of plant life is... Well, blue. Even the quicksand that covers the area has a bluish hue to it, even though it is majorly black. However, like most of the bogs of the land, the quicksand is bottomless. Yet the quicksand here is not as deadly. It is easy to escape from unaided, and it washes off easy.

It's for this reason Nebula chose to come here. It'll be easier on her new dress than anywhere else on Olympus. Nebula was greeted by the scent of hyacinths & poppys as she looks around, trying to locate a pit of quicksand to sink into. Nebula eventually found an open space with no flowers around, just one big muddy patch. "Time for this dress's first sink." She says, stepping forward to the quicksand that awaits someone to step into it.

But just as Nebula, a voice barked out. "Halt! Who goes there?!" It said. Nebula blinked, freezing in her tracks. "Oh you are kidding me..." She said annoyed, and looking ready to hit her offender with an ice spell. But there was no need. Nebula came face-to-face with Sistina. Self proclaimed booty-princess, and best friend of mine. She spots Nebula. "Wait... Nebula?" She asks. "Sistina?" Nebula asks back. "What're you doing here?" Sistina ponders.

"I could ask you the same thing." Nebula replies. "I came here to bring home some bog flowers. They only grow in their native soil though." Sistina says. "Now what's your story?" She asks. Nebula takes hold of her dress. "I came to give my new dress, a quicksand break in." She answers. "Really? I should've..." Sistina started, before it clicks in her head. "Wait, did you say new?!" She then asks in shock. "Yes, it just came in today." Nebula answers with a nod.

Clearly, Nebula was oblivious to Sistina's shock. "You don't take dresses you just got for a quicksand sink in right away!" Sistina exclaimed. "You've got to let them get acclimated to the home they arrived in first!" "But I did that." Nebula says. Sistina settles down. "How long did you wait?" She then asks. "Until after lunch." Nebula answers. "So you couldn't wait until a whole 24 hours..." Said Sistina. "That would've been best for a dress like that..." She adds.

"Oh, is that right...?" Nebula asks, sounding dejected. "Then I think I'll just go home & come back another day..." She then says. Head held low, she turned around to do exactly this. Sistina however, grabbed her wrist. "Hold it, you!" She then said. Nebula looks back. "But you said I should wait 24 hours!" Nebula exclaimed. "That's what I personally do, but it's not a full blown requirement." Sistina said. "Besides, you came all this way." She adds, smiling sincerely.

Needing no further incentive, Nebula happily doubled back to the quicksand she was wanting to sink in, with Sistina close behind. Amid the flowers, standing amongst the great vestige of open muddy field, Nebula & Sistina look down to the quicksand, awaiting someone to step into it. "You sink, I'll judge." Said Sistina. "Judge?" Nebula asked. "Judge how that dress will hold up as you descend." Sistina clarifies. "Oh, okay." Nebula says with a nod.

Nebula proceeded forward into the quicksand, stepping as far as possible, before hitting a sweet thick spot that catches her feet in no time whatsoever, holding her down fast. From there, Nebula began to sink down slowly with Sistina close by & watching Nebula as she sinks down into the quicksand. "Shame that dress obscures your legs..." Sistina says. "It only shows your hips..." "Makes no difference to me." Nebula responds as she sinks down still.

"I bought that same dress a week ago." Said Sistina. "Masa just loves it." She admits. "My dad seems to like it, too." Nebula admits. Sistina giggles. "I understand why." She says. "I've known your dad for years, and I can understand his tastes." She went on. The quicksand eventually reached Nebula's knees; her dress's skirt started to fan out on the surface. Sistina kept a close eye on Nebula as she sinks, observing the dress as its skirts fan out.

"Hehe, you might not make much of a bog flower," Sistina says. "But you'll make for a good one nonetheless." "Don't I always?" Giggled Nebula.The quicksand kept swallowing Nebula down slowly, and she continues to love each minute of it sucking on her well sculpted legs. And as Nebula's legs kept sinking, Sistina seated herself on the quicksand's edge, dipping her own supremely thick forelegs into the quicksand itself. She however, won't sink. Yet.

Nebula is soon butt deep, the quicksand caressing her bare hips. "Ooh, feels really cool on my hips & legs..." Nebula says, still enjoying her way down into the quicksand. "Mine, too." Giggled Sistina. Nebula looks back to Sistina, noticing her seated by the edge & having her legs in the quicksand. "Are you going to join me?" She asks. "I will, in time." Sistina answers. "I just want you to go just a bit deeper." Sistina teased. Nebula blinked.

"How deep?" She asks. "You'll know." Sistina answered, smirking. With that, Nebula resumed sinking into the depths of the quicksand. Yet Nebula floated at butt deep for a small while, before she ultimately started to sink down again. And as Nebula's butt disappeared, Sistina rose up, standing in the quicksand proper. Sistina is well aware that her big butt will prevent her from sinking deeper for a while, but she doesn't care, as she's proud of it.

Nebula notices Sistina stand up, knee deep in the quicksand already. "A little too soon, don't you think?" She asks Sistina. Sistina just giggled. "Oh, I never specified how deep you needed to go," She then said. "I was going to stand up soon anyway." "I see..." Nebula says. She sees that the chains around her hips are slowly vanishing. Sistina however, notes that the bog will not be strong enough to take them off Nebula's dress no matter how thick it may be.

Regardless, Sistina was prepared to clean Nebula's dress when prompted, but for now, she just watched as the 1/2 mermaid sank deeper into the bog. Sistina felt her thighs being sucked on by the bog, whereas Nebula's were being squeezed by it. Both women were liking the sensations. Yet it still stood to reason that Sistina was sinking slower than Nebula, and Sistina seemed to lord over Nebula more & more the deeper Nebula sank in the bog.

Although Nebula did not like to be dominated, she didn't seem to care if Sistina was doing it in the way she was. Needless to say, Nebula understood that this 30-year-old woman could easily push her 19-year-old self down easily if it came down to that. However, Sistina didn't take that route. It was not in her blood at this time. And it seems highly unlikely to change, for Sistina understood Nebula well for she was an absolute mudlark herself.

Sistina refused to rob Nebula of a slow descent, even though she has the perfect chances to do so. By the time Sistina was butt deep, Nebula has reached her breasts in the quicksand. However, the latter has noted that the former has begun floating. That bulbous butt of Sistina's is nearly unsinkable it would appear. That was true indeed, but not entirely. Even Sistina's butt has to give way to the quicksand sooner or later, as Nebula was speculating.

And her speculations would prove true. "Bet you're not scared of going under." Sistina giggles. "Not at all..." Nebula admits. "You're definitely like your father..." Sistina says. "He'd still be a normal mudlark if it weren't for me all those years ago." She goes onto say. Nonetheless, Nebula's instinct was to get deeper. Pumping her legs, Nebula tried to churn the quicksand more so it could swallow her more & more. Enough pumps saw her wish granted.

Nebula's breast were sucked down halfway, and from there, her descent continued onward, still slowly sinking into the quicksand that held her & Sistina oh so tightly in its still thick grip. Nebula sank to her shoulders soon after, but she did not stay there for long as the bog swallowed them as well, and even her neck in mere seconds, leaving her at just chin deep. "I'm about to go under..." Nebula moans out. "But you've barely sunk..." She tells Sistina.

Sistina giggles. "Jealous~?" She asks Nebula. Nebula manages to shake her head, before tilting it back as the quicksand pulls her head down, while Sistina's butt gave way to the quicksand itself, and Sistina watched Nebula as she was pulled underneath, her face being the last thing that disappeared under the quicksand. As Sistina sinks deeper past her butt, so too does Nebula slip further down into the bog's bottomless depths, her body writhing in pleasure.

But at some point, once Sistina's butt was completely under, Nebula felt like her lungs were on fire, and she started to get lightheaded. Sistina reached down into Nebula's spot, and managed to get a hold of her, pulling her back up, but at the cost of Sistina sinking to her breasts right away. "C'mon, girl, stay with me." Sistina says to Nebula as she coughs heavily, welcoming the air back into her lungs without any hesitation despite her coughing fit.

At that point, Nebula manipulated the quicksand to have it pull her & Sistina back to the edge, where they both climbed out without any issues whatsoever. "Ooh, that was good fun..." Nebula moaned out. "But your dress is totaled..." Sistina notes. Nebula looks over her dress, noting how messy it had become. "Well phooey...!" Nebula said. "I figured it would've resisted the quicksand..." She then adds. "Don't worry. I'm sure it'll come clean easily." Sistina said.

So the two locate a body of water nearby, and they enter it without hesitation. And sure enough, Nebula's dress came clean easily, and after a quick bath, Nebula stood on the edge & allowed her dress to air dry. The water of course, was so pure that Nebula's dress came clean without the need to use any sort of laundry detergent. Which is also true with Sistina's own clothes, even though she didn't wear what Nebula wore. Nonetheless, one detail wasn't missed.

"You only sank to your breasts." Nebula says to Sistina. "I did," Sistina said. "But, I guess I didn't want to go very deep today." She admits. "Fair enough." Said Nebula. In any case, Nebula then helped Sistina out with what she originally intended to do, and once she had her flowers secured in the native bog soil, the two friends went their separate ways. Even so, Nebula was glad that her sexy black dress was capable of surviving the aftermath of quicksand.

But it won't be the only time this dress sees quicksand. Not if Nebula has anything to say about it.

Nebula, Palutena, Geneva, and Sistina: Me
There is but one certainty - every end marks a new beginning. "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"

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