Gamers Unite!

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby nachtjaeger » Sat May 01, 2010 7:14 am

Hey, WoW must be a good game, or nobody would pay $15. Why should they charge less than the market is willing to pay?

What freaked me out is when I found a site where people buy and sell in-game items for Diablo II- for real-world cash money! :shock: Geez, what fun is that if you can just buy the best and rarest items in the game with no effort? It took me forever to get a RalOrtTal shield. It was so great when I finally got a really good shield later on with Paladin bonuses, and got it upgraded in the Barbarian village. Now somebody could just buy better stuff?

spunkee311 wrote:Paying for DLC on consoles are of the norm now. I was shocked back in 2006, but now usually every game released for the consoles comes with some sort of DLC add-ons. The key is to just pick and choose. L4D2 - The passing wasn't too bad. It was 540 points. Which is like $6 or $7. Which isn't too bad. I don't mind supporting something with my money when its worthwhile. and New Achievments, gamemodes, campaigns, etc.. seemed like a good deal. Now would I pay for Horse armor for Oblivion? Hell no. I wouldn't even be caught playing Oblivion lol.

As for PC. Enjoy it while it last. Because the times are changing. I have friends that work for EA and they will be charging for DLC on PC. And since EA and Activision (along with Blizzard and few others) are the heavy hitters in the industry, the rest will follow.
I'm not too big of a PC fan, but I was shocked that Blizzard still charges roughly $15 for World of Warcraft. Its a 6 year old game lol. MMO or not, that should be free or $5. That's just straight up getting away with murder.
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby spunkee311 » Mon May 03, 2010 11:25 pm

nachtjaeger wrote:Hey, WoW must be a good game, or nobody would pay $15. Why should they charge less than the market is willing to pay?

What freaked me out is when I found a site where people buy and sell in-game items for Diablo II- for real-world cash money! :shock: Geez, what fun is that if you can just buy the best and rarest items in the game with no effort? It took me forever to get a RalOrtTal shield. It was so great when I finally got a really good shield later on with Paladin bonuses, and got it upgraded in the Barbarian village. Now somebody could just buy better stuff?

spunkee311 wrote:Paying for DLC on consoles are of the norm now. I was shocked back in 2006, but now usually every game released for the consoles comes with some sort of DLC add-ons. The key is to just pick and choose. L4D2 - The passing wasn't too bad. It was 540 points. Which is like $6 or $7. Which isn't too bad. I don't mind supporting something with my money when its worthwhile. and New Achievments, gamemodes, campaigns, etc.. seemed like a good deal. Now would I pay for Horse armor for Oblivion? Hell no. I wouldn't even be caught playing Oblivion lol.

As for PC. Enjoy it while it last. Because the times are changing. I have friends that work for EA and they will be charging for DLC on PC. And since EA and Activision (along with Blizzard and few others) are the heavy hitters in the industry, the rest will follow.
I'm not too big of a PC fan, but I was shocked that Blizzard still charges roughly $15 for World of Warcraft. Its a 6 year old game lol. MMO or not, that should be free or $5. That's just straight up getting away with murder.

They do that with WOW as well. It used to be that you could buy a lot of items,armor, and even people's accounts for WOW on Ebay. Now Blizzard sort of took action and kind of limited it. Not completely but some of it. In my opinion, WOW is a great game, but not $15 a month great. But most of the people that play the game are addicted (watch the south park episode about World of Warcraft. It accurately depicts what I'm taking about) Blizzard knows people are addicted. And they know that people will pay the $15 a month subscription. Just google World of Warcraft stories. You'll read tons of stuff that's insane about this game. Like how a husband got so addicted his wife eventually divorced him. How parents in China played for 3 days straight and neglected their new born baby and it died. Another person played for four days straight and died from sleep deprviation. It's a ridiculous addiction. That game is dangerous. lol. I played for about 8 months and it almost got really bad. I was turning down girls to go on Raids. lol. Then I slapped myself silly, uninstalled the game, and haven't looked back.

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue May 04, 2010 8:54 am

spunkee311 wrote:But most of the people that play the game are addicted (watch the south park episode about World of Warcraft. It accurately depicts what I'm taking about) Blizzard knows people are addicted.

Here is the episode: ... craft.html
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby nachtjaeger » Fri May 07, 2010 10:25 pm

We know a family that plays WoW incessantly. I've seen the Dad playing 3 accounts at once. Tried it once- borrringggggg. Pirates of the Carribean was more fun, but still too much time leveling up.

Now, SecondLife, that was a genuine addiction. I blame Ostara- she's the addictive personality, and since I was online as her. . . :oops:
I was sort of like the legendary wizard who liked to shapeshift into a bear. He eventually forgot his humanity. SecondLife was just the window my created-as-a-joke alt persona needed to make a run at being the dominant personality. She's like that. :twisted:
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby DaegonNeo » Sat May 08, 2010 7:31 am

<.< Yeah...any and all programers, tell me if WoW, and Evercrack...I not count as drugs. Then, I will show you people who are seriously addicted to it.

Stay in School. Don't do drugs.
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby ChatteNoire » Sun May 16, 2010 7:26 am

I must be a different type of gamer. I play tabletop RPGs and tabletop wargames.

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby nachtjaeger » Sun May 16, 2010 11:28 pm

I do that, too. Haven't played D&D in a couple years, but I play miniatures quite a bit. Mostly WWII (co-wrote a rules system with my buddy) and LotR minis. The gaming system for them is a blast, and the figures are gorgeous.

ChatteNoire wrote:I must be a different type of gamer. I play tabletop RPGs and tabletop wargames.
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby ChatteNoire » Mon May 17, 2010 4:42 am

nachtjaeger wrote:I do that, too. Haven't played D&D in a couple years, but I play miniatures quite a bit. Mostly WWII (co-wrote a rules system with my buddy) and LotR minis. The gaming system for them is a blast, and the figures are gorgeous.

Cowrote a system? Impressive. Is it a rewrite of Flames of War or is it based on the Games Workshop system?

I play Hordes/Warmachine and Wargods (thar's an obscure one) and I DM Shadowrun and Call of Cthulhu. I haven't played D&D in, gosh, three weeks now ;)

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby nachtjaeger » Tue May 18, 2010 1:32 am

It's pretty much an original system called PanzerToten. The original goal was "WWII minis rules on a postage stamp" but it grew. We spent a lot of time on the gun and armor tables for tanks. We eventually split it into a skirmish-level system and a battalion level system. Someday we might publish it. . . We like it well enough to play it.

ChatteNoire wrote:
nachtjaeger wrote:I do that, too. Haven't played D&D in a couple years, but I play miniatures quite a bit. Mostly WWII (co-wrote a rules system with my buddy) and LotR minis. The gaming system for them is a blast, and the figures are gorgeous.

Cowrote a system? Impressive. Is it a rewrite of Flames of War or is it based on the Games Workshop system?

I play Hordes/Warmachine and Wargods (thar's an obscure one) and I DM Shadowrun and Call of Cthulhu. I haven't played D&D in, gosh, three weeks now ;)
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby ChatteNoire » Fri May 21, 2010 4:56 am

nachtjaeger wrote:It's pretty much an original system called PanzerToten. The original goal was "WWII minis rules on a postage stamp" but it grew. We spent a lot of time on the gun and armor tables for tanks. We eventually split it into a skirmish-level system and a battalion level system. Someday we might publish it. . . We like it well enough to play it.

Most impressive. Yeah, there really is no way to put minis rules on a postage stamp, esp not with the breadth of possibilities a historical game requires (at least for publishing purposes. The WW2 minis players are absurdly serious about their rules matching history.) I wish you luck if you do decide to publish but even if you don't it sounds like you got a great game out of it.

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