Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

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Re: Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

Postby YerKiddin » Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:08 pm

Firewind127 wrote:This will be my first time, can anyone make me some suggestions for going out, and what kinds of things to look for?
Also, if I do go out, I'd like to bring back accurate results, what should I be rating the sinking spots on?
Can someone tell me the things I should bring with me, besides the most obvious change of clothing? I'm still timid and also need to be able to get home looking as if nothing happened, this little kit still lives with it's family. :( I'm probably walking too, won't be able to carry much. I'm sure I could figure it out on my own, but I want to get some tips and pointers from those that have done this before, make sure I don't go and do something stupid.

Stuff to take with you:

A washcloth and a towel, and maybe even some soap.
A change of clothes, complete with shoes & socks
water. I bring drinking water in a cooler, as well as washing water in 2 or 3 liter plastic bottles. (used soda containers) How many you need depends on how hard the mud you play in is to get off your body.
Plastic trash bags. I usually try to bring 3. If I want to leave in any hurry, then 2 plastic bags and the towel are good for covering the seat in my car, and I can leave without cleaning up. Otherwise, it's 1 plastic bag for all my wet clothes and the wash cloth.
maybe a snack that won't go bad from sitting in a hot car (or that you can put into the cooler with your drinking water)

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Re: Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

Postby Firewind127 » Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:46 pm

I don't have a car, I can't drive, I took an attempted scouting run while finally getting out for a walk, it's a 40 minute hike to get in from home and then I have to locate the spot still, and bug spray was on the list.

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Re: Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

Postby giuseppe » Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:41 pm

So I have been trying to think about how to approach LOOKING for quicksand spots in my local area. I am not quite sure what to do...I mean, do I just go to state parks and places like that? I figured that would be too public. On the flip side, I don't want to just pull over on a highway and wander off into the forest lol. I live in sort of a "middle of nowhere" area so I guess it would be relatively simple to find little side roads with nothing around. However, I can't just drive down every road around thinking there might be some quicksand there (by this, I mean theres a sort of marshy kind of area somewhere around here.) I dunno..I mean..what's the "protocol" I guess for wandering around and looking for sink spots. Any suggestions?

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Re: Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

Postby nachtjaeger » Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:22 am

Get yourself a guide to birdwatching and a pair of binoculars. In season, get a fishing license and some fishing tackle. Everybody figures birders and fishermen are crazy, so they expect them to go wandering all over. And of course fishermen follow creeks and streams all over. 8-)

For quicksand one spot to check is where one stream enters another stream, a lake, etc.

giuseppe wrote:So I have been trying to think about how to approach LOOKING for quicksand spots in my local area. I am not quite sure what to do...I mean, do I just go to state parks and places like that? I figured that would be too public. On the flip side, I don't want to just pull over on a highway and wander off into the forest lol. I live in sort of a "middle of nowhere" area so I guess it would be relatively simple to find little side roads with nothing around. However, I can't just drive down every road around thinking there might be some quicksand there (by this, I mean theres a sort of marshy kind of area somewhere around here.) I dunno..I mean..what's the "protocol" I guess for wandering around and looking for sink spots. Any suggestions?
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Re: Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

Postby bart1997 » Sat Jun 26, 2010 7:38 am

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Re: Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

Postby Nessie » Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:18 pm

giuseppe wrote:I mean, do I just go to state parks and places like that?


I figured that would be too public.

While it's not at all uncommon for me to pass somebody on a trail, so far nobody's been in the mud. I don't know what your landscaping's like but once behind the cover of marsh grass or cattails, it's kind of a given that I won't be disturbed.

By people, that is. There's these ducks, though, that flap around in the water right outside my current sinking hole, and I did have to get used to that.

However, I can't just drive down every road around thinking there might be some quicksand there (by this, I mean theres a sort of marshy kind of area somewhere around here.)

Sure you can!

I dunno..I mean..what's the "protocol" I guess for wandering around and looking for sink spots. Any suggestions?

My thinking is that when the casual observer sees me, whatever it is that they assume that I am probably NOT what I am really doing!

I usually even carry a camera. I've gotten to where I carry it around even when I don't feel like using it or know I won't use it (because it's cold out and I won't be sinking cutely in nice clothing) because if anybody should see me coming out of a bog in my waders, it is a good cover story.


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Re: Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

Postby rgadt » Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:28 am

Both Google Earth and Microsoft's Bing map (easily accessible from, just pick a zip code or city, click on the radar, zoom in as far as you like and drag the map around to look- if you zoom in really close you'll be prompted to turn the radar view off, but it will still look fine) can be utilized to good effect. Also, Google Maps Street View function can be helpful to get street-level views of landmarks in the area to familiarize yourself. All publicly-accessible satellite maps are going to be out of date to one degree or another, you just need to get a general idea of the sinkiness potential of an area, then go check it out in person. Obviously, seasonal changes will occur anywhere, just be patient and you'll find something fun. :) If you're worried about people thinking you're a Jihadist or something, just tell them you got lost if anyone bugs you. If you're out of the car, tell them nature was calling, really urgently. You do need to keep an eye out for No Trespassing signs, just to note their presence or absence if nothing else. If you're on public land, and not doing anything lewd in view of the parking lot, you shouldn't have any problems.

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Re: Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

Postby gamwam » Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:22 am

guys im really in need of some help if anyone can

you all know im an avid sinker and have sank all my life,... but in the last three years ive not been able to have a sniff

you see i dont drive so im limited to exploring around the outside of the city by how far i an cycle,.. i used to have a buddy with a car who would help me explore further afield and accompany me on trips to the bogs where i would sink,... but hes unfortunatley given up his car

ive cycled outwards from the city in most directions,.. but this place seems as dry as a pharaohs socks!

i know its a long shot,. but does anyone have any idea or info of anywhere that might be sinkable in the nottingham uk area?......hell ill sink in a manure heap if i have to lol

any help would be greatly appreciated


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Re: Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

Postby Theog » Tue Aug 24, 2010 3:07 am

Someone has already posted a few of the spots I have seen near me??? That's insane!! Anyone know who it was? (Northeast England)

Oh, and, Gamwam, I could have a look on GE if you give me a rough location, but I can't make any promises...

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Re: Sinking Locations For Everyone... With your help??

Postby gamwam » Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:02 pm

cheers for the offer mate,. but i have allready used google earth half to death and folowed up just about every lead that looks interesting from the air

have a check if you like,..rough location would be colwick area (near racecourse)


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