Gamers Unite!

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby Mynock » Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:33 am

Was reading this morning and got the shock of my life:


Let me repeat that for the non-believers: Duke Nukem Forever is real and it is an actual playable game.

Naturally, neither 2K nor Gearbox gave a hard date for Duke Nukem Forever. Sometime in 2011, that's it. That's not was this re-unveiling was about. This was about blowing minds, because show-goers were genuinely surprised to see that Duke Nukem Forever was not just at PAX, but was also something they could get their very own hands on for the first time.

I think I'm going to cry. Or Barf. Or shit my pants. Maybe all three. Then start saving up for a new gaming rig so I can play this with all the goodies turned on when it comes out.
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby nachtjaeger » Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:16 am

Just picked up "Rise of Nations" in the bargain bin at Office Max. Another game using the same engine as Microsoft's "Age of Empires" but this one has some cool features. It's pretty much a cross between Civilization and Age of Empires. You start out in the ancient age with one tiny village and eventually build an empire. It seemed overly simple at first, but once I turned on the "advanced settings" I was pleasantly surprised. This allows you to set unit stances, patrol routes, etc. There are unique resources to harvest, and nation bonuses. Well worth picking up if you see it in the store.
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby Rickington » Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:55 am

I'm currently looking forward to Deus Ex: Human Revolution (aka Deus Ex 3). I hope it lives up to the hype (and awesomeness!) of the first Deus Ex! :D

I hope my rig will run it well once it comes out in March.

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby quagmire_uk » Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:01 pm

I've been pleasantly surprised by Singularity. It's the most poorly promoted game ever - it seems that Activision intentionally wanted to screw Raven over as they didn't do any advertising or marketing whatsoever and didn't send any copies to reviewers. Usually that's a sign that a game is dreadful, buts lots of places have given it 8 or even 9 out of 10.

Here's a massive post about it, because it saddens me that hardly anyone I know has bought this game, and it's one of the funnest games I've played this year.

Singularity is an old fashioned corridor-based first person shooter, involving Russians in the 1950s building a black hole reactor, and it's full of fun time travel shennanigans. It's a rip-off of games such as Half-Life (1 and 2), Bioshock, FEAR, STALKER and Metro 2033 but it's an incredibly well done rip-off, such that it feels like you are playing a "best of" collection.

Every few minutes you get a new weapon or new power or new type of enemy, or you are quietly sneaking past blind mutants, or fighting a huge boss fight, or racing to rescue an ally that has been kidnapped. So despite being made of elements of other games it keeps surprising you. I also found the time travel storyline quite entertaining, and at the end you can choose between three different endings, all of which are awesome. (Simply do "Continue Game" at the end to reload and try the others.)

The multiplayer only has a few levels and two game modes, suggesting it was quickly "tacked on", but has the fun twist of being human soldiers versus various types of mutant creature, like Left 4 Dead versus mode or Aliens versus Predator. I love being a Phase Tick, crawling around on walls and ceilings and then leaping onto people's faces like a face hugger.

Great reviews here: ... 8727.phtml

(Some other reviews have been less positive... generally those are critics that feel they have to give something a low score for being unoriginal, and forget that the point of videogames is to have fun. The fact that it has bioshock audio logs is not a reason to give it 6 out of 10!)


1) Weapon Lockers are not just for upgrading your weapons, you can also equip weapons from them for free, and you can buy ammo using E99. So if you've passed a weapon locker, there's no reason for you to be carrying just a pistol! (It seems some people don't bother to read on screen text prompts.)

2) The easiest way to defeat Phase Ticks is to simply create a Deadlock bubble of frozen time and stand in the middle of it. You'll get surrounded by frozen phase ticks that you can kill easily. Fire a new Deadlock bubble at the ground before the old one has expired. Alternatively, you can use your age/revert power to age a phase tick, making it a huge phase tick that kills its companions. Don't shoot the orange pods on the walls, that releases phase ticks. Instead you can use your powers to age/revert the sacks to remove them safely.

3) This game is more fun if you play experimentally rather than always using the "best" weapon or "best" power. The common assault rifle is pretty effective, and if you upgrade its damage it can kill anything in one second. But don't forget that you can ignite enemies with propane tanks or freeze them with liquid nitrogren. Or blow enemies up with the spikeshot railgun, or roll guided grenades around with the Dethex launcher, or use your time powers to age them or revert them into mutants. Filling them with lead from your assault rifle is the boring way to win!

3) The Deadlock time power is great, but if you upgrade it becomes so overpowered that it effectiveless breaks the game. When you first get it the zone of frozen time is small and only lasts a few seconds, but if you upgrade it you can freeze a whole squad of soldiers. Fully upgraded it will create a massive zone of frozen time that freezes all the enemies in a room for 20 seconds. This should have been one of the most expensive upgrades in the game, but instead for some reason it is actually one of the cheapest! So to actually enjoy the game I'd recommend you resist upgrading the Deadlock power. Perhaps upgrade it once after you are an hour or two further into the game. Fully upgrading it makes the game ludicrously easy.

4) If you are an experienced with first person shooters I'd recommend playing on hard mode. The only difference between normal mode and hard mode is that enemies do much more damage to you in hard mode. The game encourages exploration and there's health packs all over the place, but you only actually need all those health packs when playing in hard mode. The early chapters of the game are quite tough, but as you gain new powers and upgrades the game becomes significantly easier. The only enemy that posed a challenge are the phase ticks, they are deadly in hard mode, but see my above tips on how to defeat phase ticks!

5) The Centurion pistol looks nice but isn't very effective, especially against the tough mutant creatures. To turn it into an awesome powerful magnum you need to fully upgrade it, which is rather expensive and less cost effective than upgrading your assault rifle or shotgun. The pistol is more effective against human soldiers, and 1950s soldiers are the weakest of all. (It's awesome using revolver to blow heads/limbs off.) So if you do want to use the pistol (perhaps for achievement/trophy on console) a good place to use it is the "Cooker" level towards the end of the game. From the weapon locker I grabbed the pistol for close range enemies and the sniper rifle for long range enemies, and it was a good combo.

Which version should I buy?

Graphically and performance wise, it is identical on Xbox 360, PS3 and on PC. When it comes to mutiplayer, Xbox 360 has the most players, followed by PS3, followed by PC. So if you have a console and a gaming PC I'd recommend going for the console version. Also the PC version doesn't have Achivements or Trophies, and while I don't normally care about such things, some of the Achievements are quite fun and encourage you to use all your weapons and powers. If you get the PS3 version, sometimes when searching for a game it will say "Finding Best Match" and get stuck like that. If it says Finding Best Match for more than 5 seconds just cancel with circle button and try again.

If you only have a PC (or you refuse to play shooters with anything except keyboard and mouse) then be sure to install the "unofficial texture streaming patch". (Just google it.) There's also an official version 1.1 patch which effectively does the same thing, but if you install it you'll probably never be able to play multiplayer, because players with version 1.1 can't play against those with version 1.0, and 95% of Singularity players have version 1.0. Unfortunately if you buy the game through Steam then it is auto updated and you have no choice but to use version 1.1, so as much as a I love Steam this is once case I'd say don't get the Steam version.

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby Bubble_Butt » Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:23 am

spunkee311 wrote:Figured instead of writing individual threads about each game or system. We can just all chat about it in one long thread.

Anyways, if anybody owns a PS3. I highly (very highly) recommend Uncharted 2. Possibly one of the best games for that system.

YEAH IT IS! don't forget the game I always beat you in Mortal Kombat ;)

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby spunkee311 » Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:45 pm

Can honestly say 343 pulled it off with Halo 4.

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby spunkee311 » Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:23 am

Anyone playing Metal Gear Phantom Pain?

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby merloch » Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:07 pm

Been playing a balance of dying light, mad max. world of warships, and armored warfare but that will change once fallout 4 comes out :D

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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby Mynock » Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:59 pm

Currently replaying Borderlands 2, forgot how much I liked this game. Movie is probably going to suck dick.......

"Sorry, boys, I've got turret syndrome! Get it? 'Cause of the turret...? Sorry." :lol: :lol:
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Re: Gamers Unite!

Postby Niveous » Sat Sep 05, 2015 10:51 am

Mynock wrote:Currently replaying Borderlands 2, forgot how much I liked this game. Movie is probably going to suck dick.......

"Sorry, boys, I've got turret syndrome! Get it? 'Cause of the turret...? Sorry." :lol: :lol:

Which system do you play on? I've got the handsome collection on PS4. Had it on my 360, but left it in louisiana with corrupted save data.

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