Lum's Frustration

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Lum's Frustration

Postby cormac828 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:48 pm

A “Lum * Urusei Yatsura” fan fiction

Lum was frustrated. Ataru-kun was frustrated. Lum. Ataru. Frustration.

All that Moroboshi Ataru really cared about was girls. Quite understandable, really. Ataru-kun was well into his teens and he was seeing girls in a very new light. The days when he regarded girls as “yucky” and “soppy” were far behind him and now girls filled his thoughts by day and his dreams by night.

But when Ataru-kun thought of his present situation he was always struck by how utterly improbable it all was. He was just an unremarkable teenage schoolboy in an unremarkable high school in an unremarkable town in Japan. And any boy in this town would almost certainly end up with an unremarkable girlfriend who at some point would become an equally unremarkable wife and bear him a number of equally unremarkable children.

But then there was Lum, the Princess of Oni, she of the luscious green hair, topaz eyes, supple figure and tiger-stripe bikini and boots. Every boy in Tomobiki High School had an eye for her and every girl in Tomobiki High School saw her as a potential threat. But ever since that day when Ataru-kun chased her down in a contest and touched her horns, Princess Lum had only eyes for her darling Moroboshi Ataru.

So why was her darling so disinterested in her? The answer is that Ataru-kun was as girl-crazy as any teenage boy could be, and given the choice between an extra-terrestrial princess who loved him unconditionally and countless teenage Earth girls who barely knew he existed outside school, he would choose the latter every time.

One late afternoon Lum found Miyake Shinobu sitting by the lake brooding. She slowly approached Shinobu. Shinobu looked up to Lum then returned to gazing on the lake. Lum sat down beside her. There was an uneasy silence between them then Shinobu spoke. “Lum, do you think Ataru-kun could ever love a girl? I mean, love her enough to marry her?”

Lum sighed, “I honestly don’t know. He seemed serious enough when he chased me down, but now… I don’t know if he has it in him to be serious about anything.”

“Neither do I,” responded Shinobu. “I don’t think I’ll ever understand boys. I mean, Ataru-kun has got you, the girl that every boy lusts after, and he still carries on chasing every skirt in sight.”

“I think you would have better luck with Mendou-kun,” said Lum. “He’s not the skirt-chaser that darling is.”

“Me and all the other girls in Tomobiki,” said Shinobu gloomily. “I don’t know... do you have these problems with boys where you come from?”

Lum groaned. “All the time. I thought I might have good fortune when darling caught me, but now I know that boys are all the same whatever planet they’re from.”

They continued their chatter until Shinobu looked at her watch. “Ooh, I’d better get on home. Mum will be wondering where I am.” Lum and Shinobu went their separate ways. Shinobu took a short cut to her house that she hadn’t taken for a long time. She soon remembered why she no longer went this way. After a hundred metres or so the path widened but the ground beneath her became wetter and muddier. Another hundred metres on and her shoes were completely covered in muck. A hundred metres on and the muck was ankle-deep. “Damn!” she muttered. “What have I got myself into?”

Shinobu was still about three hundred metres from the edge of the clearing but she couldn’t face trudging any further through the mire. She turned left towards the higher ground and after four steps found herself in even softer ground. It gave way beneath her feet and she sank up to her knees. She flailed about and regained some balance. This was a fine how-d’you-do, she thought, lifting her skirt up from the surface. She tried to move her right leg and found it stuck fast. She tried the left leg and that too was stuck. She continued to sink. The level of the mine was about midway between her knees and her crotch.

Now Shinobu was starting to panic. She leant backwards, hoping to lever her legs out of the mire’s tightening grip, but all she did was sink up to her hips. At that moment a new feeling struck her, the feeling of the mire tightening around her waist, the feeling of the muddy water seeping through the fabric of her knickers, wetting her backside soaking her vagina. This was a strangely pleasurable feeling, one that Shinobu had never felt before.

But she snapped out of it when she saw the reality of her predicament. She was up to her waist in the mire and sinking further. Shinobu screamed, “HELP! HELP!!! I’M STUCK!!!”

After a minute or so during which she sank even further Lum appeared hovering overhead. “Shinobu?” she said. “What are you doing out here?”

“I’m sinking! What does it look like? I can’t move!”

Lum knew what she had to do. She floated behind Shinobu, her arms snaked under Shinobu’s arms. Lum was soon in the kneeling position, her arms wrapped around Shinobu and her legs on either side of her. Lum gave a heave but the mire was much softer than she thought. She sank up to her navel and the mire promptly invaded her boots, all the way down to her feet, and the bottom half of her tiger-stripe bikini. Oh, my! She never felt this before, with the watery mud and the muddy water swirling around her most private parts.

But this was cut short by the realisation that Shinobu still needed help. Lum tried her own levitation technique. Slowly two mud-soaked girls emerged, first Lum’s bikini bottom which was in danger of slipping off completely, then Shinobu’s mud-covered skirt, then two pairs of muddy legs and feet.

As Lum carried Shinobu over to firmer and drier ground she noticed something wasn’t right. “Shinobu, weren’t you wearing shoes earlier?”

“Oh, shoot!” muttered Shinobu. “I’ve lost them in the mud.”

“You stay here,” said Lum to Shinobu, depositing her on terra firma. “I’ll see if I can find them.” Before Shinobu could say anything else Lum floated back to the spot where they had been mired just a minute before. Lum plunged her right arm into the mire, fished around for a bit and found nothing. She sank her arm further until the mud was up to her shoulder but still found nothing. Then she plunged into the mud head first, fished around with both arms and found both of Shinobu’s shoes.

To Shinobu this was an extraordinary sight. All she saw during that moment was a pair of mud-covered legs and a muddy backside sticking straight up out of the mire. But that muddy figure straightened itself up and a muddy head and a pair of muddy arms emerged. What a bizarre sight Lum was as she returned carrying Shinobu’s muddy shoes. She was covered in mud from the waist down and from the chest up while her mid-section was clean and dry.

“Lum, thank you so much,” said Shinobu hugging Lum. “I hate to think what could have happened if you hadn’t been around.”

“What will you do about your clothes?” asked Lum.

“Oh, I’ll just wash them off and hang them out to dry,” replied Shinobu.

As Shinobu continued on her way home by a higher and drier route Lum hung around the mud flats. The feelings she experienced as she was rescuing Shinobu fascinated her. She walked out to the middle of the clearing and sank just as surely as Shinobu had. Her boots sank into the mire, up over the feet, up the ankles and up to the tops of the boots. And as the tops of her boots sank below the surface the mire spilled inside. She experienced the thrill of the cool mud slipping down her legs, down to her ankles, heels and at last her toes and she loved the feeling of the mire sloshing around inside her boots as she wiggled her toes.

But after a while she began to feel constricted and, using her power of levitation, she lifted herself out of the mire. She floated over to the edge of the clearing where she removed her boots. She walked back out to the middle of the clearing, taking delight in the feeling and the sound of the mud squelching under her bare feet and up between her toes. Very soon she was hip deep in the mire and could not walk any further but she was much more interested in the mud which was gradually creeping up her thighs.

Lum’s breathing and pulse sped up as she revelled in this strange, new and sensual experience. There were pits of mire similar to this on her own world but she never took any notice of them. Apart from anything else, what would the common people of Oni think of a princess of their realm larking about in the muck? Here on Earth Lum had no such inhibitions.

Now Lum had sunk up to her hips and the mire was engulfing her crotch. The material of her bikini bottom did not readily allow the water to soak through but it seeped around the edges, in around her buttocks and vulva. Lum’s excitement grew and grew as the water seeped into her most private parts, the cool liquid meeting the hot parts that were getting hotter.

Lum levitated herself up to pull off her bikini bottoms and, with her legs parted, she plunged feet first back into the mire. The feeling of the cool mud meeting her hot private parts brought her to the first of many climaxes. With the intense sensation of that climax she moved herself back and forth in the mire, deliriously crying softly as the mire washed back and forth around her, in rhythm with her and in and out of her.

Ever so slowly the level of the hire climbed up past her navel. Every little sensation delighted her, from the surface rising up her rib cage up to her breasts, the mire tightening its grip around her body and pressing its way into her most private parts, all the way down her legs to her toes. Ever so slowly her breasts sank below and Lum pulled off her bikini top to reveal a pair of rock-hard, crimson nipples, still more evidence of how excited she was.

Within a minute hot and cool met again as Lum’s nipples were consumed by the mire and she climaxed yet again. She plunged both her arms into the mire as she wanted to feel the mire all around her. Still the mire swallowed up her body inch by inch; still it held her writhing body in an unyielding, sensual embrace; still Lum’s body shook as one orgasm after another surged through her.

Now only her head remained above the surface. She knew she couldn’t breathe underneath the mud and she could lift herself out anytime she wanted, but all she cared about at this point was the multitude of erotic sensations she was now experiencing. Every fibre in her body was wrapped up in the sheer pleasure of the mire’s embrace. Now the shoulders disappeared below the surface and the mire was making its way up her neck and Lum softly sighed and cried all the way down. Down, down, down she went, the mire now engulfing her chin. Lum threw her head back and felt the cool mire soaking through her thick green hair and cooling her scalp. Her ears, her mouth and her cheeks were swallowed up next. Soon only her eyes and nose were above the surface.

At that very moment the mud closed over her completely and a roaring climax surged through her.

Then there was nothing.

And this is where the story would end if Lum was just an ordinary Earth girl. But as much as Lum loved the mire, she couldn’t stay under for long; she needed to breathe. Using her powers she lifted herself out. The mire seemed to grumble as if it had been thwarted in its desire to gain a lover. But Lum stayed there in the mire, plunging herself in and out, rolling and larking and bringing herself to further climaxes. She would be sure to bring her darling Ataru-kun to this place, or some place like it, in future.

However, when Lum got home and washed and dried herself off she began to have doubts. Would her darling enjoy the mud as she did? She had never seen him in the mud at all. In fact she had seen him walking very carefully around mucky ground, taking extra care not to get the merest spot of mud on his shoes. If he disliked mud that much then there was no way he would enjoy the miry experience that Lum had enjoyed that evening. In fact, what if she even mentioned her new-found love of mud to him? He might think she was mad, or worse, a pervert.

For the next fortnight all Lum could do was watch as Ataru-kun chased every teenage girl that came within thirty metres of him. Even with all those electric shocks, there was only so much she could do to keep him within easy reach. But then Lum discovered something new about her darling. She bumped into him in a narrow street in the centre of Tomobiki town. Actually it was quite a shock for Ataru-kun as he was wearing a thick acrylic pullover and polyester trousers. As soon as he rounded a corner he bumped into Lum and all the static electricity that had been building up in his clothes was released with a FLASH!!!

Both Lum and Ataru-kun jumped back and four garishly-coloured DVD cases fell to the ground from Ataru-kun’s arms. Lum picked them up before Ataru-kun could get over the shock and she was surprised first at the pictures on the DVDs and then at the titles.

“Ah, Lum,” Ataru-kun stammered, “T-those aren’t really mine. They’re just… I found them on…”

But Lum knew Ataru-kun well enough to know what all his stammering meant. This was something that Ataru-kun didn’t want her to know. Lum read the titles of the DVDs: “Seabridge Mud Wrestling”, “Mud Wrestling: College Girls Gone Wild”, “Mud Mavens 4” and “Mississippi Mire Queens”.

Ataru-kun stood there sweating and expecting Lum to lash out at him and call him pervert. But Lum looked at Ataru-kun in quite a different way and after a lengthy silence said, “Is this really fascinating to you, this ‘mud wrestling’?”

“Um, well, that is…” stammered Ataru-kun.

“Darling, please tell the truth,” sighed Lum, getting tired of this awkwardness. “Are you really interested in this?”

Ataru-kun saw no point in hiding anything from Lum. “Yes.”

“But I’ve never seen you in the mud,” said Lum. “You take care to avoid every muddy patch there is.”

“Because I don’t want to bring it into the house, that’s why,” replied Ataru-kun.

“But you still enjoy watching women in the mud.”

“Well, yeah. I mean, who doesn’t?”

“But don’t you ever think of being in the mud with them?”

“Hey, sure I do,” said Ataru-kun.

“And that would include me?” said Lum, coming closer.

“I-I- well, y-yeah…” Good grief! Where was this conversation going?

“But don’t you think this is rather shallow?” asked Lum. Ataru-kun was speechless, not knowing what to make of Lum’s words. “Would you not like to be in something deeper?”

The next hour or so was a total blur for Ataru-kun. He had seen many sides of Lum before; the princess with the aristocratic bearing, the devoted girlfriend, the hot-tempered girl. But this was something very different. He couldn’t put his finger on it.

And where the heck was he now? Well, looking around him he could see he was face to face with Lum in a clearing in a forest on soft ground. It was just after sunset and there was a warm breeze. Lum stood before him holding both his hands, clad in only her bikini and barefoot. “Darling,” she said, smiling serenely, “your planet has so many surprising things and I have just discovered one of them.” With that, Lum’s bare feet sank into the soft, miry ground. Ataru-kun looked down and saw that all he was wearing was a long singlet, nothing else.

Ataru-kun had countless questions that he wanted to ask, such as, where the blazes were they, how did they get here and where did his clothes go. But he struggled to get them out in any coherent order. Lum drew closer to Ataru-kun as he felt the sensation of his bare feet sinking into the mire. Ataru-kun had chased many girls before, including Lum, but this was the first time he had ever been in such a setting with anyone of the opposite sex. This beautiful girl was less than an inch away form him and she wanted to make love to him. He responded accordingly, his arms finding their way around her waist and their lips coming together.

They remained in that lip lock and stood moving back and forth like a couple slow dancing, seemingly unaware of their inexorable descent. Ataru-kun was revelling in the feeling of having Lum’s lithe body up against his, her sweet lips against his and the mire sliding his legs. Ataru-kun pressed his mid-section against Lum’s body and Lum responded by wrapping her legs around Ataru’s.

Now the level of the mire had risen above their knees and Lum’s rocking back and forth against him was becoming more intense. Consequently he was getting hot and stiff. Lum seemed to read his mind as she untied her bikini bottom and drew it off. The next thing Ataru-kun knew, he was in front of Lum, he was around Lum and he was inside Lum and their motions were becoming faster and more passionate. Their pulses were racing and their breathing was becoming shallower and more ragged.

Ataru-kun and Lum were consummating their love. They were no longer virgins.

Then came the moment when their crotches slipped below the surface. Ataru-kun shot his load into Lum who at this moment was having her own climax. They clung on tight to each other, rocking back and forth in a dance of passion as they continued to sink.

Lum was ecstatic and still cumming. She had captured her darling at long last. Ataru-kun was ecstatic and still shooting loads into Lum. He knew now there could be no other girl in this world or any other for him. The mire that surrounded them and held them was ecstatic and still drawing the lovers slowly down. The surface moved around them but below the mire was tightening its grip on them.

Lum recovered from her climax just as the mire claimed their navels and she pulled off her bikini top. At that point Ataru-kun did something that he had never dared to do to a girl before. He plunged his right hand down into the mire between their bodies and sought out her innermost sanctum. He found it easily enough, where his red-hot, throbbing penis was buried inside her vagina. Neither of them could move now they were up to their chests in the mire but Ataru-kun was able to move his fingers around and experiment. This was the Princess of Oni and if he was going to be her consort then he ought to learn how to pleasure her even in the most awkward circumstances.

Lum was still wrapped around him, sighing and crying, as he felt his way around their privates, feeling here and feeling there. And then Lum let out a piercing shriek. Ataru-kun froze immediately, thinking he had hurt Lum.

“Oh, darling,” she cried, “do that again. Just there.”

Ataru-kun needed no further encouragement. He ran his finger back and forth over that spot and Lum’s cries of love increased. He felt the blissful warmth of Lum’s vaginal walls pressing around his penis and the fluids that washed over it. Lum was cumming again and again as they sank further, up to their necks, and Ataru-kun’s penis was shooting a seemingly limitless supply of spunk into her.

Their lips locked together as the level of the mire passed their chins…

Then their lips and noses…

Then their heads…

And this is where the story would end if they were just a normal Earth couple. But in fact, only a chapter in Lum and Ataru-kun’s life ends here. Lum is no longer the repeatedly-spurned suitor and Ataru-kun is no longer the inveterate skirt-chaser. Lum has got her darling safe and sound at last and Ataru-kun will no longer even look at another girl lustfully, not Shinobu, not Miss Sakura, not Benten or Ran.

…and somewhere out in the ether two thousand purple monkeys are watching the lovers intently…

(“Lum*Urusei Yatsura” and all its characters are the creation and property of Takahashi Rumiko and are used in this story without permission.)

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Re: Lum's Frustration

Postby PM2K » Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:08 am

You know, I really liked this one for some reason... :D

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Re: Lum's Frustration

Postby prince_vegeta » Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:40 am

Wow, that was brilliant! Great story there, I love the last part! :D
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Re: Lum's Frustration

Postby DJlurker » Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:47 pm

I thought about doing something like this... unfortunately, I'm lazy and dismotivated. :(

That being said, this is a very good story. :idea: 8-)

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Re: Lum's Frustration

Postby cormac828 » Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:16 am

Thanks for the positive feedback, guys. I'm glad you appreciate my first heterosexual story.

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