Random Ostara tale- updated! (f, qs)

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Random Ostara tale- updated! (f, qs)

Postby nachtjaeger » Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:58 am

Hey, all you lonely quicksand boys. Ostara here. Nachtjaeger is currently out of his mind, so I get to come out and play.

So, I was walking along this secluded beach, and I found a spot where a crystal clear stream came splashing down the cliff and disappeared into the sand. Now, you know me, I just had to check it out. In case you boys have forgotten what I look like:
(okay, that's NOT me- my hair is a darker natural blonde, the eyebrows match the hair, and I'm a good three stone heavier with muscle, but you get the idea.)

Anyway, back to the quicksand. Nobody on the beach but me. I took off my backpack and weapon belt, pulled the daggers out of my knee-high boots, then took the boots off. Next I took off my arm armor, then lifted up my leather-scaled skirt to unbuckle the leg armor. Off came the body armor next, leaving me standing there barefoot in my gambeson (that's a padded undertunic.) Off came the underarmor, leaving me in my silk shift. I kept that on for the moment- my Northern Warrior Babe skin is NOT fond of sunlight, especially the parts that are usually covered up. I retrieved my eleven-foot pole from its pockets on my backpack and put it together. It didn't take much poking around to find out that there was a delightful vein of quicksand connecting the waterfall to the ocean. And this beach sand was the fine, soft, smooth kind, not the gritty rough kind. I couldn't resist. I grabbed the rope from my backpack. Then I dug like a dog, making a deep trench in the sand. I tied the rope to my eleven-foot pole and buried it to make a deadman anchor. Now I had a way out of the quicksand- always a good idea, as I tend to get a bit carried away. So I threw the rope out ahead of me and followed it out into the waiting sands.

Perfect. The sand on top was almost hot from the sun, but underneath it was warm and wet. It only took me a minute or two of walking and bouncing to find a spot that sucked me in up to my hard-muscled thighs. Ahhhhhh. . . But I wanted to go deeper. I started doing my "quicksand dance" to drive myself downward, and it worked just like always. Pump my legs, twist my hips, and the hungry sands sucked me down more and more. Up to my. . . uh, hips. Hell, I can't play this down. When the warm, wet, silky sand hit me there, I put my hand on the outside of my silk shift and. . . oh, gods! Sort of started losing my mind right then. Waist deep and sinking, struggling, touching myself with silk and silky sucking sand, and of course my body was on fire from both the sexual pleasure and that "quicksand thrill." Damn, I am SO into the whole stuck-and-sinking thing.

So there I was, getting "into" some absolutely perfect real quicksand. What would you boys do if you caught me there? Join me? Steal my rope? Just watch me moan and writhe and sink? Spank my ass for being a bad girl and playing in the quicksand? Tell me your fantasies, and maybe I'll tell you what happened next. . . :twisted:

Ostara, Quicksand Warrior Princess
Last edited by nachtjaeger on Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Random Ostara tale (f, qs)

Postby klib21 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:00 am

Personally, I'd grab your rope as quick as I could and steal it from you. I'd watch you struggle between pleasure and safety :)

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Re: Random Ostara tale (f, qs)

Postby SmileyMcDeath » Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:20 pm

1) -Take away rope; enjoy watching you writhe/struggle in pleasure until you reach just the perfect depth.
2) -Wade out to your position nude, holding rope, by which point you should be around shoulder-depth in your gooey trap.
3a) -Offer to play fun and exciting game of "beat the clock" in exchange for rope--first prize, ESCAPE!...and maybe a funny taste in your mouth...
3b) - hope that you don't somehow kick my ass with your mad ninja-like fighting skeelz in spite of being sunk to the collarbone, actually *feel* like playing along and understand I'm going to rescue you regardless, since I'm not really into this whole "fatality" thing...

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Re: Random Ostara tale (f, qs)

Postby PM2K » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:44 pm

I'm content to sit back and watch... as I'm afraid of what you'll do to me if I was within your reach... :twisted:

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Re: Random Ostara tale (f, qs)

Postby nachtjaeger » Fri Apr 13, 2012 2:12 am

Hey quicksanders, Ostara here again. You boys know how the game is played. 8-)

Anyway, I actually ended up going all the way under. Screamed my way under is more like it. Writhed and wiggled my body until that warm silky sand took me completely and I exploded. That was one of the best ones ever.

I finally dragged myself out, caught my breath, and crawled to the pool at the base of the waterfall. I took a quick dip, then peeled my shift off to wash it carefully in the fresh water. I washed myself under the waterfall, then turned around and started to walk back to my armor. Turns out I had an audience. Half a dozen monks of the new religion, in a silly little leather boat with a cross on the sail. I guess they heard all the screaming and sailed over to investigate. Their eyes were the size of dinner plates. I waved my shift at them. "Hi!" I said. "Quicksand is like sin," I told them, "One step into it and it pulls you in. The more you struggle, the deeper you sink." They looked terrified at this point. Perfect. "If your faith is strong, you can walk across the sinking sand. I will reward whoever makes it across. . ." They pushed the boat off the sand and put their sail to the wind. "Wait, I didn't tell you the part about the rope! The rope is like faith, it will pull you out of sin. . ." But they were sailing away. I fell down on the warm dry sand and laughed until tears ran down my face.
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Re: Random Ostara tale- updated! (f, qs)

Postby Kingsmythe » Thu May 03, 2012 2:54 am

Another great tale, Ostara. I really need to get back to writing for here.

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Re: Random Ostara tale- updated! (f, qs)

Postby Lomax » Thu May 17, 2012 6:45 pm

Heavens - see what I miss when I don't stay alert. Always nice to see Ostara put in an appearance.

You may remember, Nacht, that a while back I sort of planned to "borrow" Ostara and show her a good time. I still hope to do so - if I ever get my muse back.

Which is proving a problem. About two months ago I promised indeX I'd write another DS story; but despite having the whole story in my head, I'm finding it really hard to get it down on paper (a phrase I still use, despite it being anachronistic). Maybe one day.
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