finally told my wife

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finally told my wife

Postby epoch » Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:15 am

Hey everyone, I don't post much on here but I figured I would with this because throughout the years everyone here and on other sites have been pretty cool to me with this whole thing.

I never thought I'd share this damn quicksand fetish with anyone personally...not sober anyway. One day, years ago, me and my friend got drunk and I ended up telling him, but he's cool, he supported it, and after that we never talked about it again.

It's easy talking to another guy about that stuff because there's no sexual tension or anything, but I had never told any girl I dated or anything like that. It wasn't until recently my wife and I got into a conversation and I don't know how it even came up, but she got it out of me. She was pretty cool about it, but after that day, we never talked about it again...until recently.

Well, out of nowhere, a few days ago my wife and I had a few glasses of wine (i swear, alcohol is awesome for getting past embarrasemnt), and she started teasing me about fantasies and all that. She was trying to get me to tell her about it again, acting like she didn't remember, all with a huge smile on her face, so I breifly mentioned it, told her what it was, told her I had no idea why I am like this, and told her about the huge community of people out there that are like me, that I am not alone with it.

Well she went to the bedroom and by the time I got in there, she had the laptop and was looking up videos on youtube and stuff about it, showing them to me teasing me saying "don't you wish that was me, sinking slowly in quicksand like that?". Hell yes!

Not to get into too much detail after that, but it was an amazing night and we had an awesome time...we had three awesome times and two more the next day.

The cool thing about it is it wasn't a one time thing. It wasn't that we just got drunk one night, messed around with it and never brought it up again. She brings it up a lot now, which is awesome, and even told me one of her secret fantasies.

Anyway, just wanted to share that success story with everyone and wanted to thank you for the encouragement throughout the years and for giving me the courage to finally tell my wife...things have been awesome ever since. The only unfortunate thing is we have no way of actually taking it to the next step and fulfilling the fantasy in a real way, its just all talk and imagination...but that's fine, I'll take what I can get. I just can't believe that I have such a cool wife that she'd actually go along with this and be so supportive and awesome about it.

Alright, that's it. Thanks again everyone.

Bye for now.


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Re: finally told my wife

Postby reisen55 » Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:58 pm

I am sooooooo happy for you sir. Some years ago I told my wife about the fantasy and while she enjoyed the idea, not quite to the extent that your spouse jumped INTO the mud. As for me, I have serious residual effects from my first marriage. THERE and THEN my wife LOVED the idea of quicksand and would have gone into it with me. Good thing? Nope because after 5 years and much drug abuse on HER part, divorce followed and she wrote it all up in the papers. You have no idea how totally destructive that is to read about this in the COLD LANGUAGE of the law. I have never recovered from it fully either. I associate that experience with her and even sharing it with my current wife is painful beyond belief.

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Re: finally told my wife

Postby MadMax359 » Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:51 pm

yikes, Reisen, sorry to hear that... i had a girlfriend who warmed up to my interest in bondage (once she got into it, she'd be the one to say "get the ropes")... just lucky that didn't come back to bite me in the ass
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Re: finally told my wife

Postby QuagmireGiggity » Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:28 pm

Reisen, I can only imagine how your ex turned something as light as a quicksand fixation into something cold and malicious. Did she spin it around in such a way that it described as a means to hurt her (i.e., "He wished to throw me in a pit of quicksand and finish me off.")?

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Re: finally told my wife

Postby Quicksandal » Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:47 pm

Good for you epoch! Glad your wife took to the idea and wasn't repulsed or freaked out by it. Shame you can't find a nice pit and get her to sink in to it for you. Sad for you others who have confided and shared your fantasies and fetishes with you partners only to have it thrown in your face at a bad time.
I guess that 95% of us wish we could share it with a partner and act it out but that seems so rare with this subject. And what harm is there in sinking into a nice deep pit of mud or quicksand, up to their necks or deeper, so we can satisfy our deepest desires? Some partners can be so narrow minded at times. Lol.

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Re: finally told my wife

Postby Fred588 » Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:06 pm

Quicksandal wrote:Good for you epoch! Glad your wife took to the idea and wasn't repulsed or freaked out by it. Shame you can't find a nice pit and get her to sink in to it for you. Sad for you others who have confided and shared your fantasies and fetishes with you partners only to have it thrown in your face at a bad time.
I guess that 95% of us wish we could share it with a partner and act it out but that seems so rare with this subject. And what harm is there in sinking into a nice deep pit of mud or quicksand, up to their necks or deeper, so we can satisfy our deepest desires? Some partners can be so narrow minded at times. Lol.

I am sure there are exception but in my opinion there are two groups of people when it comes to things like fetishes, kinks, unusual turn-ons, etc. One group is called "Those who will admit, at least to themselves or when pressed, that they have such a thing" and the other group is called "liars." When someone tries to use information about another in the manner described, the majority of people hearing the accusation just see the accusing party as out of control.
Studio 588 currently offers more than 2200 different HD and QD quicksand videos and has supported production of well over 2400 video scenes and other projects by 13 different producers. Info may be found at:

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Re: finally told my wife

Postby Nessie » Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:28 pm

epoch wrote:Not to get into too much detail after that, but it was an amazing night and we had an awesome time...we had three awesome times and two more the next day.

Congratulations. This is so awesome!

You have attained the ideal situation!

Having been observing my fellow Quicksanders for over a decade now, here's what I've come to believe about most average situations:

When one partner has a firmly-entrenched fetish and the other doesn't have a fetish at all, realistically about the best you can expect from most people is acceptance. If a spouse accepts it and allows you to be that way, and you genuinely feel that your fetish is not resented -- you're ahead of the game.

If you MUST keep it secret, I recommend re-considering whether you would even marry that person. It does matter how active one is in one's fetish -- if you only fantasize, it's less important than if you actual visit quicksand. It is too much to expect of most people to keep a secret that is that important and that big for an entire lifetime.

You've just gone past average and into exceptional -- and that is exceptionally good! I don't think you can actually create a fetish in a spouse-- fetishes tend to be hard-wired in and fairly well-entrenched -- but it is true that some people are more open to things than others are and some people are turned on by new and interesting ideas while others are not.

I also believe that there is hope for the future. With the Internet, the idea of sexual diversity is gaining a lot of acceptance. In general, younger people who are used to hanging out online and have seen a fair share of kink don't seem to be as anywhere near as uptight about fetish or kink as older people.


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Re: finally told my wife

Postby cududes » Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:04 am

Thats why you need to get this out in the open whille dateing. After a few months I would say hey, lets go to the river swimming. You get one of two responses, eeehh thats discusting or, hey that sounds like fun.

I had my girlfriend over one night with her frined who was dating my friend. My girlfriend said no, but my friends girlfriend was all for it. I grabed a bottle of wine and down to the river the three of us went. My girlfriend staid on shore on whille I and my friends girlfriend went swimming. Nothing bad happended but not to long after that all of us broke. The funny thing is my friend thanks me for braking him up because the next girl he met he married and lived happily ever after.

Me, Im happy to with a new girl friend.


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Re: finally told my wife

Postby willnholly » Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:53 pm

Nice going! I've been trying to figure out a way to bring this up with my girlfriend...


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Re: finally told my wife

Postby dlodoski » Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:18 pm

reisen55 wrote:.... divorce followed and she wrote it all up in the papers. You have no idea how totally destructive that is to read about this in the COLD LANGUAGE of the law. I have never recovered from it fully either. I associate that experience with her and even sharing it with my current wife is painful beyond belief.

You're not alone.

It's not my story to tell, but the angst that was described to me is chillingly similar.

There are some things that should be out of bounds in legal matters - but try telling that to a lawyer.....

But back on topic - good on you Epoch. My policy is one of openness regarding fetishes (regardless of the perceived risk). I'm 24+ years with the first gal I told as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

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