Pool of Panara (story search)

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Pool of Panara (story search)

Postby velocity88 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:48 am

There was a series of stories from Deep Sinking that I really, REALLY wanted to read again. I know that it was called something to the effect of Pool of Panara and involved a culture that sacrificed young women to a quicksand pit which pleasured them as they sank to their consensual demise.

Anyone??? Anyone at all????!!!!!!!!

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Re: Pool of Panara (story search)

Postby PM2K » Fri Oct 26, 2012 6:12 am

Never read those ones before.... but they sound cool. I'd like to peruse them, too! :D

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Re: Pool of Panara (story search)

Postby doltonutani » Sun May 31, 2015 10:08 pm

Does anyone on here have this story?

If so could they potentially PM me where I can find it?

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Re: Pool of Panara (story search)

Postby schlamm » Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:27 pm

Being that it is going on three YEARS since that was posted, I'd venture a guess of no

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Re: Pool of Panara (story search)

Postby doltonutani » Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:36 am

schlamm wrote:Being that it is going on three YEARS since that was posted, I'd venture a guess of no

no harm in trying

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Re: Pool of Panara (story search)

Postby DeuteriumTritium » Wed May 17, 2023 9:39 am

This took forever and ever, way longer than it's supposed to.
Can't believe years of looking resulted in nothing, yet it's hiding beneath our eyelids all this time.

A quick search on DGF yielded: https://forum.dolcettgirls.com/index.php?topic=5884.msg59793#msg59793

The Pool Of Panara
A Four Story Series
COPYRIGHT BY Irene M. Delacorte 05/2006

Susan, Donna and Christine
Edited by Susan Chantell

Deepest Desire
Irene Delacorte
30 April 2006

Entering the clearing I saw the glistening pool in the center. The sun was bright overhead, a gentle breeze stirred the pines far above me. To my right was an obsidian obelisk, on it was an inscription. I ran my hands over the black stone and read the words.

“Know all who shall enter, you shall soon be one with me. For I am your Ultimate Desire.”

The words were worn, ancient words that had called women to this pool for ages past. In my mind I could see the lines of women walking slowly to the pool and disappearing beneath the surface. ‘Why would they?’ I asked myself. ‘Why would they willingly submerge themselves in the muck just below the surface of the pool?’

The stories of untold wealth had driven me to this lonely corner of my world. Stories whispered of the Pool of Panara, the ancient Goddess now mostly forgotten. Panara, the name itself caused me to shudder at the stories of the cult that had worshipped her.

I was a new woman, not to be frightened by tales of old. I had my rope and breathing mask, my mesh baskets to take the wealth buried in the slime. Tying one end to a sturdy Pine Tree I removed my clothing and placed them neatly on the ground for when I returned. I picked up a small rock to weigh them down and discovered a scrap of cloth under the rock.

I held the scrap, fine silk with embroidery on its surface, just three letters SMC. I let the scrap fall wondering how it got there and watched the breeze waft it into the pool. I donned my harness and attached the rope to my belt with a sturdy metal clip. The black leather harness went around my waist with straps to my shoulders and another between my legs. I tightened the harness so it wouldn’t slip and taking the mesh bags and breathing mask approached the pool.

The pool was surrounded by a low stone wall, with an opening leading to a stone slide. I could see a faint trail left in the grass and also see an indenture in the stone sill leading into the pool. ‘How many must have passed this portal to wear the stone this way?’ I asked myself while shaking my head at the thought of women doing this voluntarily.

I kneeled down at the edge of the pool and ran my fingers through the water. It was only inches deep, my fingers touched a thicker material just below the surface. Disturbed by my movements, I could see a thick green ooze rise to the surface. The smell was overpowering. A scent of seductive perfumes mixed with a much baser smell.

I donned my breathing mask and steeled myself, concentrating on the wealth of Panara. The gold and jewels offered to the Goddess, soon to be mine.

I seated myself on the edge of the sloping stone leading in to the depths and placed my feet into the pool. As my feet entered the ooze seemed to reach up to me hungrily, the slime spreading around my feet. I slipped in further and felt it around my calves. It was much denser than I had expected and the feel of it surrounding my legs was indescribable.

The scent and feel of the muck on my legs excited me, my thoughts going back to my desires that had lead me to the pool. ‘I am after gold, I told myself, stop this foolishness.’ The harness at my loins rubbed me as I moved deeper, causing me to gasp as the mire sucked at my body.

As my hips disappeared below the surface the combination of the scent, the rubbing harness and the feel of the sucking muck on my body caused me to convulse with an orgasm. I shook with the unexpected pleasure, my mind confused with the intensity. As my mind tried to control my body the surface of the pool roiled. Blooms of muck appeared all over the pool and bubbles rose to the surface and popped, releasing fumes that further inflamed my senses.

Legs falling off the edge my body moved off of the sloping stone and I soon found myself chest deep in the pool, black and green mud bubbling furiously around me. The waves of sensations set me off again and I could feel the sucking of the pool, now up to my chin.

Rationality briefly touched me as my head descended below the surface, the last glimpse of sun, my blonde hair spread on the surface. Now entirely in the pool and slowly sinking I thought of the others who had preceded me, the lure that had called to them, the pleasure I was feeling ensconced within the embrace of the pool, the rope at my waist my only link to life.

My feelings of pleasure increased with the depth of my body in the pool, the increasing pressure on my body only served to heighten my desire. My breathing became labored, as the pressure on my chest increased. Then my feet touched stone.

I slid along the sloping bottom and then dropped further, this time my feet didn’t touch a stone surface, but rather fragile objects that cracked and splintered below me as I settled further in the depths. ‘Bones!” my mind screamed as passion again overwhelmed me. The bones of those before me, those who had preceded me.

Some small part of me reached down and touched the bones as I settled lower. Then overwhelmed, I unsnapped my loin harness and desirously moved my hands to increase the intensity of my pleasure. One hand on my breast and another probing my loins, waves of pleasure moved within me. Seduced by the mud, a supplicant to Panara I released the harness completely and taking a last breath tore off the breathing mask.

Holding my breath I sank into the bones joining those in Panara’s grasp.

As my lungs burned and my world turned black thoughts of wealth gone, dreams of gold and jewels gone, I realized I had discovered my deepest desire.

The surface of the pool slowly settled, the surface again glistening in the Sun. A rope lead in to the depths, but it soon rotted and disappeared. The Obsidian Obelisk continued to proclaim its message to those who would join with the Goddess, “For I am your Ultimate Desire.”


Pull of Desire
Irene Delacorte
2 May 2006

Susan ran her hand along her leg, feeling the ridge of the scar, now healed. Her mind drifted back to the day, dressed in the ceremonial cloth, standing with her sisters while one after another entered Panara’s Pool.

She was eighteenth of the twenty, the cult selected each year for Panara. Susan, then just 18, had been filled with pride at her selection, to be one with Panara had been her goal, her desire.

The wooden temple to her right, draped in ivy, brooded over the assemblage. To her left the large complex, housing the Priestesses and the preparation rooms.

The twenty had spent a week being prepared, oiled and perfumed, the gold symbol of Panara hanging between their breasts and chanting to the Goddess. Susan had felt the beauty of Panara, and as the days passed her desire had built to an overwhelming need to join her.

The girls approached the pool one after another. Slipping off their robes and stepping into the pool, each moaning as they slowly sank into the pool, their bodies being sucked beneath the surface, their cries of ecstasy matched by the Priestess’s chants.

The sixteenth girl entered as Susan’s mind screamed with anticipation, only one more before herself. As the girl sank Susan heard a noise behind her, a staccato of noise beating on the ground. As she turned she saw the blade descending from the helmeted horseman’s arm. She fell back and the blade struck her thigh tracing a path of fire along her leg. Screams accompanied her fall to the grassed ground.

When she awoke she felt the weight of Panara’s symbol, the golden medallion of her joining with the Goddess gone. Her leg ached and she looked around at carnage. The Temple aflame, bodies lying around her, still and bloodless on the ground, Susan was gripped with agony. Crying in pain and grief she felt arms lift her, and then she fell into an agonized sleep.

When she awoke again it was to the feel of straw at her back and the grunting of animals nearby. A young girl was holding her hand and an older women was unwrapping a covering on her leg. As she opened her eyes the older woman looked at her, “Rest girl, you are safe now.”

Days later they told me of the barbarian raiders, the ship people who had attacked the Temple, carried off the priestesses and the last three girls into slavery. I was left for dead. The Temple had been sacked, burned and desecrated. My shock at their words left me numb.

“My family, where are they? Why am I here?” I asked the old woman.

“All gone my husband with them, killed or carried away.”

Susan spent the next year working the crude farm with the older woman, picking berries and digging for roots to sustain themselves. The winter was harsh, but they survived. She still felt the pull of desire, her mind going back to the ceremony, so close, and now gone.

As spring approached, the time of greening, Susan could see herself. Thin, gaunt her hands scarred from work. One night, sitting before the fireplace, she told the woman, “I must go, the time approaches and there is no one else.”

The woman placed a hand over hers, “Susan, the land is devastated, the priestesses are gone, and you don’t need to go to Her.”

“I hear Her call to me, She needs me to come to her, will you help me?”

The woman and young girl sewed clothes for her, spun wool and dyed it for her. As the day of the annual ceremony approached they helped her dress. Silk underclothes with her initials embroidered on them, SMC, a white robe and simple sandals.

The silk had been from the green banner of Panara, the young girl had found. It seemed fitting that it should cover her at her end.

Susan approached the Pool of Panara, alone at her insistence. The blacked beams of the Temple, the decaying ruin of the Priestess’s Complex. No twenty companions, no chants or ceremony, but she knew this is what she must do.

As she walked her foot struck an object buried in the unkempt grass. Leaning down she picked it up and realized it was a medallion. She rubbed the dirt from it and was rewarded by the glow of the gold medallion. Slipping it over her neck her hand drifted to the ridge of scar on her thigh, and remembered that day a year ago.

Walking to the trees surrounding her she slowly undressed, folding the white robe and placing it under the trees branches, then slipping down the silk briefs she placed them on top, folded so her initials would show. Placing a rock over the small pile of cloth she smiled.

Walking slowly and chanting to herself she reached the edge of the pool. She looked at the surface and could feel her senses heightened by the scent of Panara. Naked with the medallion glowing on her chest she walked unto the wooden platform. The wood was already starting to rot. At the end of the platform she gripped the railing and lowered her feet into the glistening pool.

Her mind reeling with the intensity of her actions she saw her feet disappear into the pool, ripples spreading from her entry. Her feet encountered a thicker layer beneath the surface and blooms of brown and green spread on the disturbed surface. The scent intensified and Susan let go of the railing and moved her hands to her loins, wanting to go to Panara in ecstasy.

As she stroked herself, she cried in passion. Quickly up to her thighs she experienced her first orgasm. The intensity was overwhelming, all she had dreamed about, wanted, desired. As her hips slipped below the surface she saw the pool surge and bubble, coming alive. The muck and mire sucked at her body, demanding her to enter. Again and again she screamed as waves of orgasm flowed over her. Her writhing was allowing her to slip in further.

The pressure on her body increased as she slipped deeper into the pool of her passion. Susan could sense a presence, a force, filling her mind, drawing her further into fervency. She moaned as her firm breasts touched the sensuous mud. Her fingers working her loins, fingers inserted deeply. The medallion between her breasts slipped below and she felt emanations flowing through her body.

As another wave crested she felt herself plateau, the feelings continuously buffeting her, shaking her, she screamed with joy. As the mire covered her mouth she took a last breath, a last look at the sky above her.

Her blonde hair spread on the surface and quickly followed her below. Her mind still overwhelmed with the intensity of her bodily passion. Ensconced within the sucking muck of the pool, gone now from earthly cares, Susan sensed the presence enter her. She sensed the pleasure of Panara at her joining.

Voices called to her, those who preceded her, thousands of voices. As her last orgasm caused her to open her mouth, the muck entered, filling her and dragging her to Panara.

The, now lifeless body, the shell of her previous existence drifted deeper and joined the decomposing bodies of those who had followed the Way of Panara before her.

The young girl returned to her mother. She had watched Susan and caught the scent of Panara. “Mother,” she said in her young voice, “when I am eighteen, can I join Susan, please?”

Her mother looked at the girl, “We shall be far from here my child, this land is cursed.”


Desire of the Elven Goddess
Irene Delacorte
2 May 2006

She had dissipated her life force in defense of her worshippers, watched helpless as they died in droves. Her kind, the Goddesses created by the eternal sprits, had been isolated for eons. She depended on her worshippers for her life force. She was Minako the Elven Goddess.

Her choice was simple, allow the barbarians, led by Demon Gods, to dissipate her life force, drive her to an ethereal existence or attempt to rebuild her life force with the new people. She chooses to maintain her presence on the battlefield called Terra.

Minako traveled the lands of the new people and selected a sight. It was near an estuary, well populated by new people, but most importantly to Minako, it was on an Island. She needed time and isolation to rebuild herself, regain her powers before she was discovered.

# # #

Christine turned to Donna, “Did you see that? Something is in the woods!”

Donna turned and seeing Christine’s eyes followed her vision to the dark woods surrounding the glade. “Chrissy, I don’t see anything. What did you see?”

Christine, setting down her basket of mushrooms, slowly walked toward the forest. As she approached the edge, Donna following her, a diminutive figure emerged from the undergrowth. Both of the sisters stopped and stared, rooted to the ground.

“You shall be my first acolytes, a great honor, if you perform well, you may be my priestesses.” the hooded black clad figure stated, her voice brooking no compromise to her statement. “I will tell you of my needs for worship.”

# # #

A decade had passed, the land bloomed, and the harvests filled the bellies of the new people. All was well in Panara.

Christine and Donna knelt before Minako their heads bowed in supplication, “Goddess, we have performed as you have requested, the Temple is completed, the cistern prepared and the fruit of the harvest has been prepared. We await your pleasure our Goddess.”

Minako stood and removed her hood and robe. “Look at your Goddess my priestesses. I reveal myself to you.”

They looked up and there breath caught as they observed her beauty. Minako’s black hair, her large eyes and pointed ears astonished them. She towered over them, her body beauty incarnate. They lowered there eyes and went prostrate before her beauty.

“I shall be the first into the Pool, my form shall be the Pool, you shall teach others that it is the Pool of Panara they will worship. The Demon Gods search for me, the fruit of your harvests will sustain and build my powers so someday I can regain what I have lost. You will train your acolytes well, they must follow you as priestesses forever.”

Minako stood before the cistern, it was filled with spring water that overflowed and filled a channel leading to the sea. She observed the Temple, the glade, the acolytes in their white robes. Then turned to the fruit of the harvest awaiting her and smiled.

Christine removed her black robe and bound Minako’s arms as she had been instructed. She lead her to the pool while the acolytes chanted the sacred chant. Onto the platform, and toward the edge. Christine looked down into the pristine cistern. The water clear to the depths.

Minako gathered her life force for the transformation and stepped into the pool. As her feet touched the surface the water transformed before Christine’s eyes. Brown and green streaks flashed through the water, it darkened and surged, Christine brought her hand to her mouth to stifle a gasp then started the chant.

Minako felt her powers flowing outward as her feet entered the pool, becoming one with the pool, her mind becoming the pool. She started to suck her own body in. Her powers her life force dissipated within the pool she became mortal.

As she changed the scent hit her, the seductive scent of herself, of her elven powers. Her body responded to the call of the pool, her legs moving into the viscous material. She realized that her transformation had caused an alteration in the pool, thickened it, and as it sucked her in she knew the pleasure that mortals feel. But she had denied herself, her hands bound she screamed for release. Up to her thighs she turned and screamed to Christine, “Untie me, Priestess!”

Without a thought, Christine shed her garments and leaped into the mud. Her mind only on her Goddess, she quickly removed the bindings on her arms. Then realized she too was sinking into the ooze.

Minako moved her hands into herself and exploded with pleasure, the pleasure of mortals, a pleasure unknown to the Goddess. Then pulling Christine to her, she pulled her down even with her, Christine was overcome with pleasure.

Together they sank their bodies aflame with passion, all difference between Goddess and Priestess forgotten, they stroked each other and screamed together from the effect of the Elven Scent and the cloying muck pulling them under.

Donna hearing the screams of Christine’s passion ran to the platform. Her eyes wide at the sight of her Goddess and her Christine locked in passion in what had become a cistern full of purulent muck. Her acolytes stopped her from following Christine, and she screamed and screamed.

The mire, bubbling and frothing suck the two together, they barely noticed. There bodies entwined they continued to drive each other over again and again. Fingers dancing deep within herself Minako’s mortal body writhed within Christine’s grasp. Christine was beyond caring, all she wanted was more and more, the pleasure denied as a Priestess was intensifying the orgasms as she sank deeper.

As the ooze rose to their chins they kissed and screamed at each other, working fingers on clits and probing deep within each other. Finally blonde and black hair was all that appeared on the surface. They continued to shake in the muck, the indescribable pleasure increased tenfold within the confines of the sucking sludge. Their lungs on fire, their hearts pounding they sank deeper and deeper. Their life force being absorbed by the pool, by the now living Pool of Panara.

Donna presided as the first of the twenty proceeded to the pools edge and kept the bargain with their Goddess. They moaned and screamed as one by one they followed each other into the Pool. As the final, fruits of the harvest, sank below the surface Donna stood on the platform and saw the glow within the pool.

As the year passed, Donna had an obelisk erected, it was of a dense obsidian. On it was inscribed the words that Donna knew she would never experience.

“Know all who shall enter, you shall soon be one with me. For I am your Ultimate Desire.”

Years passed, decades passed and finally Donna passed, buried in front of the obelisk. Yet others took her place and the land was bountiful, the harvest filled the new peoples bellies and the fruit of the harvest wore a path to the Pool of Panara.

The Elven Goddess grew stronger, century by century, yet the Demon Gods matched her and they sought the Pool.


Ultimate Desire
Irene Delacorte
4 May 2006

The bulldozer blade sang a shrill song as it tasted the dense black rock. The driver cursed and got down to take a look, his eyes were greeted by the sight of a black obelisk with an unknown script.

The foreman, seeing the work stopped, came over and cursed a blue streak, knowing what this would do to his schedule.

# # #

Dr. Irene Delacorte was sitting at her desk, the fragments of cuneiform scored tablets before her when the message appeared on her screen. She was an archeologist assigned to the National Trust. Her hair pulled back in a long blonde braid, white lab coat and latex gloves seemed incongruous with the pale green stockings and dark green three inch heels.

Carefully moving the fragments aside, she studied the screen, a smile crossing her face. The words, so innoxious, spoke to her of another field trip away from the tedious lab work. Typing a quick acknowledgement, she removed her lab coat and gloves and quickly left the brightly lit lab.

# # #

She ran her cotton gloved hands over the symbols carved into the blackness of the rock. Irene looked at the symbols, they spoke of the predecessors of the Celtic Peoples, but their was an eerie familiarity to the symbols. She tried a quick field translation.

“Understand entrance, … join together…(possessive) belonging needs”

The word that stuck in her mind was “entrance.” Turning to the foreman, she said, “Stop work, this is now under the control of the National Trust,”

Cursing under his breath the foreman quickly complied. Work on the demolition of the old building ceased.

Irene knew the site well, she had dated the successive incarnations of the site several times during the construction. She had argued against the destruction of the site for the new highway planned to cross over the location, but had only succeeded in delaying the project, much to the chagrin of the developers.

After photographing everything she posted the site and contacted her superiors in London. As she put her cell away she noticed a strange smell permeating her senses. Irene paced the floor of the basement of the old school while considering why so many buildings had been built on the site.

Ley lines crossed the site marking it as a center of power, an ancient place of worship. But strangely it had never served as a site of worship, but rather as a continuum of girl’s schools administered by a cult that had died out in the past fifty years.

As the scent grew stronger Irene gasped as her libido increased. Stooping, she placed her hand on the concrete and felt warmth, a vibration.

# # #

The side band radar had shown a large cavity below the basement. Irene finally obtained the permits needed to remove the floor and investigate the cavity. The jackhammers seem to take forever, but finally a hole had been made, large enough for Irene to slip into. She planned her descent for the following morning.

That night, sleeping in a hotel in Conway, Irene was assailed with voices and images. Long lines of young woman, their faces serene, flashed through her vision, each calling to her. And a presence, an all pervading presence that called to her, called for her to join the procession.

# # #

Vincent Demagar, president of the company planning on building the highway, suddenly opened his eyes wide. Deep within his mind emerged the knowledge that The Goddess lived. Just a dim shell of her previous power, but she lived. The rage rose within him, the ancient rage that had always lived on the edge of his consciousness.

His call went out, a gathering was needed, he recognized the danger and knew he must act quickly.

# # #

The Pool of Panara, still filled with the spring water stirred as the weakened Goddess, the Elven Goddess Minako, heard the call for a gathering. She had been fed life forces sporadically through the years, those who had been sensitive to her diminished powers gave themselves to her, keeping her from dissolving into mortality and death.

But she knew she could not protect herself from a Demon Gathering. The Pool sent out a call to those who would provide the needed essence of her continued existence. The new opening providing the entrance, blocked so long ago.

During the night her message was received and woman throughout the area awoke their expressions serene, they dressed and heeded the call of the Pool. The most sensitive arrived first, entering the demolished building and descending to the basement. The hole in the concrete floor was now full of a bubbling brown mixture, the scent of the pool pervading the basement.

The first girl, her 18th birthday just passed, was flushed and excited with the actions she was taking. The Pool called to her. Taking off her clothes she stepped in nude, her arms folded before herself. As her feet touched the surface the pool surged up and sucked on her body. She gasped as the mud covered her knees, her breathing increasing and her mind reeling with pleasure.

Moving her hands below her waist she touched herself and screamed in passion as her orgasm shook her. The smooth feel of the muck compressing her legs, the call in her mind, and the scent drove her to an endless series or shocks and quakes that rocked her. Her waist slipped below the heaving surface adding to her pleasure. Head thrown back she screamed as her body and mind convulsed.

Another girl arrived and quickly undressed and approached the pool while watching the vision before her. A girl, red hair hanging down her back, and muck now up to her breasts. The new blonde approached the pool and placing her hands on her shoulders pushed. As she pushed she saw the muck rise over the girl’s body, cover her shuddering body, her chin, and her lips then as her eyes closed her forehead. The red haired girl was quickly below the surface and the blonde stepped in as another moved behind her and placed her hands on her own shoulders.

The red head, deep in the pool, her lungs on fire felt the sucking mud moving her deeper. The pressure increased and forced the little air she had left from her lungs to be replaced with the black ooze.

As the pool grew stronger the call went further. They came and gave themselves willingly to the pool. All night they crossed the field and descended the steps.

# # #

Irene heard her cell chiming, looked at the clock, 6am, and opened her cell. “Doc, you better get over to the site right away, there are woman all over the place!”

“What are you talking about? Women, what are they doing there? Oh never mind I’ll be there in a ½ hour.”

As Irene dressed she remembered the images from her dream, and felt a faint call in her mind, a demand. Grabbing a bottle of juice she ran to her car and headed for the site.

Arriving she saw the crowds of women and the police who had arrived to hold them back from the site. The women were crying and begging to be let in, as three policewomen left the line and headed for the site, some broke few but the line was completed again. Irene herself could barely resist the call herself.

Her guard, seeing her approach, grabbed her and pulled her through the line. Irene tried to shake loose as the guard spoke, “Doc I don’t know what happened, I was on my rounds and they were all here, I couldn’t stop them!”

“Let me go!” was all Irene replied, and then she herself ran to the call.

# # #

Vincent Demagar watched as the Gathering started, he knew time was short, the crisis was upon them. Rather than the dull ache of the slumbering Goddess, he felt a spike in his brain burning with her power. The Demon Gathering began, they who had suppressed the new people for ages sat in there suits, there opulent outfits and looked toward Demagar.

He howled, the ancient call, he chanted the ancient curses, “We are still challenged! She lives! We must destroy her!” The crowd, civility dropped from the masks on their minds, howled in unison.

# # #

Running into the basement, Irene saw piles of clothing, the three police uniforms on the top. The women were gone, but where had they gone her mind screamed. The hole in the concrete floor was still there, the scent was just barely perceptible and the voice in her mind was quiet.

Standing at the edge, she stared into the depths. An impenetrable blackness met her eyes. Taking the rope from the wall and securing it to the steel pins in the ground she slowly descended into the blackness. Her light barely useful as she descended. Then she felt arms around herself, lifted and moving back up, rope no longer in her hand. Back on the concrete of the basement floor she stared at the apparition before her.

Backing away, “Who are you!?” Irene gasped.

“I am The Goddess of the Elves, I am Minako.”

Irene instinctively brought the back of her hand to her mouth as she saw what stood before her. Dark black hair, pointed ears, slim body, large piercing eyes met her vision.

“The time has come, the new people have grown and expanded in sufficient numbers to meet my needs. I shall reclaim the world.”

Irene was stunned and backed further into the basement as Minako tilted her head and smiled. She could here another sound now, the staccato of hooves and claws descending into the basement.

The ancient battle commenced, Power against Power, Elven against Demon.

# # #

Waking with the Sun on her face, Irene looked around, devastation surrounded her. Rising she saw a small form by the entrance to the pool, going quickly to her she recognized Minako. She was battered and bruised, a shadow of the Goddess she had seen.

“Take me to the pool Irene, I must descend and rebuild my powers.”

I lifted her, she was like a feather in my arms, and carried her to the pool, and as she asked dropped her through the hole leading to the pool. As I heard a splash and then a sucking sound, I smelled the scent and felt a renewed call in my mind. Without thinking I slowly removed my clothes and added them to the pile before me.

I heard a bubbling below me and saw mud rising, I sat at the entrance and stared as the mire quickly covered my feet and calves. I was conflicted, I didn’t want to die here but the call was so strong, hands and minds reached out to me, I could see there faces, knew there desires. I slipped in and started to perform the ancient rite as it came to my mind. I chanted and touched, stroked myself as the sensations played on my mind.

Waist deep I screamed my passion, breast deep I begged for more, the sucking ooze covered my body, I writhed in pleasure untold. As the ooze rose to my neck I tilted my head back and screamed my joy, my passion to the heavens.

Then below I could feel the passage quicken, sucked and sucked while I quaked with orgasm after orgasm. The cloying mud entered my mouth my breath gone my body given over to the Goddess.

# # #

Concrete was pumped into to the hole, and then more filled the basement. No trace of the site was visible. Cars traveled on the new highway unaware of the power again slumbering deep below the surface.


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