Blown scene opportunity in "Torchwood"

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Blown scene opportunity in "Torchwood"

Postby nachtjaeger » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:22 pm


Hey, gang!

In case anybody else is watching the Torchwood miniseries, "Children of Earth", in last night's episode (Day 2) there was a sadly missed opportunity for a scene.

Captain Jack Harkness is, if you follow the series, extremely hard to kill. (Okay, not so hard to kill, but he keeps coming back.) Anyway, the bad guys tried to kill him twice and failed, so rather than try a third time, they decided to try to "contain" him. While he was lying naked on a cot in his cell with his hands cuffed to the wall above his head, they simply filled the cell with wet concrete. :shock: Waaaay too brief scene of him getting gray goo (clay?) dumped on him from a concrete pump.
When Gwen and Rhys arrive to rescue him, they are opening cell doors as fast as they can. But when they open the last cell, they find a solid concrete wall. :evil: I was really hoping to see Gwen have to struggle through a tidal wave of wet concrete to release Jack, but no such luck.
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