Hello from Eric and Lisa...sorry been quiet so long

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Hello from Eric and Lisa...sorry been quiet so long

Postby EVysther » Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:15 am

Just a little note to tell everyone hello, we have not sunk from sight, but, things are definitely different these days!

Starting off, my wife has her own business these days - she cleans homes and is rather successful at it, may I add - 2-3 clients a day - and this takes up a lot of time as you may guess. :roll: I've been helping with things like the taxes and promotion.

Me? We have had a huge managerial shift at my job, and Yours Truly is playing both "Jump for the Carrot" and attempting The Inter-Departmental Transfer Game...my boss for the last seven years just retired a week ago and the new boss rolls in and wants her ass kissed daily, not to mention, when she says "Team" it means YOU do all the work and SHE gets all the credit and spiffs.

(BTW, This is the same slime who, two years ago, fired my wife - she used to work in the same building as I - because Lisa would not have a hot, lusty affair with her and her lesbian live-in lover. Fun. This was the same woman who told my wife that she should consider changing her orientation and dump me if she wanted to get ahead in her career. Charming.)

Adding to that, Lisa's father is quite ill - he has liver cancer which he let go for so long now - he hates doctors - that it has progressed to his lymphatic system. He's having a mixed bag in regards to treatment response. We're planning a visit for Lisa to see him soon, before he really gets bad off.

Anything else? :? I hope not!

First off - congrats on the new board - long time coming, eh? - great job all around.

To all our friends on here - sorry we've been out of touch, but, as you can see, life has been ridiculous.

A BIG apology to Fered588 - we were REALLY hoping to go out there this year, but, alas, life has been difficult, to say the least.

We may attempt a shot at Chester in August - depends on Lisa's dad, really - and, while we play more with ropes than quicksand these days, we don't forget our roots or our friends.

Very nice work by the producers these days, BTW...Dave in particular....and Fred? We LOVE that sand pit of yours - so Hollywood Yester-year...

We'll be keeping a watchful eye here - as we have been - and hope everyone is doing well.

Much love to all - and Nessie? Thanks for your support with those emails. It's the little things that mean the most sometimes.

Eric & Lisa
Eric Vysther

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today is a gift...that's why it's called the present!

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Re: Hello from Eric and Lisa...sorry been quiet so long

Postby Robert » Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:36 am

Welcome Eric and Lisa, glad you made it here.

Hope things turn out well for you guys, and Lisa's dad is in our thoughts and prayers.

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Re: Hello from Eric and Lisa...sorry been quiet so long

Postby Nessie » Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:53 am

EVysther wrote:
Much love to all - and Nessie? Thanks for your support with those emails. It's the little things that mean the most sometimes.

Yep, I'm here! And welcome to the new board! Good to see you!

Congratulations to Lisa on the new business! You're not alone...like you, life is getting in the way of me doing much in the way of mud traveling for Season 2009. I hope you make it to Chester but I guess I'm going to be mudding close to home this year, myself.

My new mudpit is nice. And I'm sure I'll be happy in it once I chop down some branches. Hang in there, and my thoughts are with you. "This too will pass", says one of my dearest relatives, but I do tend to ask back:



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Re: Hello from Eric and Lisa...sorry been quiet so long

Postby nachtjaeger » Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:56 pm

Welcome back EV and Lisa!

Having been through the "boss from hell" thing a time or three, I wish you the best of luck. Ordinarily, if someone refers to their female supervisor as "that dyke bitch" they are being highly offensive and abusive. In your case, it's the simple unvarnished truth! :roll: As we say here in NY, "Yeah- good luck with that."

Hopefully one of these years we can get the whole gang together at Studio 588 or Trollwood or Chester and have a party.

You two take care and keep being wonderfully bad to each other. Hope Lisa's dad is doing okay.
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