Flowers and Bubbles for You

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Flowers and Bubbles for You

Postby velocity88 » Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:30 pm

Consider this a late Christmas gift, and an experiment with third-person omniscient. As always, comments welcome, and I hope that you enjoy.

The sun shone beautifully on the islands as the man strode out of his hotel to savor the sweet scent of the sea breeze early in the day. A stretch, a deep breath of fresh air, and he was off. The crowds were not his usual domain; he wanted the freedom that came with the natural world, without machines, and smartphones, and concrete walls and glass windows. And he knew exactly where to go to get it.

He received more than his fair share of looks from both sexes en route. Of course, that was to be expected with his holding himself to a very high standard of physical discipline. It was not from arrogance or some sense of dandyistic vanity that he knew that he would never wake up in an empty bed. He knew it from experience alone. In response, he gave courteous smiles and even a few waves. But now was not the time for that kind of thing. He had another pleasures in mind.

Several hours drive later and he came to his destination: a trail where began the second leg of the journey. The hike would take at least an hour more, but he would be nowhere near exhaustion when he arrived. Then, there would be no noise, no city lights or drunken, wild parties. Just wind, sun, and the beautiful sea.

It took him all of that hour for him to realize that he was lost.

He didn’t panic right away, as he had some experience in the wilderness considering his predilections. If there were any dangers, it was not likely to come from any human element, as the islands were not known for acute levels of criminal activity. If nothing else, it was nature itself that would most harm him. Anyone who has experienced the natural world firsthand, without any artificial safeguards, can appreciate how nature is only as beautiful and bountiful as it is deadly. Not too many people, especially Westerners, would be disposed to encounter a bear while on a sightseeing tour. Yet that was real nature; the danger came with the aesthetic elements, if both were not intricately intertwined.

The man took stock of the situation. Still morning, so none of the more lethal predators. The diurnal ones are more afraid of humans than humans are of them. Unless a tree were to fall on top of him, he would be safe.

Safe, of course, is also a matter of relativity.

His wanderings bought him to an area where the tree line began to thin. The man reviewed the maps he had studied from memory: he was far from the coastline, but the inland valleys should be much farther than this. He knew that he couldn’t have possibly traversed that much distance in so little time. If nothing else, he could always retrace his steps.

In fact, he was just about to do so when he heard the very last thing he expected to hear. A sweet, ringing feminine giggle.

Unable to resist natural curiosity, he turned and walked covertly towards a brush where the sound originated. When he heard it again, he was assured of its reality. Bending down to hide his outline, the man peeked through the widest gap in the wall of vegetation. His breath stopped and he froze at the sight.

From a sparkling creek of crystal water, a statuesque woman emerged from a dip, wearing not a single stitch of clothing. She was magnificent.

Her entire body was a uniform mocha shade. The face of an angel held deep brown eyes and straight, raven black hair cascaded down her back. Sunlight shone on water dripping down firm, high, and ample breasts, larger than any he had seen, a trim, flat belly and narrow waist, around wide, soft hips, powerful legs and beautiful, delicate feet. She turned around to look over the picturesque landscape she had just visited, and he caught sight of hair reaching her buttocks, which were as ample as her massive beasts.

The man was spellbound, but he retained sufficient consciousness to wonder how it was that there were no clothes in her vicinity. Indeed, there was no towel, shoes, parasol, or any signs of a vehicle. Part of him wracked his brain to discover how and why she was there. The better part was, however, preoccupied with adoring her incredible form.

She gave no indication of being aware of his surveillance. The woman wrung water out of her hair and ran her hands over her body to relieve the clinging water. When she bent down to touch her toes, he could have sworn that the perfect view of her plump, hairless cunt was meant for him, but a grunt of effort when she was done implied it to be a casual stretching exercise. He sighed in relief.

In what seemed like microseconds, it was over. She turned to her right and began walking casually away. Almost instantly, the jungle concealed her and she vanished from sight.

The man stood up, but remained immobilized, uncertain of what he had just witnessed. No part of him dared pursue her; he had been nearly caught as it were. There was no conceivable way that he would cause her distress. He needed to remember her, this moment in time that would never repeat, as he saw her for the first and last time. For a moment, he considered unzipping his shorts, but before he could lift his hands…

“Did you enjoy yourself?”

He froze again. The voice had the same sweet ringing tone that he heard from the lake.

“Don’t worry; I’m not afraid of you. You shouldn’t be afraid of me. Not after what you’ve seen of me.” The man was incapable of speech. He had spoken to more women than he could count, and some men in the same situation, but somehow this turn of events was different. In what way, he couldn’t fathom.

“Please, turn around. Let me look at you.”

What else could he do? Slowly, so as not to appear too eager, he man about-faced and looked into her eyes. She was, indeed, there before him. Just as naked as when he first saw her minutes ago.

“You can call me Lily.” He mouthed the name in wonderment. “I just finished my morning swim, but I don’t mind a second. Care to join me?” He could do nothing but nod.

With an expression which was not-quite-seductive yet not-quite-innocent, she smiled and walked towards the lake, swaying her magnificent derriere. He couldn’t help but notice, she had dimples.

As she entered the water, he began kicking off his sandals, pulling off his island shirt, revealing a massive chest, thick arms and shoulders, a broad, strong back, and washboard abs. As it was, his thighs strained against the fabric of his shorts, but their removal exhibited two powerful legs thick with muscle and a flawlessly sculpted ass. All of this framed a long, fat cock which had not even reached its total fullness.

The water enveloped her gradually, hiding legs, then buttocks, slowly her back, then she dove. He was quick to follow her; not too eager, of course; he had experience in these matters. Diving after her, he caught an image of her maneuvering gracefully underwater in a submarine ballet. Muscles rippled under uniformly bronzed skin as he swam in powerful stroked towards her. She seemed oblivious to him, enjoying the warm, tropical water at her leisure. He waited, ever patient, treading water while he admired her perfect form. She swam in every which way, displaying her body at every angle in every position. Eventually, he realized that he desperately needed air. He was en route to the surface when he felt a tug on his legs. He looked down to see her pulling him; unsure of what to do, lungs burning despite his swim training, he stopped to give her an inquiring look. Unconcerned, she pulled his legs, propelling herself to level with him, grabbed his head and pulled him into a deep kiss.

She exchanged her air with him. That didn’t stop her from pressing his body so irresistibly against hers. The feel of her breasts, soft enough for their naturalness to be obvious, hard nipples against his broad pectorals, her belly, her sex…he could have come right there.

They separated, prepared to continue their dance. The man could have hoped for death just then, because it was a certainty that he would never experience such bliss in his life again.

After just a few minutes of swimming, she summoned him to follow her, which he did unquestioningly. They swam deep, only surfacing for air, and soon came to a tunnel, a natural cavern whose exit he couldn’t see.

“Trust me here,” she told him. They both took deep breaths and dove. Both potent swimmers, they glided effortlessly through the water and exchanged air until they were out. Before there was need to panic, they surfaced. He scanned his new surroundings. In short, they were breathtaking.

It appeared to be a small crater rimmed by trees, moss, vines, and other vegetation. The interior was mostly flat, muddy sand. However, as he processed this exotic environment, his eyes were quickly drawn to other figures in his vision. Human figures.

“Come on,” she cooed. The woman named Lily took his hand and led him over to the only human activity in miles.

If he thought that this woman was the definitive epitome of beauty, he was mistaken.

Three other women inhabited the shore of the crater. Two were kissing and caressing furiously. A third gently rubbed her womanhood while watching her two companions.

“Hi girls, come and say hello.”

Without the slightest trace of alarm or shame, the three women stood up and approached them. “There are my very good friends: Jasmine, Orchid, and Rose.”

All three smiled. Jasmine was blonde and bronzed, with piercing blue eyes and breasts almost as large and jutting as Lily. Turning would reveal a spectacular bubble ass and brilliant golden hair. Orchid was Polynesian, at least partially, with a wider, but no less beautiful figure. Her skin was a flawless natural brown, her eyes green, and she had a slight belly that he couldn’t think of as anything but adorable. Rose had the brightest skin and Asian-implied epicanthic folding, violet eyes, and a more slender figure. This hardly detracted from her tight buttocks and ample, if smaller bosom. Their bodies were unblemished by scarring, piercing, or tattooing.

“Mmmm, aren’t you a big one?” Rose looked him over and ran her hands down his torso.

“And his cock! My god, he can break a girl in two!” Jasmine made no effort to hide her awe at his proudly erect manhood.

“Can we play with him?” Orchid asked Lily. “You know that I can’t go for long without something in my cunt.”

“Now patience girls. We have a guest here. Let’s treat him like one.” And with no warning, she began kissing down his powerful back, her ample breasts pressing into his thick muscles.

He could have uttered any exclamation of sheer joy and disbelief at the sudden attention of four magnificent embodiments of feminine beauty, but before he could think it, he was pulled into a wet kiss by Orchid. He obeyed, pulling her to him, crushing her breasts against his manly chest while their tongues fought. The remaining two began touching him, running hands and lips over his straining biceps, triceps, and shoulders, then lower down to his gigantic thighs and tight man-buttocks.

Lily’s kisses continued till she was suckling the peak of his crevice. They continued to adore him, soft hands, wet lips, and voluminous breasts touching every part of him till he couldn’t bear to stand. Then, Lily stood to observe the scene of the man ready to leave his seed in three bountiful bodies. “Take your time. Enjoy yourselves girls. He looks like he’ll last a while.” Then she began walking towards a clearing of bare earth just before them.

“Over here lover.” Orchid drew him over her prone form. “I want all of you in me. Don’t you dare hold back; not for a second.”

“Aww, come on,” Jasmine whined. “You always get the best share. I want something in my cunt too.”

“You’ll get your turn.” She winked at her companions, then pulled the man on top of her, disregarding the weight of his muscular figure on her full body. They kissed furiously, if he was slightly distracted by the uncertainty of where Lily suddenly went, then brought a hand down to guide himself into her soaked entrance. She let out an arousing “yip” as his head vanished. He struggled a bit, trying to get all of him in her with the help of her natural juices. Orchid, on the other hand, could hardly complain; more than his length, his astounding girth made her feel fuller than she ever hand. Almost immediately, she could feel her heartbeat in her swollen, steamy cunt.

The two other girls joimed in by licking and sucking at his balls and nipples. “She’s going,” Rose said while running her hands over his abs, looking in Lily’s direction. He swore he misheard; the phrase was completely put of context.

But not so. A short distance before them, Lily giggled again. “Yes, it’s got me. No getting out now. That is, if I had any motivation to leave.”

Still confused, he looked up just in time to see her feminine feet vanish in a pool of thick, undulating earth. In fact, the seemingly calm earth within the crater was suddenly rippling all over, as if a large body of water had been disturbed. This wasn’t terra firma at all!

His mind clouded by the press of bodies around him and his furious lovemaking with Orchid, it took him a few seconds to recognize the danger. Moving earth, seemingly solid, not solid, sinking…quicksand!

Her peril recognized, he began to gather himself, only to be stopped by a desperate plea. “No, no, come back. Don’t go. Please, take me, rape me if you want, but don’t leave.” Her pleading voice won him over instantly. Without a thought, he ravished her until she cried out and thrashed bellow him. His cock was clenched between walls of hot, willing flesh as he spurted his essence into her channel. It went on until it flowed freely from her legs. She was near-unconscious with pleasure.

“I’ll bet that was nice.” Lily stood regally on the lethal earth, descending ever so slowly but consistently. She was up to her shanks, her legs slightly apart, her cunt glistening. Her face held not an ounce of fear, panic, or grief at her doom. Only elation and desire showed.

Before the man could object, he was drawn to Jasmine and in no time, was ravishing her while Orchid rolled to her side, out of the way, her hands between her legs, a smile on her face. “Oh god! I’m going to feel so empty from now on. I won’t be able to walk again after this.”

“Well, that shouldn’t be a problem, now should it?” Rose went over and pushed her face into her cleavage.

Despite the willing beauty under him and the two nuzzling ones beside him, the man returned his attention to the sinking siren before them. Lily sank to her knees. By now, they could hear subtle gurgling sounds emanating from the quicksand followed by bubbles around her sinking form, as if it were a hungry creature devouring its prey. Or perhaps, a passionate lover, drawing its love deep into its depths forevermore?

She ran her hands over her mocha skin, praising every crack and crevice of her form. Eventually, they stayed by her waiting, desperate cunt, drawing circles over her engorged clit and sneaking into her moist, swollen folds. He could see the muscles strain in her shapely thighs as the quicksand engulfed them inch by slow inch.

“It won’t be long now. The quicksand wants me and it will never let me go. No escape for me: I can’t get myself out, and anyone who tries will just get stuck with me. Nope, I will definitely be going down today. No need to fight it. This is a beautiful way to go.”

Somehow, this merely served to enflame the man’s passions. He pounded furiously against Jasmine’s cunt while he imagined Lily’s magnificent body, her godly breast, hips, adorable belly button, effeminate shoulders, angelic face and musical laugh all reduced to the earth that was devouring her. And oh, so willingly too. The notion pushed him to the edge and he erupted deep in Jasmine’s body, feeling her arch beneath him and moan into his chest, then flop down like a doll, juice dripping from her cunt.

She and Orchid reach down inside themselves and extracted two finders coated with mixed love. They toasted by displaying theirs for the other to lick clean.

Lily arched as well as her cunt vanished in the bubbling quicksand with her probing fingers. Another hand settled on a breast, touching, kneading, pinching, and bringing it to her mouth to lick and suckle. “Mmmmmm…almost there. Don’t take too long.”

“Oh, I won’t,” Rose said as she took her turn. ”Like this big guy.” She laid herself down below him, proffering her breasts which, while smaller than her friends, where hardly to be called “small”. “Still got some in you?”

He did indeed, and wasted no time in placing his cock between her luscious globes. She tickled her nipples and squeezed herself as he began to thrust. At times, she even managed to flex herself to lick or kiss his head as he pushed. Her two friends continued to passionately ravish one another, positioning themselves to scissor their sopping cunts and writhe shamelessly in Sapphic ecstasy.

For Lily, this was the show. Indeed, she could think of no other scene to relish in her final moments. Her fingers pressed deep inside herself while she teased her diamond nipples. She bucked in the wet earth, unheeding her accelerated demise, as the man bucked over Rose, shooting ropes upon ropes of cum onto her swollen breasts. Smiling, she rubbed the wet seed all over both pillows, into her cleavage, and around her belly.

“Alright now, lover.” Lily was hip deep in the yielding mire, her belly button and flat belly vanishing forever. “If you thought that was it, come over here now.” Logically, the man hesitated. She was descending into a bottomless pit of bubbling, deadly quicksand and was merely waiting to submerge and drown with no hope of rescue and no chance of escape whatsoever. Could he really walk into there and join her on a whim for the simple promise of pleasure. “Come on lover. I won’t be around in a couple minutes. Then you’ll be wondering what you missed and why you missed it when all you had to do was walk right in and join me.”

That answered the question. Leaving the three sirens to bask in their afterglows, the man took a confident, carefree stride into the pit of death and sank as he struggled to reach her, forcing himself to the proper level for her ministrations. “That’s it lover. Right over here.” Her belly button gone, the mud up to her waist, the man sank almost to his knees. They were about level for…”How does it make you feel to know that I choose this to be the last thing that I ever do?” Her final words as her lips closed around his cock.

The man couldn’t help but moan and throw his head up in shocked ecstasy. The mud was warm and snug around him; he couldn’t wait to feel it around his entire body. Her mouth was hot and wet around him, not like a pussy, but definitely pleasant. She took him further and further in until she gurgled around the thick manhood in her throat. She swallowed and suckled around his girth with expert skill, unlike any woman, or man, he had ever had. He was so glad that he would not have to face life after experiencing such paradise.

Further surprise came, when he was suddenly embraced by two sets of arms and felt four breasts press against his sides. “Thought you could leave without us, didn’t you?” Orchid and Jasmine, drunk with mind-blowing orgasms, struggled beside him to sink themselves to oblivion.

“Ooooh, but we want this too. And we know you want it as much as we do.” Jasmine whispered in his ear coquettishly.

“Yeah, just watch her go down,” Orchid gestured to the sinking woman below. “She’ll suck you until there’s nothing but mud down there and her hair with tickle your shaft and balls before the quicksand embraces them for the last time. Then that great, big cock and those manly balls with just be fertilizer.”

They both giggled like little schoolgirls enjoying a forbidden joke. But it only served to keep the man’s cock hard. While he enjoyed being deep throated by a doomed woman, he resigned to the hands running over his chest, abs, and ass, breasts on his sides, lips on his neck and shoulders.

Lily’s breasts began to rise as the mud claimed them along with the rest of her body, mud bubbling through her cleavage, the two massive globs struggling futilely to stay afloat. It was not to be; despite the immutable laws of buoyancy, Lily’s grippable breast were sucked inexorably down into the sucking mire.

Deciding to compliment their giving with some of his own, the man reached down with both hands and gripped Orchid and Jasmine’s ample, rounded derrieres, eliciting surprised gasps from both women. They smiled and thanked him for the attention, only to feel his finders slide and probe further for their tight puckers. A few seconds later, moans filled his hearing as he pressed his fingers deep down into their assholes.

“Oh yeah baby that’s it,” female voices cried. He pushed two digits in each completely and moved them around.

Their descent was gradual, with plenty of time to navigate the world of sensation they were each experiencing, but the mud eventually began to overwhelm them. Lily’s breasts vanished, followed by her effeminate shoulders, bringing the mud up to the girl’s cunts. Their cunts open wide by their previous ravishment, the mud slid easily into their canals and over their probed anuses. Their further cries of pleasure were music to his ears, heard by no one else in this remote hideaway.

Down to her neck, the mud cupped the man’s balls. Her hair had spread over the sucking surface and did indeed tickle him down there as they rested on the bubbling surface. Up to her chin, she continued to suck, unconcerned by her imminent fate. He turned his attention to her vanishing head before noticing Rose taking position on the far side of the deadly pit, apparently safe. Without a word, the young beauty ran her hands over herself seductively, then began to dance. She gyrated her hips, shook her breasts, and displayed herself in the most lewd ways she could manage. His gaze went to her as the mud enveloped his cock and Lily’s lips. Then is rose further, into his crack, against his own pucker, over the girl’s buttocks, over Lily’s nose, her last sight of his hairless crotch, then over her eyes and forehead, until all that was left of her was her long, beautiful mane of hair spread out over her tomb. Still, she continued to suck.

The man contained himself for as long as possible, sharing his attention between Lily’s hair, swirling into a whirlpool before him, and Rose belly dancing above him. The mud climbed his abs as the volume of hair was reduced to a small tuft, them he could contain himself no longer. He released his seed deep into the warm mud, where he could feel muscles clench in anticipation and reception. He emptied himself, loosening the mud with his bucks, and feeling her tongue savor his flavor. Shortly thereafter, the last of her hair vanished as bubbles popped loudly in the thick fluid.

“Well, that’s it for her,” Orchid commented.

“Yeah, she was really good. I’m glad that she left the way she wanted to. Oh well, if you got to go.” And she French kissed the man from below with as much passion as she could muster, knowing that time was short.

He kissed them both while finger-ravishing them under the mud that they would never leave. They massaged him with their breasts as the mud claimed their waists, his chiseled abs almost completely gone. He could no longer feel Lily; no doubt she slipped off his prodigious cock and was now making her own way to eternity.

He made certain to absorb every one of Rose’s movement, knowing that he would never experience her body again. Every flap of her breasts, ripple of her belly, and shake of her hips brought him again to the edge. This was all for him, a gift as it were, compensation for sacrificing himself for their pleasure. Well, he was a gentleman; who was he to deny these amazing women their pleasure.

“Here we go now. It won’t be long.” The girls took heed of the mud cupping their own breasts. Four sets of massive globes were lifted, as of by hands, and massaged by the warm, encompassing mud. Seeing this made the man realize just how good the quicksand felt on him. Almost up to his own manly chest, the mud was like the warmest blanket ever, folding snugly around him, filling every crack and crevice, the wetness arousing and relaxing, like a hot tub. The warmth was intoxicating, and adding his ceaseless series of orgasms, he had no strength left to resist his wonderful demise.

The girls cooed as they felt the mud reach their innermost regions, filling them completely and permanently. They wiggled around him to feel their mud-stuffed pussies and finger-filled holes, pushing their breasts under with a spurt of bubbles erupting from their cleavages.

“He, he, I bet you’re sad to see them go hug?” Jasmine was at the man’s shoulders and licked his neck.

“They were beautiful weren’t they? I loved them. But, we won’t be needing them where we’re going.” Orchid likewise did not have long.

The man’s chest was being engulfed, the warm wetness sliding up his chiseled pectorals, when Rose seemed to have finished her dance. She wasted no time in making her way to the man’s vanishing form, sashaying her hips in the most delicious way, desire in her dilated eyes. Her feet maneuvered gracefully in the hungry mire, her journey successful until she reached the man and hooked her legs over him. Then, the bog softened by thrashes of pleasure, her legs broke the surface and vanished almost instantly, giving the man a full view of her dripping womanhood.

Sinking quickly, she took the man’s head in her hands and balanced herself as she sank over him. “Show me how beautiful you think I am. Show us how much we are worth to you. Show me how badly you want to give yourself to Mother Earth. Worship this cunt. Lick it, suckle it, kiss it, sing its praises with your very last breaths.”

The man obeyed automatically. She sank onto his face and he immediately set his mouth and tongue on her lower lips. They were hot and swollen with pleasure, and he could feel her wetness instantly. After kissing and teasing her, he proceeded to push his tongue into her with as much experience as he ravished a woman on solid ground. Her cries of “oh god”, “oh yes”, “more, more” and “lick me!” only compelled him to seek her deepest folds and lick her as if from the inside out.

The man was up to his armpits, leaving the girls up to their necks. Both were busy working their own pussies, the mud sufficient to hold the three together. “Oh this is so good. Oh, I want this so bad. I think I’m gonna squirt!” Orchid cried out as she rubbed her clit silly, the mud up to her chin.

“Me too! Oooooohhh, I just can’t wait!” Jasmine responded, the mud rising up to her lips.

Orchid giggled. “I’m not going to wait! Bye, bye!” And with that, she took a deep breath and pushed her face into the mud, her black hair following in a vortex of thick quicksand and downy curls.

Jasmine gasped and laughed, but did not follow suit. “Sorry sister, but I want this to go on for as long as possible…oh…but not for too long.” She smiled in anticipation as the mud engulfed her face. “I hope he’s tongue-fucking you good Rose, cause it’s the last thing you’luglguglubbblublbublub…ever d-luglguglublubblublbublubglug bloop bloop bloop.” She made no effort to prolong her existence by tilting her head back. Her eyes smiled as the mud took her mouth, leaving only bubbles as her last words.

“Oh, I am baby. He’s got a hurricane for a tongue.” Rose acknowledged her sinking friend.

Under the mud, Orchid rubbed desperately to make her last seconds count. Just before she let the mud into her lungs, her cunt erupted like never before, spraying wave after wave of cum into the bottomless mud. On the surface, a cascade of bubbles marked her beautiful drowning as her hair continued to sink to the last strand.

Jasmine’s eyes continued to smile as her nose vanished, leaving only two bright blue eyes and blond hair spreading out over the sucking tomb. It was a shame, really, that the man was too busy between Rose’s thighs to watch as she closed her eyes once and for all, her lovely forehead vanishing, leaving only golden hair shrinking into a single sucking point on the quicksand’s surface. It was disrupted by a burst of bubbles, splashing thick mud onto Rose’s vanishing legs before the last of Jasmine’s hair followed the girl downwards forever.

The man’s bulky shoulders vanished with the girls, then his neck. He continued to worship Rose’s cunt, tongue darting in and out, round and round, and curling and uncurling inside of her. The mud anchored his head as his neck was sucked down, leaving only his tongue to pleasure her. She added by tickling her tiny clit and kneading her breast. A few times, she even gave her clit a gentle slap to compliment the man’s furious licking. The mud took his neck; he was glad for it. Very soon, he would be in this mud forever. Why escape when it was so soft and warm and soothing?

Chills went through the man’s body as the mud crept up his face. When he finally went under, along with her magnificent cunt, he came again under the mud. Rose watched the mud creep over her pubis, trapping her hand against her clit. She was sinking faster. Before long, it was up to her hips, then her belly button, then her waist. Still, the man gave his all to make her cum. And cum she did.

She bucked, pushing herself farther down, slapping her breast while rubbing her clit. She was delirious with pleasure. When awareness returned, however little, she was aware of the man having stopped licking. Bubbles plopped against her vanishing belly. The mud was just tickling the undersides of her breasts. She giggled in delight.

Her hand searched the warm mud but found nothing. He was gone. Still, she had a few minutes left; why not enjoy herself? She pushed both hands into the mud and opened her cunt wide. Warm quicksand rushed in and filled her to the brim. Her ass was opened and violated, filled equally. It was too much. She couldn’t speak a coherent word, so much was her mind overwhelmed with orgasm. Her breasts rose with the gurgling quicksand, a line of mud touching her nipples. She exploded again. The massive globes in front of her were squeezed like a corset as the mud crept over their graceful curves and vanished forever.

Her shoulders were next, followed by a delicate neck and chin. She tilted her head back, wanting to feel the mud in her pussy and ass for as long as possible. The mud sucked her head down, deafening her. She slid her fingers into her pussy completely while lightly rubbing her clit. She saw the sun for the last time as the mud took her eyes. “Oh yes, this is it. Oh yes, oh yes! Take me! Tak-pluplupluplupl blub blub blub…”

Her mouth followed, then, with a burst of bubbles cutting off her final cry of ecstasy, her nose. Below the mud, the doomed girl found her g-spot and let out a bubbling howl of pure mortal pleasure. She thrashed like an animal, every ounce of her body stimulated in a multiple, full-body orgasm, her cum emptying into the quicksand. Bubbles sprayed thick mud into the air as the last of her hair slipped under the quicksand with a quick blub blub. She wore a smile as the last of her breath left her body and she joined her companions in an eternal descent to the womb of Mother Earth herself.

The sun shone on the pristine landscape of an ancient asteroid impact. Water lapped its shore and led to an expanse of unviolated earth, where no evidence, even clothing, was to be found that anyone had ever been there.

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Re: Flowers and Bubbles for You

Postby PM2K » Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:43 am

Love it. Nuff said. :D

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Re: Flowers and Bubbles for You

Postby Badger » Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:30 pm

The willingness is amazingly hot! <3

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Re: Flowers and Bubbles for You

Postby sinkwithme » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:57 pm

This is one of the most amazing fucking things I have ever read! I have daydreamed this type of scenario thousands of times but never with the exquisite, erotic mind-blowing detail of this story. I'm speechless, exhausted and spent...and I thank you!!

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Re: Flowers and Bubbles for You

Postby sinkwithme » Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:58 pm

Badger wrote:The willingness is amazingly hot! <3

TOTALLY agree!

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Re: Flowers and Bubbles for You

Postby velocity88 » Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:06 pm

I am so very flattered. Thank you, everyone. Yes, my favorites are those where the submergence is desired and hastened. Maybe I’ll post a poll to find out if anyone would like to go in this manner ;)

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Re: Flowers and Bubbles for You

Postby sinkwithme » Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:59 pm

velocity88 wrote:I am so very flattered. Thank you, everyone. Yes, my favorites are those where the submergence is desired and hastened. Maybe I’ll post a poll to find out if anyone would like to go in this manner ;)

Count me as a definitive YES!

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Re: Flowers and Bubbles for You

Postby PM2K » Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:20 pm

velocity88 wrote:I am so very flattered. Thank you, everyone. Yes, my favorites are those where the submergence is desired and hastened. Maybe I’ll post a poll to find out if anyone would like to go in this manner ;)

Is that a trick question? ;) Count me in for an enthusiastic YES! as well... :D

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Joined: Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:42 am

Re: Flowers and Bubbles for You

Postby KTG_42 » Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:46 am

Very well written. I look forward to seeing more from you. And I don't even like fatal stuff usually...

Posts: 204
Joined: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:17 am

Re: Flowers and Bubbles for You

Postby Frederick » Thu May 01, 2014 4:18 pm

Well, this was... Perfect.

Absolutely perfect, in every way.

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