The Joggers' Demise (Female, semi-playful, grim)

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The Joggers' Demise (Female, semi-playful, grim)

Postby Conspiracy101 » Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:47 pm

Been quite some time since my first group of stories. I've written a few but managed to lose them on my computer. Hope you guys enjoy it

The sun shined bright through the few clouds that spotted the mid-morning sky. The air was cool on this perfect spring day and Allison and Brianna took to their usual routine. These girls loved to stay in shape. Their fitness was always playfully competitive to push them just a little further each time. Today they were on a hiking trail jogging through one of several usual paths. Allison had on a pair of tight black running pants and white sports bra. Brianna wore a pair of tight bright blue running shorts and matching blue sports bra. Ordinarily these two would get a lot of attention on whatever trail they were on, but today they had most of the trail to themselves after two days of moderately heavy rain. The trail was muddy as could be, but neither of the girls minded getting a little dirty to stay in shape. There we signs at the front of the trail warning of slippery conditions and deep mud after heavy rain fall, but this only encouraged them to tackle a more daring hike. After a few miles the girls shoes and calves had mud splattered all over. When they came upon a break in the path Allison decided to challenge Brianna to go off course through one of their more private trails that they found themselves. Neither one of them had been through this particular trail after such heavy rainfall, but this only excited them both to see what challenges awaited.

"Last one to the end of the trail buys lunch." Allison said, provoking Brianna.

"Good, I'm pretty hungry." Brianna said laughing with confidence.

The girls proceeded off the paved trail and down their private path. After a slippery descent down the hill the next hundred feet or so wasn't much different from the public trail. The girls started to wonder whether or not things would be any more difficult than before. They kept their pace, but they were disappointed with the results at first until a curve ball was finally thrown their way. Without warning the soft muddy trail began to pull the girls feet and ankles into much thicker mud than they expected. Their shoes squished and slopped through the increasingly thick mud, making for a great resistance workout at first.

"Now this is what we needed. Think you can handle the mud Ali?" Brianna taunted as she pulled a few steps ahead of Allison.

"I'll be fine, just worry about buying my lunch later." Allison taunted back.

"At this rate you're gonna be buying me lunch. Might wanna wait to you catch up to talk trash."

The girls stopped hassling each other and focused on the glue like mud that was beginning to suck their calves into the ground. Each step began to take more and more effort as the mud grew deeper and thicker. Both knew they should turn back, but neither wanted to admit defeat in front of the other. Finally the gluey mud overwhelmed Allison and Brianna and held them in place as their knees sank into the ground. They fought tooth and nail to keep going forward, but the only progress they were able to make now was down into the muck.

"Ok Bri, this is a little more than I think we can handle. We need to get out of here and go back."

Brianna wanted to tease Allison, but even she knew they were in trouble if they didn't escape and turn around. "Yeah you're right."

Both of the girls struggled to free themselves of the relentless muck that was wrapping around the girls thighs, but no matter how hard they tried to break free they remained stuck in their muddy trap. Brianna bent over to grab her left leg, giving anyone lucky enough to stumble into them a perfect view of her butt in her tight shorts. Brianna lifted as hard as she could, but the mud proved itself stronger than her. Allison continued twisting and pumping her legs as much as she could. She almost admired how much of a workout she was getting. However this wasn't enough of a distraction to make her forget how much trouble she and her friend were in. Despite their best efforts the girls continued to descend into the sticky mud. All their twisting and tugging at the mud seemed to accomplish was bounce their beautiful breasts in their sports bras. With the mud only half way up their thighs, they had already begun to lose the ability to move their legs.

"Jesus this mud is impossible. It's starting to feel more like we're sinking in quicksand." Brianna complained.

"Well we did want a challenge. What better challenge than struggling your way out of quicksand?"

Brianna laughed a little, while still trying to twist her legs free, "I dunno about you, but this is more than I was expected, Ali."

"Yeah, that's definitely true."

The girls grunted and moaned as they began thrusting their hips around in the mud, still determined to escape. Both Ali and Brianna tried to keep their cool, hoping they'd figure something out soon. But each passing minute was crucial to their escape and things only continued to get worse. The mud was nearly to the girls' pussies, and they still had no means of escape. Exhausted from struggling, Allison and Brianna were catching their breath, but they had churned the mud up too much, and we're still freely sinking even as they held still. They looked down at their curvaceous hips and back at their toned butts as they were being sucked into the vicious muck. It was already too late, but they refused to succumb to the gluey muck surrounding their hips. As they began to struggle again, an odd feeling came about them. They started to become distracted at was they girls felt the wet mud seep through their pants and shorts. The mud caressed their pussies as they struggled, turning their struggling into more sensual motions. Both of the girls started to thrust their hips to feel the mud tickle them further, rather than try to escape. Brianna started to let out a soft moan as she could already feel herself being brought to an orgasm. Hearing this quickly snapped Allison out of the trance the mud had placed on her.

"Bri! Stop, we're getting a little caught up here."

Brianna suddenly stopped and looked down at her partially submerged shorts. "Wow, this is really embarrassing." She said as she began to blush.

Allison laughed a little, "Don't feel so bad, I was doing the same thing."

Both girls shared a short laugh before focusing on their growing problem. With no other options, they began to claw at the mud, trying to free some space around their descending hips. Allison tried twisting around in the mud again to try to get loose, but the mud glued itself to her with every move she made. Soon Allison's black pants and Brianna's blue shorts were swallowed whole under the mud and the surface slowly crept around the girls' beautifully flat stomach. Even twisting their hips was becoming impossible. Without saying a word, they started to come to the terrible realization that they were most likely trapped unless someone came to rescue them.

"I'm sorry Bri, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have brought this up."

"Don't be sorry, I could've said no. I wanted to go down here just as much as you."

They fell silent for a moment.

"So now what? We're still sinking and there's probably nobody around for miles." Allison asked.

Allison shook her head. She looked down at the mud that was wrapped around her waist and slowly creeping toward her large breasts.

"I don't know. Looks like we bit off more than we could chew."

The girls sighed and rested their arms on the surface as the mud inched it's way toward their large muddy breasts. The situation was bleak. With no one around and no way to get themselves out, all they could do was wait for the mud to finish consuming their beautiful bodies.

Time nearly stood still as the mud inched it's way around Allison and Brianna's chest. The slow descent allowed the mud to cup and push the girls' large breasts up, almost as if to display them to a worthy bystander. Silence covered the trail around them as they waited impatiently for their impending doom. Finally, they heard a strange sound not far off. The girls listened intently to what sounded like two more hikers trudging through the vicious mud just as they had.

"My god, this mud is ridiculous!"

"I would swear this is more like quicksand than freakin mud!"

The voices were faint, but Allison and Brianna were able to make out two more women's voices slowly approaching.

"Is anyone out there?" Brianna yelled.

"We're sinking in quicksand! Please hurry!" Allison added in.

A faint reply made it's way to them. "Quicksand? I don't think so, you're on your own."

"Please, we've sunk up to our chest!" Brianna yelled back.

A dreadful silence fell upon them as they waited for a response.

"Fine. Hang on we'll be right there!"

Allison and Brianna breathed new life with the hope of getting out. It took some time thanks to the thick mud, but two more girls found their way to the thick mud hole that was slowly claiming Allison and Brianna. One girl wore black tights like Allison with a black sports bra and the other wore red tights with a hot pink sports bra. These girls didn't look quite as in shape as Bri and Ali, but were still drop dead gorgeous. Thankfully the hiking trail provided plenty of dropped branches to choose from. With careful maneuvering, the two strangers came within reach of Bri and Ali and handed a thick branch to pull one of them out.

"Ok, one of you grab on and we'll try to pull you free." The girl in all black ordered."

"Bri take it. I'll wait."

Bri wanted to argue and let Allison go first, but there was no time. She grabbed hold of the branch as firmly as she could and let the two girls begin to pull first. It took some time to pull Brianna out. Several times they had to stop with the girl in all black started to slip into the deeper mud, but the two strangers managed to get Brianna free enough out of the mud that she could crawl her way free while they went back to free Allison. Exhausted, but determined, Brianna stood up and wrapped her arms around the waist of the girl in the hot pink bra and pulled as hard as she could to help free Allison. It took considerable effort since all three girls were now tired, but with Brianna helping, Allison was pulled free of the thick muck that surely would have entombed her and Brianna just moments ago without the help of the two beautiful strangers.

After everyone caught their breathe Allison and Brianna exchanged greetings with their rescuers.

"I'm Allison by the way, and this is my friend Brianna." She said panting, still trying to catch her breath.

"I'm Rebecca," replied the girl in all black, "and this is my friend Miranda."

"Looks like you guys got a little adventurous today too huh?" Brianna said jokingly.

"Yeah, lucky for you. Course we probably would've gotten stuck in that quicksand like you two so maybe we're just as lucky that you got there first." Rebecca replied.

The girls laughed, "Yeah, maybe." replied Allison.

"So which way now? I don't think we can go back, the mud was way to slippery coming down that slope and I don't think we'll make it back up." Miranda added in.

"Well we don't want to keep going this way, what if we get trapped in more deep mud?" Allison asked.

All four girls pondered their predicament. Knowing both options were less than ideal, they decided to go with what they hoped was the less treacherous of the two.

"If we go back and can't climb the hill, then we have to come back this way anyway and risk stumbling into the same mud pit we just got out of. We might as well just move on from here and try to cut a straight line back to the parking lot and be more careful for any deep mud pits." Rebecca replied.

Having just been rescued from an impossibly thick pit of mud, Allison and Brianna weren't thrilled by the idea of going deeper into the trail, but they didn't have many more options. The girls all moved ahead, pushing through the still sticky mud. It was much more obvious now why this particular area wasn't a designated hiking path. Every so often the girls had to change course when the mud started getting deeper. Several times one of them would sink down to their calves and get stuck and then need to be pulled out by the other three. The trip was taking its toll as time slowly rolled by. As the day had rolled by the air warmed up, but the occasional cloud cover brought much needed relief.

The path began to clear up and even put, allowing the girls to walk without trouble. They wanted to jog in order to speed up their trip, but were far to tired to pick up the pace. It was nearly noon and the girls figured there wasn't much farther to go. The ground was still fairly even with the occasion small patch of mud, but the girls finally found themselves lured into a false sense of security. Just as another cloud rolled overhead with a cool breeze brushing their back the smooth dirt beneath their feet softened up and plunged the girls knee deep into a gluey pond of clay. They were too stunned at first to even react. Each of them looked ahead at the smooth ground that laid in front of them and beneath them. There was no warning this time of another mud hole, and the girls all feared what would happen if they started struggling.

"Oh my god, not again!" Brianna cried.

"Shit, what do we do?" Rebecca asked, already beginning to panic.

"Relax, relax, we'll figure this out. Just don't freak out." Allison said, trying to keep everyone calm, including herself. She pumped her legs in the thick, but soft clay, watching as the surface would bubble up with her legs before weighing her down and sinking her down a little further. "I don't know what to do. There's no way we're lucky enough to have someone coincidentally be this far out to run into us. We either wait and sink or we try to get ourselves out."

The other three girls didn't have much to think about considering they only had two options once again.

"If I'm going down, I might as well try to do something about it." Rebecca chimed in. "Are you two in?" She asked, looking at Brianna and Miranda. They nodded at Rebecca, and all four girls started struggling desperately to escape the gooey clay. At first the girls thought they could eventually break free. The loose clay gave them much more slack than the thick mud Allison and Brianna had fallen victim to. Each pump of their legs was sinking them in, but every so often the girls were able to pull their legs out by bending down and pulling them out by hand. Still, as they all inched forward they also inched deeper in the soft clay. The clay was crawling up their thighs and toward their hips, despite their best effort to keep from sinking. As they continued to struggle, Rebecca's black leggings and Miranda's red legs quickly started to become covered with specks of clay. Though the clay was soft, it was still quickly wearing the girls down faster than they could escape. As the clay wrapped itself around each of the girls hips they had to stop. Specks of clay spotted Rebecca and Miranda's once pristine leggings and flat stomach. Brianna and Allison both still had dry mud on their body from earlier, but could still see the wet clay that was splattered on them as well. Neither Bri or Ali felt any sort of arousal this time as they felt the wet clay seep into their pants and shorts. It wasn't long before the clay consumed the girls curvy hips and gorgeous round butts. As the clay began to crawl up their beautiful flat stomach they tried once more to try to free themselves of the sticky pond they were sinking in. They pushed the clay around them, twisted their torso and kicked their legs under the clay as hard as they could, but at this point they were no longer able to push forward or bring themselves up out of the clay. The four girls did everything they could, but we're now far beyond the point of no return. The clay moved up their stomach and began to encompass their breasts, creeping around and then over their sports bras. Struggling became pointless. They all cried for help. Pleading for someone to rescue them, but their cries for help went unanswered. Their necks sank down and soon the chins laid on the surface for a moment. Seconds passed and the clay covered the poor girls mouths and silenced their screaming. They each took one final breathe as the clay then covered their nose, and in a split second, turned the bright day, into the darkest night. Silence filled the air. All that was left of the girls was the disturbed patch of clay, leaving no other traces of their struggle.
"Some times fear has the appropriate response"

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Re: The Joggers' Demise (Female, semi-playful, grim)

Postby PM2K » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:26 pm

I like it! :D Great to see your stuff again, too. :)

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Re: The Joggers' Demise (Female, semi-playful, grim)

Postby Stephymink » Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:40 pm

Good stuff! It seemed like they were going to get away...

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Re: The Joggers' Demise (Female, semi-playful, grim)

Postby Viridian » Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:49 pm

That was a very intense and highly descriptive story. Well done!
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Re: The Joggers' Demise (Female, semi-playful, grim)

Postby Conspiracy101 » Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:44 pm

Thanks guys. Glad you enjoyed the story. I have a much more serious piece I wrote a while back, but some how it got moved around on my computer and I haven't found it since. I'm hesitant to re-write it and post it cause I really felt like I nailed the story down when I finished it. Hopefully I'll find it soon.

Anyway, moving on. Just to get some opinions, should I continue writing more light hearted pieces like this or would a story of a more serious nature be better?
"Some times fear has the appropriate response"

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Re: The Joggers' Demise (Female, semi-playful, grim)

Postby Viridian » Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:48 pm

Whatever you feel like writing!
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Re: The Joggers' Demise (Female, semi-playful, grim)

Postby Conspiracy101 » Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:33 pm

Viridian wrote:Whatever you feel like writing!

:lol: Works for me Viridian
"Some times fear has the appropriate response"

Rusty Shackleford
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Re: The Joggers' Demise (Female, semi-playful, grim)

Postby Rusty Shackleford » Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:58 pm

Good story, I enjoyed it! Started very light and then got very dark. Interesting.


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