Quicksand Therapy

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Quicksand Therapy

Postby Conspiracy101 » Thu May 22, 2014 8:58 pm

"You seem troubled today, Melody. Tell me what's on your mind."

Ashley closed the door to her home behind Melody. Melody had started seeing a therapist several months ago for various reasons, but today, she requested a more private setting for her session.

"I uhh...I've been getting these strange dreams lately and I'm not sure what to make of them."

"How long have you been having these dreams?"

Melody sat down on the sofa as they entered the living room while Ashley sat on a recliner next to the sofa.

"They started a few weeks ago. I've been getting them a few times a week. Sometimes at night or sometimes when I take a nap."

"Interesting. Do they frighten you, arouse you, or maybe comfort you in some way?" Ashley asked as she jotted notes down on her clipboard.

"Well, it depends. Sometimes they arouse me. Sometimes they scare me."

"Ok. Is there a reoccurring theme with these dreams?"

"Yes, definitely."

"Ok, that's definitely something we can work with. If you don't mind, I'd like you to describe to the best of your ability one of the dreams that arouses you, and one that frightens you so I can try to get an understanding of why you may being having these dreams."

Melody straightened herself out on the sofa. Her legs were crossed and she couldn't get herself to stop shaking her leg. The dimly lit room began making her uneasy. A cold sweat started to build as she recalled the first time she had one these dreams.

"If you are uncomfortable with that I can explore other methods, but this is the quickest way to determine the source of the dream."

"I know, it just seems so weird.

"Most dreams people have can appear very bizarre. Most of the time they are just random images and events that your mind constructs during your sleep, but sometimes after a traumatic event or for instance, something you are excited about, your mind will latch on to a central idea during your dreams."

"Ok, I think I see what you mean."

"So, do you mind describing some of these dreams?"

Melody's nerves eased. "No, I don't mind, but can I lay down?"

"Of course."

Melody switched positions to get more comfortable on the sofa.

"The first time I remember having this dream I started out running through a forest. I was panicking and trying to get away from something, but I never saw what it was. I didn't realize at until a little later in the dream that I was completely naked too. I just kept running for some reason until something happened."

Ashley was intrigued with Melody's dream, "Go on."

"Then out of no where I fell into a pit of quicksand."

"Really?" Ashley asked, taken back for a moment. "Ok, continue."

"Well at first I didn't know what to do so I just stood still. I had sank down to my hips when I fell in and slowly kept getting deeper. I just watched as the quicksand slowly pulled me in."

"Mmhmm. Did whatever you were running from catch up to you?"

"No. As far as I could tell I was all alone now."

"Ok, so back to the quicksand. Did you struggle or call for help?"

"I started struggling after I noticed I wasn't going to stop sinking. I did everything I could to escape, but I just kept getting deeper. First my hips, then my waist, then my breasts. Then I stopped sinking, but I was still completely trapped. I could feel the tight grip it had on me almost suffocating me so I kept trying to get out, but no matter what I was totally helpless."

"Well that definitely sounded like a traumatic dream, or more so a nightmare. Now, is the quicksand the reoccurring theme in the dreams you're having?"


"Do these always end the same where you try to escape but you get stuck?"

"No, in one particular dream I had I wasn't completely naked. I was in just like a regular bra and thong. This time I wasn't being chased either, but I definitely wanted to get out of this forest. I walked around for a while trying to find my way out until I fell into quicksand, again. I started at my thighs and right away I tried to get out. I struggled as hard as I could and at first I wasn't sinking. I thought I was going to escape but after I had been struggling for a while the quicksand started to pull me in. I kicked my legs, I reached down to pull them out by hand but it just kept pulling me in. No matter what, the quicksand always had me completely trapped. I kept sinking until I finally drowned in the quicksand."

"Hmm, well that's definitely a troubling dream. I assume you were frightened by this dream?"

"Yes I was."

Ok, well let's focus on something a little more positive. Now, you said some of these dreams arouse you?"

Melody became a little uncomfortable, "yes."

"Would you be willing to describe one of those dreams to me?"

Melody took a deep breath, letting the memory of her dream take over "The one I remember most I was walking through a similar forest. I had already had several dreams where I was struggling in quicksand, but this time I could tell it was different. I was looking for it. I remember wearing more erotic lingerie, like a corset with a thong and stockings. I kept walking around until I found an opening, and it was like I knew it was there. I walk into the opening, and just as I expected, I felt the ground turn into quicksand. But I'm not scared at all. I start walking farther out, letting it pull me in. The deeper I got the more aroused I was. I even pretended to struggle so I would sink deeper."

"So this time you wanted to sink in the quicksand."

"Yeah. I sank down to my hips and that's when I...I pushed my thong down so I could...pleasure myself in the quicksand." Melody wasn't sure if she was embarrassed, or getting aroused from reliving the dream.

"Did anything else happen, or was that the extent of the dream until you woke up?"

"There was more. I kept pleasuring myself as I kept sinking. Like when I first stepped in, the deeper I got the more turned on I was. I umm...I climaxed several times in the quicksand while I kept sinking until I...I went under."

Ashley appreciated Melody's willingness to be open about such an explicit dream. "So you drowned at the end of your dream."

Melody was now able to tell she was incredibly aroused from describing her dream. She noticed her thong was becoming moist from her arousal, but she didn't want to make that obvious. "Yes I did."

"Did this frighten you?"

"No. It actually aroused me even more. I woke up a few seconds after I drowned and I noticed that I was...well I was wet down there."

Ashley was completely enthralled by Melody's dream. Never had she heard such a strange combination in a reoccurring dream. This compelled her to learn more about what may have been going on with her patient.

"So you woke up aroused from your dream?"

"Yeah I uh...I guess I did."

"Ok, and going back to the dreams that had frightened you while you were in the quicksand, how did you wake up from those?"

"The first couple times I was freaked out, but now that I think about it, after the dream I just described, even the ones where I am scared in the dream I wake up turned on I guess, like as if I enjoyed struggling and being helpless."

Ashley nodded, feeling she may be close to a source. "Melody, are you currently dating someone?"

"Yeah, for about 3 months now I've been seeing this guy."

"And how is that going?"

"Pretty good I guess."

"Why is it a guess?"

Melody tensed up, "I...I dunno, I just..." Melody trailed off, unsure of how to describe her thoughts.

"It's ok Melody, take your time."

"I just don't know if I can trust him."

"Why is that?"

"I honestly couldn't tell you. I just..don't know."

"Have you slept together yet?"

"No, not yet."

Now Ashley felt like she was at the source. "I may know what's going on here. You're skeptical of your boyfriend for some reason, what it is I'm not quite sure yet, but you have doubts. You're sexually attracted to him, but your doubts about being able to trust him have you feeling trapped between emotions. The quicksand symbolizes that trap and that's why your dreams are alternating between fear and arousal. The dreams where you are naked and struggling most likely comes from you feeling exposed and vulnerable and you're struggling to decide on what you want to do. The dreams where you find yourself aroused by the quicksand seem to be you enjoying the thought of being with your boyfriend."

Melody was surprised to hear Ashley find so much logic from what she thought was just a weird random dream.

"If you want these dreams to stop, you need to find a way to settle your emotions and determine whether or not you can trust your boyfriend."

"What if..." Melody contemplated telling Ashley what was on her mind. "What if I don't want them to stop."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...I think like these dreams."

Ashley didn't know how to respond at first. "You...want to dream about sinking in quicksand?"

Melody blushed, "Yes. I didn't really think much about it before, but I kind of like it."

Ashley was incredibly intrigued by Melody revealing this interest in her dreams. She had never had a patient like Melody and found herself wanting to learn more about what she was presenting to her. An idea came to her on how to explore this even further. It was unethical, but she decided to go along with it anyway.

"I may be able to help with that."


"I can hypnotize you right now and see if it will trigger one of those dreams."

Melody didn't even have to think about it. "Ok, what do I need to do?"

"Just lay down like you are." Ashley pulled out her pocket watch. "Listen to the sound of my voice and follow the watch." Ashley moved the watch to rock like a pendulum in a clock. "Your eyes are getting heavy. The sound of my soothing voice is slowly putting you to sleep."

Ashley continued to hypnotize Melody for another minute before she was completely asleep.

Melody became aware of her dream in the same foggy forest from her previous dreams. She noticed she was dressed as she was in Ashley's home wearing her small heels, pleated black skirt and grey v-neck blouse that moderately exposed her breasts. She began walking around the forest, looking for quicksand. She casually strolled through the woods until she felt the muddy ground begin pulling at her feet. Melody smiled as she felt the soggy mud begin to consume her calves. She pumped her legs to sink herself deeper while creating the allusion for herself that she was struggling and trying to escape.

"Oh my god, is this quicksand." She whispered to herself. "How am I going to get out of this?"

The quicksand crawled up to her knees, slowly accepting Melody as it's victim. She continued to struggle half heartedly as her thighs sank into the ground, getting closer and closer to Melody's pussy.

"Just a little more." She said to herself.

The quicksand came up to Melody's skirt. She watched as it fanned out over the surface.

"Come on, take me deeper."

As the quicksand locked Melody's legs together she began twisting and twirling them to sink farther. Finally Melody felt the cool touch of the mud on her wet pussy. She released a soft moan as the quicksand began to consume her hips. She reached under the surface and pushed her thong down as much as she could.

"Finally," she thought to herself as she pulled one hand out of the mud and kept one below the surface. Slowly, Melody began rubbing her feminine area while the other hand massaged her breasts.

"Oh yeah!" Melody cried out as she felt her body begin to revel with ecstasy. "Deeper!"

Melody quickly rubbed herself into climax after climax as the quicksand slowly consumed more of her luscious body. Melody screamed with passion as she felt the quicksand encompass her breasts. Just as she was about to orgasm for the fourth time she suddenly felt herself shaken awake by her therapist. She blinked a few times to clear her vision then looked over at Ashley. She had a wild look on her face of confusion and amazement. Suddenly Melody realized her hand was down her skirt and under her thong.

"Well I think it's safe to say the thought of sinking in quicksand is a big sexual stimulant for you, Melody."

Melody was red from ear to ear. She wasn't sure how to respond at first. An awkward silence filled the room for a minute until she felt compelled to ask him something.

"Is this normal?"

Ashley smiled at the question, "It's difficult to define normal, especially with dreams. Admittedly I've never had a patient with this particular interest, but I don't see why this has to be considered a negative thing. As for the source of your dreams, they seem to be from an inner conflict between your attraction to your boyfriend and your doubtfulness of whether or not you can trust him. My only suggestion is to continue dating him and decide for yourself, unless he's done something already to cause you to not trust him, which I assume isn't the case."

"No, so far he has been wonderful, I guess I'm just naturally skeptical of the men I date."

"Ok, well self awareness is always the first step. As far as your dreams go, I can't guarantee you'll keep having them. That is really something I can't speculate on."

"So instead of dreaming...could I...explore this in the real world?"

Ashley smiled again, "If you want to, I can't think of any reason not to. Just, don't go alone. Intentionally sinking in quicksand by yourself is not something I would recommend."

Melody paused for a moment, "What if you went with me?"

To be continued? Leave your thoughts and let me know. My previous story that I wanted to continue fell on the back burner after I got really busy with work and I haven't decided if I want to continue it yet. This one me very hooked so most likely there will be a sequel soon.
"Some times fear has the appropriate response"

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Re: Quicksand Therapy

Postby quagmire_uk » Fri May 23, 2014 12:22 pm

That was pretty damn cool!

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Re: Quicksand Therapy

Postby sinkwithme » Sat May 24, 2014 1:53 pm

Please DO continue!! I liked this very much! Thanks for sharing your efforts!

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Re: Quicksand Therapy

Postby Viridian » Sat May 24, 2014 6:11 pm

I enjoyed reading this :)
Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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Sandy Place
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Re: Quicksand Therapy

Postby Sandy Place » Mon May 26, 2014 12:29 am

Very nicely done.
I would be very interested to read the next chapter... :)
Thanks for writing and for sharing.


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Re: Quicksand Therapy

Postby joedeep130535 » Tue May 27, 2014 5:43 pm

yes please continue

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Re: Quicksand Therapy

Postby hawkmaster91 » Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:06 am

i found this extremely well written and quite erotic. Please continue

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